Making Honeymoon Plans. . . Arranging for the honeymoon is technically within the province of the bridegroom-to-be. And, of course, pay ing for it is definitely up to him! Deciding where you go, and for how^ long, is something that the two of you should work out together. A "surprise" is out of order, since both of you will need to acquire necessary clothes and do your packing ahead of time. But whether you go for a weekend or several weeks, and whether you de- cide on a short trip to a nearby resort or a once-in-a-lifetime trip to faraway places, you will want to go somewhere. In this, a travel agent can be of invalu able help with transportation and reser vation. (You pay no extra for their services; their fees are paid by airlines, hotels, etc.) A travel agent will secure necessary tickets, confirm reservations, help you with passports and international health cards, if required, and take care of many details that an inexperienced traveler often finds confusing. The bridegroom should also be reminded to obtain tra velers' checks and to have sufficient cash with him when you leave. Inci dentally, the bride should have some cash in her purse for her own use, when she leaves on the honeymoon. \ eautiful ride (Pack Your Bag I with Sportswear, . . s to Happiness Is. . . . $ S ^ a * A BRIDAL GIFT FROM. . . BRIDAL fiKIST© * Noiitake China * Oneida Stainless * Stemware* * Linens 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ! BEAUTIFUL FOR YOUR 3 i ft ft ft ft j ft ft ft ft ft ft ft McHenry J 91 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 91 • Elegant Gifts EVERYTHING BRIDAL TABLE INVITATIONS... * Engraved Wedding Invitations * Personalized Napkins g 1242 N. Green r \ from... i PAGE M K MIDRIFF TOP 8.00 WHITE PANTS 12.00 S 6 I 1303 n. riverside drive mchenry, ilf. (K OOP