PAGE 2-PL APPEALER-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1971 / a f r^i 1 "I Ol gooooooooooooooooeooou Annual Flower-vjarden ohow i Coming Is Senior Citizen Project It was very warm and humid, but 156 members "of the McHenry Senior Citizens club attended the meeting Monday evening;* Aug 9 at the East Campus cafeteria During the business session, committee chairmen reports were given, including Roland Grayson. Program chairman, who reminded the members of the annual flower and garden show Monday, Aug. 23. He suggested that card tables be brought to the meeting to be used for displays. Morris Crouch, assisted by Mrs. Kathryn Wagner, will be the judges, and award ribbons will be. given in the various categories of flowers, fruits and vegetables, as well as floral arrangements.The Flower and Garden shows have been ex ceptionally fine in the past. George Binder regretted very much to have to advise members that the bus-theater party to Mill Run theater Aug 14 will not take place as the performance for that date has been cancelled Members who had made reservations will be able to secure refunds at the meeting Aug 23. He also reported that the proposed theater trip Sept. 3 will not be taken as there will be no matinee performance on that date The bus .rip to the Chicago loop scheduled for Wednesday, Sept 22, already has so many reservations that it may be necessary to have two buses Reservations may be made by calling Louise Giel. Helen Strandquist, Social chairman, reported the fall smorgasbord could be held Monday, Sept. 27, if agreeable with the membership. The response was overwhelming, so tickets will be available at the next meeting, or Mrs. Giel can be contacted for reservations. Seating space is limited Dolly Mazzarella, was called on to report on the activities of the kitchen band, and she advised that the schedule is filled for the balance of this season. So many, many- requests had to be turned down, and it was suggested that requests be made early in May of 1972 for programs. Distances to be traveled must also be limited, particularly for evening programs. Frank Giel reported the summer bowling sessions will end Aug. 31, with the winter season starting Sept. 7. He suggests that all bowlers get their equipment ready. Publicity Chairman and Historian Lyda Radisch reported her efforts in trying to publicize the McHenry Senior" Citizens club and its activities, and President Kenneth Fair- child thanked her for "a job being very well done". The program for the evening was introduced by Roland Grayson. Casper Biruland showed exceptionally beautiful slides of the Brulands' trip to Germany and other European countries assisted by Mrs. Bruland on the narrations. The program was most en tertaining. Coffee, iced tea, and cakes were served following the program. A€1 IN LEAD ROLE - Mark Bartos, McHenry. is featured in the lead role of Kreton in the Woodstock Fine Arts association's upcoming production of Gore Vidal's ' Visit To A Small Planet Mark, a student at the University of Illinois in Champaign, is a long time veteran of the Woodstock stage, having appeared in such memorable lead roles as The Tin Woodman in "The Wizard Of Oz" and the narrator in "The Fantastics". "Visit" will be performed by an all-area cast in the Woodstock Opera house at 8 p.m. Aug. 20, 21 and 22. The show i§ under the direction of Kitty Matz of Crystal Lake. DON MURRAY MODERN KEYBOARD INSTRUCTION LESSONS IN YOUR HOME • PIANO •ORGAN Box 266,Fontana, Wis. 53125 (414)275-6341 RUMMAGE BAKE SALE The McHenry County Medical Assistance association will sponsor a rummage and bake sale on Aug. 21 at the K. of C. hall, 1304 N. Park street, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All proceeds will go to the association. Stained glass windows don't do much good, if you're on the outside. Dancing Lessons DIANE JOHNSON TO OPEN SCHOOL OF DANCE IN McHENRY ILLINOIS & Miss Johnson started her training in Lake Region Dancing School under the W H direction of Talutha Tesmer. She then J ^ studied dancing from Nancy Gardiner, W B Nancy Gardiner's School of Dance, Mc- f I Henry, Illinois. » Continuing her studies in Chicago with Stone-Camryn (ballet), Lenore Sutton Dancers (acrobatics) and extensive studies at Eliis-Duboulay, (affiliated with the Illinois Ballet Co.) in Ballet, char acter, mime, and theory. Two and one half years were spent in New York City studying at Jeffrey's Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, Jo-Jo Smith's (jazz), The New Dance Group Studio, Inc., and Herbert BerchofPs Studio, for Musical Comedy under the direction of Joe Bousard. She has also attended Bernice Holmes classes (ballet). Miss Johnson attends many dance conventions, to insure the,student of the latest dances and teaching methods. At present Miss Johnson is assisting Miss Peggy Leah in Grayslake at Peggy Leah's Studio of Dance. DANCE LESSONS IN: Ballet Tap Jazz Hawaiian Basic Acrobatics Character Yoga Ladies Excercise Classes Ballroom REGISTRATOR FDR I.AKKLAND PARK I-ALL CLASSES: „ kt COMM. CENTER Fridav. August 20th 1717 North Sunset 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lakeland Park, McHenry STARTING AGE: 4 years, Pre-ballet For further information contart Diane Johnson, 3407Skyway, McHenry,Illinois, Ph.385-8855 Events toooooooooooooo DAR Chapter Holds Annual Benefit Party The annual benefit card party of Kishwaukee chapter, D A R. will be held Monday, Aug. 23, at 1 p.m. at the Tim bers, Woodstock. Proceeds will be used to support D.A.R. schools, American Indian contributions, Museum Gallery, N.S.D.A.R., American history scholarships, local Good Citizen award and grade school history awards. There will be a prize for every table. A silent auction of bakery and other culinary treats will be a highlight of the event. The committee in charge includes Mrs, Henry R. Vogel, Mrs. Charles Wright, Mrs. Wilbert Ohlrich, Mrs. George Stock, Sr., Mrs. James Lang, Mrs. Herbert Kemp, Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and Mrs. Henry Szlachta. Friends and guests are asked to register with Mrs. Kemp or any chapter member by Aug. 19. Local Couple Wed 25 Years Mr. and Mrs. William (Bud) Meyers of 2419 W. Johnsburg road, McHenry, will celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Aug. 21. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend open house at the John sburg Community club at 8 o'clock. The Meyers have two children, Mrs. Jack (Sandra) Deubel of McHenry and Bill at home. AUGUST 18 "Fall Out" -- AFS Annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon And Youthful Showing Of Fashions -- Floyd's, Car penters ville. AUGUST 19 McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting. Mc Cullom Lake Beach House - 8 P.M. AUGUST 20 * St. Margaret's Chapter xOf NAIM Regular Meeting -- St. Mary's Oak Room - Games -- 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 20-21 Rummage Sale -- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Green and St. Paul St. -- Aug. 20, 9 to 5 - Aug. 21, 9 to 12 noon. AUGUST 21 Annual Pistakee Highlands Community Association Picnic - Pistakee Highlands Com munity Center, Hilltop & Louella Street" Noon 'til ??? McHenry County Medical Assistance Association Rummage and Bake Sale -- K. of C. Hall, 1304 N. Park Street -- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. AUGUST 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 P.M. East Campus Cafeteria. Annual Garden and Flower Show. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus trip to Chicago Loop. Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 A.M. AUGUST 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Meet For Cards ~ Home Of Julia Karpinski, 3803 N. Weingart Road - 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 30 McHenry Women's Club Board Meeting -- City Hall -- 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 P.M. Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive, "Welcome Party". SEPTEMBER 3 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Summer Bowlers "Fish Fry Lunchon" -12 Noon - Long Horn Steak House, Lily moor. SEPTEMBER 4 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Bowling-- 7 p.m. - McHenry Recreation. SEPTEMBER9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band - 7 P.M., Christian Church, Ridgefield. SEPTEMBER 11 The Friendship Club Pot- Luck Dinner and Meeting - 6 P.M. First United Methodist Church Dining Room. Program -- McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band. SEPTEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 P.M. East Campus Cafeteria. Program - Card Party for Members. SEPTEMBER 15 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band at Valley-Hi Nursing Home -- Hartland - 2 P.M. AMONG THE SICK Norbert Mauch is a patient at Sherman hospital, 934 Center street, Elgin, 60120, in Room 2862 The wiser a person is, the more weaknesses he will admit to having. Your ideal location for a VACATION SUMMER 4/ RESORT ON ST. PETE BEACH ddb . . . o n a b e a c h l o n g e n o u g h w i t h s a n d e n o u g h to build every one of your dream castles. Take the most perfect vacation of your life at sun-perfect, fun-perfect Gulf Winds on the romantic Gulf of Mexico. Live the very best Florida offers in apartment suites big enough for ei tertaining, as comfortable as a favorite chair, yfet set apart enough for com- i plete privacy. ^ M / Jdt-toz ^tt,/-- Mi^s Carol Henry, Gulf Winds Resort s 6900 Sunset Way, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida 33706 Name -State Young McHenry Couple Wed In Saturday Rite Kandy S. Thompson was a pretty bride as she walked down the aisle of St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, Saturday, Aug. 14, to meet her> bridegroom, John L. Freund. Rev. Eugene C. Baumhofer officiated at the 2:30 afternoon Mass. Charlette and Donald Freund, the groom's sister and brother, presented the gifts to the altar at Offertory of the Mass. Kandy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Thompson of 4024 W. McCullom Lake road, McHenry, and John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Freund of 3602 N. Richmond road, McHenry. Special music at the services was presented by soloist Carl Johnson, accompanied by Sister M. Andreella on the organ. The altar was decorated with bouquets of white gladioli and blue pomps. The pews were also trimmed with white bows. The pretty bride wore a full length, ivory organza gown adorned with Venice lace in ivory and white, fashioned with an empire bodice, high collar, bishop sleeves and a detachable chapel length train edged with Venice lace in ivory and white, fashioned with an empire bodice, high collar, bishop sleeves and a detachable chapel length train edged with Venice lace. Her two tier, billowy silk illusion veil was attached to an organza caplet trimmed with Venice lace. She carried a cascading bouquet of blue and white roses. Mrs. Geoffrey Moss of Lombard, attended her sister as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Charles Keith of Bloomington, a sister of the bride, Miss Jo Dahly of Elgin, a college roommate of the bride, Miss Darlette Freund of Elgin, and Miss Marlette Freund of McHenry, sisters of the groom. Little Cathy Moss of Lombard, the bride's niece, was flower girl. The attendants wore floor length pant gowns of chiffon in an aqua and purple flowered print featuring aqua empire bodices, high ruffled necklines and long bishop sleeves. Each carried a pair of long stemmed aqua roses. Ronald Freund served his brother as best man. Groom smen were Dennis Freund, of Addison, the groom's cousin, Bill O'Connor, George Wolf and Jim Shafer, all of Chicago, college roommates of the groom. Ring bearer was the groom's brother, Jeremie Freund of McHenry. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Thompson chose a pink chiffon dress with matching accessories and a pink cym- bidium orchid corsage. The groom's mother wore a poudre blue chiffon dress with silver accessories and a white cymbidium corsage. A reception was held at the McHenry Country club for 180 friends and relatives. The bride is a 1967 graduate of McHenry Community high school and in 1971 graduated from Illinois State university with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She is presently a kindergarten teacher at Northwood school, Woodstock. The groom is a 1968 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school, Wood stock, and attended Worsham College of Mortuary Science, where he graduated in 1971. He is employed at the George M. Justen funeral home as a funeral director and em- balmer. The newlyweds are now making their home at 4301 Sioux lane, McHenry. > Mmm Mrs. Robert Thornton, left, president of Valley View P.T.O., greets Crispin Elliott, principal of Valley View school, and Dr. Robert Boos, right, superintendent of School District 15, as Mrs. Elliott looks on. "Bargains Bizarre" For Children's Home Very soon now .the op portunity is here to attend the big garage sale "Bargains Bizarre" of McHenry county. The Woodstock Children's home auxiliary is excited over the many generous con tributions which will assure a wide choice of bargains. There is a huge collection of furniture, appliances, books, housewares, toys, clothing and Christmas and handmade items. Due to the tremendous volume of clothing that has been collected, new items will be added to the sale continuously. The sale will be at the McHenry county fairgrounds Thursday, Aug. 19and 21 from 9 to 6 o'clock, and Friday, Aug. 20, from 9a.m. to 9 p.m. All day Saturday, one may buy a bag full (your choice) for only $2. The sale is to raise money for the Woodstock Children's home. Children of the home are housed in three different houses. Each has its own set of house parents. Elementary school children live together in one house; high-schoolers are in another group; and brothers and sisters are able to be together in Kishwaukee cottage located in rural Woodstock. A future fourth cottage will provide family-type living for more children. The children attend the Woodstock public school system. An educational scholarship fund has been established to assist some in furthering their education. The home presently has several attending colleges. Those who are unable to go on to school are helped in securing jobs. A few go directly into military ser vice. Visitors are welcome to see the Home and its program at any time. Groups may tour the Home by previous arrangement. Further in formation may be obtained from Rev. Clifford B. Redding, Executive Director of the Home. Women United Mullen Family Church Holds Reunion The first reunion ever held by members of the William and Theresa Mullen family was enjoyed last Saturday at the Woodstock city park, with 104 in attendance. Among those joining in the picnic lunch and games were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mullen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jorgen- son, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brand, all of McHenry. Others were present from Arlington Heights, Cicero, Berwyn, Oak Forest, Oak Lawn, Burbank, Thornton, Chicago and from Twin Lakes, Wis. Hold Reception To Welcome Administrators Mr. Crispin Elliott and Dr. Robert Boos were guests of honor at a reception Tuesday, Aug. 10. The informal gathering to welcome both men to the community was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wald in their home. Dr. Robert Boos is the superintendent of schools in District 15. He accepted the position in June, coming to this area from the Arlington Heights school district. Mr. Crispin Elliott is the new principal of Valley View school, replacing Larry Wald, who is leaving to continue his education. Mr. Elliott came to the local school district from the Barring ton schools. Other administrative aides in the school district attending the reception included Bill Landis, business manager; Eugene Paulausky, curriculum ad visor; and Russ Cooper, principal at Landmark school. Several parents from the Valley View school welcomed the opportunity to meet the new principal and superintendent in an informal atmosphere. Tasty -Topic "Meals on Wheels", the project of the Church Women United of the Lake Region, will start functioning Sept. 1. This food service will consist of two nutritious meals a day, a hot meal for noon with something cold for supper, with a brief; friendly visit by a volunteer. Any person who is aged, convalescent or handicapped may apply for this food service. The price for the two meals will be moderate and the meals will be delivered between the hours of 11 ;30 a.m. and 1 p.m.f Monday through Friday. To receive this service a client may apply by calling Mrs. John Bolger or Mrs. Jerry Tobin between 8:30 and 9:30 to inquire about the service. CHEESE SAUCE V4 cup butter V4 cup flour 2 cups milk 1 cup shredded American cheese Melt butter in saucepan over low heat; blend in flour. Add milk, stirring constantly. Cook and stir until sauce is smooth and thickened. Stir in cheese and keep over heat until cheese is melted. Season to taste. Makes 2 cups sauce. ITEM: The United States buys nearly half the world supply of coffee. More than a billion dollars a year is spent to provide each U.S. resident with an average of 750 cups of coffee. HIGHLANDS PICNIC Saturday, Aug. 21, will be the date of the annual Pistakee Highlands Community association picnic. Games, prizes, refreshments and roast corn will be offered, beginning at noon at the Pistakee Highlands Community center at Hilltop and Louella streets in Pistakee Highlands. .Hearts may break from suffering, uncertainty sorrow, sin. . . . God's Word Heals Broken Hearts Hear it every day when YOU DIAL-A-DEV0TI0N 385-8729 ROLLIM »D OPEN Week t h e N ® f I h S h o r e o f L o n g I a h e R E S E R V A T I O N S Li aw R O L L I N S J S * 5 A D * t P O i n g i e s i d e I l l i n o i s Huffc/ (J iinu t Prepared in the D id Wor ld Trad i t ion Now Wednesdays WmmZ r <3 a . .mi-Yi; H I 1 I 1 1 i l t t . $ i i | i f f f a n -- \ r v . » m m n t • t . ; J'mahioht i II TILT 111!! hum * a • <va inn Every Wednesday May thru Sept. 1st Every Friday Sept. 10th thru Nov. 19th Per person •••• $3.85 S4 Children (under 10) $2.50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS I I I I EST 1875 <m0f. enry Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street -McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry,Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry,Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHED COMPANY I Larry E. Lund - Publisher I I I SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $7.50 1 Year . . 5M C^Plai ndea/er I I Phone 385-0170 I I I Adele Froehlich-Editor^ MEMBER | mwA _ In McHenry and I-ake wuisiue mcnenry ana g Lake County PER\ Association - Founded 1885 I I $9.00 Outside McHenry and _ Lake County %