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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1971, p. 7

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CONSUMERS* CORNER0^ n PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAV, Dam Completed Departmenl engineers s;iy that Work on tfie dam for the crea- the delay in closing the valve will t ion of Sam Parr Lake at Sam not affect the recreational develop- Parr State Park was recently com- m e n t of the lake, since it hits a pleted hv the Illinois Department |a r g e watershed area that will let of Conservation. , jt f in rapidly. Under normal pre- "We still have some work to cipitation, there would he sufficient be done before we close the valve water to fill the.lake twice in one and begin fil l ing Vhe lake," said year. Henry N. Barkhausen, director of NOVEMBER 3, 1971 How can the quality of frozen food be protected? To get the most satisfaction from the wide selection of frozen food sold today, family food shop­ pers are advised to protect the THE WARRIOR CHEERLEADERS who cheer on the Freshman football team perform a formation. They are 1-r, sitting; Linda Randall, Chris Mowi%r, Sue Price and Mel Fail. The co-captains in back are Pam Shuttleworth on top and Laurie Swanson. PLAINDEALER PHOTO I Comments on Conservation From the Department of I l l inois Conser vation Take a Fall Color Trip in Illinois burg is well known for the restora- Autumn beckons -- and why not stead. The park is just west of t jo n a r u] reconstruction of the combine your fall color trip with Decatur, two miles south of Route village of Lincoln's young man- leisurely visits to some of the 36. h0 ( X j lesser known Lincoln sites of ll l i- N o , ( 0 0 f . ) r f r Q m J h j s j s ( h e Springfield has Lincoln's Home, n o i s ? historic Mt^Pulaski Courthouse, a a . n e w N a t i o n a l P a r k s i t e ; t h e Many discerning citizens who real jewel of simple pioneer archi- L m c o l n T o m b a n d t h e ° l d S t a t e save vacation time until the enjoy- tecture. Authenticity of the at- C ^P1 1 0 ' - a" w e" known from the able, unhurried autumn season find mosphere of this small town I a t e r Pe n c x l s o f L m c o l n ' s life. i t is an ideal t ime to view the courthouse brings to mind-^ the Vandalia State House was the landscape art of forest and field importance of this center of county second capitol of Ill inois, where while sampling a bit of his oric politics in Lincoln's day. Lincoln -spent his first term as a offerings at numerous Ijncoln ] { ( o o f o p , j n c o | n s t a te legislator from New Salem. s nnes in t e state, says Rona d ( q J h e po s t v j M e C o i i r ( h o u s e I he lovely southern style memorial D. Johnson, Superintendent of the C . . . „ , , , , r- . i u R •• i i A A . . , ' , , . , from Mt. Pulaski. Henry Ford has been carefully landscaped and Division of Parks and Memorials, , . . , , . . . . . . . . , .. . .. . . ^ _ was so taken with the Postville equipped with authentic furnishings Illinois Department of Conserva- ~ , , . , Courthouse that he purchased it Gf the day. The State House is and reassembled it at Greenfield Lincoln and his family spent a village in Michigan. cold and miserable winter along As a result , i t was necessary to the Sangamon River near Decatur reconstruct a replica of the court- in 1830. This area has now been house for those interested in dedicated as Lincoln Trail Home- Lincoln lore. Postville has been stead ^tate Park. Scenic camping absorbed into the city of Lincoln areas ahjfig the Sangamon River and the courthouse is on the south complement the open and sheltered edge of town near Routes 66 and picnic areas so popular with family ] 21. groups. A stone commemorates Another fine example of a larger the location of the Lincoln home- more, grand co_urUious£__of ,neons day-is to be found at Q t h e r s l a t e .o w n e d a r e a s o p e r . Metamora. ThR imposmg court- a ( e ( J ) h e D i v i s | o n o f p a r k s a n d house on the village square con- M e m o r i a | s a r e y e a r r o u n d tarns a museum as well as many w f t h ) h e , i o n o f T h a n k s . mementos of the days of its im- j y j C h r i s l m a s a n d N e w years penance. It ,s featured as the To obtain information about center of attract,on at the Wood- s t a ) e a n ( j h i s t o r j c m e m o r i a | s . ford County Old Settlers celebra- w r i ) e t Q ,h e D i v i s j o n o f P a r k s a n d t ion, each year. Memorials, State Office Building, Lincoln's New Salem at Peters the department. "There are over­ head telephone cables crossing the lake basin that must be relocated by the utili ty company and the Department plans to install a water line across the basin to serve the rest of the park." The Department also plans "to selectively remove some of the woody vegetation from the basin prio,r to th4 til l ing of the lake, and from an economical standpoint that can only be done prior to impounding the water. When completed, the lake will contain approximately 183 surface acres of water for recreational use in the park, which is located near Newton in Jasper County. The Division of Fisheries man­ agement plan calls for chemical treatment in the lake basin and wate rshed in the spr ing o f 1 4 7 2 , prior to stocking the lake wish fish. From the biological and econom­ ical standpoint of carrying out this fish management plan, , i t will re­ quire the valve remaining open until the spring of 1972. jus t prior to the treatment. Improve Baseball In this World Series month it's appropriate after the fina le of the Major League season, to examine baseball today The evidence is overwhelming that the game needs speed­ ing up. Times have changed and few people today have three oi three and a half hours to sit in a ball park. Moreover, the same game and the same action could be offered the public in two hours. Because of its faster pace, football offers al­ most constant action and intensity. Baseball still includes too much stalling, periods of inaction and slow play--which sometimes create boredom. In criticizing its pace one need not criticize the game itself. It is probably the greatest American sport, certainly the most democratic. One need not weigh 200 pounds to be a star; each player has an equal chance to star in any game offensively. All can star defensively. It is a game of skill, timing, ability and attitude--and is Rot overly violent or brutal as football is. But pitchers must be speeded up. Nor can batters be al­ lowed to delay the game. The Commissioner's office, or the league offices, should work out a system whereby these and other improvements guarantee faster play and nine-in- ing games of no more than two hours' duration. If this is done, the sight of empty seats at playoff games will surely disappear, and should. quality of frozen foods by keep­ ing them cold enough and using them soon enough Storage at zero degrees or low er is recommended At tempera tures above zero, chemic al changes in the food cause rapid loss of color, flavor, texture, and nutri­ tive value If the temperature of the home freezer or freezing compartment is above zero, keep frozen foods no longer than a few days before using. To prevent thawing, it pays to buy frozen foods last on a shop­ ping tour. Carry them home in an insulated bag or use one paper bag inside of another Once they reach, home, new purchases should be placed toward the back or bottom of the freezer compartment, so that older packs will be used first For large quantities of frozen food, it helps to write the date of purchase on each packager and also, to keep a record of each package in the freezer showing the date it went in and wvhen it should be used ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns- Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEl SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Phone: 385-0783 Springfield, 111. 62706. the center of festive special events for the tourist and townspeople and a real treat for the individual who appreciates classic beauty. Lincoln Log Cabin State Park has a reconstructed log cabin set in a lovely wooded area, a real fall treat for the touring foliage lover. The split rail fence sur­ rounding the park adds to the beauty of the rustic scene. © a BILL'S FREEWAY SERVICE "Try our thing" 4716 West Rte. 120 AfaU a mtb... . MCM\] YIOKW REMEMBERING'. \ OOUBL JO HAMBURGERS » bum bm© yjNfORW* sM«W<CH TO* MCHS purchase \uab\e \ia book Band ! • • • ^ow coupon N itom a f\SH B\G 2 3 9 PIECE CHICKEN 15 PIECE CHICKEN 21 PIECE CHICKEN ST*®® TER TIRES GET THE SAME QUALITY TIRES THAT CAME ON YOUR NEW CAR PIECES of CHICKEN with FRIES 89* PIECE CHICKEN DINNER 1.29 PAK 2.80 PAK 4.09 PAK 5.35 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. Size Replaces Blackwall Reg. Price Each with Trade Wftitewall Reg. Price Each with Trade Plus Fed. Ex. Tax per Tire Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. A78-13 - $33.30 $38.20 $1.90 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. 7.00-13 - $36.90 $42.25 $1.99 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. B78-14 6.45-14 $34.60 $39.70 $2.08 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. C78-14 6.95-14 $37.15 $42.45 $2.15 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. D78-14 - $37.55 $43.30 1 $2.26 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. E78-14 7.35-14 $38.50 $44.15 $2.37 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. F78-14 7.75-14 $40.75 $46.50 $2.54 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. G78-14 8.25-14 $44.55 $50.95 $2.69 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. H78-14 8.55-14 $48.60 $55.85 $2.95 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. J78-14 8.85-14 $55.00 $63.05 $3.05 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. E78-15 7.35-15 $40.10 $45.85 $2.46 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. F78-15 7.75-15 $42.45 $48.60 $2.62 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. G78-15 8.25-15 $46.25 $53.05 $2.80 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. H78-15 8.55-15 $50.75 $58.15 $3.01 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. J78-15 8.85-15 $57.30 $65.80 $3.12 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. L78-15 9.15-15 $59.45 $68.15 $3.27 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. 9.00-15 - $58.15 $66.65 $2.96 Free Wheel. . . Change from regular tires to winter tires quickly and easilv. Don't change tires . . . just change wheels! Here is the snow tire for tough winters. The Good­ year Suburbanite Polyglas Tire in 78 Series Design. Built deep to bite deep -- with the kind of rugged tread vou need to tame a tough, tough winter. Over 150 deep-traction cleats dig in to get you going. All the advantages of bias- belted construction too for long wear. Single white stripe, or double white stripe available. Trade now and get a regular quality wheel. 9.15-15 - $59.45 $68.15 $3.27 • • • • • \ • • • FREE WHEEL OFFER ENDS SAT. NIGHT GOODWYEAU THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS" TIRES (Good 1o[ special at i? deferent McNeil's) ROUS 55' 15* fc & dozen hot COLE_SLMN DONUTS 1 Oft PER DOZEN 1 \V " or ea. * CH0C0LME * STRAWBERRY *\|N N1LLA * CHER^ .«• SOFT DRINKS COKE 15* & 20* ORANGE 15* & 20* ROOT BEER 15* & 20 Milk 15* Chocolate Milk Coffee 15* Hot Chocolate 15* more fun than McNeil's in Woodstock on Clay Street in • • • McNeil's in McHenry the McHenry Market Place 3 WAYS TO CHARGE [•u£tomnCrrditcPlaq BANKAMERICARD •t# At, USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM: Because of cont inued heavy demand f o r Good­ y e ar t i res, we may run out o f some s izes.dur ing th is of fer , but we wi l l be happy to order your s ize t i re a t the adver t ised pr ice and issue you a ra in check for fu ture del ivery of the merchandise. ABOVE BANK CREDIT CARDS HONORED AT GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES AND MOST GOODYEAR DEALERS SPECIAL SALE PRICE 4-PLY NYLON CORD "All-WeatherIB! Tires 6 50 * 13 b lackwal l tubeless p lus $1.76 Fed. Ex.Tax No t rade needed • Clean sidewall design, radial darts on shoulder • Your best tire buy in its price range! ONE . LOW $ PRICE 17 plus $2.14 to $2 32 Fed Ex Tax (depending on s ize) No t rade needed BLACKWALL TUBELESS Any of these Larger Sizes --7.75 x 15 7 75 x 14 6 25 x 14 Sale ends Saturday night GOOD'rYEAR •r McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday 'til 9:00 Saturday 8:30-4:00 THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS* TIRES

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