There is no need for you to shop around "bargain hunting" ... because NATIONAL has done the shopping for you. We checked ITEM by ITEM... both quality and price. We compared the shelf prices in all the leading food stores in the area to compile the "why pay prices?" that are listed in this handbill. THESE ARE THE AVERAGE EVERYDAY SHELF PRICES of other stores. NOW! See how you save at NATIONAL ... with these EVERYDAY LOW PRICES. Remember, it's the TOTAL SAVINGS that counts. Save up to $6.48 on the items that are on your shopping list each week .. . those items you buy for your family day-in and day- out. Don't be misled by "week-end specials." It's a proven fact that you can't save money on a few scattered "Specials" that some food stores offer you. It's the TOTAL SAVINGS that makes the "big difference." Check and compare the "Big Difference" at NATIONAL and save EVERY DAY of the WEEK. - ri iiwi'irfM /