Of course shell love these gilt wrap pings from morn to night-time. ® I r W1 y fl #| I Jhh i ¥ | luxuries £ VI 1 « . I X i | make her I Tl̂ lhe Ay* 1L^J_V-TN PTO"K" Christmas Hours Daily - 9:30-9:00 fl 1303 n. riverside drive So#. - 9:30-5:30 Jt Tnc henry, ill. phone 385-8320 . Sun. - 10:00-4:00 AUXILIARY SALE -- New auxiliary launches its activities of service Saturday with a gift and bake sale in the McHenry State bank lobby. Auxiliary has been formed by area women to aid the McHenry County Association for the Re tarded and its programs of Service at Pioneer center and the new Day Care tenter. With some of the gifts are, from left, Mrs. LettyBusscher, Mrs. Mary Dobbins and Mrs. Pat Szerecsen. DON PEASLEY PHOTO APPEAL FOR FUNDS The Church World Service is making a special appeal for funds for East Pakistan relief. Contributions may be sent to CROPS, Church World Service, Box 220, Elkhart, Ind., 46514. Cut Your Own Notice City vehicle licenses will be due January 1, 1971. Licenses are now available in the City Clerk's office. CITY OF McHENRY Trees For Branches 1 Mile West of Volo on 120 & Dale Rd. Schroeder Metalcraft Fireplace Furnishings Custom Fitted Screens •Flame Gas Logs 'Glass Enclosures Gifts For Home&Garden Open 7Days A Week )aily 9to5 Sun 12to5:30 1718 S. Rte. 31 Phone 3854950 Tasty -Topic Candy Sale Of YMCA Continues Within Area Over 100 Lake Region YMCA members are selling chocolate- covered thin mints during the entire month of December in Algonquin, Cary, Crystal Lake, Fox River Grove, Huntley, Is land Lake, Lake-in-the-Hills, Lake moor, Lakewood, McHen ry, Qakwood Hills, Ridgefield, Wonder Lake and Woodstock. This is the sixth year that the YMCA has raised money for the World Service program by sell ing mints. The goal for 1970 is $1,200. Last year fourteen individ uals, families, or "Y" groups earned trophies for selling 100 boxes of mints. Salesmen also receive incentive/ awards for Davidson Infant Is Christened In Recent Service Hunter Paul, ID, was the name chosen for the first child of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Davidson of Chicago. The baptism took place at St. Mary's on Sunday, Nov. 29, as Father Baumhofer officiated. The maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Barwig were the godparents. every 12 boxes of candy that they sell. Many different World Service projects are sponsored by the International Committee of YMCA's. Samples of projects now supported in the forty coun tries receiving World Service funds are job training, literacy courses for youth and adults, day care centers, and training in self care. While populations explode and human needs multiply and crises continue to rend cities and nations around the world, the need for YMCA's and for YMCA World Service grows. Your support is given when you purchase the mints from youth salesmen. Following the ceremony din ner was served to the parents, paternal grancfcjarents, Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Davidson of Home- wood, and the Barwig and Shan non families. Many friends and relatives came for refreshments later in the day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAndrews and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barwig and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews. Mrs. Davidson is the former Barbara Shannon. Couple Married In Faith Church Late Last Month Autumn colors of gold and moss green were used for the 5 p.m., Nov. 26, double ring ceremony uniting in marriage Lucille Anne Deuerling and Or- val A. Stancliff, Jr., at Faith Presbyterian church in Mc Henry. The Rev. John O. Mc- Intyre officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deuer ling of 919 Ridge road, Island Late. The groom's parents are Orval Stancliff, Sr., and the late Esther Stancliff. Mrs. Doris Schar, aunt of the groom, took the place of honor on the groom's side. Mrs. Dorothy Rennick, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Dolores Rus sell, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Julie Russell, cousin of the bride, and Miss Mari anne McKiegue. Miss Wendy Grzeskowiak and Miss Anne- marie Price were trainbear- ers and the flower girl was Miss Linda Marie Dale. McHenry Girl Chairman Of Holiday Dance "Winter World of Love," was the theme for a holiday dance last Saturday night, planned by the residents of Dunn-Barton hall at Illinois State university. Dancing was held in the Uni versity Union ballroom from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. A number of guests also attended the mad- rigal-<".nner concert in the ball- preceding the dance. Mary Lou Miller of McHenry, chairman of the Dunn-Barton social council was general chairman for the dance. I f> b Preparation For Parenthood Class At Hospital The next session of the free "Preparation for Parenthood" class at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County will begin Monday, Jan. 4. The second class in this series will beheld Jan. 11, Mrs. Carolyn Strat- ton, R.N. in charge of the pro gram, announced this week. The course is given free by the hospital medical and nurs ing staffs as a community ser vice program of Memorial hos pital. Both sessions will be conducted in the hospital staff dining room at 8 p.m. Announcement is made now so women planning to attend can obtain the routine permit slips from their physicians. Fathers-to-be are welcome to attend, and many do join their wives in this informative up-to- date program for today's health care emphasis to aid both moth ers and their babies. A film on pre-natal care opens the program of the first evening's session, followed by a discussion led by a staff physician. The group tours the maternity department, then will see the demonstration by staff nurse on caring for a new baby with the help of a life-like doll! A film on "Labor and De livery" will open the second evening's program with a staff physician leading a discussion. The second half of the evening program includes a film on "Normal Delivery." All films are available because the Wo man's auxiliary provided funds to purchase these educational movies. A pedigreed animal is any one that happened to be killed by a' passing car. DECEMBER 11 McHenry Woman's Club -- Pot-Luck -- 12:30 p.m. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. DECEMBER 12 The Friendship Club-Month ly Pot-Luck Dinner and Christ mas Program - 6 p.m., First United Methodist Church Din ing Room. Bake Sale -- Christmas I- tems -- McHenry Auxiliary For The McHenry County Associa tion For The Retarded -- Mc Henry State Bank. DECEMBER 13 Potato Pancake Breakfast -- McHenry Moose Lodge -- 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- Tickets A- vailable At Door. DECEMBER 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Christmas Dinner and Meeting. Dinner -- 6:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria -- Meeting and Program -- 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 15 Royal Neighbors Christmas Party -- Riverview Camp 6818 -Pot-Luck -- Dollar Grab Bag. DECEMBER 17 Garden Club Christmas Par ty -- Home Of Mrs. M.L. Ward, 805 Allen Street -- 12 Noon. DECEMBER 19 Checker Board Squares Square Dance -- Edgebrook School -- 8 to 11 p.m. DECEMBER 21 McHenry Business & Profes sional Women Dinner Meet ing -- Long Horn Steak House -- 6:30 p.m. Hospital Notes The McHenry County Home- makers Extension council held a recent meeting at the new home of the county chairman, Mrs. Elmer Dorn. It was a combined business and pot-luck luncheon. McHenry has a new Home- makers unit called "Home and Hearth". This brings the total to twenty units in McHenry county. Anyone who is in terested in joining a unit should call the Extension office. Mrs. Katharine Neumann, Extension adviser, reported that she and Susan Ross, as sistant Extension adviser, at tended the national meeting in Milwaukee. Mrs. Neumann al so took courses in clothing re tailing and cuts of meats at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Susan Ross traveled to Purdue university to a 4-H meeting on the topic, "Family Relations". A community youth program is being formed for all young adults ages 18 to 30. Mrs. Eugene Margason, Community Interest chairman, plans to visit all of the units in the near future with pat terns to make terry scuffs for Valley High. New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. MichaelSchae- fer are proud parents of a daughter, Kimber ly Ann, born at McHenry hospital on Dec. 5, weighing 7 lbs., 11% ozs. She was welcomed home by a broth er, Michael E„ 2% years old. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.«?. Frank Kellner and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schaefer and great grancfcarents, Mrs. Amanda Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Peterson. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD B. STACKNICK, JR. MARRIED -- A beautiful fall wedding solemnized Saturday, Nov. 21, in St. Mary's Catholic church united in marriage Miss Judith R. Cicchini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cicchini of 616 S. Broadway, McHenry, and Mr. Edward B. Stacknick, Jr., son of the senior Stacknicks of 5103 W. Orchard drive, McHenry. LANGDON STUDIO PHOTO MR. AND MRS. ORVAL A. STANCLIFF, JR. PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRI.. DECEMBER II. 1970 The next meeting will be on Frid&y, Dec. 11, at the Crystal Bowl, Rts. 176 and 31 in Crys tal Lake. Refreshments and bowling will follow the meeting. Activities for December include a Christmas party for the chil dren (Mi Dec. 20 and a New Year's Eve party at the home of Patti Gibson. Anyone who is a single parent and interested in more infor mation about Parents Without Partners may write to P.W.P., P.O. Box 165, Crystal Lake. New Members Received Into McHenry Church A special service for receiv ing new members was held last Sunday at Shepherd of the (fills Lutheran church, 404 North Green St., McHenry, for twenty- four new members. The brief service of reception was held within the regular worship and provided a time for each to be introduced to the congregation. The new members received include the following: Harold Kivley, Shirley Kivley, Lowell Kivley, Lisa Kivley, Steven Kiv ley, Bob Peterson, Vilma Pet erson, Caryn Petersen, Ann Peterson, Jennifer Peterson, Chad Peterson, Bernard David son, Catherine Davidson, Char les Simmerman, Dorothy Sim- merman, Karl Simmerman, Mary Simmerman, Edward Pickell, Mary Pickell, Janet Pickell, Dorothy Bailey, George Bailey, Marge Haug, and El- enore Taylor. A dessert hour honoring the new members was held at the parsonage Sunday evening. McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted this week to McHenry hospital included Marilyn Hohmann, Joseph Dub- nick, Charles Zickus, Victor Rezula, Mary Nolen, Pamela Hanson, William Kenders, Dan ny Harbecke, Matilda Becker, Lora CKane and Catharine Roske, McHenry. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Audie Ridge way of Wonder Lake announce the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, on Dec. 3. RECEIVES FIRST COMMUNION Lawrence E. Turner, 1704 Ranch drive, McHenry, re ceived his First Communion on Thanksgiving day at St. Pat rick's church. Fathers Petit, and Cahill congratulated Law rence following the 9 a.m. Mass. A family celebration honoring the occasion was held by the Turner family at a nearby res taurant. nutmeg. Place cauliflower in shallow baking dish; pour sauce over. Sprinkle with crUmbs. Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes or until hot. 4 serv ings. We usually are best at saving money, when we don't have any. PAM MITCHELL ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Mitchell of Champaign announce the engagement of their daughter, Pam, to Mr. Dennis M. Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Blake of 811 N. Allen avenue, McHenry. Miss Mitchell graduated from the University of Illinois in June, 1970, with a B.S. degree in com munications. She was president of her social sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. She i& employed in an Atlanta, Ga., bank. Mr. Blake graduated from the University of Illinois in June of 1970 with a B.S. degree in marketing. He was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma social fraternity. Mr. Blake is an account analyst for an insurance company in Atlanta. The wedding date has been set for Feb. 20, 1971, in Atlanta Hdmemakers Of Countv Meet For Pot-Luck Lunch McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. William Kilkeary are parents of a son Dec. 8. On Dec. 8 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Paul sen of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myatt became parents of a son Dec. 8. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patricia Paulin and Adah Yet- ter of Wonder Lake were pa tients this week in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. HARVARD HOSPITAL Michael Krug and George Proesel of McHenry were pa tients in Harviard hospital. Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, recently hosted the Midwest Regional council meet ing held in Crystal Lake. The council is made 19 of seven teen P.W.P. chapters that in clude Aurora, DeKalb, Dunes area (Gary, Ind.), Evergreen Park, Hammond, Hinsdale, Jo- liet, Crystal Lake, Libertyville, North Shore (Skokie), N.W. Sub urban (Arlington Heights), Oak Lawn, Rockford, South subur ban (Chicago Heights), Tree Towns (Glen Ellyn), Elgin and Dixon. Rev. Marx Jones of St. Mary* s Episcopal church spoke at the morning workshop on the topic of "Responsibility to Ourselves and Others". At the afternoon workshops, Milt Degenhart of Homewood led a panel discus sion on /Are you sure you are in the right place?" and Shirley Henley from Rockford talked on the Amigos program. At torney Ralph Madsen was the speaker following the dinner hour. His topic was "Drug Abuse". A dance concluded the eve ning. Arlene Donnelly was chairman for this event and Dick Gilpin was master of cer emonies. Frank Hayden is pres ident of Chapter 189. Cauliflower & Cheese Sauce 1 small head cauliflower 1 can (10% ounces) condensed Cheddar cheese soup >/4 cup milk Dash nutmeg V4 cup buttered bread crumbs Cook cauliflower in boiling salted water for 15 minutes or until tender; drain. Meanwhile, stir soup; blend in milk and MR. AND MRS. PAUL BAUER BRIDAL COUPLE -- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bauer are shown follow ing their marriage at St. Paul's United Church of Christ, Crys tal Lake, Nov. 21. The bride is the former Susan Desch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bainbridge, Crystal Lake. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bauer, McHenry. L DON PEASLEY PHOTO