HELP WANTED HELP WANTED EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS For West Campus High School, general office skills required. Contact: Mrs. A. M. Candella McHenry High School District #156 815-385-7210 7 28 71 HELP WANTED FRY GRILL and broiler cooks. Apply in person, The Timbers Restaurant Route 47 and 14 By Pass, Woodstock, 111. 7 28-7 30 71 PART TIME JOB, $1000 a month. Willing to work sales. Call 385-5412 after 5:00 p.m. 1 7 28 71 SIDING APPLICATORS, Me- Henry area. Call J.C. Con struction 815-385-8370. 7 28 30 71 Male Help Wanled YOUNG MARRIED MAN, part time 6:00 pm. to 10:00 p.m. Apply in person. McHen ry Eby Brown 3710 W. Elm, McHenry, 111. 7 28-7 30 71 WILL DO hand sewing and needle point in my home. Call 385-8871. 7 28-30 71 Mala Help Wanted Mala Halp Wanted EXPERIENCED CARPENTER. Year round work. Call between 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 385- 5145. 7 28-7 30 71 "SBItc&MOTORS " 17 FT. HIGGINS.. Inboard w/trailer $1300 Call 815-653-4659 after 5:00 p.m. weekends anytime. 7 28 71 Read the Classifieds Male Help Wanted TOOL AND CUTTER GRINDER -- FIRST SHIFT -- Needed immediately, one to three years experience preferred, excellent company benefits. Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N INDUSTRIAL W» McHENHY, ILLINOIS Tel.: 385-7002 7-23--71 -- IMMEDIATE OPENING -- for an experienced MAINTENANCE MECHANIC with extensive hydraulic and welding (all types) exper ience. This is a t second shift position. Qualified ap plicants should apply in person. 3K BRAKE PARTS COMPANY ie00 N INDUSTRIAL DR • l*cMCNRY. ILLINOIS Tel. 385-7002 7-23-71 NOW ACCEPTING , APPLICATIONS for EXPERIENCED TOOL AND DIE MAKER FULL TIME Apply in person to Personnel Office Stager Controls Company of America 110 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, 111. 815-459-3200 "An equal opportunity employer" 7 28-7 30 71 PAGE 11-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 TRAINING SEMI DRIVER TRAINING We are currently offering tractor trailer training through the facilities of the following truck lines. SHERIDAN TRUCK LINES TRUCK LINE DIST. SYSTEMS, INC. EXPRESS PARCELL DE LIVERIES, INC. SKYLINE DELIVERIES, INC For application and interview CALL 219-885-5584, or write: School Safety Division United Systems, Inc., c/o B.H.P. Crossroads Truck Stop, Box 5283, East Gary, Indiana 46405 7 2S-S 4 71 GARAGE SALE 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE JULY 27, 28, 29 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Girls clothes -- most sizes Women's clothes inc. V2 sizes winter coats -- some shoes, hats, dishes, books, toys, furniture. Much mis cellaneous. 1620 N. High view Lakeland Park 7 23-7 28 71 G A R A G E S A L E Everything from Soup to Nuts! Every day 12:00 to 4:00 1614 Knoll Ave. Lakeland Park 7 23-8 20 71 GARAGE SALE, July 31, 5508 Summerville, Wonder Lake, Il linois. 7 21-&-30-71 GARAGE SALE: Men, women ind childrcns clothing. All sizes. Miscellaneous items. 3615 Waukegan Rd., McHenry. Wed. - Sun. 28th to Aug. 1st. 7 28 71 PATIO SALE 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday & Thurs day, July 28 & 29. 7411 Birch Dr. Wonder Lake. 7 28 71 FOUR FAMILY Rummage Sale, Friday, Saturday, Sun day, July 30 and 31 and Aug ust 1. Cedar Drive, Wonder Lake, Illinois. 7 28-30 71 G A R A G E S A L E July 28lh, 29th, 30th 2407 RIVERVIEW DRIVE HOLIDAY HILLS MCHENRY Gibson banjo, like new; de- humidifier; hi-fi set; clothes, misc. 7 28 71 FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. 4014 KANE AVENUE McHENRY 385-5123 Call 385-8042 Saturday and Sunday. 7 2TF12. Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanled ROUGH CARPENTERS TRIM Work year round close to home As one of the largest and fastest growing carpenter contrac tors, we are in a position to offer year round work near home. No lay off or lost time. Should the particular job you may be working on run slow or finish completely, we can place you on another of our jobs the same day or the following morning. Now hiring in these areas: BARTLETT LAKE ZURICH PALATINE SCHAUMBURG BUFFALO GROVE R & D T H I E L , I N C . 1700 Rand Road Palatine "Call 312-359-7150 7-21TF12 FOR RENT FOR RENT A V A I L A B L E 15,000 ft. for storage rental, good loading dock, fully protected, single story building, all utilities provided. Lakemoor Industrial Area Call for details BILL RYAN 385-3534 McCLORY REPORTS From W ashington 72TF12 COMING SOON! < THE NEW JAMES TERRACE APARTMENTS * OCCUPANCY - SEPTEMBER 15 Swimming Pool - All Electric Dishwasher - Dis posal - Refrigerator, Oven and Range - Air Condi tioning Gas Fireplace - (arpeting - Laundry Fac ilities - Recreation Room - Patio with Bar-B-Q - Security with Intercom - Sound-Proof Construction - Walking Distance to Schools, Shopping, Business, Train. Efficiency 'ISO00 1 Bedroom... *175® w/fireplace...s180' 2 Bedroom w/fireplace *205°° noo 385-6757 7-23/30-71 FOR RENT 2 ROOM furnished apartment in Fritsche Motel. Call 815- 385-1079. « 7 21-30 71 OFFICE SPACE, up to 2800 sq. ft. Call 385-8180 for infor mation . 7 21TF12 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 707 Oriole Trail, unfurnished 2-3 bedroom, stove., refrigerator, air conditioner included avail able now. $200 per mo. See all day Wednesday through Sun day. 7 28-30 71 ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove, refrigerator, heat and garbage disposal included. Near McHenry. $100 mo. Call 312- 359-5279. 7 28 71 COZY-MODERN-furnished, 3*4 room apartment for bachelor or couple. No children. Rea sonable. 385-8031. 7 28 71 NOTICE CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank all our friends and relatives for their kindnesses during the passing of our father Wm. Miller. A special thanks to the nurses of the McHenry County Health Dept. Doctor Quincannon and staff, • Harvard Hospital and nurses, Monsignor Healey, Fa ther Neville, Sister Victricia, masses, cards, flowers, food. Ladies of the Altar and" Ros ary, Society of St. Joseph Church, Richmond, Pall Bear ers. S0UTHGATE IS COMING 7-21/30-71 WEST SHORE BEACH Prop erty Owners Assoc., disclaims all financial responsibility fo£ any corn roast and or dance held in West Shore Beach Sub division during month of Au gust 1971. 7 28-30 71 SUMMER ADULT Art Classes with Don Neubauer. Classes li mited for information call 385- 7194. 7 28 71 EUGENE MILLER VIRGINIA KORSLIN MAE MAY PAT KAUTZ 7 28 71 If the federal government i guarantees a $250 million loan to Lockheed Aircraft cor poration, it also may be called upon to guarantee loans to every other financially distressed company in the country. The legislation which would authorize this loan guarantee is pending in the Congress. If passed, it would empower the government to guarantee a loan of sufficient funds to enable Lockheed to place in production a new commercial plane -- the Tristar Airbus. The proposed government guarantee is in addition to the $1.3 billion already invested in the Tristar, including $400 million in earlier bank loans, $350 million by Lockheed suppliers, and $240 million advanced by airline companies on purchases of these planes. Lockheed Aircraft cor poration is one of three remaining U.S. manufacturers of commercial aircraft. If Lockheed fails, only two companies -- Boeing and Mc Donnell-Douglas corporation -- will remain. It is represented that Lockheed's financial dilemma stems from the recent collapse of the Rolls Royce company, which the British government is resurrecting through financial subsidies. However, Rollys Royce's obligations to Lockheed have been repudiated by the British government. A reversal of that position would probably obviate the need for a federal loan guarantee program. Much of the testimony being presented to the committees of the Congress which are con sidering this legislation relates to the fundamental makeup of our traditional private en terprise system. According to Secretary of the Treasury John Connally, the government's guarantee of this loan would promote our private enterprise system, protect the jobs of more than 30,000 workers, preserve Lockheed's suppliers, The Law Serves You WANTED PUPPIES, litters preferred. Good homes guaranteed. Must bring to McHenry area. No contributions needed. Call 385- 7897. Independent member of Helping Paws. 7 9TF12 WANTED TO BUY -- About a dozen heavy laying hens. Phone 385-5839. TF12 PETS FOR SALE PONIES for sale at Joe Ru- zicka's, 2948 Ringwood Rd., McHenry . ./Reasonable. ** 7 2-30 71 DACHSHUND puppies AKC fe male, Black and tan. Reason able. 385-8767. 7 28-7 30 71 SCHNAUZER, 9 mo. old, male. He is beautiful, has fabulous pedigree $100. Call 385-2662. 7 28 71 SITUATION WANTED WOULD LIKE to babysit in my home for a working moth er. Call 385-5430. 7 28 30 71 COOK, light housekeeping, room and board, fair wages, no children, age 58, good re ferences, for male adult, small home. I will call collect. Write Box 371, c/o McHenry Plain- dealer. / 7 28 71 Homeowners Should Know legalities Of Mechanic's Lien If you are a homeowner or prospective homeowner and you don't know the meaning of the legal term "mechanic's lien," now is a good time to learn. According to the Illinois State Bar association, most people who make any substantial alteration, addition or im provement to your property are entitled to a lien, or claim, against the property for the cost of their labor and materials. It is the law's way of saying that a laborer is worthy of his hire. If not paid for his services, his lien could interfere with the sale of transfer of the property. In addition to the person or firm whom you hire to do the work (contractor) certain persons whom he hires to provide labor or materials (subcontractors) also could qualify for a mechanic's lien against your property if not paid for their service by him. In the case of the contractor, the lien against the property owner lasts without further action for two years. If. within four months following com pletion of his work, he also files a "claim for lien" with the county recorder, his lien will be good against a third party. Under Illinois law, all liens expire within two years of completion of the property improvement. The contractor who does not file suit to forclose a lien during that period still may have other legal remedies available to him, however. For exarhple, he might file suit against the owner with whom he held the contract. Generally speaking, a sub contractor who has not been paid for his labor or materials supplied to the contractor has days following completion of his work to notify the property owner of the non-payment. If he does this, the property owner must subtract from his payment to the contractor the amount due to the sub contractor and pay this to him or set it aside. If, after giving notice, the subcontractor is not paid within 10 days he may file V a claim for lien with the County Recorder with the same effect as a contractor's lien. To protect himself against liens, a property owner must require a sworn statement from the contractor giving the names and addresses of all subcontractors and amounts of their contracts. When the contractor presents his bill it should be accompanied by waivers from all sub contractors waiving their rights to any liens in connection with the work that was done. The property owner can compare the contractor's sworn statement to the waivers to be sure all liens have been waived as to amounts due or requested. Before buying property, says ISBA, persons should check with an attorney to make sure they are protected against lien claims. Fewer Farms Total number of farms for 1970 was 2.9 million, down 2 per cent from 1969. Texas had the greatest number of farms, 188,000; Rhode Island, only 900 farms. and would benefit shareholders, subcontractors, airlines, banks and taxpayers alike. In voicing opposition to the proposed loan guarantee, Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin points out that 10,000 small businesses failed in 1970, and there were no government- guaranteed loans to protect them against failure. However, federal government guarantees •bf private loans are a pattern in the financing of American agriculture as well as in the home construction field. In addition, the Small Business administration provides funds to aid many small businesses where i commercial loans are not available. The issue is not a cut and dried one involving private enterprise on the one side and a government subsidy on the others. On the contrary, the Lockheed loan bill presents a mixture of many factors with which the Federal Government must express a genuine con cern. For the administration and the Congress to ignore the impact of the Lockheed case would be to reject the realities of jobs, shareholders' interests and other financial con sequences which are inherent in this case. While the outcome is doubt ful, it is like every other issue facing the Congress. It must be dpcided soon with a "yea" or "nav" vote when the roll is called. ISPERN AIDING POLICE Police officials throughout the state are crediting the Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (ISPERN) with improving their efficiency and speed in apprehending lawbreakers, according to Law Enforcement Director Herbert D. Brown. Forty-four more police agencies will receive ISPERN units this month, Brown said, thereby "being equipped with the tools necessary to do an effective job and to save their lives and the lives of our citizens." Most police depart ments formerly operated on different assigned radio frequencies, could com municate only within their jurisdiction and lacked coor dination with other law en forcement agencies. Now 736 agencies are joined by ISPERN, which ties them to a common high band frequency. BEE POPULATION Illinois' bee population is at an all-time low, according to Eugene Killion, superintendent of the division of apiary in spection, Department of A g r i c u l t u r e . I l l i n o i s agriculture is dependent upon maintenance of a good, healthy bee population. Killion said, b e c a u s e o f t h e b e e s ' i m portance as pollinators. Registration of bee colonies, .necessary to protect the insects from crop spraying and bee diseases, has been required by state law since 1970. Persons interested in keeping bees or in joining the Illinois State Beekeepers Association should write to Hoyt Taylor ISBA secretary, Pleasant Plains, 111. 62677, or Walter B. Daer, membership chairman, 5433 Dale Ave., Loves Park, 111. 61111. IIS FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 Pfr roR yqo-" PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenrv i ' laindealer all ads run under "rets That Need \ Hume" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to ^'ood homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has ^traved into your possession. FOUND DOG GOLDEN RETREIVER, Corp. Call 385-3500. male; well behaved. Rae Motors 7-16-71- TO BE GIVEN AWAY FEMALE Labrador/Chesapeake mixture, spayed, 18 months old. Very good hunter. Needs place to run. Call 385-0587. MONTHS OLD Call 497-3104. German Shepherd male, had one shot. 7-16-71 4 WHITE KITTENS, Call 385-7894. 1 ack black and white, 6 weeks old. 7 2171 3 MALE SEAL POINT SIAMESE CATS, trained, 2 months old. Call 385-8890. 7 21 71 2 PUPPIES to good home. Call 385-8278. 7 2171 5 BRITTANY 497-3176. SPANIEL puppies, 3 male, 2 female. Call 7 23 73 2 MALE PUPPIES, 6 weeks der Lake 653-6866. old. Mother Cockopoo. Wo0- 7 23 71 McHENRY AREA BUSINESSMEN We have just completed one of the finest Marine Festival weeks in the history of the chamber. Our hats are off to all of you who so charitably contributed your time and mon&y to this successful event. Thank You. To those of you who are not now members of our organization, we extend a special invitation to join us for the remainder of the year and the years to come. May we prosper together. YOUR MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE