1 PAGE 10-PLAfNDEALER-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1971 CMSS/F/&ADS. 'MiBi Hoori Dtiiy & Uk *W p.«*w IMRU flnted to# error* >4* IMa after the *a*k aadcail AUTOS Replacement Paris For Cart COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY .. Accessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 110 I blk. east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday 8 am. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 8 4TF12 VALVES GROUND ENGINES REBORED All Sizes B & D x Automotive Supply, Inc. 1719 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-2034 8 4TF12 LAWNMOWERS GARDEN TRACTORS ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill McHenry, 111. 385-0434 8 4TF12 2,1969 CAMERO Sports Coupe, * *l>lack vinyl - top), automatic ? transmission, console, low mile age, radio, heater, white walls, very clean, 307. Call 312-526- 5574 after 4:00 p.m., anytime weekends. 811TF12 1967 PLYMOUTH Satellite, 2 door hard top, 383 cu. in., 4 BBL, 4 speed, $700. Call 385- 1643 after 6:00 p.m. 8 13-25 71 1965 CADILLAC convertible, full power, $1150. Call 653-5796 813TF12 1962 Pontiac Catalina, needs minor repairs $100. 385-7890. 8 13-8 18 71 '63 CHEVIE II, front fender and door badly damaged, other wise in great running condi tion $125. C£ll 385-9702. « 8 18-8 20 71 1957 CHEV 2 dr. Hrdtp. 283 V8, w/mags and extras $325 or best offer. 385-2265 after 5:30 p.m. 8-18-8 20 71 1966 RAMBLER wagon, 6 cyl. stick shift. Very good running condition. New tires, good body, $650, 385-8326 after 2:00 p.m. 8 18-8 20 71 SAAB 1968. V-4, excellent con dition throughout $1,000. 815- 459-7866. 8 18 8 20 71 Ton Ford pickup truck, 1956 6 cyl. good shape $285.00. 338- 0578. 8 18 71 1965 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. Good condition and clean. Price is right. 815-385-2608 . 8 18 71 1962 RAMBLER classic station wagon. Best offer. Phone 385- 5385 after 6:00 p.m. 8 18-8 20 71 BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for cop per, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood R4-, McHenry Call 385-6236 8 4TF12 GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-1835. 8 4TF12 PIANO TUNING and repair. -Free estimates. Call Curtis George, 815-385-2373. 8 4TF1? This NEWSPAPER fee# WANTfcD ADS that indicate a preference based m age from employers covered by the mt DIS CRIMINATION IN EMW.OYJTOT let. More infor mation may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 7S2, New Federal 21# South Dearborn St., Chicago Illinois 8 TRACK airline stereo port able - 2 speakers $85.00 or best offer 385-7371 after 5:30 P.m. 8 18 71 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES W H A R T O N B L A C K T O P P A V I N G -- TAKING ORDERS NOW -- • New Drives • Seal Coating • Parking Lots • Resurfacing CALL ANYTIME FOR FREE ESTIMATES. GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 8 4TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES • FLAGSTONE Walls & Patios • FOX VALLEY BLDG. STONE. Veneer, fire places, etc. • COLORED IMPORTED STONE. Crushed in bulk, Boulders. • SHADE TREES IN CONTAINERS FOX RIVER STONE COMPANY Rt. 31 & McLean Blvd. 5 miles south of Elgin LOW PRICES 742-6060 FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN • Stripping • Re finishing • Repairing • Caning and XJpholst«ring Refinished furniture, some antiques for sale. BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-0159 62TF12 FOR SALE 1970 BSA condition. 250CC. Excellent Call 385-5360. 8 4TF12 MIRANDA 35 MM slide projector. Equipped with timer, remote control and auto-focus. Complete with carrying case, 6 circular slide trays and extra projection lamp. Excellent condition. $80 Firm 385-8688 8 6TF12 "PONTOON BOAT 28 ft. Ka yot, 40 h.p. Evinrude motor chairs, storage chest, deluxe equipment, $1800. Trailer also available. Call 312-268-4081.' 8 6TF12 600 C.F.M. 385-0210. Holley Carb. Call TF12 SWEET CORN. Fresh picked Will sell wholesale or retail Ideal for freezing. 815-385 7032. 8 13-8 18 71 CONCRETE WORK WANTED. Driveways, Sidewalks and pa tios. Call for free estimates. 385-2918. 8 13 25 71 INCOME TAX FRANCHISES Very little cash required. Prior Tax Experience Not Necessary. REPLY BOX 878 c/o McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8 13-25 71 WALLY'S BIKE HAVEN NEW - USED - BOUGHT - TRADED Repairs on all makes. 1516 Ramble Road McHenry, Illinois 385-4642 8 4TF12 FORSALE MENS golf clubs, 3 woods Nos. 1, 2 & 3; 5 irons Nos. 2, 5, G & 7 and putter. Golf bag. $25. Wilson tennis racket and press S2. Call 385-3649. 8 13-18 71 FORSALE SCOUT 4-wheel drive. Posi- traction, plow, wench on front, lock out hubs, dual gas tanks, all 385-2583. 8 18-8 20 71 ONE Vogue stretch stitch zig zag sewing machine 3 months old $50, one VM stereophonic record player, duo speakers, 8 month old, $45. Call after 6:00 p.m. 385-6920. 818-8 20 71 REMODELING MISC. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pedestal table with 5 barrel back swivel chrs., Early Amer. table and chrs., bookcases, portable TV, Webcor tape re corder with microphone, lea ther upholstered ottoman, chest of drawers, push lawn mowers, typewriter and ta ble, Raffish lounge and misc. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES 385-4048 818 71 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER, 2 bedroom home, completely remodeled, by golf course, with private beach. Ready to move in $18,000. Lo cated at 3015 W. Virginia St. McHenry 385-2809. 8 4TF12 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP WANTED, experienced. From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Call 385-6981. * 8 18-8 20 71 TYPIST, experienced -- Full or part time - Work at home. Local firm. Mailings. Write T. & A. Box 104, McHenry, 111. 818 71 PARA- PROFESSIONALS To work in learning re source center. Two or more years college. Type writing skills, ability to work with children and teachers. Call R. D. BRIGHT Harrison School for appointment 815-653-2311 8 18-8 20 71 Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS or will train. Good work ing conditions. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Apply in person. Strand Dress Mfg. Co. 3011 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. 8 18-8 20 71 THOROUGHBRED mare and filly colt, sired by quarter horse stud. 338-2240. 818 71 LOWRY Spinet Organ, 2 key boards, beautiful maple fin ish, matching bench. $475 firm. 385-1882. 8-18-8 20 71 REGISTERED American Quar ter Horse mare 4 years, one big horn saddle and one other saddle. 653-9461 or 653-9996. 8 18-8 20 71 4 gold and white kitchen chairs, excellent condition, $25; 1 bunk bod, frames & springs, maple, good condition $15. 815-385- 1620. 818 71 GAS LOGS 4 for fireplace Complete with screen etc. $45. 385-0013. 8-18-8 20 71 CITIZEN BAND EQUIPMENT • Johnson 223, $120. • Tram Corsair, $200, • Kris 300 watts linear, $75 • D104 Microphone, $20, • Ameco Preamp, $20, • Johnson CB tester, $20, • Regency police monitor . with crystals, $100 All items like new. 385-5544 8 18-8 20 71 1 VOX Guitar, 1 VOX ampli fier, 2 G78 tires. Ask for Eric 385-1190. 8 18-8 20 71 1 DOUBLE BED complete, ma hogany head board, like new $45 or best offer. 385-3068. 8 18-8 20 71 4 TIRES. 14 inch, Like new. $100.00. 815-675-2266. ETS Mags. Call Sis 818 71 FOR SALE FORSALE DISHWASHER wanted nights. Good pay. Call 815-678-7766. 8 11-8 20 71 OPEN POSITION for person to perform bus iness management opera tions of community agency. Duties include attention to collection of fees for ser vices rendered, preparing financial data for budgetf applications, up-dating and supervising office financial procedures etc. Liberal fringe benefits. Salary - open. Write BOX 380 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 8 13-18 71 SALES PERSONNEL & Real Estate, ladies and men, com mission only. Call 385-8180 for appointment. 8 4TF12 REGISTERED NURSES - -- FULL TIME -- 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight Midnight to 8:00 a.m. --Apply Personnel Dept.-- McHENRY HOSPITAL 3614 W. Waukegan Rd. 385-2200 ext. 645 8 18-8 20 71 Fraud* Help Wanted Female Help Wanted CLERICAL WORK - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT No previous experience necessary, must be able to type, and be accurate in the use of figures -- simple arithmetic. Excellent fringe benefits. HOURS: 8:00 a.m. io 4:30 p.m. APPLY IN PERSON 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday AA M O D I N E 4 miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "an equal opportunity employer" m WANTED PUPPIES, litters preferred. Good homes guaranteed. Must bring to McHenry area. No contributions needed. Call 385* 7897. Independent membra- of Helping Paws. 8 4TF12 RIDER to go to Boulder, Colorado. Leaving August 23rd. Ask for Eric. 385-1190. 818-8 2071 WANTED FOR LEASE--Pond or swamp suitable for duck hunting. 2 responsible men. Call 338-0578. 818 8 20 71 Male Help Wanted Mai* l*aip Wanted PART TIME, including read ing water meters, McHenry irea and near by communities. If interested contact Vern Kar- nath at 312-256-2701. t 8 13 9 8 71 WE ARE LOOKING FOR WOMEN who have had prior Nurse Aide Training Full time position. All shifts. -- Apply Personnel Dept. -- McHENRY HOSPITAL 3614 W. Waukegan Road 385-2200 ext. 645 8 18-8 20 71 GENERAL FACTORY PRODUCTION WORKERS Factory experience desired Full Benefits Excellent working conditions. APPLY IN PERSON Illinois Coil Springs Co. 1415 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry, Illinois 8 13-18 71 LX)IL WINDERS and finish ers, piece rate. Apply in per son. 2116 Ringwood Road, Mc Henry. 8 18 8 2071' WANTED, mature woman to stay with four children while I work nights. 9:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. 385-9660. 8 18-8 20 71 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Must be over 21. Call 385- 3120 for interview Johnny's Restaurant. 8 11 TF12 HAIR STYLIST with follow ing in new beauty salon. To rent or 60% commission. 815- 459-1182 or 385-8270 evenings. 8 18TF12 WOMEN for nurses' aides in nursing home on Pistakee Bay, near McHenry. Call 385-0461. 8 18-718 20 71 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER For R & D on builders hardware products. Must be familiar with stampings, die castings and molded plas tic parts, and some knowledge of tooling for these pro cesses. Mus tbe able to follow project thru pilot run. Good salary for capable man. Modern plant, liberal insurance plan and other em ployee benefits. Telephone 815-678-2031 for appointment John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois•' •\ 7A» i 818 71 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPQ O P P O R T U N I T I E S U N L I M I T E D 1. DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE THE MECHANICAL APTITUDE TO LEARN A SKILLED TRADE? 2. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY -- TO FURTHER IMPROVE YOUR JOB CAPABIL ITIES? 3. ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING -- AND BECOME A PART OF A YOUNG, GROWING AND AMBITIOUS OR GANIZATION? u If you have had some previous factory experi ence and can answer the above three questions in the affirmative. APPLY IN PERSON Illinois Coil Spring Company 1415 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry, Illinois Burineai Opportnnlttoe RELIABLE person who wants to earn $1,000 to $3,000 morith- lv, part or full time, Sales, ."all 385-5412. 8 1871 SITUATION WANTED MATURE lady will board or care for by the week, baby or child, 3 years. Licensed. 385- 5917. 818 71 8 13-818 71 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Male Help Wanted • -- ••••••Hi FULLTIME \ EXPERIENCED' LUBRICATION RACK MAN Excellent working condition. High earning potential. Call JIM WALLACE Service Manager Mitchell Buick Olds 385-7200 8 13-8 2071 MAN or older boy with large Kototiller needed to work in soft soU. 338-0578. 8 18 71 ' '!' ' * ?• * PRODUCTION control expedi ter. Experienced in scheduling, expediting, ordering and record keeping desirable. Send resu me to Box 381, McHenry Plain- dealer, 3812 W. Elm St., Mc Henry, 111. 60050. 8 18-8 20 71 O A K P U N C H P R E S S Must be experienced in operating Automatics in volving progressive, com pound or combination dies. DAYS 8:00 a.m. to 4:80 p.m. NIGHTS 5:00 p.m. to 1:80 a.m. -- APPLY -- f O A K CarSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 8 18 71 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GRAFLEX STROBOFLASfi IV ELECTRONIC FLASH UNIT / V 4-way power selector permits use for any photographic assignment. SELLS FOR $181.00 EXCELLENT CONDITION ONLY $90.00 May be wn at thu McHENRY PLAINDEALER or CALL 385-0170 for information. CHANGE NOW Some openings still available for assembly line workers on first shift. An incentive program pays you for the extra effort you put forth. Paid vacations, holi days, insurance program and stock option plan. APPLY NOW TRIWEC TRANSFORMER 519 Sheridan Road McHenry (Lakemoor), Illinois An equal opportunity employer 8-18-8 20 71 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo*; WE HAVE SEVERAL OPENINGS I M M E D I A T E L Y A V A I L A B L E O N O U R 2 N D S H I F T Current openings include positions as Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Stock Men. BRAKE PARTS COMPANY in ft. MOUSTWM. ML ret: 885-7002 8-18-71 goooocooouuuuiniilUtfiWl Male Help Wanted Mala Help Wanted Male Help Wanted ROUGH CARPENTERS TRIM Work year round close to home As one of the largest and fastest growing carpenter contrac tors, yre are in a position to offer year round work near horp€f. No lay off or lost time. Should the particular job y^u may be working on run slow or finish completely, we can place you on another of our jobs the same day or the following morning. Now hiring in these areas: BARTLETT LAKE ZURICH PALATINE SCHAUMBURG BUFFALO GROVE R & D T H I E L , I N C . 1700 Rand Road \ Palatine Call 312-359-7150 8-4TF121,