PAGE 12-PLAINDEALER, WFDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1971 r *COPY mMME Office Hoars Dllly MC l» 5:06 p.m. Classified Display- 6Kfe&*Suav Pitofer ' Monday <|4R, No Reftnds on Prepaid ads. Situation* Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be paid in isdfctoee. The Ftifnrtf lor 1fi not rr for wrari la INa after «* flw from vWficyeni covered S IN EMPLOYMENT A€ffil|§L be obtained' Iroat the . s«»n r»f Hwr tst Souttt Daafbom St, Chicag. • inn tii i i in ' • iniiltiiiiliit*m FOR SALE FOR EASTER, give a minat-| ture Poodle. Black or black and white, AKC registered. $50.00. 5 weeks old. Call 385- 7739. 4 2-7-71 AUTOS Replacement Paris For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I blk. east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 2TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES McHenry Music Center 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-5532 CONN ORGANS STORY & CLARK PIANOS RECORDS ALBUMS - SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS Music Instructions Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordian and Drum Rental Instruments Available 4-2TF12 FOR SALE -- Liquor cabinet with AM-FM radio; sump pump; record player; gas range, like new; Saber saw;, drill attachment Saber Saw; Polaroid camera; misc. house hold items and clothing. Can be seen Sat. and Sun. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. at 1005 N. Cherry Val ley Rd. or Phone 385-5839. VALVES GROUND ENGINES REBORED All Sizes B & D Automotive Supply 1719 W. Rte. 130 McHenry, Illinois 385-2034 42TF12 LAWNMOWERS and GARDEN TRACTORS ADAMS REPAIR SHOP S102 N. Chapel Hill McHenry, HI. 385-0434 3 24TF12 1964 PONTIAC convertible, good running condition, new tires, power brakes, power steering. Call 385-5754, after 6:00 p.m. 3 24TF12 TRIUMPH TR 250. very good mechanical and body condition. $2,000. See on weekends only. Call 653-3792. 4 2 771 1967 MG Sedan, A-l shape, 4 speed, bucket seats, low mile age. 1950, 1 ton Chevie Panel. Excellent mechanical condi tion. Call after 6:00 p.m. 385- 5367. 4 7 71 BUSINESS~SERVl'cES INTERIOR and exterior paint ing. Also wall washing. Free estimates call 385-1441. 4 2 -14 71 WAYNE MEYERS LAWN MOWING SERVICE • LAWN MOWING • ROTO TILLING • POWER VACUUMING • ROLLING & RAKING -- CALL -- 385-4140 47TF1? J & J BUILDERS • Siding • Roofing • Remodeling • Cabinets • Basement Work -- Call -- Jim and Jack 546-3078 or 546-4714 4 7-9 71 GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 4 2TF12 INCOME TAX SERVICE Since 1955 Prompt -- Accurate Tax Assistance We are in business 12 months of the year. Every return is calculated and printed by computer or individually typed after computer verification. Fast and efficient tax service. OPEN 9 to 9 PAUL A. SCHWEGEL & CO. 4410 W. Route 120 McHenry, 111. 385-4410 4 2TF12 W H A R T O N B L A C K T O P P A V I N G -- TAKING ORDERS NOW -- • New Drives * Seal Coating • Parking Lots * Resurfacing CALL ANYTIME FOR FREE ESTIMATES. GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 4 2TF12 REAL ESTATE Nicely landscaped lot in con venient location north of Mc Henry on Johnsburg Road. Lot size 107 x 200. Priced for quick sale. Phone 385-5839. TF12 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, 13 bedroom home, 2 car garage, family room. $25,900. Call 385-3980. 4 2TF12 % ACRE LOT in Country Acres. West of McHenry. By owner. Call 815-385-5412. 4 T-4 9 91 BUSINESS SERVICES r"MARTIN'S & TAX SERVICE J ACCOUNTING | Federal Income Tax Forms •prepared -- $5.00 & up. SDrop off service also avail- lable. For appointment ( Phone 385-7625 317TF12 317TF12 • FLAGSTONE Walls & Patios • FOX VALLEY BLDG. STONE. Veneer, fire places, etc. • COLORED IMPORTED STONE. Crushed in bulk, Boulders. • SHADE TREES IN CONTAINERS FOX RIVER STONE COMPANY Rt. 31 & McLean Blvd. 5 miles south of Elgin Delivery Anywhere LOW PRICES 742-6060 3 31TF12 FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN • Stripping • Re finishing • Repairing • Caning and Upholstering Refinished furniture, some antiques for sale. BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-0159 3 ynn *? LOOKING FOR REASONABLE YET , QUALITY CARE FOR YOUR HORSE? Pasture Board $35 per mo. 11x12 box stalls $55 per mo. Miles of scenic acres to ride. EGI Quarter Horses. -- Call -- 385-4531 3 31-4 2 71 Lawn Maintenance RESIDENCE OR INDUSTRY • Power Raking • Fertilizing • Edging • Shaping & Trimming of Bushes & Hedges • Replacement of Stock • Lawn Mowing BOB SCHNEIDER LANDSCAPING 385-8672 after 6:00 p.m. 4 2TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for cop per, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 -Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 4 2TF12 NEW USED Repairs on all makes. 385-4642 1516 Ramble Rd. McHenry, Illinois 4 2 71 FOR SALE 15' FIBRE GLASS BOAT. 35 h.p. engine, trailer with skiis and accessories $500 or best offer. Call 385-5699. 3 31-4 9 71 MOVING OUT OF STATE 24 in. riding mower, 21 in. rotary mower, both for $75.00; 2 large milk cans, $25.00; Mans suede top coat, like new, $50.00; other miscellaneous items. Call 385-2282 3 31-4 271 3 BEDROOM HOUSE on Ri verside Drive, river rights, city sewer and water, gas heat. $15,800. Call 385-1188 t 4 2-7 71 FOR SALE NEW HOMES $200 down. Payments from $110 per month buys 3 bed- r<5bm home with washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator carpeting, storms and screens for qualified buy ers under FHA 235 pro gram. -- Call -- YORKTOWN BUILDERS 312-675-2250 4771 Female Help Wanted (OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR | 1 car size, good condition. Complete with tracks and all I hardware, etc. can be seen in operation. $25. 385-4292. TF | • Beautiful walnut trundle bed, complete, drawer style, 9 months old, $95; • Bunk Beds, complete $60 • Chest of drawers, $15 • Westinghouse Refrigerator, $65 • Double Bed, complete $35 • 15,000 BTU air condi tioner 220, $50. Call 385-0233 4 7 71 GO KART, like new, 3 h.p. Briggs & Stratton raptor. $95.1 Phone 678-7081. TF12] 1960 FORD 2 door, stick, 61 WAITRESSES full and part cylinder, good running condi- time. Apply to Tomasello's or tion. Kenmore ringer-washer, | phone 385-1475. 4 7 71 excellent condition. Dark wood WANTED GIRL io work as CAR HOP DAYS 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dog n Suds 385-6072 or 385-4775 47-4 9 71 BUSINESS SERVICES shadow box 27y2x31 $5.00. Call WAITRESSES WANTED to 385-5193 after 5:30 p.m. work at Dorkie's. Call 385- 4 7 7117369. 4 7 71 SOLID OAK, custom built dresser $45. Student 3 piece I desk set $18. Golf cart $10. Two white chairs $8. Call 385- [ 4043. 4 7 711 1969 DUCATI motorcycle 3501 Scrambler 1200 miles. $700. Like new. Call 385-4884 after I 6:00 p.m. 4 7-4 9 71' 1968 MUSTANG GT Fastback I V-8, 4 speed transmission, ra dio, power disc brakes, very good condition. $1500. Call 385-0637. 4 7 71 BICYCLE SALE Wally's Bike Haven Full line on hand. ENJOY the summer with this 16' cabin cruiser. 60 h.p. en gine, like new, needs painting, trailer, canvis and extras $650 now or best offer. Call 385 2588. 326-414 71 SHOP AND COMPARE be fore you buy. Discount pric es on all furniture. Name brands. Drive a few miles and save at Island Lake Fur niture Mart, Rte. 176, Island Lake, Illinois. .Call 312-526- 22X0. 4 2TF12 NEW CHEST OF DRAWERS, chrome kitchen set with 61 chairs, excellent condition. Oak kitchen table, desk chair, I bedroom chair all in good con dition. Call 385-4456. 4 7 711 1970 FOX CAMPUS FX Bike, 4 h.p., lights, disc brakes, chrome fender tank, spoke wheels, yellow in color. $1751 or best offer. Call 385-5550 af-| ter 5:00 p.m. 4 7-9 71 4 MONTHS OLD 1--200,000 B.T.U. Furnace 2--2 speed 19 in. fans 2--2 thermostats 1--timer, 15 min. cycle 1--75 gal. hot water heater. 50--Hardwood calf crates 1--23x23 in. power shutter 1--33x33 in. power shutter. 653-9921 4 7-9 71 McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP needs s JUNIOR CREDIT CLERK mature, young woman with pleasant personality, and good typing skills for cre dit department. Telephone and personal con tact with patients. Credit experience desirable. Call MRS. LUETH 815385-1050 Ext. 250 4 7-4 9 71 Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES • NITE SHOT Must be able to work Saturdays and Sundays. Good hourly wage. Good Tips. Call 385-1072 McHenry Country Club 4 271 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED BUS DRIVERS APPLY IN PERSON Call 385-3731 Johnsburg School Disi. 12 2117 W. Church Johnsburg 42-4971 COUPLE or lady to live in and care for elderly couple. Room, board and salary. Call 385-1290. 4 2-41471 EXPERIENCED MAN for Jeep Parts Department and general office work. Some typing required. CALL 815-385-0103 McHENRY GARAGE Jeep Sales & Service 926 N. Front McHenry, 111. 4-7-4 971 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED OAK DAY SHIFT * Stock Handlers * Bench Lathe Operator Nights or Days * Automatic Punch Press Operators "Progressive- Combination Dies" DAY SHIFT 8:00 a»m. • 4:30 pjn. NIGHT SHIFT 5:00 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Complete Company Sponsors Benefit Program. APPLY Ifealk Mala Stmt ' CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted MUST SELL Because of sickness, must sell restaurant and snack shop. Be your own boss. Established business, good potential, ideal for 2 peo ple. For appointment call. 815-385-4446 4 7-9 71 DAYS --NIGHTS * * COIL WINDERS * ASSEMBLERS Experience desired but not necessary. All standard benefits. New incentive system. HOURS 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Triwec Transformer Company 519 W. Sheridan Lakemoor McHenry* 111. 815-385-3534 4 2TF12 HONDA--'67 Scrambler 305cc. Everything custom and mint condition. $450. 385-4292- TF STOVE -- Kenmore 42" gas, 4 burner with grill on top, oven and broiler. Fair con-| dition, j $20. 385-4292. TF 16 FT. CENTURY Resorter, 135 h.p. engine, excellent con-1 dition $1300. Call 385-5249 after 5:30 p.m. 331-4 271 ' CLERK JYPIST or CLERK STENOGRAPHER INTERESTING AND CHALLENGING WORK, EXCELLENT BENEFITS. CIVIL SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC AID 225 W. Judd Street Woodstock, Illinois 338-0234 STUFF LETTERS Into already addressed stamped envelopes supplied you free. Pays spare time home workers $2.00 and up per hour. No experience needed. Cost of Start ing Kit $2.00 Prepaid. D. F. D. L Vy P.O. Box 82 New Haven, Indiana 46774 4 2-4971 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MACHINE SETUP (Second Shift) Age is no barrier. Must be in good health. Any experience setting up drills, taps, reamers and mill ing cutters for metal working equipment will qualify. Our equipment includes broaches, Burgmasters, War ner Swasey Chuckers, Fay Lathes and Milling Machines. Specific or similar set up experience needed. A full time position, secure from lay-offs for someone who can do the work. Contact the Personnel Office BRAKE" PARTS COMPANY SfiOO N INDUSTRIAL OR. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-38^7002 _ Aji.equa! opportune emptier 4-7-71 W A N T E D Good man with ability, personality, not afraid of work, to wait on customers, load trucks, all around warehouse work in large, long standing wholesale, retail, hay, feed and seed business. Experience help ful, good wages and opportunity for right man. JOHN HENRICKS INC. Arlington Heights A Band Bd. Arlington Heights, 111. 312-253-0186 424771 4 7-9 71 FLOOR INSPECTOR SECOND SHIFT Immediate opening for experienced floor inspector fa miliar with a full range of machining operations. (Mills, drills, lathes and broaches, etc.) Must be able to read blueprints and use all QC measuring devices. Excellent company benefits. Brake_PartsJCompany_ 1*00 N INDUSTRIAL M • McHCNRY. ILLINOIS Tel. 885-7002 4-7-71 FOR RENT IN McHENRY new 2 bedroom apartment Refrigerator, range, carpet, heat and hot water furnished for $185 per month. For appointment call 385-8042 or 385-5123. 33TF12 PETS FOR SALE #lDULT PAIR of Sealpoint Siamese cats. Prefer to sell together. All offers will be considered. Phone 385-5839. 3-31-TF rWO bedroom house, avail able May 1, 197L $130 plus security deposit. Call 385-2480. 4 7-9 71 LOVELY 2 bedroom home at McCullom Lake. 1 block to lake. $185 month. Reference required. Phone 815-385-4710 After 7:00 p.m. 47-4 9 71 BEDROOM, 1% baths, fenced yard $150 per month plus security deposit. Call 385-7580. 4-7TF12 QUONSET BUILDING 40' x 60' Zoned Commercial or Industrial, suitable for storage, work shop etc. Available May 1. 385-5700 47-4 9TF12 WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOME by family of four, within 10 mile radius of McHenry. Will consider house in need of repair, with pos sible future purchase. Pre fer area with privacy. Must occupy on or before June 1st. Can supply re ferences. 815-3855407 4 7-4971 1 OR 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Mature woman, reasonable rent. Write Box 356, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 47-971 WANTED TO RENT FAMILY of 6 desires older home or farm house to rent Call 385-709L 4 2-4771 GREAT DANE PUP, 10 weeks old, female, A.K.C. Register ed Fawn color. Best offer. 815-653-9150. 4 7-4 9 71 GABAGESALE HOUSE SALE Everything to go! Refrig erator, stove, furniture, and miscellaneous house hold items. SATURDAY 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 818 MILL STREET 3854757 Please do not park on lawn. 4 7-9 71 PORCH SALE 3709 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL APRIL 7-8-9 10 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Girls sizes 3 to 14, Boys sizes 3 to 20, Ladies sizes 8 to 24%. 2 black & white TV's 6 kitchen chairs, cof fee table, odds and ends and toys. 47-49 71 RUMMAGE SALE. April 7th and 8th. Ladies clothes, many childrens clothes, like new Miscellaneous items, very rea sonable. 2806 Old Oak Dr. McHenry, 111. 385-1912. 4 7 71 LOST 8c FOUND 1972 WARRIOR CLASS RING, may have for cost of this ad. Vicinity of Bowling Alley* Call 385-1088. 4 7 71