PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 197) Twice Told Tales These are The Scholastics, left to right Harold Longworth, Jim Kraat? and Jim Reck and sitting. Jim Clark, who will sing on Woodstock chapter's how "Of Loving and Leaving" at 8:15 p.m. Oct 16 at Crystal • .ike high school. Feature Fine Quartet Oct. 16 At County Show Prior to the international preliminary contest in April. 1970. held as part of the spring convention of the SPEBQSA, "The Scholastics" was just another quartet in the Illinois district They surprised themselves and found they were chosen finalists and were eve n more surprised when they were named fourth-place FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken frbm the files of Sept. 24. 1931) Mr and Mrs. Henry Nielsen and daughter. Betty, will leave Friday for Chicago where they will make their home. Mr. Nielsen has accepted a pdlsition with the Penick company as a traveling salesman for sirups. A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized Sept. 19 when Miss Floribel Bassett of McHenry became the bride of Mr Henry R Vogel of Rich- district medalists in the fall competition. In April, 1971, they were again chosen as finalists in the international preliminary contest out of a field of thirty quartets. All four are members of the Champaign-Urbana chapter of the society. They have never missed a chapter singout in the past four years. They have sung at hospitals, local organizations and chapter shows Recently they produced a half-hour video tape on the history and development of barbershop quartet singing for WILL-TV in Champaign. Barbershoppers come from all walks of life. In the McHenry area, tickets may be purchased from Charles Maier, 653-5022, or Andrew Bavetz 385- 1821, who are members in charge of the sale of tickets locally. mond. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents on Main street. The ceremony was read by Rev. Windham Bonham, pastor of the Methodist church. William H. Althoff has made arrangements to open a plumbing shop in connection with his hardware store and will employ Walter J. Donavin former Green street plumber. E C. Fisher, superintendent of the schools of Peoria, and his wife spent the weekend with McHenry friends. Mr Fisher spent several years as superintendent of the McHenry schools twenty-five years ago. Miss Hilda May and Leslie Bungard were honored guests at a party Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff. Lily Lake welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Fast who are building a beautiful home on Sunset Drive and Sheridan road. At the community high school two hundred dollars worth of new books are added to the library every year and during the past five seasons the collection has increased to more than 2,000 volumes. Clarence Anglese of the high school teaching staff is in charge of the library. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept. 26, 1946) Jack, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, left this week for army duty, having enlisted recently. An estimated 6,000 persons were on hand last Monday at Pine Tree Dairy firms number 1 and 3 to witness what was probably the largest public auction ever to take place in this vicinity. A total of $50,000 worth of household goods and livestock from the seven farms of the late William R. Skidmore was purchased throughout the day. Friday, Oct. 4, is the day of the big homecoming in McHenry, an event which will very likely be observed an nually. McHenry was saddened to learn of the death of James Hughes, Sr., 84, who died at his home near the McHenry dam Sept. 26. He had been in poor health for many months. In the future, the McHenry Flour Mill will become known as the McHenry Mills Inc., according to an announcement made this week by the owner, William Meath. Mr. Meath was formerly head of Meath Sales Co., of Chicago, which is now a part of the McHenry business. Sept. 18 at St. Mary's church in Woodstock united in marriage Miss Jaye Ann Fish of Woodstock and Mr. Albert J. Adams of Ringwood. Rev. Joseph Egan officiated at the double ring ceremony. The children of the Ringwood school held a pet show on the school grounds. They brought quite a variety, a bantie rooster, black dog, pet rabbitt, cat, and a white pet duck. I TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept. 28, 1961) Nyla Hoffman of McHenry announces the opening of her new school of natural beauty on Oct. 6 at the American Legion home in this city. Associated with Mrs. Hoffman are her partner, Carol Bolger, Sonja Andrews, social French in structor for the school and El Latimer, hair consultant. Sunday, Sept. 24, members of Mount Hope Methodist church in Pistakee Highlands moved from the former home of the congregation, the basement of a large barn, to their beautiful new chapel high on the hill. Miss Margaret Freund of this city became the bride of Mr. Rooney of Crystal Lake in a beautiful wedding ceremony performed Sept. 23 in St. Mary's church. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the rite. The Fox Valley General contractors association recently installed newly elected officers at a dinner meeting held at Geneva. Among them is Robert Frett, director. Henry Tonyan of McHenry is director exofficio. Ed Kaplan of Cary is entirely recovered from an unfortunate experience suffered when he became trapped in the cave in a storm sewer while working for PHILLIPS' • l iquor stores ̂ America's Largest Selection of Name Juy't'T- GUCKENHEIMER 4 Year ad Blended Whiskey tvl > « < & CHATEAU „ LaSALLE i • The Christian Brothers k\ Anytime M Wine (J Serve chilled or iced '#« kciihcinK' HALF GALLON 99 .•# Equals ^2^ a 5th Otti RtreMob WITH PUK* KINntCKV Summit GREENBRIER 4 YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON PHILLIPS RICED BLATZ HLATZ I OF 24 N iPOSIT b 'TTLES NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GIN or VODKA FULL QUARTS $299 OPENING SOON Another NEW Self-Service PHILLIPS' LIQUOR STORE .N McHENRY AT 4610 W. RTE. 120 WATCH FOR DATE cum SARK CLAN MAC Imported ^ || GREG0R SCOTCH JL i- Mlmported - SCOTCH ALMADEN California BRANDY 80 Proof GALLON j TEACHER'S 86 Proof Imported SCOTCH BOTTLED IN SC0TLAN) NATI0NA ADVERTISED Imported FRENCH BRANDY, scotch wmi**' HALF GALLON With built-in pourer p HILLIPS RICED UTTY-MM BREWED by OLD STYLE Half Gallon OLD STYLE LAGER 8A&7K* BOTTLES# V* 8E£. SaiBSlM HILLIPS RICED SOUTHERN C0MF0R 100 Proof Liqueur GALLON PABST 12 • Uhj-.;:vU j j None sold to minors 1 * Cans u 1 9 ; ; $ i 6 9 4 C A N S 1 CASE OF 24 NO-DEPOSIT BOTTLES m item 693-4050 N jmi are unable to as advertised, please Adveribed Beer A Beverages not iced STOP 'N SAV£ •PLUS DEPOSIT PHILLIPS' °QU0R OCT. 20th , •• I to. 41 AT P 1011 N. Lincoln CttCAGO fcjpgc?, £ $#• the HE. Buch company of McHenry in front of the new National Tea building. Lawrence Nova, 17, of Chicago died of a bullet wound from rifl<* shot in a dangerous game of war on Sunday af ternoon in a gravel pit west of Burton's bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nolan of McHenry announce the birth of a daughter Sept. 23 at McHer hospital. SIGNS PROCLAMATION - Mayor Donald P. Doherty signs proclamation declaring the week beginning Oct. 24 as Telephone Pioneer Week, as Edward S. Heyward of McHenry. vice-president of the Sinnissippi Council of Pioneers, Illinois Bell Telephone company, looks on. PLAINDEALER PHOTO community is of great value to the people of McHenry, Now, therefore, in recognition of these sixty years of human service, I declare the week beginning Oct. 24, 1971, to be "Telephone Pioneer Week" and request the citizens of McHenry to join me in honoring the telephone Pioneers and expressing their appreciation for the humanitarian achievements of this fine organization whose motto is "Fellowship, Loyalty and Service.", In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of October, in the year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-one. Donald P. Doherty PROCLAMATION The Telephone Pioneers of America, a social-industrial organization with over 20,000 members in Illinois who have twenty-one or more years of service in the telephone in dustry, is approaching a milestone. I would like all men to know that: WHEREAS: On Oct. 28, 1971, the Telephone Pioneers of America will celebrate their sixtieth anniversary, and WHEREAS: One of the prime purposes of this worthy organization is to participate in activities that are of service to their fellow citizens and the community, and WHEREAS: this con tribution by the Pioneers to the progress and well-being of our Whispering Oaks Gertrude Disney 385-7515 NO MORE NEWS There will be no more Whispering Oaks news unless I am supplied with news items by Thursday noon of the week before the issue. Gertrude Disney HIGH-RISE DWELLERS MEDIUM-RISE OCCUPANTS LOW-RISE RESIDENTS: NOTICE: I f you rent an apartment or a house, a State Farm Tenant Homeowners Policy can protect your furni ture, clothes and other personal belongings against many peri ls. I t can protect you against legal l iabi l i ty, too, Call me for detai ls... and low State Farm costs. Granville Sornson 3104 W. Rte. 120 Ph. 385-1627 (Circle Building) STATE FARM INSUIANCI STATE FARM State Farm Fire and Casual ty Company Home Off ice: Bloommgton, I l l inois State Farm is all you need to know about insurance.