16 oz. Can TOP-?REAT TOMATO Heinz Ketchup Ice Cream VJ Gal. Ctn. SAVING YOU MORE IN SO MANY WAYS! Want to get more for your food Dollar? Then shop at your friendly NATIONAL FOOD STORE for "To tal Savings/' You see,^ it's NATION AL'S policy to price every item lower instead of just a few advertised ones. So, when you add up your grocery bill, you'll find savings in DOLLARS, not cents. And your sav ings begin in the Meat Department. It's a lean and tencjer COLORADO BRAND CORN-FED BEEF...VALUE- WAY TRIMMED so you pay only for what you eat...not excess fat or bone. And you'll find extra savings Dawn Dew Fresh, picked at just the right moment for ripeness and fla vor, then rushed to your store to in sure that freshness. And all through the store every grocery shelf is filled 26 oz. Btl. .43 QUARTERED Imperial Margarine i m p e r i a l 1 Lb. Pkg. FROZEN jj[ FROZEN sj/ libby /£/ Lemonade CREAM STYLE OF TOTAL DISCOUNT SAVINGS INSTANT INSTANT Tender Leaf Tea ^Bnght tasting >ct<)1,1 ^27iNSTawT uaxweii House coffee COUPON BELOW 15* OFF 20' OFF 20* OFF 3 OZ JAR INSTANT Tenderleaf Tea 2 Lb. Pkg. Freeier Queen Entrees 6 oz. Jar Maxwell House Coffee Limit One Per Customer Coupon Expires July 10, 1971 Lirpit One Per Customer , Coupon Expires July 10, 1971 Limit One Per Customer Coupon Expires July 10, 1971