Miniature League Wwwm ' Wmx W*m, "*'*• m r PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 PORTS OF CALLf <9. FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURI 5 Mv kdward II. iriims kalundburp, Denmark -- This old por t c i ty i s wor th a v is i t in summt-r i f for no o ther a t t rac t ion than the p ic turesque harbor and i t s summer t raf f ic . Ferry boats ar r ive throughout the day in to the n ight , some a t p iers jus t opposi te the t ra in s ta t ion . The Danes probably know more about fer r ies than anyone e lse , the i r country cons is t ing of so many i s lands , and i t ' s a fasc inat ing bus iness to s i t and watch buses , t ra ins and fer r ies : connect and speed passengers on the i r way. One should p lan to lunch, or have d inner , a t the ra i l road stationrestaurant in Kalundborg, on the second f loor . I t s p ic ture w i n d o w s , o n t w o a d j a c e n t s ides , over look t ra in t racks and the p iers . To the r ight , dowii the f jord toward the sea , one can see the big b lack , red and whi te fer r ies approaching. There are ^Lso grea t grey and whi te fer r ies- -both of which plow the sea between Sje l land and Ju t land, two of Denmark 's b ig i s lands . Thley a re remarkable sh ips . "The bows open Like the jaws of gTra t f i sh and they take on car^>, t rucks , r a i l road cars , e tc . rMrnrmrhi le- -and yqu can see th> ' enc losed, e levated walk w a y s f r o m t h e r e s t a u r a n t - p iss . -ngers on foot walk aboard a t a h igher level . ^ I was fasc inated to see how • ru- iLs , ( iver which ra i l road cars Cub coach, Jack Justen, Assistant coach Boh Vogt (absent) As they are left to right, 4th row, Jack Justen. 3rd row; Greg Brooke, Mike Blake, Jeff Justen and Bob TSiennes. 2nd row; Ray Roach. Jim Nielsen and Mark Vogt. 1st row; Jeff Hansen, Scott O'Halleran, Bob Baseley and Jim Althoff. Missing, Tom Gerambio and Dave Brunow. /" ' j CROSSWORD PUZZLE Sox Coach - Mike Conway, assistant coach - Charley Kopp. As they appear on photo, left to right, 4th row; Coach Conway, Assistant Coach, Kopp.3rd row; Jim Johnson Bob Zeller and Chuck Kopp. 2nd row ; Joe Johnson, Todd Marunde, Myron Schaan and Pat Becker. 1st row;Anthony Pintozzi.Randy Fergen, Dean Howard and Russ Mieritz. Missing; Pat Becker and Bob Wijas. > < ACROSS 1. Indian prince 5 Sick leave excuse, for short 8 Russian inland-sea 9. Church feast 13. Las Vegas game 14 Tristram Shandy's creator 15. Require 16 Summer (Fr. I 17 Call day (2 wds.) 18. Buy addi tional stock 20 Presidential nickname 21. Den 22. Comic sketch 23. Diagonal 25. Lanate (var ) 26 Penny 27. Rude person 28. Rodent 29 Babble 32. Cyprinoid fish 33 Energy unit 34. Border 35. European capital 37. Conduce 38. Group of nine 39. Vogue 40. Poet, Lowell 41. English boy's school DOWN 1 Airport de vice 2. Spring 3. Halloween symbol 4 Tavern drink 5. Rankle 6. More recent 7. Employ 10. Halloween words 11. Impose as a necessity 12. Landed property Tod ay ' s Answer roll from land tracks onto tracks aboard the lower deck of uthe ferry, were connected because the ship moves as the tide and water changes. The secret is that the end which is Connected tothe ship's rails Jis free swinging, to a degree. Hydraulic lifts lower and raise a piece of track about forty feet long, at the ship end, and it is anchored only at the land end. It can move slightly, up and down and sideways, on the ship Vnd, with the ship as it moves. At the land end the movement is almost infinitesi mal and railroad cars pass without difficulty over the track link. Train schedules are timed to coincide with ferry arrivals and shortly after arrivals the major trains depart the station. Pas sengers walk from boat to train in five minutes. Buses either iys'gorge passengers alongside the ferries or drive aboard. A huge Esso refinery is located across the bay but other than that the countryside and view from the station at Kalundborg .is one of beauty. Just to the right of the ferries are the fishing boats and pleas ure boats. Every week day one can buy fresh fish from return ing fishermen--usually rodspaette (flounder) and torsk (cod) but also homfish (pure white meat and green bones) and other varieties--and the price is right, only fifteen or twenty cents for a flounder filet' Two or three hornfish can sometimes b^-ih*<i ?6r seventy-five cents. To watch Danish fishermen is a worthwhile experience. Their fishing boats here and at Reerso are a study in them selves, and they go out in foul or fair weather. The men weigh their catch at the dock on their return, repair nets, the boat, often clean fish and then pre pare for the next day. which begins in the early hours. The fish are put in big salt water traps, where they can be re moved easily next morning when the fish markets send their trucks for morning purchases. I REMEMBER ", Y THE OLD TIMCR * <r<x>d Answer A smal l chi ld was expla in ing to her younger brother tha t i t wgi .s wrong to-work on Sunday. "But whatabout pol icemer) ' > " sa id the boy. "They have to work on Sunday. Don ' t they go to heaven ' ' " "Of course not ," repl ied h is s i s ter , " they ' re not needed there ." 23 2 4 rime urnal D. G. Whitfield, 1951 Harris Road, Charlotte, N.C.: Where are the sounds we used to hear ' ' Nostalgic sounds of yester year, the^clop, clop, clop of hors es ' feet, the ice rpan coming down the street. The clang, clang, clang of trolly car, motorma'n armed with iron bar, to shift tracks over and get set, to pass another when they met. Train whistles, wailing in the night, startled partridges taking flight. 'The rooster 's crow at break of day, cows contentedly munching hay. Crackling logs in the fire place, baying coon dogs as the^ gave chase. The doleful call of whip-poor-will when twi light fell and all was stil l The wooden churn with up-down dash, the Smoothness of the gentle splash The crunching foot steps in the snow in dead of night with moon a glow. There's-something, lost these days and time, the .kitchen clock with muted chime. The years go by so fast and yet there are things we* never forget. After supper on Saturday night, taking baths was a weekly rite; tub was made of zinc and cop(>er, had no tap or rubber stopper. Filled with water brought from the spring, heated' ' t i l the kettle would sing. With soap-amt wash- rag on display, my mother always had her say; her voice stil l comes down the years, "Be sure to wash _behmdyou^ea^J^ PAY LESS - GET MORE REMOST On Sale At This Store Only - WED., THl 'RS. , FRI.^ SAT 4512 West Route 120, McHenry Philadelphia v:.< Blended Whiskey l/2 Gallon 98 /TMA.KJK YOU FOR THE BtRTHPAV GIFT ALBERT. !C£MAKERSP£CML PABST Blue Ribbon BEER 12-12 oz. Cans IMPERIAL HIRAM WALKER'S Blended J/Vhiskey 99 Fifth IMPERIAL " MM W 4.1 IT'S EXACTLV WHAT I WANTED HOW DID VOU EVER. KNOW T NEEDED A KEY CASE.... J By Tom Dorr '...NOW ALL I NEED J ARE SOME KEYS. ^ "X r ; Like EGGS At Lunch Time? Breakfast Served A/7 Day at. . . Bill's Lamplighter ('aft1 3313 U. ELM - McHFNKY Imagine!... a big 14.7 cu. ft. GE NO FROST REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER with AUTOMATIC imrnrnm PRICED ONLY $279 M S STROH'S BOHEMIAN STYLE BEER 24-12 oz. Bottles 29 Plus Deposit LANCER'S Rose WINE Large UVCfR* Bott|e Delivers all the ICE CUBES you'll need for summer thirsts and all year 'round - automatically - dependably! No Defrosting Ever - Refrigerator OR Freezer! Hungry-Family Capacity - freezer itself holds up to 148 pounds of food! Only 3OV2" wide, 64" high. You'll seldom need service on a GE refrigerator-freezer, but it's nice to know we're near. MANY OTHER GE ICE MAKER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. O MARKET PLACI McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120' 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Friday 'til 9:00 Saturday 8:30-4:00 Paul Masson VERMOUTH SWEET OR DRY Large Bottle 8-16 oz. Bottles None so ld to Minors BLATZ Draft Brewed BEER IMPORT Napoleon French Brandy 6-12 oz. N.R.'s We H eserve th? Right to Limit Quantities PAY LESS - GET MORE •T i iav ' / I i P HI . 7 Ddy A V/ec4 PEPSI or Diet Pepsi Southern Comfort*. Gallon fwumit 69 "J GORDON'S AMERICA'S DISCOUNT LIQUOR SUPERMARKETS