PAGF 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. AUGUST 20. 19*/ r ' ' v - , Plans Under Way For $10,000 Benefit Event POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC JAN HARRIS \\VOl"VOX ENGAGEMENT - Mr and Mr* \ ermw Harris of 1TM North i\n>Df McHenr? announce the engagement erf ihetr daughter Jar u> Dong Johnson of 312 S Costal Lake road. McHenrv Both >o«n£ pfoplf are graduates of McHfnn High school V© definite date ha* beer set for the wedding Holiday Hospitality Day, Wednesday. Oct 6. may seem a long way off to the many visitors planning to attend, but not to the faithful of the Woman's auxiliary of Memorial . Hospital for McHenry county. Plans are indeed well under way for this annual fund- raising event and scores of women are already wrestling with cones and weeds, needles and threads herbs and jam )ars. Christmas Angels, order books and "nearly new", Ffeh Fry Marks End Of Summer Bowling Season Aug 31 will end the summer season of the Mc Henry Senior Gtizens club bowling group It will be marked by a fish fry luncheon with all the trim mings Sept 3 at noon at the Loog Horn Steak House at Lilymoor All the bowlers, their families and fnends are in vited The deadline for reservations will be Aug 24 For information. and reservations call Frank Giel The winter bowling season will start Tuesday. Sept 7. with bowling at 10 a m and 1 p m Women's Role Secretaries Planning All-Day Conference Ar. ali-day conference on Saturday. Aug 28 at the Woodstock center will bring together local secretaries and those from the Chicago area for the purpose of boning up on current office procedures and techniques as well as to plan the formation of a chapter of the National Secretaries association in the McHenry- Lake county area NSA. with 250 chapters throughout and outside the United States, has a mem- SENO & SONS Formal Wear Kental Mar Ray Stuaio 3923 VS . Main St. McHenrv Phone for Appointment 385-6077 or 385-5543 bership--?4--28 Qfk) member- sec r^tanes The Chicago-Lake Shore chapter is the largest of the group with some 350 members Among the speakers at Saturday's conference will be Mrs Jeanette Krenek. ad ministrative assistant at the Chicago City Junior college, and Mrs Kay Pauling, em ployment counselor at Secretaries Inc . an em ployment agency specializing in the placement of secretaries The all-day conference is open to all secretaries Reservations may be made by calling Miss O'Brien at 459- 0 5 9 1 BRIDGE WINNERS Winners in the annual award luncheon for bridge flights held by the Easter Seal Women's Auxiliary of Mc Henry County have beer, announced They include Mrs Donald Swanson and Mrs A E Kuby. Sr . of McHenrv SEWING MACHINES Ethel Hornby Attends Home Economics Meet Many teachers and students say the schools need relevance Do the three R s need a fourth - -Relevance" Members of the Illinois Vocational Home Economics Teachers association think so Relevance is the theme for the thirty- eighth annual in-service con ference of IYHETA. involving approximately 800 home economists now in progress at the Palmer House in Chicago These members reach ap proximately 80.000 students and influence many other people each year according to IYHETA president, Miss Mary Jo Oldham of Shawneetown. who teaches at Southeastern Illinois college in Harnsburg Mrs Ethel Hornby, who teaches at McHenrv high school. East campus, is among those conference participants who seek relevance through leadership, change, resources involvement, professionalism, curriculum development, personal and local com mitment. communication, and social needs Prominent guest speakers such as M Arthur Neiman. vice-president of Scholastic magazines and publisher of Forecast For Home Economic^* and Clarissa Start Davidson, columnist and feature writer for the St Louis Post-Dispatch, are on the program, as well as many of IYHETA's own outstanding leaders m home economics freezing bread and making soap^- all for this big day in October, "" It's that great underground movement 'toward that day when the auxiliary looks for ward to making over $10,000 in this annual affair Co-chairmen Mrs- Thos., Kuenster and Mrs H Jos. Gitlin have announced the homes to be opened and a finalized listing of all chair men department heads, and hostesses for the event. Big news is that they have secured Woodstock center with ,ts two private homes for viewing those of Mrs Aaron Schemfeld and Mr and Mrs Milton Wayne in addition to all conference rooms, resident buildings and kitchen and dining facilities for sales and luncheon The center is located north of Woodstock on Route 14 300 Honor Local Couple On .Anniversary About 300 friends and relatives gathered at McHenry s Legion home earlier this month to honor Mr and Mrs .Alfred Miller of 6707 Rt 31. Ringwood. on the oc casion of their silver wedding anniversary The evening celebration, which featured a 6 o'clock dinner followed by open house, climaxed a day of activity which began with Sunday morning Mass in St Mary's Catholic church .Among guests were the at tendants at the couple s wed ding twenty-five years ago. Lillian Hettermann of McHenry . Mae May of Spring Grove Elmer Schaefer of Woodstock and Donald Schaefer of McHenry Honored guests at the evening reception were Rev Fr Ray Holmgren of East Dubuque and Rev Fr Eugene Baumhofer of McHenrv AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ? • SINGER • VIKING THE LARGEST SELECTION OF MACHINES &-CABINETS . IN McHENRY COUNTY! REPAIRS OF ALL VAKES AND MODELS FABRIC PATCH SEWING CENTER Lower level of Fabric Patch 3611 ELM STREET (Rte. 120) McHenry. I l l inois Ph. 385-7927 ITEM Whenever you serve pork you re providing the family with tbe best natural source of thiamin This member of the B complex group of vitamins has beer, referred to as the '"pep" vitamin because of its contnbu tjor. to a healthy nervous system, appetite and digestion ITEM: The less-demanded eco nomical cuts of beef pork and lamb are just as nutritious as the more popular steaks chops and roasts They are just as tender and appetizing, too. when co;»ked by moist heat 2\i' •J ' ̂ tt. . in « • f U r / J f / • , W , c »• H .»> Wednesdays f r e p a r e d i n l n e O l d W o r l d T r a d i t i o n wm : - T • 7 t J • k - L l • ill 1 l-l | tt; J'MA HI6HT I8 ITALYJJ! i f t i 1 1 i l » < 1 • 1 1 I I I I I Every V»ednesaay May thru Sept. 1st I Every Friday Sept. 10th thru Nov. 19th Per person • •• .$3.85 Children (under 10) $2.50 Coming Events Full Booking Reported For S.C. Club Board The leader of the Senior Citizens club band. Deli* Mazzarella. has announced that the schedule for this season is completely filled with engagements, and no further programs can booked The band has become qujit- popular with requests for programs pouring in from all directions - e\en as far away as Florida It finally became necessary to limit the distances the band coiuld travel par ticularly for nigh: per formances The organization now has thirty-two members, which actually makes a small caravan This is a very dedicated group whicn thoroughly enjoys bringing fur. programs to nursing homes hospitals, old peopje s homes church groups and clubs also sharing their enjoyment with other Senior Citizen groups The kitchen band has quite a large repertoire and keeps changing its programs m various ways Requests for programs for next season will have to be made early in May so they car. be worked into the schedule wooooooommmmmmomrn AUGUST 20 St Margaret s Chapter Of NAIM Regular Meeting - St. Mary's Oak Room - Games - 7 30 p.m. AUGUST 20-21 Rummage Sale - St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Green and St Paul St - Aug 20. 9 to 5 - Aug 2i. 9 to 12 noon AUGUST 21 Annual Pistakee Highlands Community Association Picnic - P stakee Highlands Com munity Center. Hilltop & Loueila Street"Noon til ??? M: Henry County Medical Assistance Association - Rummage and Bake Sale - K of C Hall. 1304 N Park Street - 8 am to 5 p m AUGUST 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30 P.M East Campus Cafeteria Annual Garden and Flower Show. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Ciut Bus 'rip to Chicago Loop Bus Leaves McHenry State Bar.K Parking Lot at 8:45 A M AUGUST 28 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Meet For Cards - H rr.e Of Julia Karpinski. 3803 \ Weingart Road - 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 30 McHenry Women's Club Board Meeting - City Hall - SEPTEMBER 2 LaKeland Park Women's Tiub Meeting - 12 30 P M _aKeland Park Community -louse. 1717 N Sunset Drive. Welcome Party" SEPTEMBER 3 McHenry - Citizens ~-t: Sumrr.c . ,ers "Fish rr> Lunchon" - 12 Noon - Long •icrr. 5" /• " se Lilvmoor SEPTEMBER 4 5: Margaret Chapter NAIM - Bowling-- 7 p.m M c Henrv Recrea 11 on. of SEPTEMBER 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Cub Kitchen Band -- 7 P M.. Christian Church. Ridgefield SEPTEMBER 11 The Friendship Club Pot- LUCK Dinner and Meeting -- 6 P M First United Methodist Church Dining Room Program - McHenry Senior Citizens Club K.:cben Band SEPTEMBER 13 McHenry^enior Citizens Club Meeting 30 P M East Campus Cafeteria Program - Card Party for Members SEPTEMBER 15 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band at Valley-Hi Nursing Home - Hartiand - 2 P M Three Events Open N ewcomers Autumn Season Mrs John Gunderson., McHenry Town and Country Newcomers club president, announced that the fall season will start with a bowling coffee Aug 28 at 7 30 at the Crystal Lake Bowl The couple's league bowling will start Sept 11 and continue the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. In terested persons who have not been contacted should call Mrs Gunderson or Mrs Jim Basak The first fall meeting is scheduled Tuesday. Sept 14. at 8 p.m at Faith Presbyterian church A family get-acquainted Newcomers picnic will be held Sunday. Sept 19. at noon at the Wauconda Lakewood Forest preserve Wauconda Pi Alpha Chapter Entertains Guests At Sunday Picnic Pi Alpha chapter of Betar Sigma Phi sorority met Sunday at the home of Miss Adele Sabel in Crystal Lake for its annual husband-and-date picnic. Guests were greeted by the chapter president. Mrs Dale Sprouse. and the hostess. Miss Sabel The attractive buffet table carried the theme of the sorority flower, the yellow rose. Members and guests at tending were Messrs. and Mesdames Dale Sprouse. Allen White, Carl Grins tead, Rich Howie, Frank Mazzone, William Boyle and William Haddick; also Dell Sabel. Dave Weatherbv and Mis*. Enid Seipp Picnic arrangements were handled by Mrs. Haddick, Mrs Grins tead. Mrs Boyle and Miss Sabel The Sorority Beginning Day afternoon tea will be held Aug. 29 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sprouse Gathering At Home Follows First Communion Mary Jane kollenkark. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harold Kollenkark, received her first Holy Communion Sunday. Aug 15. at the 10:30 Mass at St John's Catholic church. Johnsburg Her god mother. Mrs Irma Gunther. attended the Mass Guests for dinner at the home of her parents included her S&ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Richard Tomlinson. brother. Gerald. Mr and Mrs. Robert Victorine, Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Kollenkark. Mr and Mrs Fred Heider. Woodstock, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Buhrmann of Walworth. Wis., and Mr and Mrs Harvey Palmer and Rocky of Johnsburg Later in the day. callers were Mr and Mrs Dennis Peterson and son of Libertyville. Mr and Mrs Elmer Kollenkark and Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Thelen. McHenry. St. Agatha Court Picnic Set Aug. 22 The National Catholic Society of Foresters. St Agatha Court, No 777. adult members and their families will enjoy a picnic Sunday. Aug 22. on the Community club grounds Registration for prizes must be made by noon Each family will provide its own picnic dinner and silver ware Refreshments will be served throughout the af ternoon by the court. Games are being arranged to entertain those of all ages. Marriage Licenses Anthony J Faris. In diana polis. Ind.. and Linda T. Hansen. 3115 River Park drive. McHenry Robert C Fry. 308 S. Maple, Polo and Jane E Gardner. 4219 W Solon road. Solon Mills. Charles W Regnier, 5709 Mill street. Richmond and Jane Ann May. 7920 Belle vue. Spring Grove Richard S O'Brien. 2807 Iroquois trail. McHenry and Penny Jo Nader. 312 S. Barreville. McHenrv. DIVORCES Rita G Burton from Ernest O Burton. Lakemoor ECOLOGY CHANGES THE WORLD... RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING Changes its staff, offering highly competent people to its deserving customers. INTRODUCING.. RON MUZA of McHenry A stylist with experience on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. and CINDY RUDOLPH of Johnsburg The\ will be coining Audrey Berg. Janet Bohl, Margie Meier. Debbv Kantenwine, arid George and Adeline Pederson 2020 Rte. 120 McHenry 385-7010 m \ sstlL V" * I l . k : a MR AND MRS FRANK P. SUZDA Deborah Samen, Frank P. Suada Wed Saturday A pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday, Aug. 14, in Grace Lutheran church, Richmond, when Deborah Anne Samen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward»Q. Samen of 412 N. Lily Lake ro§&*sMcHenry, exchanged nuptial *vows with Frank P. Suzda. son of Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Suzda of|829 S. Myrtle. Villa Park Rev Richard B Monson officiated at the 3 o'clock af ternoon services. Special musical selections presented at the ceremony were "Air, Opus 3". "Pray to the Holy Spirit", "Trumpet Tune", "Trumpet Voluntary", "Psalm 18" and "Alleluia". The bride chose a beautiful gown of white imported organza and beribboned Venice lace featuring a high neckline, long. full, sheer bishop sleeves, high rise waistline and an A- line skirt which swept to a full Watteau chapel train. The beribboned Venice lace trim enhanced the neckline, cuffs, waistline train and center front of the gown. Her bouffant cathedral length illusion veil and the two-tiered fingertip veil fell from a Camelot headpiece of organza and Venice lace She carried a round bhdal bouquet of multi-colored wild flowers. Suzette Reinert of Valparaiso. Ind., attended the bride as maid of honor. Other attendants were Karen Klopp of Chicago, the groom's sister, Ruth Suzda of VillaPark and little Kathy Samen of Wood stock. the bride's niece, as LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO flower girl The bridesmaids wore full length floral print peasant gowns with scoop necklines. They carried daisy and cornflower colonial bouquets trimmed with long blue streamers. David Pifko of Dolton served as best man. Groomsmen were Bob Buchhass of Elgin and Jerry Gentile of Libertyville. Mike Milinac of McHenry was ring bearer. Ushers were Ed Samen, Jr., of Woodstock, the bride's brother and Matt Connors of Chicago For her daughter's wedding, the bride's mother chose a pale pink, silk shantung coat and dress ensemble with matching accessories. The groom's mother wore a turquoise shantung dress with matching lace overlay and white ac cessories. Immediately following the ceremony, a dinner-dance reception was held for 150 guests at the Hunter Country club, Richmond. Mrs. Maxine Mohrbacher of DeKalb, served as hostess at the reception. ine bride is a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school. She graduated from Mt. Sinai School of Nursing. Chicago, in 1971. This September, she will be employed as a nurse at Mercy hospital, Chicago. The groom graduated from Willow-brook high school in 1967 and presently is attending the Illinois Institute of Technology, where he is studying to be a mechanical engineer. He will graduate in December, 1971. Following a honeymoon trip through Michigan, the young couple will live in Chicago. i i i i i i i PRINTERS PUBLISHERS EST 1875 vngf. ertry Established 1875 3.S12 West F.lm Street McHenrv ITEM: A recent survey reveals that steak is the favorite food of •America's 13 million teenage girls, and hamburgers are the food item they cook most ofter for themselves .Any newcomers to the area wishing to become better acquainted with the club, and who have not been contacted, should call Mrs. Carl Grinstead or Mrs Norman Cillo. I I C~Plm txJealer I I I I I \ Phone 385-0170 \dele I roehlich-Editor MEMBER NEWSPAPER NiNWJ Association - Founded 1885 • I I I I J McHenry. Illinois 60050 I Published Kvery Wednesday i Friday at McHenry.Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry .Illinois MCHENRY TO5LKHING COMPANY* Blurry F. l.und - Publisher I | ' MEMBER V I SrKSCRIPTION K ATKS 1 $7.50 I-Year .'.*T $9.00 I In McHenrv and lake Outside McHenry and ^>unty Lake County ' •V Get On The Beat T J With Dancing Feet/a || Register Now / W* For Fall Classes At iKNANCY GARDNER [III* School Of Dance * Fri.. Aug. 27 3:00-6:00p.m. Sat., Auk. 28 1:00-4:00p.m. Wed.. Sept. 1 3:00-6:00p.m. Thurn., Sept. 2 3 00-6:00p.m. - ltxuw - 38.Y-1631. 38.% - 2746. 1-312 696 - 4137 V