& - ^ up1 ' Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 653-9167 Area College Announces Nurse, Music Courses Wonder Lake Post Office Will Be Closed Saturdays Officer in charge, L.W. Mur phy, announced today that pub lic finance windows at the Won der Lake post office will be closed on Saturdays, starting February 13. Public tabbies will be open as usual on Saturdays, for the convenience of lock-box customers. However, manned windows, providing stamps, money orders, registry, parcel post, information, and other services, will be closed. Stamps may be purchased from the self- service vending machines. This change in service is part of a recognition of the change in mailing habits of many postal customers, and is being observed by other post offices in this area. Mail will continue to be col lected, processed, and de livered as heretofore. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann, Sr., who recently celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary. The Hartmanns, who were mar ried in Chicago on January 24, 1931, have been vacationing in sunny California with their son, Jim. and his family. Jim is on the Los Angeles County police force. He and his wife, Clare, who formerly were our good neighbors in Qakwood Shores, now have a baby daughter, Kris- ten, to entertain their sons, Jim and Michael, and delight her gran<^?arents. The Hart manns' only daughter, Lois, is well known in Wonder Lake as Mrs. 3yP. Mathews. She is also the very busy mother of eight children. George Hartmann, Jr., resides in Wonder Lake with his wife, Jean, and their six active youngsters. Another son, Tom, who completes this coast to coast family, is a Professor of English at New York University. Tom and his wife, Mary Ann, who live in New York City, are parents of three children. The Senior Hartmanns maintained a sum mer home at Wonder Lake for twenty years. In October, 1969, Mr. Hartmann retired as Day City Editor of$e Chicago Trib^ une and he and his wife moved to their present home in Lookout Point. Congratualtions, Mr. and Mrs. Hartmann. We wish you many more years of happiness tog<#)er. NEWS OF PICKRUMS Received more news of the Picla-um family and their ad- venrare on San Andres Island, Colombia, South America.. Ac cording to Lee, movies with Spanish sub-titles are the main form of entertainment on the island and what is most unusual is the fact that you can rent Spanish comic books while wait ing for the movies. Needless to say, the whole family is learn ing to speak Spanish, which will be the main language spoken in school when classes begin on Feb. 1. Transportation down there is by Honda, which the • Pickrums took with them and we hear that Karen and Lee are the Bonnie and Clyde of their island. The holidays brought a special treat to the family when they were able to eontact rela tives in Michigan by ham radio. They would be interested to know if anyone in Wonder Lake is in Phone Patch. Also en joyed by the Pickrums were all the Christmas cards from the "hills of home"; their friends in Wonder Lake. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Miss Mary Mathews, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Math ews, St. Francis Heights, Was the guest of honor at a family party in her home on Jan. 27. Mary, a senior at Marian Cen tral high school, celebrated her eighteenth birthday. Hope it was a most happy one, Mary. LADIES NIGHT OUT It was ladies night out on Friday, Jan. 22, for my Card Club. Dinner and the theatre were much enjoyed by Donna Larsen of Hebron; Mary Mil ler of Genoa City, Wis.; Son-) ia Miller and Bev Schmitt of Spring Grove; Darlene Rudolph of Richmond and Mary Jean Huff of Wonder Lake. Following our juicy steak dinners, the play of the evening was Neil Simon's "Barefoot in the Park", a hil arious comedy and well per formed. Between acts delicious after dinner drinks were en joyed by all, including an un usual one on the half-spoon. SNOWMOBILE PARTY A snowmobile party planned by thirty-one eighth graders on Friday, Jan. 22, began at 4 o'clock at the T.P. Mathews home. After a supper of Slop py Joes and plenty of snowmo- biling, the group gathered at the Pat Fallow home for des sert and dancing to Steve Gaub and his fellow musicians. Sounds like a great party. Right on, Kids! GET-WELL WISHES Get-well wishes to Mrs. Clarence (Ida Mae) Adams of McCullom Lake road recently home from the hospital; and to Mrs. Phil (Marilyn) Lonien of Oakwood Shores, who has been confined to her bed. Also to Mrs. Ed Cannon of Shore Hills, who is laid up with a broken leg. Bet you'll soon be walking a- round on those crutches like a real pro, Mrs. Cannon. NEW ARRIVALS A daughter, Candace Pat ricia, was born Jan. 18 in Mem orial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farand. Wel coming Candace, who weighed 5 lbs., 11 ozs., are two broth ers, Sam, 12, and Michael, 4; also three sisters, Charmayne, 10, Kimberly, 8, and Michelle, 7. Maternal grancfcjarents are Mr. and Mis. J. Heim of Won der Lake, ano oaternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Peshel, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Fal coner, 5513 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, are wel coming their first child, a daughter, born Jan. 22 in Mem orial hospital, Woodstock. Sarah Katherine weighed 6 lbs., 14 ozs., at birth. Her mater nal grancfcarents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Bontrager, Warsaw, Ind., and paternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. E.G. Falconer, Seward. Andrew David Waller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert David Waller, 8708 Dorr road, Won der Lake, was born Jan. 22, in Memorial hospital, Wood stock, and weighed 7 lbs., 7% ozs. Maternal granc^arentsare Mr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer, Woodstock; and paternal grand- Register for the nurse aide coarse at McHenry County col lege this spring and find out if Health Science is your "thing". This course is designed to train men and women to become or derlies or nurse aides who can provide qualified assistance to professional medical person nel in hospitals and nursing homes. The course also qual ifies students to offer basic care in the homes of the patients. The class meets Tuesday nights from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the college and will be taught by Mrs. Margaret Van Breda, R.N. Emphasis will be placed on the dignified manner of sat isfying the needs of patients. Since it meets only one night a week it is ideal for both ma ture high school students anda- dults who want to obtain prep aration for a full-time or a part-time job. . The course begins Tuesday, Feb. 9, and will meet for sev-" enteen weeks. For further in formation, including a detailed course outline, contact John Konitzer, chairman, Natural Science division, or the admis sions office at the college. Call the college to reserve a place in this class. A proposed university-paral lel major program in music will be offered beginning with the fall semester, 1971. Com prehensive Musicianship I, a two-semester course empha sizing music theory, will be Martin Houses Are Offered By Defenders It's time to ignore the snow and think of spring - and mos- quitos. One of the natural enemies of the mosquito is the attrac tive purplish-blue purple mar tin which can consume thou sands of pesty insects and bugs a day. By encouraging several families of martins to live near by, one can provide safe, ef fective mosquito control without using chemical pesticides. The McHenry County Defen ders group is offering for sale quality hand-crafted martin houses for early spring deliv ery. All houses contain thirteen apartments and are three stor ies high with balconies. Over all dimensions are 30 inches by 18 and one half inches. Complete instructions for erecting the house and attract ing birds will be provided. Orders must be placed very soon for delivery by early Ap ril. For further information they may call 815-459-5120 or 815-459-0029. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Waller, Ringwood. OFFER CONDOLENCES Our condolences to Mrs. Thomas (Ruth) Cashin and her family. Her father, David Fred Tripp, 3108 Hillside drive, Wonder Lake, died Jan. 22 in a Belvidere hospital. Mr. Tripp was 74 years old and had lived in Wonder Lake for six years. ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Mathews celebrated their nineteenth wedding anniversary on Feb. 2. Congratulations, Tom and Lois! available for credit to music majors. Arrangements will al so be made for applied study (lessons) in students' areas of specialization. One important function of the college is to provide various university-parallel major pro grams. Students may choose to, take the first two years of. a, four-year course of study at MCC, transfer the credits to, a four-year college or univer sity, and complete the third and fourth years there. High school seniors and others interested in the music major program at the college are invited to phone for more information. Members of the counseling staff and the music faculty will be happy to talk' with prospective students. Lighting and road conditions are just as important in driv ing a skimobile as an auto mobile. The Institute for Safer Living says when light decreas es, exposure to accident and in jury increases. Your ability to see holes, protruding objects and obstructions such as dit ches, rocks, branches, pipes, cables, wire fences, etc., is greatly diminished. Be sure to reduce speed and operate with extreme caution in shadowed areas or when visibility is re duced. McCullom Lake Mildred Watson 385-3585 McHenry 8 is Village President Proclaims U.S.O. Day February 4 Village President George Luto proclaims Feb. 4, U.S.O. Day, commemorating its thirty years in service, the U.S.O. is a federation of six voluntary agencies. Through these agen cies, civilians serve the edu cational religious, social, spir itual and welfare needs for our men and women in the military service. The U.S.O.^ should be honored, if s great, ask anyone who has been or is in the armed forces. We salute the U.S.O. VILLAGE BUSINESS Hurry, hurry, February is the last day to get your cer tificate of nomination to the village clerk. Don't forget you need only twenty-five sig natures from our people in the village to make you. eligible. There are three positions open on the board of trustees, one is for a two year term, the. other two are for four year terms. Please get your certifi cate of nomination at the vil lage clerk's at 5210 West Maple Hill drive. The hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. Saturday hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone number is 385-2211. BIRTHDAYS * A belated happy birthday to George Luto who was 7 on the first day of February. Michelle Yates will be 4 on the eighth. Happy birthday toyou, Michelle. THIS AND THAT My most sincere thanks to the women who helped with the Mother's March of Dimes. These women found the time and fortitude to go out in this wea ther to collect for a most worthy cause. My thanks go to Lorraine Frost, Christine Luto and Betty Kamin. To my neighbors and the oth ers who were interested anda- waiting the results as to what happened to the squirrels on East Lane. Only one was a- vailable to send to the county veterinarian, the squirrel was not rabid nor was it poisoned. McHenry county has a fine vet erinary department. They test ed the dead animal for our pro tection. It could have been rab id or found poisonous somehow. There are small children in the village and we do want to pro tect them. If all our county departments are as helpful as the veterinary department, our county is in fine hands. For those at County College, date you return to classes. ] for those who have black and; blue marks from sitting. Those! marks won't show will they now? Might have a hard time sitting or walking but that won't hurt your studying will it? LITTLE LEAGUE ]• The McCullom Lake Athletic | Association held a meeting Jan. 26, for our boys in Little Lea gue. Boys, if you are 8 years old before May 1, and still 12 on Sept. 1 you are eligible to join.j If you live in McCullom Lake, West Shore Beach, Lakewood or Ringwood come and sign up. You may register at the fol lowing places, Mrs. Alice Ca ble, 5120 W. Parkview, Mrs. Bonnie Morris, 5310 W. Maple Hill drive, or Mrs. Lorraine Blom, 2716 Orchard drivfe. The registration fee is used to ar range for uniforms, out of town g a m e s , p r o f e s s i o n a l b a l l games, picnics and other ac tivities. You can register start ing Feb. 5 and must be reg istered by Feb. 19. The of- ficers are as follows, Ed Car- on, president, Don Lajone, vice-president, Bonnie Morris, treasurer, and Lorraine Blom, secretary. Trustees are Pat Wyman, Lennie Jensen, Jean Markovic, Alice Cable, Art Sul livan and Eve Levesque. Last year the Little League had great cooperation, let's make 1971 a better one. Let's play ball. WHO MOWS! \» 1. Identify James Chichester- Clark? 2. When was the Social Security Act signed? Franklin D. Roosevelt had f. four vice presidents-name them. ' 4. Who was the first Negro Cab- net member? . - 5. Define Habeas Corpus. 6. In mythology, who were the Cyclopes? 7. What is the nickname for the state of Wisconsin? 8. In the Old Testament, who was the first High Priest of the Jews? 9. Name the capital of Idaho. 10.With whom do you associate the saying, "Speak softly and carry a big stick'*? •H3A -asooH aiopoaqx juapisajj' •as jog *8380|V pire uropiM jo jsiftoiq 'uojbv •aws laSpBg •s?ubj8 paAa-auo jo aoen •aSpnf jo vnoo b ajojaq uosjad 8 aujjq o? him MBi-uomuioo •996T*?uauKJoiaAaa truqan pun SuisnoH jojuaa£»J8daa aq*jo Arejajoas 'laAaaM *D yaqog "U8UITUJ, •S *JJ8H *W6l PUB 3081 -I8M *V *IU3H '0*61 !J3UI80 •N uqof '9E61 PUB 2661 •SE61 isnany *PU8I3JI JO J3IU13JJ 01 •6 • 8 "L •9 •s SAMX «|M *1 SMASIf HORNSBYS 4400 W Rte. 120 McHenry Daily 9-9 HORNSBYS f ami ly cen te rs a HORNSBYS f ami ly cen te rs ^ GIFT-ABLE FAMOUS NAME APPLIANCES j Here's A Host Of Sweetheart Buys To Prove It Special Value On PANTY HOSE PANASONIC^ TMJICORpER^fjgf Mfgrs. Suggest 5.39 Polaroid Type 108 COLOR J 67 Ladies Ballet Brand PANTY HOSE er. Cap. Ian drive constant •paad operation. AC/Bat<eiy operation Cassatta pop • up system. Automatic recording range Mod*» "O-209S dynamic speaker. Solid state engineered Easy load snap in film packet. Just 60 seconds and you have wonderful true-to-life color snap shots. Sorry -- because of this extra-ordinary low price we must limit the quantities to one per customer MENS COLOR CO-ORDINATED SHIRT/PANTS WORK SET PANASONIC Super stretch, ultra comfortable nylon in fashionable new shades. Size*: Petite, AM-FM PORTABLE RADIO med.-tall and extra tall. Make Hornsby's Your Valentine Gift Headquarters. Slide rule tuning. AC/ Battery operation. Solid stele. Handsome styling. E R A C H S Comfortable work clothes in a light weight poplin. Polyester/cotton blend shedi wrin kles, needs no ironing. Most stains and dirt are easily removed. Choice of Olivewood and Spruce Green. Full range of sizes. PANASONIC Entire stock of 2.87 and up REGULAR 99 1 Lb. BOX 98* VALUE! TWO - 49* SWEETHEART VALENTINE CANDY PACKAGED AM PERSONAL PORTABLE RADIO '1 Nothing held back. All sizes and colors all styles and patterns. Save 1.00. YOUR CHOICE Our Reg. J2.50 Reliable battery oper ated. Easy see tuning window. Solid state reliability. Excellent value. A total | of 56, educator approved • VALUES EASILY TO 2.00 valentines and envelopes. Model R1159 Our Reg. 67c and 76c | LADIES PANTY { Pliers, wrench#*, hammers, screw drivers, tews, mallets, rulers, etc., etc. For the Someone Special FAMOUS MAKE WATCHES PICTURE PUZZLE Shantung weave ray Elastic leg with choice of plain or lace trim. White and col- Sizes 5-6-7. I 100 COUNT WILSON MAGNETIC HAIR ROLLERS 44' 9 INCH PAPER Attention . . . Boys any age Win Tropries. Enter HORNSBY'S ANNUAL MODEL CAR CONTEST Get details at Hornsby's today! Values to J59.50 Such as Gruen-Waltham-Valcain- Buren-Du Fonte-Craton PLATES 1000 PIECE PUZZLE Large selection I Our regular low 67c. | First quality. Strong, will • not soak thru. Mfgrs. 1.00 size. 14 rol lers with 20 roller pins Save! We reserve the right to limit quantities Prices effective while quantities last Values to J1.29 Also Timex. Start from J7.95 CHARGE IT! WE ACCEPT MASTERCHARGE AND BANK AMERICA CHARGE CARDS! % h