PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-TUES. DECEMBER 22, 1970 Castles At Christmas The sixth grades of Montini Middle school, in conjunction i with their study of the Middle | Ages in Social Studies class- : es, under the direction of Mrs.: Dolores )Vines, created castles, | monasteries, coats-of-arms, shields and weapons represent ing this romantic and histor ical era. Highly individualized and creative, the students used many materials in their con struction, such as sugar cubes, cardboard, paper mache, plas ter, sand, wood and tin. The display was open to the public ! Monday and Tuesday, as well as Tuesday evening for the Home and School Christmas presentation. Some of the students involved worked an entire week on these new projects. Specific projects representing the different cat egories will be kept on per manent display in the art room and Social Studies classroom 206. :• I More than 100 students from Edgebrook school visited the Montini Middle school last week to witness some of the unusual items constructed by sixth graders in conjunction with their study of the Middle Ages in Social Studies. o* W. .Mike Etten,, a sixth grader, shows Margaret of one of the castles. Codotte of Edgebrook school a special feature f Reserve Now NEW YEAR'S EVEPARTY Laureen Braidman, a sixth grade student, is shown pointing to a coat-of-arms. :£ ACROSS 1. Kind of bolt 4. High-batted ball 7. Quote 8. Movie film 10. Thrifty one 11. Picture within picture 13. Unclose (poet.) , 14. Highest degree 16. Toward 17. Haifa sawbuck 18. North seas bird 10. Indian 20. Near 21. Explosive 22. Wrath 23. Conform 25. "The Children's 26. Careless * 27. French coin 28. Exclama tion of triumph 30. " will be done" 31. Except 22. Number 33. Greeting 94. Garden bane 35 . Hunter, actor 36. Laurel's partner 38. Surpass 40. Type of building 41. Wildebeasts 42. God of pleasure 43. Distress call DOWN 1. Cheer up 2. Supped 3. East and West 4. Police search (si.) 5. Liturgical season 6. Affirmative 7. Congress site (2 wds.) 9. Company stationery 10. Item of furniture 12. Digit 19. Bolivian tribe 21. Cow- nick- 22. Note of indebt edness 24. Reddish brown 25. Stadium repast 27. French novelist mundi 30. Never theless Today's Answer •RAN REIP fiUOR PEEH HPinrDE nnfiiEK mon WFIBT nnr ranr pran HTifi nra ERR EREl nrcnnr rsprtr FiHfi prrn nn HUE ETEB (ZI1E RP PRRr BFE nentsB FIEEER BflPP: RPOE DEE ERE 31. Garden product (pi.) 32. Paul's disciple 34. Better half 37. Tennis term 39. One, in Milan V.F.W. CLUB Public Invited IM 3002 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. Reservations Only Phone 385-9860 $12.00 per couple BOB FREUND'S 10 pc. ORCHESTRA Dancing 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Buffet llp.m.-la.m. 1 Split Champagne Per couple CHRISTMAS Shoppy j loeoeeoeooDoooooooooooooooeooDOQ j' Try the Dependables P0L0R0N CYCLONE SNOWMOBILES •Rugged •Safe ©Fun #Fast OPEN: Thurs. Evening Dec. 24 until 7:00 P.M. Closed Christmas Day B & D Automotive Supply Miles East on Rte. 120 385I2039 McHenry nOOCWOOOCWOOQQOOOQQBQOQBOOBQOBOl I Bsron Seef OPEN: Thurs. Evening Dec. 31 until 9:00 P.M. Open January 1 / mm f Ingenuity Japanese police, annoyed be cause fewer than half of parking offenders bothered to pay their tickets, began using a ticket on a metal loop that locks on car doors or side mirrors. Since the system was instituted in Japan's six largest cities, most motorists tagged now come to police sta tions to pay fines and have the tickets removed. Big Tide The tidal current in San Fran cisco Bay reaches a peak of 10 million cubic feet a second, half again the flow of the Amazon River. I I;!; 1 $ 1 I PLAINDEALER PHOTOS $ LATE SHOPPERS' ri AUTOMATIC - SINGLE CON TROL - CHROME SATIN FINISH PRESS AND RELEASE CYCLES AUTOMATICALLY - S ( | CRYSTALLINE CONTAINER g;£ Model D-128 MODEL #§47 & 36 VENT SOLE PLATE - STAINLESS STEEL W A T E R T A N K -WHITE CUSTOM GRIP HANDLE AUTOMATIC - 2 - 8 CUP CAPACITY -WITH MINI-BREW BASKET BREW SE LECTOR Model SD-36 5^SSl" It » uni wtictut CAREY Appliance 1241 N. Green Phone 385-5500 GIFT WRAPPING FREE OF CHARGE MMmk FRQM US TO YOU / t ANNOUNCING THE BIG PRIZE WINNERS T.V. 18" PANASONIC COLOR TELEVISION Helen M. Kline Wonder Lake, 111. BIKE AMF BOYS BICYCLE \ BIKE H.R. Fox McHenry, 111. V. AND 25 CHRISTMAS TREE WINNERS "ay s D R U G J r Iom| mmmnne. spurgeows Deparimeal Slor y t HORN SBYS . t a n , I , U N I . M J