i eport Fine Progress In eaching Disadvantaged PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 197t In its first meeting of the new ehool year, the Parent Ad- lisory council of the Harrison :hool program for the tducationally Disadvantaged jiet in the school's learning esource center to receive a eport from the staff members ivolved in the program. Excellent progress was Reported by both Mrs. Edwards ind Mrs. Strain. The former Irs. Edwards kept her group ^mall and started her students zith basic words and sounds jlus phonics and simple reading, the purpose of which is to give the students a sense of accomplishment and pride. Mrs. Strain, who is working with the upper grade students, is alternating her classes among three periods of her time and is scheduling after- school groups which do not interfere with the extra curricular activities of the students. She reported that she is searching for an acceptable testing program which would give an overall picture of the students' problems and prove to be reliable to check their progress. The PAC members were reminded that the main ob jective of these classes is to create a close communication with the teacher who is the student's friend and who will be available to help them learn and show them how. These classes are a continuation of the summer school program. They are remedial but also help in completion of day-to-day assignments of the regular classroom. The next meeting of this committee will be held the third Thursday of October. A report of the skills test used .. to measure achievement for these children will be given in a report to this committee. Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 8, 1931) Sunday, Oct. 4, marked the close of a very successful tournament season at the McHenry Country club. The cups and medals were presented for the year on this date. The C.N. Owen cup was presented to the club in 1927. William Bonslett won possession of the cup for the year 1931 and as he also won the cup in 1929, he is the only member to have a two-year start. Henry J. Schaeffer won the second position with a silver medal. George H. Johnson won a bronze medal for the third position. The first of October weddings was solemnized Saturday, Oct. 3, when Miss Hilda May and Leslie Bungard were united in marriage. The ceremony took place in the home' of Fr. Charles Nix, pastor of St. Mary's church. Mr. and Mrs. Waterstrasse and family are occupying the H.J. Schaeffer house on Main street. Mr. Waterstrasse is employed with P.W. Frett. Bernard Newman, young son of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Newman, was stricken suddenly with cerebral spinal meningitis and died at St. Joseph hospital, Joliet, on Oct. 3. The Girls Athletic association of the Junior high school held its first meeting and organized for the season. The officers elected were: President, l^avern Engeln; vice-president, Katherine Donavin; secretary, Adele Froehlich; assistant secretary, Miriam Sayler; treasurer, Lorraine Engeln; cheerleader, Mildred Vasey. Frank Weingart reports that he has a pear tree which bore a good crop of fruit this year and now, as the middle of October nears, the tree is again in blossom. Scoutmaster Schoenholtz accompanied twenty of his troopers to Madison where they were guests of the university at the double header football game in which Bradley and North Dakota State were defeated by the Thislethwaite crew. W W. Buck of Genoa, 111., is the new cashier at the Ringwood State bank, following the resignation of W.R. Gid- dings. Mr. Giddings has been cashier of the bank for the past eight years. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 10, 1946) An estimated crowd of 1,200 attended the 1946 homecoming on Oct. 4 at the McHenry high school. Funeral services were held in Chicago for William Rakow, 60, a resident of the Country Club subdivision, McHenry, for about twelve years. Mr. Rakow died very suddenly at his Chicago home. Jeppe Jepson of Johnsburg is now the proud possessor of several Japanese floats which were brought to him by a relative from British Columbia, where they were found on the beach. These floats are used by the Japanese in place of corks. Mrs. Floyd Freund of Woodstock was honored guest at a personal shower held at the Nick B. Freund residence on Waukegan street. Mrs. C.W. Goodell, Mrs. George Johnson and Miss Ethel Jones were among members of District 2, Illinois Federation of Music clubs, who attended the premiere of two American The tiuiftan body is composed of 10% wafer, necessary to regulate body temper ature in both winter and summer. operas, "Emperor Jones" and 4'Amelia Goes to the Ball", at the Chicago Civic Opera House. Saturday evening at 6 o'clock in the rectory of St. Patrick's church, Miss Grace Thompson of this city became the bride of Mr. Marion Messman of Woodstock. Father William O'Rourke officiated at the nuptial service. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 12, 1961) Rev. McGowan has been in the Air Force for six years, during which time he served in Greenland, New York, Illinois and presently at the Air base in Bentwaters-Woodbridge, Eng land. Prior to his entry into military service, Fr. McGowan was assistant pastor of St. Patrick's parish in McHenry. Karen Viverito of Woodlawn Park, McHenry, and a passenger, suffered injuries and was treated at the local hospital after being involved in a two-car accident Sunday afternoon. *'Fall-out and Shelters", a pertinent subject in these troubled times, will be discussed in its various aspects by C.J. Constantino, a scientist connected with the Armour Research foundation Oct. 19, at the Junior high school. Dr. and Mrs. William Nye are proud grandparents of an 8 lb., 6 oz., baby girl, Carol Jean, born to Mr. and Mrs. John^ Vesley of Riverside. Miss Van Diedrich, ac companied by a friend with whom she was in service in the W.A.A.C.'s, has returned by plane from a trip to New Mexico. Forty-four students at McHenry high school have received certificates for their outstanding performances on the National Educational development tests, announced by M.C. Martin, school prin cipal. The certificates of educational development were awarded by Science Research Associates. Fifty teachers and nuns from McHenry public and parochial schools will attend an Art Workshop Oct. 31, Nov. 1 and 2, at Edgebrook school. The workshop will be conducted by Miss Violet Eckhoff. SUPER A TAPE L KRIS KRISTOFFERSON THE SILVER TONGUED DEVIL AND I MUSIC TAPES REG. 6.95 $ 4 » 5 GOODYEAR Service Store McHenry 4400 W: Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30a.m.-6p.m. Fri. til 9:00 " Sat. 8:30-4:00 Bird's Eye View Looking from the rear window of the new Lakemoor fire house, Photographer Wayne Gaylord frames an interesting picture of one of the McHenry Township Fire Protection district's large trucks, with Fire Chief Glenn Peterson in view. The time was Sunday, Oct. 10 -- the occasion was the dedication of the fire house. PLAINDEALER PHOTO WE'VE SHAVED PRICES PAY LESS- GET MORE! A • I CIGARETTES REGULAR OR KING 929 t# Ctn. OLD MILWAUKEE cgg^ 12 PAK 1 79 12 0Z. CANS J. * DIET- PITF "Diet'RiteCola • ml • 1 SUGAR ACOED • • • • * I .jriithiku. .MUUIHIH'U, ...iiiuiiiiM. ^Ku:iku. ^tuuntiii. COLA « i 4 YEAR OLD ' DANNY BOONE ~ WHISKEY 2 « » . - PAY LESS- GET MORE! 16 Oz. Bottles Plus Dep. Buy of the Week! PEPSI 5 REGULAR OR DIET FULL QUARTS U* WINES.... V n rwo From The Great Bordeaux T O U T IhOICe Region of France.. 1 OQ 1967 & 1969 Vintages M • MONIEUR ANTOINE WHAT & ©ROUGE SUPERIEUR (dry red wine) * RDCflT • BLANC SUPERIEUR (white wine) n "J:"1 • ROSE SUPERIEUR (rose wine) BUT. K MEADOW GOLD'S Holland Dutch ICE CREAM * Advertised beer and beverges not iced We reserve the right to „ limit sale items. [THIS SALE GOOD FOR ONE WEEK- OCT. 20th thru OCT. 26th PAY Route \ Sale Prices Effective at This Store Only. McHenry