PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1971 Lakeland Park Kay Druml 385 08^4 Cub Pack 351 Wins Blue Ribbon At Scout-O'Rama Cub Scout Pack 351 from St. Patrick's church is bursting with justified pride, the Pack came home from the Scout-O- Rama with a coveted blue ribbon for proficiency. Their booth was called Fun with Birds. Bird posters were used on a white background with smaller pictures of birds used as borders or frames. Live birds that were on display were an American Singer Canary, Norwhich Canary, Orange Weaver Finch and a Blue Cordian Finch. Bird records were played in the background. On display were, seed samples, Robin's nest and eggs. Finch nest and eggs, Canary nest and eggs. • The booth had Cubbers making bird nests by breaking cups away from egg cartons and trimming sides, then cutting small pieces of burlap and pulling apart to glue to the inside of the cups and trimming to make small birds nests. The nests were filled with home made eggs and were given as prizes for the game played at the booth. Prizes were awarded to those who drew a golden egg. Easter baskets were used to display the nests, prizes and book marks which were given to each person visiting, the booth. The book markers were cut out by the Cubs and they pasted bird pictures on them. The Cubs and parents working were kept very busy the entire day and evening making the displays and prizes and anxiously awaiting the awarding of the ribbons. Accepting the coveted blue ribbon for the Pack were two of the Pack's Denmothers, Ruth Roach and Vicki Bottari. The winning of an award always takes many people many hours of work and this was no exception, setting up the booth was done by Bob Belzer, Mrs. Schaan and Mrs. Ruth Roach, who owns the birds that were on display. The people who took down the booth were Mr. and Mrs. Sabatka and Mrs. Vickie Boitari. Workers at the booth throughout the day were Mrs. Roach and son Ray, Jeff and Mrs. Nylander, Tom and Mrs. Creutz, Keith Belzer, Terry and Mrs. Waller, David Schaan, Mark and Mrs. Lawrence, Doug Schmitt, Mr. Brda, Bruce Munson, Peter Wirtz, Mike Miller, Mrs. Munson and John, Alphonse and Mrs. Bazak, Joe Doherty, Mark Betancourt, Danny McAuliffe and Paul Sch- weder, Mr. Brefeld and Tom, Jeff and Mrs. Huff, Joey, Er nest and Mrs. Pieroni. Rickie and Mrs. West, John and Mrs. Bora, Mrs. Huffman, Arnold Krysiak, Kenny and Mrs. George, Kenny and Mrs. Bottari, Tim and Mrs. Sabatka. Ruth Roach hadn't come down from "Cloud Nine" on Sunday morning when she called in the news. They all worked very hard for the award and all deserve a big pat on the back for a job so very well done. SCOUTING NEWS Cathy Schooley, Scribe for Girl Scout Troop 320, gave the following report. On Thursday of last week the Troop hiked out to Shamrock Farms. The girls took nosebag lunches and the leaders provided lemonade. We saw newly shipped cattle vaccinated, visited the con finement area where 600 cattle were waiting for rotation and shipment to the slaughter house. We were shown how steers are fed and all the equipment. Also saw a two day old calf. The girls were picked up by their parents at three o'clock. It was a very full eventful, educational af ternoon. At our meeting Laura Marino earned her collectors badge by showing her collec tion of foreign coins. Badges will be obtained this week to be given out at awards night. All parents are requested to attend the awards night and ceremony on May 26 at 7:30 at our community house. Refresh ments will be served by the Scouts." Troop 459's Scribe, Bob Scholley stated that their booth at the Scout-O-Rama was on Knot Tying. They showed how to make the various knots and what they are used for. The Scouts worked in shifts at the booth. Pollution seemed to be the theme at many of the booths. Pack 351 will hold its monthly Pack meeting May 25 at St. Patrick's church hall at 7 p.m. All interested boys of 8 years or in third grade are invited to join the pack. Joining in the pack for their summertime fun activities will help make summer pass even more rapidly. THUMB NAIL SKETCH Lakeland Park Property Owners Association's Secretary is Charles Bates who resides at 5221 W. Victor with his wife, Ruth, and son, Keith. The Bates family is rounded out with son Bill who will be graduating from Northern Illinois University at De Kalb next month with a degree in Science. Daughter Patricia is Mrs. David Grandt and resides in Woodstock as does their married son, Robert. Ruth and Charles have three grand children, David, who is 4Vfe, Donald, 21?, and Kathy, who is 2^2 months. Keith will graduate from Junior high next month. They have three family pets, one a very well educated cat named Sid who was born at the university and attended classes until he was six months old and brought home by Bill, the Bateses have another cat which is Siamese and named Si, a collie named Heidi is the family watch dog. Charles and Ruth were both born and raised in Chicago and attended city schools, Chuck being a graduate of Schurz high. He has been an employee of a motor firm for 40 v2 years and will retire on May 28. The couple met through Ruth's dad and were married 33 years ago this coming September at St. John's Lutheran Church in the "Windy City". Charles lists golf as his hobby now but did bowl a great Carry Home Comfort 4-4rjî iLiyviilr Model AHP406 F Sleep Cool Tonight +4rjrtp£rijvir PORTA-COOL MODEL. This 6,000 BTU portable air conditioner is an outstanding value and performance leader. The quiet operation is ideal for bedroom application. Quick-Mount side panels and unique center- balance design speed do-it-yourself installation. Top air discharge and automatic thermostat provide no-draft cooling at the comfort you select. Tilt-Out filter is easy to remove, clean, replace. * m M A AO '146™ LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N, FRONT McHENRY PH. 385-0882 deal, Ruth likes to knit, crochet and paint her home. Besides members of L.P.P.O.A. the Bateses are members of the Methodist church and Charles is a Mason in the McHenry Lodge. Ruth and Charles have been an asset to our subdivision for the past sixteen years. SYMPATHY EXTENDED The deepest sympathy of the residents of Lakeland Park is extended to the Larry Brastad family of the LakewOod subidivision which is on the East end of our lake. Their son, Kenneth, was a victim of a drowning accident last Saturday morning. Keiketh was 94 years old and a fourth grade student at Valley View. In addition to his parents he is survived by four brothers, Vincent, age 12, Larry, Jr., age 11, Michael, who is 4, and Steven, age 2. Burial was from George Justen funeral home with Mass at St. Mary's Church on Tuesday, interment was in St. Mary's. Our sympathy is also ex tended to Mrs. John Granath and her family. Mrs. Granath's mother, Mrs. Hermina Her- dich, passed away last Thur sday and burial was on Saturday from St. Mary's. SPECIAL DAYS Bobby Hodges and Brian Bremer will be special people on May 21 as they both celebrate birthdays. Bob will be 16 and Brian will be 7. Paul Stanek turns 10, Matthew Ketchum will be 8 and Mark Webber turns 12 on May 22. On May 24, Roger Lasko and Bill Bockman, Sr., add a year while Mickey and Ed Gladman add another year to their togetherness list. A very special "Happy Anniversary" goes to my parents, Rose and Ed Oswald, on that day, they will be celebrating their fifty- second anniversary. May 25, has that very active, fun loving Edward Serritella reaching age 2 while Larry Fergen turns registration age and Len Bottari says "I can vote". On May 26 Ann Kosieriacki and Patty Jo Mullen will be honored guests for birthday cake. Johnnie Hendle will be 14 (doesn't seem possible, dies it Kitty). Rounding out the week will have Tom Wagner celebrating his day down in Biloxi, Miss., where he is stationed in the Air Force. To everyone, may all your wishes become reality. NEWS BITS A reminder to all Lakeland Park Property Owners Association members, your yearly dues must be in to the association clerk, Mrs. Helen Strandquist, by the end of the month. The dues may be paid either yearly or semi-yearly and can be paid either by mail or in person to Mrs. Strandquist on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mrs. Strandquist will also be happy to get names of persons willing to help with the Red Cross swimming lessons planned for August. It is also urged that names of interested students be turned in so the lessons can be planned. Remember the steak dinner and dance at the Moose this Saturday evening, Don Humann is in charge of the affair and tickets are available qt the Moose lodge. Clean up weeks, according to the city clerk's office has Lakeland Park scheduled for June 14 through the 19. That is for all of us North of Route 120, residents South of Route 120 are scheduled for June 5 through the 12th. While cleaning out your own things try to get the empty lots around you done so everything can be picked up and clean. Special get-well wishes go to Mary Daurio who is a patient at McHenryfc hospital. Mary suffered heart attack last Wednesday and was a patient in intensive care until early this week. Hope your hospital stay is short. Val^ie Franklin became Mrs. Ronald Eberhardt last Saturday at a 2 p.m. ceremony at St. Patrick's church. Val's new husband hails from Rapid Falls, Wis. The couple met at O'Hare where both are em ployed. The will reside in DesPlaines. Val's brother, Ray, was home on leave from his naval station in South Carolina for the wedding. Ray returned to duty on Monday. Pat and Ernie Schooley at tended the wedding reception of Richard Justen, Jr., and the former Mary DeMar. The lovely reception was held at the V.F.W. Candle lite bowling 'at Rich mond on Saturday saw several of us in action. Not only did we enjoy ourselves to the limit but managed to bowl good enough to take four of the seven places for prize money. Ceil Serritella and our son, Kevin , missed first place by only three pins, they happily settled for second, Mike Ketchum and I came in fourth, while Mike's wife, LaVonne, and Tony Serritella took sixth and Fran Meyer and my better half, Eddie took seventh place prize money. Wonder if they'll leave us bowl again. Keith Bates was honored guest on May 14 for this four teenth birthday. Several of his schoolmates came home with him from school for a birthday supper and evening. On Sunday Keith was again the honored guest for a family dinner after he was Confirmed at the Methodist church. < Nedra and Les Eckhart were hostess and host with the mostest last Sunday. That "Lil Ole Cake Maker" got many compliments not only on her cakes but on the entire dinner served to seventeen of the group that meets once a month and has since school days. Nedra nor Les would diviluge a number of years. Had a very pleasant surprise Sunday afternoon with a visit from Sue and Ken Prazak. They had arrived home on leave from Ken's Coast Guard station in Norfolk, Va., on Saturday. Part of Sunday was spent helping Ken's sister, JoLynn, celebrate her eighth birthday. They will be home for two weeks and are sharing their company with Sue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bitter man of Lake moor, and with Ken's family, Joe and Aggie of the Park. Sue, either your food or the Coast Guard's sure shows on Ken. Of interest to the many residents of our subdivision who are members of St. Patrick's parish will be the Mass for the parishioners at 12:15 this Sunday, it will be celebrated by the Rev. Edmund Petit who will be celebrating his silver anniversary in the priesthood. Open house will be held in his honor at the church hall from one to three in the afternoon. He will also celebrate a Mass for his family followed by a dinner. Pat Lasko, chairwoman for Valley View Fun Fair hopes to make the affair not only fun to attend but also hopes for financial gain and in order to make it a success must get people to attend so all you parents of children attending Valley View give her a hand by dropping in sometime between one and . four this Saturday. Everyone will be more than welcome. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All reservations and can cellations for the Lakeland Park community house must be made with Mrs. Jo Rizzo. She can be reached at 385-2728. The hall is rented to adults only, or Central Air Conditioning for comfort LBHturv the year 'round •Quality •Dependability • Residential • Com m ercial 385-8350 Knox Heating - Air Conditioning Service on all makes FACIQRY RBWCED Galaxies,Tori nos, Mustangs, Pickups. While they last,now through May SIstTheyVe Ford's Special Spring Styling Values. Look for the red tag and save. New Mustang with "Mach 1 look" features at $130 off suggested retail! Lowest-priced full-size pickup with independent front suspension! PRICES START LOWER AT FORD DEALERS % BUSS FORD SALES 3936 Main St. McHenry 385-^000 DISCUSS TEAM TEACHING--Len French, a dlr- and discussing the team teaching program at ector of the state gifted children program, and Valley View school, McHenry. From left, are director of the Freeport demonstration school, Jean Trausch, French, Jean Ludwig, Dick Ander- spent one day last week observing, evaluating son, Judy Cooper and Larry Wald. PUBLIC PULSE (Hie Plaindealer invites the public to use this col umn as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only re quest is that writers lim it themselves to 300 words or less - signature, full address and phone num ber. We ask too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We re serve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in ob- jectional taste.) ON HUMANS "An Open Letter to Human Beings: "I hope each and every one of you is proud to be a human being. You have gained un controllable knowledge, mobility, security, and a fatal dose of dominance; and you've paid a price. If you are a human being, the price was well worth the gain. All you gave up was your identity. "Does anybody ever remember what their identity is? You are an animal. You consist basically of the very same things your pet dog is. But you have a brain. You are man. Homo sapien. But what are you without that brain. Probably the weakest animal in the world. "And you would die. Just like groups with responsible adult supervision, this rule is by order of thtf?Board of Directors. Friday, May \21, Webelo meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 25, Boy Scout Troop 459 meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, Girl Scout Troop 320 Awards and Parents night at 7:30 Friday, May 28, Webelo meeting at 7 p.m. SIU Now Allows Junior Status For Associate Degree McHenry County college has received word that students who complete baccalaureate oriented associate degrees at a community college will now automatically be^given junior class standing when they transfer to Southern Illinois university. Southern Illinois university is the first four-year Illinois state university to have granted this a small duck did last Friday evening. He was murdered by every 'human being' in the world. Or perhaps it was a small rabbit on a country road. It doesn't matter, for you are many and man is dominant, let nothing stand in your way. "So be proud human being, and when the ducks and the rabbits and all the rest of the natural wildlife have been murdered by your plague of intelligence. Then, perhaps, you truly will be number one. "Spokesman for the animals that are left. "Robert L. Minor "3714 West Ellen road "McHenry" recognition to the associate degree. According to Mrs. Darlene Hoffman, MCC director of counseling, "This is a very important breakthrough for community college students because it takes away the need to exactly match freshman- sophomore general education requirements with those of the four-year college. It will be much easier for the student to plan his program, knowing that by meeting MCC ^degree requirements, he will be a junior at SIU." Mrs. Hoffman went on to explain that several other state universities have also indicated that they will be moving in a similar direction. Numerous private colleges, both in and out-of-state, have already given full acceptance of the associate degree as meeting general education requirements. "What this means, from a broad viewpoint," Mrs. Hoff man explained, "is that the four-year colleges are putting increased faith in the com munity college education. The associate degree from a community college is becoming a good ticket for four-year college admission." FASHION SHOW DURING OUR LUNCHEON EVERY WEDNESDAY LUNCHEONS Mon.^ Wed., Thurs., Fri., 11:30-2:30 2% Miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 PH. 385-9869 FREE! PAINT PADDLES COLOR CARDS PROFESSIONAL ADVICE SAVE MOST with JIM MARTIN SUPER PAINTS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED INTERIOR PAINTS GLOSS AND SEMI-GLOSS ENAMELS Dries to a porcelain- like finish A super washable. non-yel lowing paint safe enough for baby's crib or toys ONLY $ $1 .98 qt 5 98 gal SUPER LATEX A top quality inside wall paint tested for hiding power, scrub- bability and ease of application Available in thousands of colors ONLY (Custom colors slightly higher) LIMITED OFFERS: ROLLER KIT T R A Y R O L L E R C O V E R TWIN-PAK ROLLER COVERS 2 1 covers (with any purchase) Complete 80c 45c § DECORATOR ITEMS! Full Line of Brushes Step Ladders Trays & Rollers Masking Tape Roller Frames Roller Covers 909 N. FRONT McHENRY 385-1424*' ALEXANDER LUMBER