available OWCI'WOO F I O R I S T N U R S E R Y G A R D E N C E N T E R WATER-WELLS PUMPS RED JACKET THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. 385-5252-Res. 385-0713 4913 W. McCullom Lk. Rd. McHenry .U\NG lisrur, Flowerwood Introduces A New Concept In Growing Flower & Vegetable Transplants POT NEEDED NO SOIL NEEDED ED •• M-7 Peat Pellefs PLANTS AND BULBS , PACE 12-PLAINJEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1971 New Internationally Patented African Violets -- Reg. 2.50 NOW 1.99 Primula NOW 1.39 Imported Amaryllis - Reg. 2.98 NOW 1.98 OPEN Sun. 9-5, Mon-Sat. 9-5:30 Route 14 at 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois 815-459 6200 • FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT One Month's FREI Rent With This Ad UVE TODAY IN YMR ROUND RECREATION AREA 'Upholstered window seats 'Modified Tudor styling 'Picturesque setting 'Wall to wall shag carpeting 'Disposal 'Antique satin draperies tya/icU* fZuantcx 0$ Bedroom 2 Bedroom •Large Terraces •Central air conditioning *Tnplex bath 'Frost tree retngerator •Dishwasher ' 'Sound conditioning from SI65 Furnished also from S210 .n Call Collect -- (815)385-2040 (815)385-2181 Dr. at Crystal Lake Black 10 A.M. till dusk. CARD OF THANKS MY THANKS for the beauti ful cards, well wishes and gifts while I was in the has-, pital. THERESA THALHOFER 3 5 71 To Carl and Marie at the Old Bridge and my bowling team and the rest of my very good friends. ROUNDY 3 5 71 To Late To Classify FOR SALE : INTERNATIONAL - LO - BOY Tractor. 15 h.p. 5 ft. Mower, •5 ft Baler, Tire hain. Good .shape. $1000. all 815-385-7267. ! TF12 ; AUTOS & h.p. Cushman Husky Motor Scooter, lights, brakes, can be licensed. $75. Call. 385-5147. 3 5 71 Farmers Start Signing Up For 1971 Program McHenry county feed grain and wheat farmers started sign ing up for the 1971 farm pro gram, known as the new Set- Aside program, March 1 at the county office in Woodstock. Farmers who choose to partici pate in the 1971 farm program will have an acreage set aside in each program they sign up for - 20 percent of their feed grain base and 75 percent of their wheat allotment. Under the new farm pro grams, participants will make their set-asides, maintain their farm's conserving bases, and be free to use the rest of their cropland as they choose. The McHenry County ASC committee, composed of Joe Getty, chairman, from Riley township; Herb Becker, vice- chairman from Dunham town ship; and Lyle Paulsen, mem ber from Hartland township, point out that set-aside farm programs are quite different from any previous farm pro grams in that allotments and bases for a farm do not dic tate to a farmer the number of acres he is allowed to plant to a specific crop. Further, they wish to bring to the farmers attention that allotments and bases are used to figure the set-aside acreages and price- support payment, not to limit- production of any one crop. The set-aside principle is based on the fact that U.S. farmers are able to produce more farm products than the market will absorb at good pri ces. By using set-aside acre age to limit over-production generally, the programs leave individual farmers free to grow the crops which give them the most net profit. Crop-by-crop restrictions are no longer in effect for wheat and feed grains. Sign-up started March 1 and continues through April 9 at the county office in Woodstock. Commissioners Attend State Highway Meet Road District Commission ers Clarence Regner of McHen ry, Leroy Geske of Nunda, Louis Schachtner of Grafton and Ed ward Brunchon of Coral town ship attended the fifty-seventh annual Illinois highway engin eering conference held recently at the University of Illinois. The joint meeting of the coun ty highway superintendents and township road commissioners brought them up to date on such subjects as local govern ment affairs, future changes in local road administration, com bining township, local road and bridge replacements, new fed eral sign manual, new budget and_rejj>ortingjn^ The commissioners who at tended agreed the presentations on films and question and ans wer periods were most infor mative. McHenry Men Initiated In Alpha Chi Rho Keith Klontz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klontz, and Tim othy Coarson, son of Mrs. Rose mary Coarson, both of Mc Henry, have been initiated into Alpha Chi Rho fraternity at the University of Illinois in Champaign. Keith is a freshman enrolled in the college of engineering, while Timothy is in the pre law school. Both are 1970 grad uates of McHenry high school. Piano Recital Features 27 Young People Presenting both professional appearance and talent, twenty- seven young piano students of Mrs. Irma Blomgren were fea tured in a recital held Sunday, Feb. 28, at 3 p.m. in the Com munity Methodist church hall. About 150 members of their families and friends were pre sent to hear some exception ally gifted young people in a variety of selections. Performers included Kathy McAndrews, Karen Graef, Jim Boelens, Tom Carey, LisaAm- ici, Nancy Kuhlman, Kathleen Carey, Tammy Brandt, Bonnie Sue Wem^en, Ann Bolger, Bar bara Grandt, Beth and Cathie Fracas Brings Charges Against Two McHenry Men Two McHenry men, Thomas Cullotta of 1601 WoodlawnPark and Gregory Bogacz of 3815 W. Main, were charged with disorderly conduct by city po lice officers last Friday evening following a fracas in front of the Clark service station on Elm street. Officer Ronald Frey, who made the arrest, said Bogacz, who was working at the station, and Cullotta engaged in a dis turbance over a money matter. Bond was set at $500 for each. SERVICE HEWS S/Sgt. Ronald Turouske, a communications analyst speci alist stationed in Crete, estab lished four "firsts" recently when he reenlisted and received a $6,139 variable reenlistment bonus. It was the first time 1st Lt. Chrysande Levesque of Mc Henry had reenlisted a first termer. It was also the first time a VRB (variable reenlist ment bonus) had been awarded at Iraki ion AS, and the first time that amount of money had been deposited in the 10 per cent U.S. Savings Deposit plan in lump sum there. A veteran of only three and a half years, Sgt. Turouske hails from Elgin- Lt. Levesque is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Levesque of McCul lom Lake and a graduate of McHenry high school. Daniel A. Wolniak, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wolniak, 1606 N. Ramble road, McHen ry, recently was promoted to Army Private Pay Grade E-2 upon completion of basic com bat training at Ft. Lewis, Wash. The promotion was awarded two months earlier than is cus tomary under the Army policy providing incentive for out standing trainees. The promo tion was based on his scores attained during range firing, high score on the physical com bat proficiency test, military bearing and leadership poten tial. A 1968 graduate of Marion Central Catholic high school, he graduated from McHenry Coun ty college in 1970. Navy Petty Officer Second Class Howard L. Nelson, hus band of the former Miss Nor- een D. Rankins of 1121 N. Man chester Mall, McHenry, is now participating in naval refresh er training at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, aboard the destroyer USS McCafferty. '& ... .. - w :« Weber, Wendy Adams, Nancy Wheelock, Patty Smith, Karen and Mark Herrmann, Barbara Kent, Marsha Popovich and Tom Kane, all of whom played solos. There were also duets by Kathy McAndrews and Laurie Blom gren, by Beth and Cathie Web er and by Karen and Mark Herr mann. Margo Lund was pre vented by illness from perform ing. Refreshments were served following the program. PREDICTS DROP IN TAX REVENUES State income tax revenues will fall $34 million short of original fiscal 1971 projections, according to Budget Bureau Di rector John W. McCarter, Jr. His report to the Illinois Bud getary Commission attributed the expected drop to slow eco nomic recovery and changes in federal depreciation guidelines, effective Jan. 1, allowing cor porations greater deductions on plant and equipment depre ciation that will reduce fiscal 1971 income tax revenues by $7 million. The Illinois tax is tied directly to the federal code. McCarter said 1972 revenue de ductions from the change would be at least $17 million. Mrs. Schmaling's third grade class at Edgebrook School. A Story Of Gingerbread Jill Bogseth. Laura McKay, Scott Houghton and Ronnie Schaefer. members of Mrs. Schmaling's third grade class at Edgebrook, give the following account of their experience in making gingerbread: "W made gingerbread at school because we read a story about Helping Hilda, who was trying to be helpful and make gingerbread She made a real mess, but we didn't want to make a mess and we didn't, even though we started from the beginning and did not use a mix., "When it was done we gave some with whipped cream to the whole class Was it ever good' "The ones in our reading group took a very small piece ; home to our mothers. Pictured left to right, are Ronnie Schaefer, Scott Houghton, Jill Bogset and Laura McKay. j LIFT SWINE RESTRICTIONS New regulations of the ad visory board of livestock com missioners allow feeder swine dealers and licensed auction market dealers two areas of concentration in the movement of swine which began Monday, Feb. 15, according to Agricul ture Director Gordon L. Ropp. Movement of pigs has been re stricted to one area since last April 22 because of hog chol era. Ropp said swine may now move through a second concen tration point (licensed feeder swine dealer premises of live stock auction market) if they are identified by clipping off the tips of the right ears. J REMINDER . . . Kim Gra ham, 14, Morrow, Ga., winner of the 11th Annual "Miss American Teen-Ager" contest at Palisades Amusement Park is doing her bit for the 1971 Crusade for the American Cancer Society. WIND DAMAGE -- Few serious cases of damage were reported in the two-day wind storm which persisted from Friday into Sunday morning. The scene above shows the well constructed boat .house on the George Rad property, 1818 W. River Terrace drive, McHenry, after it fell victim to the strong gusts Friday night. PLAENDEALER PHOTO SUSPENDED Deputy Charles Terrell w suspended from duty with the sheriff's police for three days without pay for being disre spectful and using abusive lan guage to a fellow officer. Jim DeVos Represents ISU At Model UN Twelve students represent Illinois State university at the annual Mid-American Model U- nited Nations session at Indiana university in Bloomington, Ind., March 3 through March 7. Sev en of the students have been as signed to represent Great Bri tain at the model session and the other five represent South Africa. Jim DeVos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard DeVos of 4319 W. Crestwood, McHenry, is one of the five students represent ing South Africa. His assign ment is to act as a delegate- at-large at the model session. In preparation for the ses sion, the students studied the positions of the nations they represent and seek to present those positions at the model UN meetings. Dr. Hoon Chung, assistant professor of political science', and Dr. Walter S.G. Kohn, professor of political sci ence, both of the ISU faculty, have accompanied the students to the meeting. Mrs. Angela Amici, right, is shown following her performance for the students at Valley View school. Sitting at the piano is her ac companist, Mrs. Irma Blomgren, and stand- Talented Singer Presents Program At Valley View Mrs. Angela Amici of Mc Henry entertained children of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of Valley View school Friday afternoon, Feb. 26, when she presented a vocal concert of arias, art songs and Negro spirituals. Mrs. Irma Blom gren, also of McHenry, was her accompanist. The program was thoroughly enjoyed by the youngsters and their teachers, who heard, in French, the "Habanera" and "Seguidilla" arias from Bizet's opera, "Carmen". Mrs. Amici ing behind is Mrs. Dorothy Hollander, Valley View music teacher. Also shown are some of the fourth-fifth and sixth graders who en joyed the program presented by Mrs. Amici. also sang two German art songs, "Lullaby and Goodnight" and "Serenade" by Brahms. The Italian selections were the aria, "Nel Cor Pui Non Mi Sento" by Paisiello and "Torna Sor rento" by DeCurtis. She selec ted for her English songs, two well known spirituals, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" and" Lit tle Wheel A Turnin'". The program was concluded as the children, led by Mrs. Dorothy Hollander, music di rector at Valley View, joined Mrs. Amici and Mrs. Blom gren in singing one of their favorite hymns, "This is My Father's World", and also "God Bless America". Mrs. Hollander said the chil dren's interest in opera andart songs and their desire to see and hear a live performance of this type of music inspired her to call on Mrs. Amici's talent. The results were most gratify ing as over 300 youngsters came an enthusiastic and com-? pletely attentive audience. They thoroughly enjoyed the very im pressive musical experience. Many in the audience ex pressed a hope that more pro grams of this type will be pos sible for local children. About 1/3 of all meteorites found in North America have been discovered in a small ar ea of Kansas, near Haviland. EARNS HONORS A total of 894 Whitewater State university students earn ed first honors for academic achievement during the first semester of the ,1970-71 aca demic year which ended in Jan uary. Of these, 131 achieved a perfect 4 point average or straight A grades; an additional 763 earned honors signifying a grade point average of from 3.5 to 3.99 for the semester. First honors were earned by Diane Cook, McHenry. fLIES FOi-2. irS> > T^/OaJ A PAi 7h ctJ 17 i c'S f . SEEK MISSING MAN Mrs. Aloysius O'Connell, 8020 Maplewood drive, Wonder Lake, reported to sheriff's police that her husband, 80 years old, was with her at a McHenry bank about noon "Mon day and disappeared. She has not seen or heard from him since. Mrs. O'Connell said he had relatives in Washington, D.C., and could have gone there. 1st Lt. Rocky DeRobertis and his wife are spending fourteen days with his sister, Mrs. Mar garet DelPino, at her home, 7504 Barnard Mill road, after which he will return to Thai land. He is a veteran of seven years' service. A member of the Green Ber ets, he has spent much of the last four years in the Indo china area. The young officer is the recipient of the Bronze Star with three awards and the Commendation medal, also with three awards. The Bronze Star was won while he was an infantryman private first class, in charge of a machine gun crew. In one particular encounter, he held back the North Vietnamese un til his own troops could regroup after twice being cut off. His own men were greatly outnum bered. Lt. DeRobertis' career start ed with training in aparatroop- er school, after which he went to Vietnam. Later, he attend ed officers' candidate school and officers' special forces training.