J* -- T jr~ PAGE 6 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1971 V *tL PRACTICE CONTINUES in preparation for the Jaycee sponsored "Kid wrestling clinic and tournament". On left, Warrior Wrestling Coach Bill Hutchinson and Jaycee President Robert Sturgeon examine the progress of the 5th and 6th graders. The clinic which began o,n March 2 has the kids, Grades 5 through 8, ready for the tournament that will be held at West Campus, Friday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. Grade and weight levels have been set up to provide fair compe tition to all participants. First through fourth place winners will receive rib bons. A trophy will also be awarded to the first place winners. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Had a note from Jack Mc- Carroll from way down in Tex as recently. Told of fishing in the turf, in shorts, in 80 degree sunshine. EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR Spring Quarter Swim Instruction By YMCA really came on strong down the stretch. Beating Waukegan in their regional finals was no small task. Since Jack mentioned reports of our rough winter up here, we sort of held up in men tioning his note. Thought may be a few warm days would hit these parts so we could tell Jack and Helen to hurry home. No such luck. You and Helen had better stay where you are for a while, Jack. We have a solution for our High School Board in the big problem of finances. Cut down the heat in the gymnasium for basketball games and your bud get will be balanced. The elderly man seeking the Fountain of Youth, received six pills to be taken "one each day for 6 days." "Til just take them all at once and have it over with," he said to himself. Next morning he overslept. Members of the family be coming uneasy decided to wake him. After much difficulty the sleeper was aroused. "I'll get up," he said faintly, still rub bing his eyes, "but I won't go to school." Some of the boys say, "Let's hear about those Cubs." OK --let's hear about 'em. Seriously, our school budget is a real problem in McHen- ry. If the Cubs had wheedled the Sox out of Ken Berry to play center field, they would be half way home. IF WE ONLY KNEW If we only knew that the smiles we see Often hide the tears that would fain be free Would we not more tender and loving be If we only knew? If we only knew that the words we say Often may drive the peace from some heart away Would we speak those words in the selfsame way. If we only knew? If we only knew that some weary heart Has been burdened more by our thoughtless act Would we cause the tears from those eyes to start? If we only knew? If we only knew, as we on ward go. Many things that here we can never know. For more patient love we would often show. If we only knew. The Padre. Now, if they don't find a dependable relief pitcher we hate to think of the great dis appointment some of our dear pals will suffer. Wonder if pitch? Ernie Banks can Something old is something new in our house. We have a clock that strikes on the hour and on the half hour. Our grandmother and our mother had those striking clocks and we were used to them. Now even the tick-tock startles us. Oh -- Yes -- our mother had a striking clock! How well we remember one Saturday night in our youthful days when "Red" Winkel came home with us af ter a bit of a night out. YMCA Swim Instruction classes will begin a new ten weeks quarter on Saturday, March 20. Registrations are being accepted for both boys and girls who are seven through fourteen years old at the Lake Region YMCA at 95 N. Grant Street in Crystal Lake. All participants are requested As we moved quietly through the house and reached the stairs, Mom called out from her bedroom, "What time is it, Earl?" "It is after midnight", was our reply. Then, half way up the stairs the clock on the mantel blazed out with: Bong! Bong! "LAMENT OF A HERO MAKER" Sportsmen turned out in droves that* night They came to see Fraz- ier and Cassius Clay fight Two different men with different roles Out to make one particu lar goal. Mohammed turned on - his mouth that is Weeks in advance - claimed victory was his No one dared proclaim him wrong, Already he worked on his victory song. The fast moving boy from South Carolina Bound and determined meant to be finer, He moved in fast and he fought real clean And shattered that big talking MAN'S dream. If ever a saddened fan ever cried, T'was the one who held up his head and tried, To go on and support - Ali the swinger Mad fan, sad fan, --poor Jon Ringer! By Mary Gaylord Memo: The above was writ ten before the big fight. If you don't know, Jon Rin ger works (we use the word lightly) in the Plaindealer Advertising Department. to register in advance if pos sible. Swimming instruction is offered for both beginners and deep water students. There is at least one instructor for every eight beginners and one instruc tor for every ten deep water swimmers. The YMCA national aquatic program is used to pro vide progress reports on the swimmers. All classes are held on Sat urdays at the Elgin Academy or at the Woodstock high school. The morning classes are held in Elgin and chartered bus transportation is provided to all participants. The bus schedule is listed below. There are also classes at 1:45 p.m. and at 2:45 p.m. which are limited to youth living in Community School District No. 200. The bus schedule for the El gin classes includes stops atthe Island Lake Shopping center at 8:40 a.m., at the Post Office in Fox River Grove at 8:50 a.m., at Oak Knoll school in Cary at 8:55 a.m., at the Crystal Lake Plaza by the Sears store at 9:05 a.m., at Central school in Crystal Lake at 9:10 a.m., at Lake in the Hills school at 9:25 a.m. and at the Vil lage Hall in Algonquin at 9:3CT a.m., arriving at the Elgin Ac ademy at 9:50 a.m. This bus returns to Algonquin at 11:35 a.m., to Lake in the Hills at 11:40 a.m., to Crystal Lake at 11:55 a.m., and noon, to Cary at 12:10 p.m., to Fox Rivttr Grove at 12:15 p.m. and to Is land Lake at 12:25 p.m. A second bus stops at the Junior high school in McHenry at 9:40 a.m., at Oak Knoll school in Cary at 10, at the Crystal Lake Plaza by the Sears store at 10:10 a.m., and at the Village Hall in Huntley at 10:20 a.m., arriving at the Elgin Academy at 10:50 a.m. The bus returns to Huntley at 12:40 p.m., to Crystal Lake at 12:50 p.m., to Cary at 1 p.m., and to McHenry at 1:20 p.m. REPORT ON INSECTICIDES The Illinois Interagency Committee on the Use of Pes ticides has recommended that many insecticides be restricted to essential uses and their use eventually be discontinued. Re strictions were recommended in the use of such insecticides as aldrin, chlordane, DDT, diel- drin, endrin, heptachor and lin dane in the committee's annual report. Agriculture Director Gordon L. Ropp said Univer sity of Illinois and Natural His tory Survey entomologists no longer recommend products banned by the committee except for use of chlordane in the con trol of termites. We like that contribution. How 5 true -- if we only knew. = After that now famous basket ball game in which the Marian Central Hurricanes beat the McHenry Warriors in three overtime periods, the Canes ran into too much size against El gin. The odds were too great, but the Marian boys never lost their will to win. Another school that gets a nod is North Chicago. Their team up? P" Like EGGS At Lunch Time? Breakfast Served An Day at... Bill's Lamplighter Cafe 33-13 W. ELM - McHENRY I K0ENEMANN | Country Made Sausages, | Hams and Bag on | GERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES | A Full Line Of | Delicatessen j 815-385-6260 Just '2 | 3lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllltmil? HIGH-RISE DWELLERS MEDIUM-RISE OCCUPANTS LOW-RISE RESIDENTS: NOTICE: If you rent an apartment or a house, a State Farm Tenant Homeowners Policy can protect your furni ture, cLothes-and other personal belongings against many perils. It can protect you agai-nst legal liability, too. Call me for details,.. and low State Farm costs. Joe Podpora 1212 N. Green Street McHenry 385-4080 J T A T I F A R M I N S U K A N C I STATE FARM State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois State Farm-is all you need to know about insurance. Insurance Agents To Sponsor State Golf Again For Boys The McHenry Country club will be the site of a state golf tourney this summer, spon sored for the third year by the McHenry County Association of Independent Insurance Agents. Bob Mortell, McHenry insur ance agent and member of the association, announced today the group has approved spon sorship both of a local tourney for county golfers and the state tourney. Last year 70 golfers vied in the state tourney at the McHenry Country club. Mortell has been head of this program the past two years, and he has volunteered to be in charge of both tourneys again this year. Some changes in the procedure are planned, but it will still be for golfers up to 19 yaar > of age. The event is called the A- merican Pro-Youth tourney and involves professional golfers playing with the state winners in the national finals. The 1971 national tourney will be at Louisville, Ky., this year. The McHenry County Asso ciation of Independent Insurance Agents approved purchase of trophies for the county meet and necessary out-of-pocket expense for the chairman and his committee. Mortell asked members to volunteer to help with both events this year, re calling it has grown tremen dously. Number of state en tries in 1970 more thandoukM the 1969 total, and he antici pates continued growing in terest as .more county tourneys are organized. Open YMCA Co-Ed Bowling March 25 Teen The second quarter program for high school youth of the Lake Region will begin on Thursday, March 25 at 4:30 p.m. It will continue at the same time for nine weeks at Metro Bowl, 77 Brink street in Crys tal Lake. Emphasis for the first 3 weeks will be on instruction and for the last 7 weeks will be on league play. Unskilled bowlers are encouraged to participate. Experienced teachers will be available. Captains will be those with the highest average at the conclusion of the third week. Captains will act as team lea ders, instructors and league of ficials. Trophies will be awarded upon completion of league play to the winning team and the most improved bowler. Guests are welcome the first 3 weeks if registered bowlers are not pre sent. Any high school youth wishing more information or to regis ter should call the Lake Region YMCA, Ph. 815-459-4455, at 95 N. Grant street. The Lake Re gion YMCA serves Algonquin, Cary, Crystal Lake, Fox River Grove, Huntley, Island Lake, Lakemoor, Lakewood, Lake-in- the-Hills, McHenry, Oakwood Hills, Ridgefield, Wonder Lake and Woodstock. m \ Front row: Gerry Burke, Jim Mulvenna, Rick Bielski, Tom Thomas. Standing: Jim Elder, Manager, Steve Schafer, Terry Guffa, Tom Shaw, Bill Miller, Duane Coach Bob Matte. Larson, Mike Weingart; The third time wasn't the charm and McHenry County col lege fell victim once more to Elgin college 102 to 76 in the recent Junior College Tourna ment at Freeport. Thus the Fighting Scots con cluded the basketball wars for the 1970-71 season. The final loss left the Scots with an an emic looking record of 3 wins and 22 losses and a Skyway Con ference record of 1 win and 9 losses. However, the future looks much brighter for the Mc Henry cagers. Four of the five leading scorers on the team are freshmen and should form a good nucleus for a team next season. Jim Mulvenna of Har vard led the team in scoring with a total of 464 points, sec ond was Mike Weingart of Mc Henry with 424 points, third was Tom Thomas of Harvard with 322 points and fifth Tom Shaw of Woodstock with 203. Lost through graduation will be Jerry Burke of Marengo, the fourth, leading scorer with 256 points and Steve Schafer, also of Marengo, with 167. Although the team did well on offense, averaging 81.2 points per game, their defense left much to be desired as the op ponents averaged 96.1. Next year the name of the project will be "work on defense." Two of the boys on the team won honors by being named all conference. Mike Weingart was picked on the 10-member squad while Jim Mulvenna was named honorable mention, just missing a first team berth by (me vote. A Side-by-Side only 32" wide! mmmt Foodcenter 18' 18.1 cu. ft. • Model TFF-18DD Full-height freezer. Holds up to 225 lbs. All foods easy to see, select! temperature controls for each section! • Porcelain-on-steel vegetable bin • Slide-out meat pan • Slide-out fruit pan • Butter conditioner *489.95 Separate • Rolls out on wheels for easy cleaning • GE colors or white CAREY APPLIANCE Mon.,Tues.,Thur.,Sat. 8:00-5:30 1241 N. GREEN STREET Fri. 8:00-9:00 Wed. 8:00-Noou McHENRY 385-5500 $QQ095 5 W.T. 9BNSMMA11 •TTT