<J> -4~ Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 653-9167 Roger Olson Installed As Local Pastor On Sunday, July 25, Pastor Roger Olson was installed as new pastor of Nativity Lutheran church with Pastor Trede officiating. Whe church congregational picnic will be held August 8 at Camp Augustana on Lake Geneva following the late service. All members of the church are encouraged to attend. The regular council meeting will be on the first Tuesday, August 3. ANNIVERSARY Belated anniversary greetings to Norm and Gail Williams. July 21 marked nine busy years crfyogetherness for this hard working, fun loving couple. And a great big happy birthday to their youngest product of their nine years of togetherness. Kent Edward is a handsome little 2 years old on July 29. RETURNS FROM VIETNAM If you see George Freund skipping down the street or if you notice an especially bright smile on Gloria's pretty face, you might guess the reason for their special feeling - their son Bob is due homVfrom Vietnam on August 13. There will be some celebrating that day both in Wonder Lake and in Woodstock where Bob's fian cee, bonnie Laurie Murphy resides. Bob and Laurie have been making some long distance plans for a wedding soon after his return home. NEW DAUGHTER A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Moore, 4012 W. Lake Shore Drive, on July 13 in Memorial Hospital, Woodstock. The baby weighed 7 lbs., 6V2 ozs., and has been named Janet Ruth. She has two brothers, Jim, 12, and Robby, 7. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vallas, Wood Dale, and paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Moore, Nevis, Minn. Maternal great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vallas, Lake Worth, Fla., and paternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Allen, reside in Chicago Heights. SENT TO TAIWAN Seems we've been buying a lot of things lately imported from Taiwan. But Wonder Lake's recent export to Taiwan, courtesy of the United States Air Force, is Tom Mrowka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mrowka. We've been able to get Tom's address for all his friends who would like to send him news from home and here it is: A 1 C Thomas Mrowka, Box 4183 374FMS, APO San Francisco, California 96319. AUGUST BIRTHDAYS I've always known lots of nice people were born in August. Starting off the month on the first is BartK LaGreca, Jim's ever lovin' spouse. The second is Ken Gabel's birthday, followed the next day, the third, by his wife, Betty, and keeping it in the family, their grand daughter, Kim Diedrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Diedrich of McHenry, celebrates her big day on the fourth. Happy birthday to you all and also to my nephew, Mike Larsen, on that busy farm near Woodstock, who has already given me a few hints about what he'd like for his eighth birthday on Aug. 3. Get ready for a big surprise, Mike! KARRI ANN ARRIVES The pretty name of Karri Ann has been chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Grauman of 7408 Back Bay Road for their new baby daughter. She was born July 14 in Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, and weighed 7 lbs., 5 ozs. Helping Mom with the fine details of baby care will be big sisters, Sherri Ann, 8, and Lorri Ann, 5. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs.Rudy Schuler, Woodstock, and paternal grandfather is Ray Grauman, McHenry. The maternal great grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Wolfe, resides in Ossian, Iowa. Baby Karri Ann's mother is the former Judith Schuler. NEWLYWEDS Our very best wishes to newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Eck, who are now residing in Schaumburg. Mrs. Eck is the former Mrs. Gen Weisenburger, a long time resident of Wonder Lake. NEW RESIDENTS New summer and permanent residents at Wonder Lake in clude the following families: Arthur F. Dorun, 7408 Maple Drive, Wonder Center No. 2; John Krieger, 7611 Brook Drive, Deep Spring Woods No. 2; William A. Roy, 5709 Willow Drive, Wonder Woods; Raymond J. Faucher, 8612 Ramble Road, Highland Shores No 1; Mrs. Josephine W. Frank, 7617 Widoff Road, Wonder View No. 2; Fran J. Prosen, 5017 W. Wonder Lake Road, White Oaks Bay No. 1; George Nowacki, 7212 Algonquin Road, Indian Ridge No. 2. Welcome to our Lake! GET-WELL WISHES A speedy get-well to little Margie Heppner who is eight years old and confined to McHenry hospital. Margie's room number is 325 and we're sure she would appreciate a cheery card from her friends while she's on the mend. NEW ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. James McGowan of 4318 East Drive announce the birth of a daughter, Jamie Beth, in McHenry hospital on July 12. Jamie weighed 6 lbs., oz., at birth and has a brother, Shawn, 3M>, and a sister, Jennifer, 22 months. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mongan,Oregon, 111., and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James L. McGowan, Rochelle. CHURCH PICNIC This Sunday,August 1,will be a special day at Christ the King church. Their first parish picnic will be held on the church grounds from 1 to 5. It will be sponsored by the parish council. Food, fun and games are planned for all who attend. So come and meet that fellow or gal who shakes your hand on Sunday morning and wishes you "Peace"! You'll find he's just as friendly as his smile. THIRD ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Nettie and Otis Lowrimore of McHenry who celebrate their 3rd wed ding anniversary on August 10. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Emil Malochleb of Delavan, Wis., former Wonder Lake businessman, was guest of honor at the Don Malo home on July 17. Approximately fifty guests, friends and relatives - children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews gathered to help Mr. Malochleb celebrate his seventieth birthday. A highlight of the day was the cutting of a special cake which had been prepared for the occasion. Ponies To Take Fair Spotlight Two outstanding attractions at the 1971 McHenry County Fair involve ponies. Both will be presented Sunday, Aug. 8, and judging by the response from last year's pony shows, this should draw a sizable crowd, Mrs. Irish H. Slovacek reports. She is familiar with the fun and excitement that ac companies a pony show, and she revealed this weak that the quality will be outstanding. A- mong expected entries is Hoot Man, owned by Peggy Oschner, Dakota, 111. Hoot Man is the grand champion of the 1970 Illinois State Fair. First of the two pony shows will be the halter class at 10 a.m. Aug. 8 in Hansen pavil ion. The afternoon attraction will be at 4 p.m. before the grandstand audience and feature performance classes. One new performance class is the Open Combination. This is new to midwest fans, says Mrs. Slo vacek. The contestant starts with the harness and cart but must change to a saddle as part of the competition. "ThisTshows the versatility of ponies," she added. / Newer halter classes are those for any age Shetland geld ing or Welsh gelding. The day long competition is for reg istered Shetland, Welsh, and Grand ponies. PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 McCullom Lake Mildred Watson 385-3585 The ruins of the brick church at Jamestown, Va., stand on the same site as did the earlier wooden church in which Pocahontas and John Rolfe were married. Remains of prehistoric lake dwellings, hundreds of pits dug into flint stone, earth mounds and walls, all indicate that man has lived for many thousands of years in the British Isles. Road Repairs, Signs Completed During August Another improvement for the betterment of the village, will get underway sometime during the first part of August. A bid was accepted, and the repairs on the roads will begin. When the new street signs are in stalled and the road repair completed, won't that be nice? DEEPEST SYMPATHY The people of the village were deeply saddened over the unexpected death of Mrs. Kenneth (Beatrice) Petersen on July 16. Mrs. Petersen is survived by her husband, Kenneth, one son, Robert G., of McHenry and two brothers, Clifford Wilson, also of McHenry, and Frank Wilson, Jr., of Darien, Wis. VILLAGE CLERK Earl Murray will handle the business of the village clerk while her office is closed through Aug. 1. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Bill Odom who had his birthday on July 23. COMPLAINTS It's about dogs again. Please keep your pet confined to its own quarters. Really it's best for everyone. If your dog doesn't roam there can't be any complaints can there? I have been called about the obnoxious odor of garbage being burned during the very wee hours of the morning. PLEASE most of the people of the village enjoy fresh air, is there anyone who likes the smell of garbage? A brief tour of East Lane proved that it is not on anyone's property on that street, but it's not far off. See you all next week. Please I do need news. 57,000 Students Receive I.SJS.C. Monetary Awards t Dr. Lloyd S. Michael, chair man of the Illinois State Schol arship commission, has an nounced that 57,000 students will receive monetary awards totaling $39.4 million for the 1971-72 academic year. These figures represent an increase of 9,000 students over the 48,000 who were assisted with $33.1 million during 1970-71. Dr. Michael stated: "Illinois continues to be a, leader among the states in providing under graduate assistance to finan cially-needy students. In a time of increased costs, these investments for 19frl-72 (an in crease of 51 percent over two years ago) represent a posi- AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE - Members of the tentative resolutions committee of the Illinois Agricultural association are now in the process of studying recommendations for policy positions of the state-wide Farm Bureau for 1972. Recommendations on state, national, and organization mat ters are submitted to the committee by county Farm Bureaus and individual Farm Bureau mem bers. Under the chairmanship of William H.Sauer.Murphysboro. IAA vice-president, the committee is preparing a list of tentative policy recommendations to be submitted to voting delegates at the IAA annual meeting in Chicago Nov. 15-18. Members of the resolutions committee from this area are, seated, from left, Melvin Krueger, McHenry, Lake county Farm Bureau president; Robert Wessels, German Valley, Stephenson county Farm Bureau president; and Wayne Friederichs, Sterling, Whiteside county Farm Bureau president; standing, from left, Leonard W. Schultz, 4514 W. Lake, Glenview, Cook County Farm Bureau president; and David C. Gusse, Route 4, Dixon, Lee county, state Young Farmers committee chairman. tive response to extending ed ucational opportunity. The chairman also made it known that Scholarship com mission awards for students at tending public senior colleges will be adjusted; as required, for any new 1971-72 tuition in creases. The commission also is receiving $2.0 million for veterans' awards at public com munity colleges. 3720 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Saturday 9-9 Sunday 9-2:30 OSCO DRUG 6 OZ. Stopette ANTI-PERSPIRANT Deodorant MFR.'S LIST 99* OUR REG. 79c jiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiHiiir-imimimmmmiiiiMiiiiJiiiiiiimimiimitt, ir . 340 ANNIVERSARY SALE Help us celebrate 34 years of serving you ... it's our way to say thank you for being loyal Osco customers... 6.75 OZ. Osco Toothpaste • FLUORIDE • CLEAN 'N BRITE • DENTAL CREAM REG. 49* K0ENEMANN • ^ Country Made Sausages, Hams and Bacon GERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES A Full Line Of Delicatessen 815-385-6260 Just •12 | lining ANSELL Rubber Gloves ASSORTED SIZES 34' REG. 77e BRYLCREEM Soft Hair DRYSPRAY 4 OZ. Colgate 100 BREATH SPRAY REG. 88c C 16 OZ. Osco Mouthwash ASSORTED FORMULAS 34' osco Bromo Seltzer 34c REG. 46c •1.00 LIST Qyf REG. 89« SABLE SOFT Cotton Balls PKG. OF 260 REG. 59* 34 next to Jewel OSCO Buffered Aspirin BOTTLE OF 100 C REG. 69c OSCO PC Tablets BOTTLE OF 100 REG. 69< v PRICES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 M LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED k Ipl'ife Iff sheer strips J Colgate iNSTUlf SHAVf 11 OZ. KING SIZE Colgate Instant Shave REGULAR • MENTHOL LIME V l REG. 69' 34° you time and travel- * P BOX OF 50 BAND-AID BRAND Sheer Strips c REG. 58'