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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1971, p. 2

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A SILVER RKl'MON -- The graduating class of 1946 of McHenry Community high school gathered in the Legion home last Saturday e\ening for an enjoyable class reunion which recalled school days at Fast campus more than twenty-five years ago. Seated, from left, are Joanne Durland Larkin. Marie Jackson Huntington, Krcell Lock Richardson. Marie Justen Martin. Rosalie Williams Dohert> . Bernice Smith Diedrich, Catherine Schwerman Svoboda. l.eoda McCarthy Freund and Marion Freund Nelson; standing, second row. Joan Weber Kennebeck. (.race Thompson Messman, Ann Bolger Miller, Eileen Smith King, Elida Page Foster, Louise Stoffel Schumacher, Clarice May Buenzli, Helen Wieser Schnieweiss, Phyllis Lau Rasmussen, Gloria Biggers Freund, Arlene Kamprowski Guzzardo, Ray Horenberger, Alvin Schaefer and Nancy Carey McDonald; third row, James Althoff, Lloyd Freund, Fred Svoboda. Merwyn Schmitt, Eugene King, Larry Phalin, Jack Smith, Florian Schmitt, Howard Harrison, and Howard Knox. V G AY LORD PHOTO -w J f,e omen Of Delegate Tells Highlights Of National FHA Meeting MARY DICKS Mary Dicks has returned from Kansas City, Mo., where she attended the national meeting of the Future Homemakers of America at the Muehlebach hotel July 12-15. Mary is a member of the McHenry High School F.H.A. chapter and was selected as one of sixty-eight Home Economics students in Illinois to attend this meeting. The 1.200 delegates at the meeting represented a national F.H.A. membership of over half-a million She reports that it was an exciting week packed with workshops, discussion groups, outstanding speakers, recreational relaxers, and visits to Kansas City's famous Starlight theater and to the Truman library at In­ dependence. 'The meeting theme was Accent on Action: Discovery, Involvement. Growth', Mary reported, "and we were given many ideas for accomplishing the objective 'To encourage individuals to discover the satisfactions gained through personal involvement.' We heard from leaders in the educational field, had panel discussions and audience participation sessions during the four days dealing with such topics as 'The Positive Ap­ proach to Discovery,' Meaningful Involvement', and 'Fulfilling Personal Potential'. In small workshops which we called 'digging sessions,' we stressed individual growth through personal involvement. I was assigned to the session on individuals with handicaps. This session helped me to realize how much we have been blessed to have full use of our physical and mental faculties." Mary pointed out that one of the best things about the meeting was the opportunity to make a lot of new friends from all across the country. "And, of course," she added, "The election and installation of our twelve new national F.H.A. officers was a thrilling event, especially since Illinois' candidate for national office, Miss Barbara ,_Bairer, from Deer Creek, was elected as the new secretary. Being selected as a delegate to attend this national meeting was a won­ derful experience and a great honor for me and I am grateful for having had this op­ portunity." Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert M Dicks of McHenry, and is the Section 21 president of the Illinois association of the Future Homemakers of America, as well as the president of the McHenry\ F.H.A. chapter. In June, at\ the F.H.A state meeting, [Mary received the F.H.A. State Homemaker degree. Thil^ is one of the highest honorfsv which can be bestowed on a number. Mary is also aTft^mber of National Honor societ>vf^T.A., G.A.A., A.F.S., Spanish club, and Pep club at McHenry high school West campus, where she will be a senior this fall. Some more of her F.H.A projects included a television ap­ pearance on "Top O' The Morning", to promote National F.H.A. Week, helping plan section meetings, and a discussion group leader at the F.H.A. state meeting PLAN FLOWER SHOW The annual flower show sponsored by the Lake Geneva Garden club will be held Friday, Aug. 6, noon to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The theme is "Stitchery in Bloom". Proceeds will help support Holiday Home, sum­ mer camp for underprivileged children and diabetics. Lun­ cheon will be served from noon to 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Horticulture hall. The more r idiculous beach costumes are this summer, the more acclaim they get from the youngsters . T shir ts must have a f igure of some sort--flowers , a car toon character , a peace s logan, e tc . , on the back. Beaut i ful swim sui ts are in the shops along with the bikinis . Now is the t ime to pick up one of these sui ts a t bargain pr ices . Senior Regent Eleanor Haerle called the meeting to order. Installation was held for Chaplain Florence McCormack and Guide Millicent Ladoucer. Installation Senior Regent was C-R Mabel Thomas, chaplain was C-R Ila Hogan, and J-GR Eileen Hodgson was guide. After the forefold there was no enrollment. Balloting was held for Shirley BogdeiL Mary Jane Quick, Jewell Xeffew and Arlene Danielson. All were favorable. We received an invitation from the Harvard Moose lodge to attend WOTM Star Recorder Chapter night Aug. 5. DesPlaines Chapter 835, W.O.T.M., invites our chapter to attend the executive session Sunday afternoon, Sept. 12, from l to 4 at their Moose home on N. River road. It is the wish of Executive Leader Magdelene Remsing that of­ ficers attend to better un­ derstand rules and regulations. The Fox Lake chapter invites us to their Star Recorder Chapter night Monday, Aug. 2, at 8 p.m. at their Moose home in Fox Lake. DePlaines has Star Recorder night Thursday, Aug. 12, at 8 p.m. at their Moose home. Chicago Lawn Chapter 110 invites our chapter to attend Star Recorder night Wed­ nesday, Aug. 18, at 8 p.m. at their Moose home at 7050 S. Western avenue, Chicago. Ila Hogan had Mercedes Morenz brought to the altar and presented her with a gift for being an outstanding Home chapter member and also a Sunshine chairman. Ila also gave Carol Sima a gift for all her cooperation. Mabel Thomas presented Ila Hogan with C-R hat charm. The attendance award was unclaimed by Judy Ballew. The special award was won by Elizabeth Richard. Our next meeting will be held Aug. 3. Lenore Freund, Publicity Chairman ITEM: Bologna and hot dogs lost some of their fat during 1970. The U.S. Department of Agricul­ ture put a 30 per cent fat limit on cooked sausage products which was effective October, 1969. Be fore the limitation, surveys show­ ed some cooked sausages aver­ aged 33 per cent fat with others near the 50 per cent mark. 00PHS! We Forgot To Advertise For DOLLAR NITE July 28th A 1 Stowel f o r m a l l y f rom Al 's \Shi te House PRESENTS Complete ROAST BEEF DINNER 7 Varieties at Salad Bar Rolls Butler Coffee 00 PITCHER BEER 00 32 oz EVERY WED: Sweetheart Night, two dinners for the price 1. EVERY FRI: Fish Fry CASTLE INSURANCE Your home is your castle. It probably represents the biggest investment you'l l ever make. And that big in­ vestment needs big protection--the kind you get with State Farm Homeowners insurance. A single, low-cost policy protects your home and belongings against almost every risk imaginable. And, it protects you in case of lawsuits. There are special versions available for renters, too. Call me or drop in today for all the details! S T A T I F A R M I N S U R A N C E AL's RICHMOND HOTEL Granville Sornson rte. 12 LOUNGE RICHMOND ILL. PHONE 678-32111 3104 W. Rte. 120 Ph. 385-1627 Circle Building QOdoOOOCOBOOOOOO Coming Events JULY 31 St. Margaret's Chapter of NAIM - Meet For Cards - Frances Widhalm Home, 3309 W 3rd St. --7:30. AUGUST 1 Oakhurst Improvement Fund Raising Picnic ~ Free Clown Show - 2 Miles South On River Road -- From Noon Until ??? AUGUST 2 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting, 1 P.M., Landmark School AUGUST 3 McHenry County Past Oracles Club Meeting -- Algonquin Park -- 12 Noon. AUGUST 7 St Margaret's Chapter of NAIM -Bowling -- McHenry Recreation -- 7 p.m. Mt. Hope Methodist Church, 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands Men's Club "Highland Fling" -- Bake Sale, Corn Roast, etc. 11 a.m. 'till Sun Down. AUGUST 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 P.M., East Campus Cafeteria. Program - Movies of Germany by Casper Bruland. AUGUST 19 McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club Meeting. Mc­ Cullom Lake Beach House - 8 P.M. AUGUST 20 St Margaret's Chapter of NAIM - Regular Meeting -- St. Mary's Oak Room -- Games - 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 20-21 Rummage Sale - St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Green and St. Paul St. - Aug 20, 9 to 5 -- Aug 21, 9 to 12 noon. AUGUST 23 McHenry Senior Citizens'" Club Meeting -- 7:30 P.M. East Campus Cafeteria. Annial Garden and Flower Show AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior/ Citizens Club Bus trip to Chicago Loop. Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 A.M. SEPTEMBER 2 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting -- 12:30 P.M., Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive, "Welcome Party". SEPTEMBER 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band -- 7 P.M., Christian Church, Ridgefield. SEPTEMBER 11 The friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting -- 6 P.M., First United Methodist Church Dining Room. Program -- McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band. SEPTEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 P.M., East Campus TSafeteria. Program - Card Party for Members. SEPTEMBER 15 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band at Valley-Hi Nursing Home -- Hartland - 2 P.M. m M'm THE ELLIOTT FAMILY - Anne Elliott, Miss McHenry, talks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Elliott, about the Miss McHenry County contests. Anne is one of twelve candidates in the contest, scheduled to come to a climax at the McHenry County Fair on opening night, Wednesday, Aug. 4. Twfelve Outstanding Youths Seek 4-H Crowns Twelve outstanding 4-H boys and girls have been named can- diates for 4-H king and queen, and the 1971 winners will be crowned on 4-H day at the Mc­ Henry County Fair, Thursday, Aug. 5. Reigning as 4-H king and queen until the crowning of the newest royalty will be Kevin Schultz and Judy Rich. Kevin is in the U.S. Army but hopes to be back for part of the fair, including 4-H day. The queen candidates are Bev Albrecht, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albrecht, Huntley; Lois Bucher, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Bucher, Crystal Lake; Mary Droz, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Droz, Woodstock; Ka^hy Luth, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luth, Harvard; Sandy Scott, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brad Scott, Richmond; and Vanita Sherwin, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sherwin, Har­ vard. The king candidates are Brian Gerloff, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerloff, Woodstock; Jack Hansen, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hansen, Wood­ stock; Kevin Schultz, 16, son of Mrs. Gloria Schultz, Mc­ Henry; Steve Schultz, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt Schul­ tz, Algonquin; Dale Schulz, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulz, Marengo; and Wes Witt- mus, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wittmus, Harvard. POETS CORNER SUBTRACTION > Every year from off my age one birthday I have shorn. Just fine-until I realized, next year I'm not born. by La Von B. Dowhin A MEMORY The velvet red rose that you gave me On the night we first met long ago. Though the petals are crushed and withered They still have a red crimson glow. Like the hours that we spent together The secrets we have and no one knows The life that we share my Darling Is as beautiful as my velvet red rose. The rose is a sign of a true love A belief that we gypsies will share When you gave me this redrose my Darling You placed it in my longdark brown hair. Then we vowed we would never love another And a kiss sealed this promise that grows Now a memory pressed between many pages Is my beautiful velvet red rose. by Anna Lagios BELIEVE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE? You've never tried getting a doctor to make a home call, then. WEEKLY RECIPE Custard Ice Cream % c sugar 2 T cornstarch ,1c milk 2 egg yolks 1/3 c coffee cream 2 egg whites iVz c whipping cream 2 t vanilla extract pinch of salt Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add scalded milk gradually, stirring constantly. Cook in double boiler 25 minutes. Stir several times during cooking. Combine with well beaten egg yolks.Cook for 5 minutes, stir­ ring constantly. Add salt and coffee cream. Mix well, strain and cool. When custard is cool, whip c»am and fold into cus­ tard. Pour into refrigerator trays and freeze. Before the ice cream has frozen solid enough to serve, remove the tray from refrigerator. Stir well with a spoon from front to back of tray. Then carefully fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Freeze. If you like churned ice cream, use your hand or electric churn and freeze ac­ cording to your churn s direc­ tions. We prefer the hand churn­ e d c r e a m o v e r t h e e l e c t r i c churn. •Serve plain or with your favorite topping. Hospital Notes McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Alfred Roth, June Lauman, Gertrude Freund, James Zumski, Mary Stephan, Edith Uelman, John Tyminski, Jody Justen, Lorraine Moore, Eleanore Mulligan, Catherine Johnson, Albert Hammer, Milton Karstens, Ruth LaPorte, Mary Vesely, James Dean, Edward Bruser, Jr., Philip Hastings, Ronald Howard, John Erzig, Walter Smith, Stella Freund, of McHenry; Rita Robison'(auto accident), Wonder Lake; Lorraine Shafer, Joe Mohr, William Weiher, Spring Grove. HARVARD HOSPITAL Fraiik Blair, Mrs. Carl Beu and Roger Beu of Wonder Lake were ^patients in Harvard hospital. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Among patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, were Edna Ryder, Rose Murphy and Sam Yokely of Wonder Lake. New Arrivals McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gruebnau are parents of a daughter July 21. A son was bom July 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kessell of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellen became parents of a daughter July 23 ? r. a 1 Mrs. Donald Turville of .Vonder Lake announce the birth of a daughter July 23. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bykowski are parents of a daughter July 25. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hedge announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Ann, on July 3 at Condell hospital, Libertyville. She has a sister, Lisa Marie, 13 months old. Mrs. Hedge is the former Mary Louise Pence daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pence of Island Lake. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sy Hedge of Spring Grove. Mrs. Anna Pedersen of LIbertyville is the great-grandmother. Your ideal location for a VACATION... SUMMER RESORT ON ST. PETE BEACH . . . o n a b e a c h l o n g e n o u g h w i t h s a n d e n o u g h to build every one of your dream castles. Take the most perfect vacation of your life at sun-perfect, fun-perfect Gulf Winds on the romantic Gulf of Mexico. 'f Live the very best Florida offers in apartment suites big enough for entertaining, as comfortable as a favorite chair, yfct set apart enough for com- r plete privacy. 0 . j > ydl THJL Miss Carol Henry, Gulf Winds Resort 6900 Sunset Way, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida 33706 Name STATI FARM F IRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY HOME OFFICE; BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Address ITEM: The Fair Reporting Act became a Federal law April 25, 1971. This act requires that con­ sumer reporting agencies adopt procedures that will insure the consumer of accurate, confiden­ tial relevant and proper utiliza­ tion of information concerning his credit rating. Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, serves as home to some 8 million bats, of 14 dif­ ferent varieties. Water falling on the head­ waters of the Amazon flow 3,000 miles before reaching the Atlantic. ro l i iws / *D On the North Shore of Long LaHe | ROLLINS >XfA D P O Ingles ide I l l inois (jitUH't ^ou A Prepared in the Prepared Old World Tradition la is 1I16HT » ITALT nut i i i^fe 11i imi l Every Wednesday May thru Sept. 1st Every Friday Sept. 10th thru Nov. 19th Per person ••• .$3.85 Children (under 10) $2.50

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