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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1971, p. 10

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T M U L l U T L M I I V U L M U U ^ V V L L / I N L J U M I , J W L . I t - \ , I ' / t CMSS/f/MADS. -S 1 // COPY DEADLINE Office Honrs Daily 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Display- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday -Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Kent must be paid in advance. The Plafndeaier is not re­ sponsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad tiie first week and call our attention to any mis­ takes. _ Phone 385-0170 AUTOS 1959 Oldsmobile 98, 4 door, auto, trans., power brakes. power steerr p $100. Call 653- 6131 after 5:00 p.m. 7-16 21 71 '57 CHEVIE 577 POSI trac­ tion, Pontiac roar end, pood body, 50 coat hand rubbed paint job. Air scoop, no mo­ tor, parts available. $200 or best offer. 3S5-6067 evenings or weekends. 7 16-7 21 71 SAAB, beautiful red 1967 with Shrike oil injected engine. 4 new tires plus extra snows. Great winter car. 385-3928. 7 21-7 23 71 V\V--1963 1500 sedan. "Good condition. Good mileage. $450 385-4292. TF12 '68 CHRYSLER T&C, 9 pas­ senger. Full power, air, Excel­ lent, clean, low mileage. Estate sale $2350. 815-653-5926. 7 21 71 1965 Continental full power, air conditioning, priced to sell. CaM 653-6252. 7 21-23 71 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I blk. east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 7 2TF12 VALVES GROUND ENGINES REBORED All Sizes B & D Automotive Supply, Inc. 1719 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-2034 7 2TF12 LAWNMOWERS and GARDEN TRACTORS ADAMS REPAIR SHOP S102 N. Chapel Hill McHenry, 111. 385-0434 f 7 2TF12 1964 Galaxie Station wagon V-8, excellent condition. $350 Call 385-8230. 7 21-23 71 1969 MUSTANG, white, 2 dr H.T. Good running condition. Going in service, must sell SI .100. 385-8077. 7 21-23-71 1955 OLDSMOBILE, Good run­ ning second car, needs brakes S50, 1959 Imperial LeBaron must be towed away. Best offer. Wm. Spence 7210 Se­ minole Dr. Wonder ffike. 111. 7 2171 BOATS & M0TORS 16 FT. Century - Inboard - Resorter, excellent condition. 35 mph. plus new cover, in­ terior. $1000. Call after 6:00 p.m. 653-9583. 7 21 7; This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that indicate a preference bujsed on age from employers covered by the AGE DIS­ CRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More infor­ mation may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Hoom 732, New Federal Buildup, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago Illinois BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES W H A R T O N B L A C K T O P P A V I N G -- TAKING ORDERS NOW -- •New Dr ives • Sea l Coat ing • Parking Lots • Resurfacing CALL ANYTIME FOR FREE ESTIMATES. GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 7 2TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN • Stripping • Refinishing • Repairing • Caning and Upholstering Hefinished furniture, some antiques for sale. BART YEGGE 8810 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 815 385-0159 6 2TF12 • FLAGSTONE Walls & Patios • FOX VALLEY BLDG. STONE. Veneer, fire­ places, etc. • COLORED IMPORTED STONE. Crushed in bulk, Boulders. • SHADE TREES IN CONTAINERS FOX RIVER STONE COMPANY Rt. 31 & McLean Blvd. 5 miles south of Elgin LOW PRICES 742-6060 6 2TF12 ^BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for cop­ per, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. Al Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd„ McHeftry. Call 385-6236 7 2TF12 NEED yoar lawn cut? Call i Herb at '385-4573. 7 21-23 71 WALLY'S BIKE HAVEN NEW - USED - BOUGHT -TRADED Repairs on all makes. 1516 Ramble Road McHenry, Illinois 385-4642 7 2TF12 FINE pulverized black dirt. 1 yard $10, 2 yards $18. 385- 5636. 4 21-6 2TF12 ROY'S ROOFING • SHINGLE REPAIRS • RE-ROOFING • ALL WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates -- Call -- 385-4108 6 23TF12 ADVANCED ON LOCATION CARPET CLEANING Advanced because special deep cleaning action, no harmful soaking and fast drying. For free estimate call: 385-4024 7 2TF12 GENERAL HAULING, crushed roa^l gravel, grade 9 fpr drive­ ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken. Jr. Call 385-4835. 7 2TF12 S O F T W A T E R $4.95 Per Month JOHNSON WATER SOFTENERS 385-3072 " 21-23 71 BUSINESS SERVICES PIANO TUNING and Free estimates. Call George, 815-385-2373. repair. Curtis 7 7TF12 Redding Plants, flowers and vegetables. Geraniums, mums, clematis, ;ind potted roses. Sehlesser's Greenhouse, 211 F. Route 120, McHenry, 111. East >f Lakemoor. • 714TE12 / PUBLIC . ANNOUNCE MENT BRITE ELECTRIC NOW ACCEPTING indusirial-resideniial- commercial - and factory maintenance contracts in and around McHenry County. 1. All bids made promptly. 2. All work fully guaranteed and in­ sured. \ 3. Engineering and design services available. CALL 815-385-7272 LTD. LIEUTENANT OF D.O.T ELECTRONICS McHenry, 111. 6 30-7 21 71TF1 FOB SALE FOB SALE WFDPING DRESS. New, ne­ ver worn, $100 value, $50. 497- 3145. • 7 16-7 2171 FIREST(5NE 7" cheaters. 7.75 \14 on Ford Rims. $25. Call 385-0210 after 6 p.m. TF12 Moving Out Of State FURNITURE SALE Gas dryer, bedroom, dining room furniture. 2 dinette sets, area' rugs, -steel files, 2 desks, rugs, chni"5 and tallies. „ Call 385-7751 by appointment 7 21-23 71 GUN FOR SALE. Remington model 870 deluxe 12 ga. mag­ num vent rib-recoil pad, giant safety, new last fall. $125.00. 815-653-9209. TF12 DINING ROOM TABLE and 5 chairs $25; double bed com­ plete $20; dresser $10; call 385-0035 after 5:30 p.m. 7 21-23 71 4 TRACK STEREO tape play­ er with tapes, 2 yrs. old, very reasonable, must sell. Call 385- 3840 after 6:30 p.m. Ask for Kathy. 7 21 71 13 FT 1966 camping trailer. Sleeps- 4, many extras. $600. Call 385-7669 after 5:30 p.m. 7 21-30 71 KROHLER Naugahyde set, 75 in. beige couch, orange stuffed chair; $75 for both. Call 385- 1670 afteV 10:00 a.m. 7 21-23 71 3 BEDROOM mobile home 10'x 555',. . Liv ing room 131 a * Call after 5:00 p.m. 815-653-9837. 7 21-7 23 71 1970 BSA condition. 250CC. Excellent Call 385-5360. 7 21 71TF12 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Everyday until soltl. Tape recorder, new, $20, Wards Western lield tent 10\1 L' new, will soil tor $90, truck sidM view mir­ rors, new car top carricr, much miscellaneous and some clothing. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -GET OUT OF TOWN- lonsiuir this exceptional buy. * For sale by owner, this clean 107 x 200 lot is very nicely landscaped. Outside of the city limits, it is an ideal place on the countryside. Lot can be found north of McHenry on Johnsburg Road. Call soon, best offer takes deal. 385-4398 7 2171 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE Drive a few miles and save. ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 - Island Lake 312-526-2210 7 14 TF1 TRACTOR -- F-20 Farmall with Chev. truck engine con­ version, very clean. $175.. 815- 459-4586. 7 21-7 23 71 HONDA '69 CL 350 Like new $650. 815-653-7886. 7 21-7 23 71 Three chest of drawers, hutch cabinet. 385-4456. 7 21-7 23 71 1960 Chevrolet, 6, 2 door, Bis- cayne, standard shift, $85. 8 in. plywood boat, V2 h.p. Evin- rude motor $50. F. Hawkins, 7408 Chippewa Drive, Wonder Lake. 7 21- 23 71 JACOBSON 21 in. Rotor Mow­ er, excellent condition $30. Call 385-4573. 7 21-23 71 DINETTE SET $20; antique table lamp $5; antique fan $3; floor lamp $2; 4 tires 7.35x14 $2; all in good condition. Call 385-1912. 7 21 71 3 PIECE SECTIONAL $125, gas dryer $25, Call 385-7556. 7 21-23 71 30 IN. DOUBLE OVEN Crown Stove, white $225. Call 385- 5022. 7 21-7 23 71 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE „ BY OWNER Near Shopping Center 3 bedroom and family room. Fenced yard, ga­ rage, lake rights. $17,500 385-7688 7 21-23 71 McHENRY Waterfront Cottage 2 large rooms, furnished, gas heat, tile bath. Lot 50x450, boat house with second floor, rec. room, 18 ft. boat, 80 h.p. motor, tinder $20,000. MAURITES REALTORS 312-725-1224 7 21-23 71 Year Round Home, 187 ft. on clear spring fed lake, IV2 bath, 2 bedroom, fireplace, double garage $25,000. Box 126, Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552. 715- 762-1825. 7 21-23 71 USE CLASSIFIED ADS TO BUY, SELL, RENT OR HIRE NO BROKERS. JUEAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM # HOME in McHenry Country Club Subdivision, by golf course with beach and river rights. Completely remodeled in­ side and out. Low taxes, extra lots available. $18,900. BY OWNER 385-2809 or 385-2419 7 2TF12 Phone 385-5839 T.F.12 Read the Classifieds REAL ESTATE LOTS on Green Street, city annexed, by owner Bernard Bauer. Call 385-2242. 7 16-21 71 WONDER LAKE, 10 room res­ idence, 5 bedrooms, 2, lots, 2 car garage. V2 block to lake & beach 815-653-4971. 7 16-23 71 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for their kind­ nesses during my recent be­ reavement. Your thoughtful- ness will always be remember­ ed. MRS. WM. WRIGHT 7 21 71 THE LEGION of the Moose would like to thank all those who donated or participated in the benefit breakfast for Ray Gardner, July 11, 1971. Thank you one and all. 7 2171 WE WISH to express our thanks to the Northwest Am­ bulance service for the excel­ lent care given our daughter, Susan; _ also ?to Jack, Annie & Tom and others who assisted at the time of the accident. The Carl Stromley Family 7 2171 Business Opportunities PART TIME JOB, $1,000 a month. Willing to work. Sales Call 385-5412 after 5:00 p.m. 7 2171 We would like to thank'every­ one for their prayers, the many cards and all the other kindnesses shown while our son Donny was in the hospi­ tal. , Mr. & Mr. Donald W. Miller 7 2171 SITUATION WANTED WILL^babysit in my home for work^grnothers. Wonder Lake. Call 6^5a4^61. ^ 21-30 71 PETS FOR SALE PONIES for sale at Joe Ru- zicka's, 2918 Ringwood Rd., McHenry . . . Reasonable. 72-3071 Alaskan Malamute puppies. 385-6781. 7-16-7 21 71 QUARTER HORSES -- Two 3 yr. old gelded full quarter horse colts. $75 each. 815-459- 4586. 7 21-7 23 71 NOTICE S0UTHGATE IS COMING 7-21/30-71 Male Help Wanted MATURE MAN, work full time in local Liquor store. Ap­ ply in person Foremost Li­ quors, 4512 W. Rt. 120, Mc­ Henry 7 21-23 71 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Lookin' For A Home? This may be your answer. 3 & 4 Bedroom^ homes from $21,200 to $24,200. For as little as $200.00 down - no closing costs - Payments in accordance with FHA Financing. teHiSHKsea BEDROOM 1 12'3"xlO'3" '-TTT-r KITCHEN 20'10"x97' BEDROOM 2 12'3"x 10'5" BEDROOM 3 8'6"x10'5" LIVING ROOM 15'7"xl3'9" Home Price Includes GARAGE n'5"x24'0" •he JONQUIL Wall to wall carpeting in bedrooms, hallway and living room. Gas range with exhaust hood. Birch cabinets. Interior and exterior decorating in your choice of colors. Full basement or garage. Choice lots available in McHenry, Wonder Lake and Pistakee Areas. Furnished model open 10:00 a.m. to dusk daily including Sunday. Located on West Rt. 120, 6 blocks West of Market Place Shopping Center or call McHenry 385-1900 ladd enterprises, inc. a division of the robino-iadd co. 7-9-30-71

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