mm >* / HIGH SPEED TIRE / AAONTGOA/IER mwmmm •:•- v.:. ' . mm® lllli iM| w'> : :S«:AS llllj wmm Mem mm 6.95-14 7.00-13 9.15-15 *WiHfc trodm-in Krt off your car. WhitcwoHt $3 wow «wfc. Montgomery Ward guorontee* River»«de ;JO»4*«g-r CO' Nre» (to 'he original purchoier) ogo»n»t (M defect motc-iol and wofl imont^ip 3«d (21 road hotordt ot foMowe I# 'He t ire fcult due 'O tuch defeC»*. Moo'aomtfy Word wil l replace rt i t t i re FRC6 dunng 'he ?0*o of or.gmol 'read l i fe, ond for a proebted charge boted on tread wear received during the emomder of the fread l i fe. I f the t ire foiU due to oad Koxardi (excluding repairable punctures) dur»og the original freod l i fe, Montgomery Word wil l replace the t ire for a proroted charge boted on treod wear received mm P'OfOted chorge <i bated on the reg^lo change price in effect a* the retoi l i»ore 'o -rhicK e'wrned o' the current catalog price in effect at the i tore or ogency to which reamed «n either cote including F.E.T. Original tread Ufe • » *o »h« top pf the treod weor indicator. For" service under th»« guor antes reM^ »ire wirt i evidence ®f ^o*e of purchase fo any Montgomery Word broach