PAGE 16-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1971 ?'k. i % "" • • - McCullom Lake Mildred Watson 385-3585 McHenry Girl Shares- In Nurse Scholarships Shown are the riders of one of the buses of the First Baptist church of McHenry which the church operates Sunday mornings. This route has increased from the thirty shown to almost fifty during a recent "Stand for the Lord" campaign in the church. Finding Room In Church Called "Great Problem" The First Baptist church of McHenry is literally "on the go" every Sunday morning as buses go in five different ways picking up people to attend worship services at the church. Attendance by bus riders on a recent Sunday reached 120 persons. This is only about one- half of the potential of the five routes now in existnece. "It's great to have problems like trying to find a place to sit in worship service or finding a room large enough for a rapidly growing Sunday school class", observed Clifford Wardle, director of Education for the church. "In this day when so many people are supposedly disappointed with the established church, it's refreshing to see a full house every Sunday at First Baptist church". The church has recently expanded its busing operation by the addition of two new bus routes and a#n increase in personnel on each route. Les Thomas, lay bus director, gives the following organizational structure: Each bus route is directed by a captain. These include Dick McManaway, LaVerne Hill, Clifford Wardle, Melvin Hicks and Pastor V. Chappell. In addition to the captain, each bus has a regular driver. These include A1 Williams, John Benson, Paul Anderson, Garvie Gamboa and Leland Parvin. Mr. Thomas is leading the church to begin an additional four routes this year to bring the total to nine. This will raise the potential bus attendance to more than 360 persons. There is no charge to the riders on these buses on a Sunday morning. The church looks upon its bus ministry as a missionary involvement for the community. Riders are en couraged to always bring an offering to the church as a part of a total worship experience. Potential riders are asked to call the church office, 385-0083. College Takes Part In Annual Chemistry Meet The fifth annual Chemistry- Physics Articulation con ference for community and senior college chemistry and physics teachers was recently held at Northern Illinois university, with ten senior colleges and twenty-four junior colleges participating. "Articulation" is a term for finding out how effectively junior colleges and senior in* stitutions are coordinating their programs for the good of students and teachers. Eighty - four individuals heard lectures from NIU physicists and chemists and also heard from a chemical technician from the Loop College in Chicago. Among institutions involved with the conference was McHenry County college. Savannah, Georgia, was laid out in 1733, with alternating business and garden blocks. Bettle Morris Reports Cancer Drive Successful Because of the kind hearts of the people of McCullom Lake, Mrs. Bettie Morris is pleased to announce that the cancer fund drive was a huge success. Bettie Morris, chairman of the cancer fund drive, wishes to thank the women who so willingly gave of their time to collect for this most worthy cause. Verbal orchids go to Mrs. George Luto, Mrs. Godina, Kathy Morris and Mildred Watson. It is possible that your house was missed at the times these women were out collecting, if you would like to contribute you can send your donation by mail. The address is American Cancer Society, McHenry County Unit 9716 N. Route 12, Richmond, 111. 60071. McCULLOM LAKE CONSERVATION CLUB I am pleased to say that the lake has been stocked with some northern fry. These fish are of course much too small to catch at this time. It is hoped that more northern will be added soon. June will see bass fry in the lake and then some of those delectable blue gill will be joining all those other fish. Remember it is recommended that a two year waiting period be observed before you fish in the lake. The next meeting of the McCullom Lake Con servation Club will be held on May 20. Up until now this club has not received the publicity it deserves. I will attend the next meeting and bring the news on this organization up to date. BIRTHDAYS It was really a surprise all right for Ron Zieglowsky, when 12 relatives from Iowa were at his home to wish him a happy birthday. The party was held a week early, his birthday is today so happy birthday Ron Zieglowsky. Birthday greetings to Lynda Berstrom on the eighteenth and to Mae Aubin on the nineteenth. ANNIVERSARIES It is two years of wedded bliss for Donald and Linda Colson who celebrated their happy day on the tenth. v , POTPOURRI The, 'Village of McCullom Lake has 15.0 more people than it did in 1960? v This is "Be Kind to Animal Week" so please be kind to dogs, cats, birds and horses and all kind of animals, okay? Also police week has been set aside by an act of Congress to honor all police officers. Police week is May 10 to 16. The village has a fine police force. They deserve our deepest gratitude. I do believe all will agree that their job is not an easy one, so thank you Mc Cullom Lake police. Former neighbor Pearl Pietsch is in the hospital, we wish her a speedy recovery. It is good to see Mrs. Florence Larson working in her yard again. Mrs. Larson was in the hospital for a long time, and it is a joy to see her up and around again. VILLAGE CLERK Please keep in mind that the clerk's hours will be changed beginning June 1. The hours will be Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday hours will be the same. There will be no Saturday hours. America was founded on the thinking of intellectuals. It seems odd that now, they are considered as queer and sub jects of ridicule. Interest in nursing as a career, combined with requests for financial assistance, has prompted the Woman's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County to present four nursing scholarships this year. The auxiliary had nine ap plicants for the two scholar ships awarded annually, but the committee decided to present four because of the high caliber of the applicants, the need they showed and their zeal in desiring a career as a nurse. Mrs. Donald T^ppan, com mittee chairman, has an nounced scholarships of $300 each for three years will be presented to the following aspirants: Susan Romani, McHenry, McHenry high school senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Romani. She plans to attend Mt. Sinai School of Nursing, Chicago. Mrs. Carol Lange Neff, Woodstock, high school graduate in 1962 who plans to continue her education for a nursing career at the Elgin Community College School of Nursing. She plans to attend McHenry County college also. She attended Bradley university. Rhonda Spencer, Woodstock, Woodstock high school, daughter of Gordon Spencer, Woodstock. She plans to attend Swedish-American School of Nursing, Rockford, also. The girls agree to return to Memorial hospital for one year after training. This program assures the girls of immediate employment and it helps provide the hospital with the most outstanding nurses possible. Opening the thirty- bed addition on the fourth floor boosts to 130 the number of beds at the hospital with the in creased need for registered nurses in the months and years ahead. Last year the auxiliary went above the usual two-a-year scholarships to present five scholarships. This year's four boosts to forty-one the total number of nursing scholarships awarded by the Auxiliary since it instituted the program in 1951. On the scholarship com mittee to interview the can didates and study their ap plications were Mrs. Donald Tappan, Mrs. Roy Habeck, Mrs. William Carroll, Jr., Mrs. Oliver Stratton, R.N., director of nursing services; and Bert Hanson, administrator. March Of Dimes Drive Success The March of Dimes fund drive in McHenry township was most successful this year, with the amount collected and turned over to the county committee totalling $2,384.20. Mrs. Barbara Zamastil, who has acted as township chair man the last two years, and Mrs. Millie Miller, who has been chairman of the Mother's March for many years, are directly responsible for organizing this year's cam paign. They appreciate the volunteer workers who went door to door to ask for donations to this worthy cause and also to the people of McHenry township who con tributed so generously. HAPPINESS IS: FINDING WHATi YOU WANT IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER'S CLASSIFIED WANT1 AD SECTION TODAY!!!! Don't buy a life insurance policy. FEWER TRAFFIC DEATHS A four percent decrease in Illinois traffic deaths between April 1' and 15, has been reported by the division of highways and the Illinois State Police. A total of 68 fatalities resulted in 87 deaths, compared to 91 traffic deaths in the same period last year. IIS Buyalifeinsurance program. < A t \ i I i 1 1 / ' / / / With a program, you get the most out of your insurance premiums. And with Pru dential's Dollar Guide Serv ice I can tailor a program to fit your precise needs Just call Bill Neumann In McHenry 1504 W. Sunny side Dr. 385-3542 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA ^^^jutojaMif^nsuranc^omgan^^ The McHenry State Bank proudly announces that on Thursday, May 6, 1971, the Bank's total resources reach ed $50,000,000.00*, thus enabling the bank tomaintainits leadership as McHenry County's largest financial in stitution. It was on August 22, 1964, that resources first reached $25,000,000.00. This would reflect a 100% in crease in less than 7 years. This tremendous growth is due to many things, but primarily due to the confidence the entire community has placed in their bank. We, at the McHenry State Bank, thank our customers for makfng this splendid growth possible. We know you are the Bank's most im portant asset- and we pledge to continue to merit your trust through sound management and courteous ser vice. To our friends who may not currently be deposi tors at the McHenry State Bank, we invite you to open an account at the Bank with $50,000,000.00 in total resources. This should be "my bank" to you and you will enjoy banking in the ponvenient, attractive, Colon ial building. You can rely on this Bank's 65 years ex perience with community needs. You are assured of safe ty, sound management and customer satisfaction at the McHenry State Bank in the heart of McHenry where savings not only draw the maximum rate of interest, but also the maximum return with maximum safety. Interest is compounded daily from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. *The actual total of assets and liabilities on May 6, 1971, was $50,336,731.21 A FULL SERVICE BANK "There's No Substitute for Money in the Bank" cHENRY STATE BANK c "ALWAYS SERVING YOU - ALL WAYS SINCE 1906 "McHenry County's Largest -- The Area's Finest Financial Institution Phone 385-1040 •fill* The Bank of the People and Performance- Ask About our "June New Car Special"