I PAGE il-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY^JULY 14, 1971 Male Halp Wanted Mala Help Wanted Male Help Wanted ROUGH CARPENTERS TRIM Work year round close to home As one of the largest and fastest growing carpenter contrac tors, we are in a position to offer year round work near home. No lay off or lost time. Should the particular job you may be working on run slow or finish completely, we can place you on another of our jobs the same day or the following morning. Now hiring in these areas: BARTLETT LAKE ZURICH PALATINE SCHAUMBURG BUFFALO GROVE R & D T H I E L , I N C . 1700 Rand Road Palatine Call 312-359-7150 7-9/16-71 Male Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Must be top notch, prefer Chrysler - Plymouth exper ience, salary and commis sion, plus fringe benefits. See MERLE NELSON Lakeland Chrysler „ or phone 885-3100 7 14-16 71 F O R F A S T R E S U L T S P H O N E 385-0170 HELP WANTED Female Help Wanted WAITRESS FULL TIME, DAYS. Apply In Person PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. Bay Road McHenry, Illinois 385-9854 7 9TF12 WOMAN needed nights to care for elderly couple in Johnsburg area. Call 815-385-1024 or 815- 675-2065. 7 14-7 16 71 PART TIME, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Make sandwiches, light cooking and assist in kit chen. Ideal for mother with school children. Call 385-9702. 714-16 71 BARBER, full or part time. Call 385-9708 days; 385-6516 evenings. 7 9-14 71 HOUSEKEEPER, Homemaker wanted for motherless home in McHenry. 1 child, 6 years old. Call 385-3675. 7 9-14 71 HURRY MOTHERS Sell toys for Playhouse Toy Co. August to Decemeber.' No collecting or delivering, pre paid commission weekly. S&H Stamp bonus -- Free training, details without obligation. Call Collect ELSA ACKMAN 815-459-0745 7 14-16 71 PETS FOR SALE LOST FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM Duplex in Har vard Basement and yard, $125. Call 385-1327. 7 14-16 71 2 BEDROOM HOME On Fox River, year round, 116 ft. frontage, air cond., fireplace, furnished, adults only, large front room, $200 per mo. 2 mo. in advance. Wall to wall car peting. Call 815-385-0312 CHUCK COLES 714-716 71 Soon Available IN McHENRY Office, or small business space. Centrally located. Plenty of parking, newly remodeled to your specification if desired. Occupancy 60 days. All utili ties plui air-conditioning in cluded. 312-395-0640 7 14-7 16 71 ADULT prescription glasses in case. McCullom Lake black top or south Rt. 31. 385-2029. 7 9-14 71 BOATS 8c MOTORS 24 FT. PONTOON BOAT, like new, 40 h.p. electric start Evin- rude engine $1295. Call 385- 5534. 7 9-14 16 71 CENTURY Coronado 21' with Landau Top, 363 cubic inch engine, deluxe accessories, boat completely rgfinished, immacu late condition. (815) 385-2924^ 7 14-7 16 71 IN MEMOR1AM JOHN PHANNENSTILL who passed away ten years ago July 15, 1961. Deeply missed by sons and daughter. HAROLD, ALVIN, ROBERT 1 AND RITA 7 14 71 PONIES for sale at Joe Ru- zicka's, 2918 Ringwood Rd., McHenry . . . Reasonable. 7 2-30 71 5 BABY RABBITS, home raised.. Call 385-1362. 7 14-16 71 WANTED BABYSITTER, for 1 child 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., your home. Call 385-6307. 7 2-14 71 PUPPIES, litters preferred. Good homes guaranteed. Must bring to McHenry area. No contributions needed. Call 385- 7897. Independent member of Helping Paws. 7 9TF12 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PRODUCTION & INVENTORY CONTROL SUPERVISOR Experienced with all phases of production planning and inventory control functions, shop scheduling and department loading, follow-up procedures, forecast ing, EOQ and ABC analysis. Capable of maintaining minimum inventories and prompt customer service. \ Permanent position with potential for advancement. Salary commensurate. A good place to work. Modern plant, liberal insurance plan and other employee benefits. John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois Telephone 815-678-2031 for appointment EXPERIENCED TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS • Overtime available. • Free Hospitalization. • Modern air conditioned. ASTRO CRAFT, INC. 3915 Spring Grove Road McHenry. Illinois ' 815-385-4800 _ mk FOB BENT CABD OF THANES I WANT to thank all my play mates and neighbors for their thoughtfulness and gifts dur ing my accident. A special thanks to the Wonder Lake Rescue Squad for getting me to the Hospital in time. "Chief Winnabago" Scotty Bujak 714 71 FOR RENT FOR RENT A V A I L A B L E 15,000 ft for storage rental, good loading dock, fully protected, single story building, all utilities provided. Lakemoor Industrial Area Call for details BILL RYAN 385-3534 GARAGE SALE Garage Sale Thursday • Friday - Saturday JULY 15-16-17 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Furniture clothes, m:<5C. items 1803 Orchard Lane Orchard Heights 3 miles south of town on Green St. Off West State Park Rd. 714 71 NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale. New and used. 4705 W. Shore Dr. Lakeland Park, McHenry. June 14 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. r- 7 14 71 I WISH to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, cards and gifts and to all who visited me during my recent illness at McHenry Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and Fa thers Cahill and Dording for their kindnesses. MARY DEBRECHT 714 71 I WISH to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards and visits while I was in the Woodstock Hospi tal. A special thanks to Fa ther Cahill for his visits. FRED KUNZ 7 14 71 GABAGE SALE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. 4014 KANE AVENUE McHENRY 385-5123 Call 385-8042 Saturday and Sunday. 7 2TF12 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apart ment with private patio, elec tric heat, refrigerator, stove and garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12, Richmond. Call 815-678-2861. 7 7TF12 ROOM FOR RENT, employed gentleman preferred. Refer ences required. 385-7627. 7 2TF12 MOVING OUT OF STATE HOUSEHOLD AND RUMMAGE SALE Twin beds compete $40 ea. or $75 both; foor lamp $2; table lamps $60 new, only $20; Olym pic TV set $20; clothing, toys, miscellaneous items. 1418 SUNNY SIDE DRIVE SUNNY SIDE VILLAGE 815-385-3490 7 9-14 71 N PATIO SALE Friday & Saturday July 16th & 17th till 7:30 p.m. 7706 PRESTON DRIVE WONDER LAKE • 5th road North Rte. 120 off East Wonder Lake Rd. Baby furniture and items; household goods, etc. 7 14-16 71 G A R A G E S A L E JULY 14th, 15th, 16th 17th 9:00 a.m till ? ? ? Men's clothes, larger sizes; women's clothes, sizes 16, 18 or 20; girl's clothes, sizes 6 to 8; power saw $35; 4-14" wheel disc. $10; 2-14" spinner wheel discs $5; odds and ends of tools and mis cellaneous. 1900 N. LAKEWOOD LAKELAND PARK 71471 Female Help Wauled Female Help Wanted NO VACATION Our plant is shut down for vacation this week and next week, but when the production line starts up again, we will need more people. Our Personnel Manager will be taking applications and interviewing on WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 and THURSDAY, JULY 15 for: MULTIPLE WINDERS & ASSEMBLERS for first and second shifts. WE WIHL TRAIN AND UPON TRAINING COMPLETION, THE CURRENT OPENING WILL PAY FROM $2 to $3 per hr. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 Sheridan Rd. Lakemoor, McHenry HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. "an equal opportunity employer" 7 7-14 71 TOP FLIGHT EXPERIENCED GENERAL OFFICE SECRETARY Excellent Shorthand and Typing Essential ;> top salary and fringe benefits . . . . . POSITION OPEN NOW Tonyan Construction Co., Inc. 1309 N. Borden Street McHenry, Illinois \ Call: MR. MACDONALD 385-5520 during day 385-3576 evenings 714-16 71 S FAMILY GARAGE SALE July 14, 15, 16, 17 9:00 a.m. to ? Clothing, household items, misc. items too numerous to mention. 3002 W. Emily Lane 2 blocks North of old bridge off Lincoln Road. 7 9-14 71 GARAGE AND YARD SALE 5210 NYMITZ DRIVE WONDER LAKE, ILL. Aug. 10th thru 18th 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Large assortment, furniture, dishes, clothes, antiques. 7 9-14 71 BARN SALE At ANDERSON'S ACRES Just about everything STARTING JULY 14 between Ringwood Rd. & Martin Rd. 5918 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, I1L 714 71 RUMMAGE • GARAGE SALE 2516 W. CLARA July 15th thru 17th Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Ladies clothing, all sizes, swim suits, purses, shoes, men's clothing, curtains, household items misc. Everything must go. 385-2982 , 714-16 71 WANTED TO RENT FARM THREE ADULTS wanting to get into the horse busi ness would like to rent a x> 20 to) 50 acre farm with option to buy. Must be in liveable shape and have a good sized barn and 3 bedroom house. Write: BOX 869 c/o McHenry Plaindealer TF12 7 2TF12 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE for Veterinarian, wife, 2 sons. Prefer basement, 3 bed rooms. Call 312-837-2230 or 815-385-3121. 7 14 23 71 ELDERLY lady wants to rent ->mall furnished or unfurnished artment. Call 385-3036. 714 71 IN McHENRY AREA Sometime in August or early September. Prefer small house or 2 BR apart. Rea sonable rent for single wo man. Please call Diane Sea- ver at office of Looze & Kinney. 385-1580 between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. 71416 71 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 high-energy concentrates being fed slightly, and feed the highest quality of 0 roughage available. ^ - Feed most of the roughage at night. Temperatures are lower at night, and cows will eat better at this time. Control flies. Good sanitation is the first step in fly control. Then use approved insecticides to keep your cows free of these pests. - Prevent a "summer slump" by taking action now to im prove the care and feeding of your cows. PROPER LIGHTING If you must take tractors and other farm equipment on public roads at dusk or during darkness, .be sure to have proper lighting. Traffic usually is heaviest during evening hours - also the time motorists find it most difficult- to see. AGRICULTURE „ In Illinois, it's a $2.76 billion industry, with corn alone ac counting for about $1 billion. $2.76 billion is a lot of money, and it buys a lot of goods and services. Farmers spend their income on tractors, autos ^riS com bines, other farm machinery and supplies, interest on loans and taxes on property and income, taxes for schools and roads. They buy food and clothing and entertainment and recreation. And a lot of other things that add up to quite a contribution to the Illinois economy. It all begins with the farmer. All $2.76 billion worth. your hogs' self-feeders? As much as one-third of the feed put in the feeder may be wasted if the feeder is not properly adjusted. If the feeder trough is over 15 to 20 percent full, it has too much feed in it. ) SMV EMBLEM An S-M-V emblem mounted on the rear of your farm tractor or other vehicle can be seen from about 500 feet, day or night. It tells approaching motorists that the equipment is moving at less than 25 miles an hour and that they should slow down. PICKING TOMATOES Pick your tomatoes when they turn pink if temperatures are 75 degrees F. or below. At temperatures above 75 degrees, harvest tomatoes when they first show color on the blossom end. In either case, store the tomatoes at 68 to 70 degrees until they develop a full, red color. Fruits handled in this manner will be firmer and have a better flavor. SELF-FEEDERS / Have you noticed some feed on the floor or ground around CHECK EVERGREENS If your evergreens develop a thin or off-color appearance, look for spider mites. Mites damage evergreens by sucking sap from the needles. Hold a large piece of whits paper under a limb, then tap the limb sharply with a stick. If a lot of mites, very minute in size, fall onto the paper it's time to start control measures. To control spider mites, use dicofol (Keithane) or chlorobenzilate, being sure to follow the manufacturer's directions. Two applications, spaced two weeks apart, are recommended. From The Farm DAIRY MANAGEMENT Temperatures above 80 degrees F plus high humidity can cause a decline in both feed consumption and milk production in your herd. You can avoid this "summer slump" if you keep your cows comfortable and well-fed. Suggestions for hot weather management of your herd are: - Keep cows comfortable. Provide plenty of shade and clean, cool fresh water in the pasture area or as near to it as possible. Cows will drink about 10 times in each 24 hours when water is available all the time. - Provide adequate amounts of feed. Increase the amount of B McCLORY REPORTS From Washington Does the death penalty constitute "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of the 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? This is the critical issue in four cases pending in the U.S. Supreme, court. In turn, the outcome of those cases affects the lives of 648 men and women who are under death sentence in thirty- seven states of the union. The 8th amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- representing part of the precious "Bill of Rights" states specifically that "excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." Under a bill pending in the Congress which is co- sponsored by this member, the carrying out of the death sentence would be suspended PET cum COM PFR FOR PETS THAT NEED A HOMF OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pels That Need \ Home" are Free. I"lte on 1\ requirements .are: 'Hie animals are to be given ana; to mx>d home's without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has Graved into your possession LOST DOG LOST DOG MALE, part Labrador, black, 1 year old. Answers to name of "Buster". Vicinity of Wonder Lake. Wearing collar with rabies tag no. 9232. Call 653-6507. 7 14 71 FOUND FOUND FOUND -- Vicinity Pistakee Highlands, female Beagle, w e a r i n g w o r n l e a t h e r c o l l a r . C a l l 4 9 7 - 3 4 6 9 . ' 7 9 7 1 TO BE GIVEN AWAY PART BEAGLE, housebroken, 2 years old. children. Call 385-2482. Good with 7 14 71 KITTEN KORNEfk strikes again to drive fear into the hearts of mice wnth a new 1971 model 4-legged mouse trap. Special price while they last -- no charge. Itie hottest steal of the year. 1 gray "and 2 black and white kittens ... Fox Lake area. 815 385-8971. , 7 14 71 WANTED GOOD HOME fr 2 year old Labrador, good with children. Call 385-2929. 7 14 71 5 BABY Caico kittens, 6 weeks old, gentle. Call 385-3405. 3 ORAJNGE KITTENS. Call 385-7870. 7 9 71 3 SEVEN WEEK OLD PUPPIES, part Hound. Call 385-7627. Part Labrador and 7 9 71 for a period of two years. It is contemplated that, diking this two-year period, the con stitutionality as well as the utility of continuing to inflict the death penalty in capital cases would be weighed and determined. Although no convicted per sons have been put to death since 1967, the pending bill would spare the lives of the 648 men and women now in death row, as well as all other persons who might be convicted of capital cases during the two- year suspension period. Among the cases now pen ding in the U.S. Supreme court, two involve the crime of murder and two others involve the crime of rape. While the death penalty may not appear to most persons to constitute "cruel and unusual punish ment," at least one court - the Fourth U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., -- held that, in some circumstances of rape, a death sentence would be "excessive" punishment. According to statistics which have been developed, the death penalty is inflicted in a far higher- percentage of cases against blacks and poor Americans. It has been reported that 90 percent of those executed for rape and 76 percent of those executed for 'robbery have been blacks, ^nd 49 percent of those executed for murder were black Americans although they represent only about 10 percent of the total U.S. population. Accordingly, the measure pending in the Congress has a two-fold pur pose: (a) to judge the death penalty in the light of the pen ding Supreme court cases -- particularly the constitutional prohibition aggjnst cruel and unusual punishments and (b) to determine to what extent discrimination is practiced in inflicting the death penalty. A two-year suspension during which there would be no executions of persons charged with capital offenses would permit a careful review of the wisdom of continuing to execute persons convicted of capital crimes The measure would not permit any convicted murderers to be set free. On the other hand, it contemplates the possible commutation of all death sentences to sentences of life imprisonment. i In November, 1970, While approving a new State Con stitution, Illinois voters elected , to retain the death penalty as a r part of our basic Illinois law. However, the United States Supreme court and the U.S. Congress may override this decision - soon