V PAGE 18-PLAINDlEALER-FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1971 H AYRIDE- the Sherpherders Fellowship group at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North ("ireen street. McHenry. enjoyed a havride at the l,azy (' Stables, Hound Lake, Sunday evening. Fallowing the horse-drawn havride. the group enjoyed snacks around a campfire and discussed future events planned by the group, including a trip to the Itahai Temple in YVilmette and a silly supper or progressive dinner. Pictured above are some members of the Sheepherder's Fellowship group at the church as they prepared to leave for havride. i K Eldon Aupperle, left. Black Hawk college, accepts the president's brief case from the retiring president. Bill Martinie, Illinois Central college. Don Barrett, McHenry County college, smiles his approval. Barrett was elected secretary of the Illinois Association of Junior College Teachers of Agriculture at the annual fall conference held at Danville Junior college. County College Instructor To State Office Over 100 instructors, representing twenty-three Illinois community and junior colleges, met at Danville Junior college last week in the annual fall conference of the Illinois Association of Junior College Teachers of Agriculture. Officers of the group elected at the gathering were Eldon Aupperle. coordinator of Agriculture at Black Hawk College, Kewanee, president; William Rich, Lake Land college, Mattoon, vice- president; Don Barrett, coordinator of Life Sciences at McHenry County college, Crystal Lake, secretary; and Paul Curtis, Parkland Junior college. Champaign, treasurer. The meeting was chaired by Bill Martinie, chairman of the Agriculture Occupation division of Illinois Central college. East Peoria. The program consisted of a welcome by the officials of Danville Junior college headed by Jerald Binkley, chairman of the DJC Agriculture depart ment Max Kuster. instructor at Joliet Junior college, gave a slick- presentation of his recent assignment in studying com munity colleges in California. Several specialty groups met to discuss specific subjects i n v o l v i n g a g r i c u l t u r e mechanics, animal science, h o r t i c u l t u r e , a g r i c u l t u r e economics. text books, r e f e r e n c e m a t e r i a l , a u d i o v i s u a l m a t e r i a l , l a b o r a t o r y procedures and field trips. The two day meeting also included a tour of the DJC campus provided by James L. Norman, coordinator of College Development and Community Relations by Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a good substitute whipped cream? A. Try grating an apple, adding two or three tablespoons of sugar, and one egg white, then beating until light. Really delicious! Q How can I clean ivory articles? A. If these are all in one piece, you can usually clean them safely with soap and water. If, however, several pieces are glued together, it might be better to take a piece of raw lemon, dip it into salt, and rub the surface with this. Let the juice dry on the ivory before wiping off with a damp cloth. Q How can 1 clean the dingy- looking gold patterns on my dishes? A Scrub with a dry tooth brush dipped in bicarbonate of soda. Or, use a moist tooth brush and powdered alum. Let the alum stay on for a couple of hours, then wash and dry the plate as usual. Q. How can I remove old linoleum from the floor more easily? A. Put some dry ice into a burlap bag and place this on the linoleum to be removed, moving it about the surface as you work. The dry ice makes the linoleum brittle, so that it slips up and comes off in larger pieces. Q. How can I remove the residue left on my skin from adhesive tape? A. Fingernail polish remover works fine for this. Q. How can I make a hurry- up job of preparing gelatin? A Mix as directed on the package, then take a tray of ice cubes, put them into a plastic bag, and drop the bag into the gelatin and swish around for a few minutes. The gelatin will harden quickly. Q How can I make my own putty? A. By mixing linseed oil and sifted whiting to the proper, usable consistency. About 15 million people suffer from tuberculosis. For 25 cents, I'NICEF can provide the BCG vaccine to protect 25 children from that disease. If you like the idea of . putting your hobby to work, you'll like the Army Reserve. GROWING FAMILY? NEED A SECOND CAR? FOR THE PRICE OF A GOOD USED ONE - GET A NEW ONE! RENfflin •1845 P.O.E. up to 35 miles per gallon 12 month-unlimited mileage guarantee GOETTEL MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE 112-118 W. Rt. 120 McHenry 815/3853330 SAVE MORE at{HORNSBYi ---~1 r family centers - Prices Effect ive Whi le Quant i t ies Last LAY-IT-A-WAY TODAY! 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