PAGE 22-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1972 H ROPF.AN INK! I KM K ( al l i t the l i i tcrn. i tmn. i l 1 onk i t 's the now loo-k m home lashions I urruture, fabr ics and accessories arc garnered from the world market place, or ref lect th is b road \pe«. t i i ih i in s t \ l in j ! So la and cha i rs I ron i Sc l ig arc in f luenced b\ I uropcan designers , while the table is a dual import of Brazi l ian rosewood and Belg ian c l a s s , assembled in \mer ica South Nmcr ican cra l tsmen cont r ibu ted co lor fu l wall hanging and pi l lows, while graphics against the br i l l iant yel low wal l range I rom examples ol anl ic | U i t > to modern mm , A i & A - 1 The Velvet Touch --The Touch of Luxury Since king they were rot rich fabric 3 were crowned, ed in velvet. This made its first public appearance as a royal mantle during a 12th century English coronation. And later, velvet robes were created for royalty in scarlet and purple . . . then green and azure. Velvet is no longer reserved ^r royalty. But even with uiass production and moderate prices, it still retains an inher ent elegance. And it is within reach of every woman. In dress, it is shown everywhere, from the great fashion houses to tiny boutiques and depart ment stores. Velvet is used for Fabric Design Go Native The use of geometr ic pat terns has increased in uphols tered fabrics as wel l as carpets . The geometr ic designs include just about everything done tn the Western Hemisphere before i t became fashionable to leave Lurope and set t le here . But now the geometr ies are going nat ive, and are being taken direct f rom the ar t produced by the North American Indians. What were considered symbols for good luck, ra in , s tars , moun tain ranges, l ightning, moon, home and water by the ear l ies t Americans are among the most fashionable designs in today 's sophis t icated homes. collars and trim of the casual tweed suit, as well as in the formal cocktail dress. In home furnishings, velvet , is a year-round fabric. And . today's homemaker can select velvet upholstery with com- ' plete freedom. It is as dur-' able as it is beautiful. Modern methods of weaving the basic cotton fiber with synthetics and the use of protective fin- . ishes make it suitable for any purpose. And today's labora tories have created a full range of colors to match, contrast or ' blend with every color scheme. For Small Spaces Furniture Facts to Help You Choose New Pieces of Quality In this age of specialization, one ran become easily embarrassed ami tired of feeling guilty about not being a walking encyclopedia complete with cross references when it comes to conversation. This glossary is presented to help one come to terms. Acanthus: green convent ional leaf ornament used as a decorat ive feature of carved furni ture , and a character is t ic of the Corinthian capi ta l . Apron: st r ip of wood extending along the seat f raming of a chair , the base of a cabinet , or around the top of a clesfc%r table . Arm Pads: upholstered par t of chair arms. Ball Foot: bal l terminat ion of a leg. Banding: contrast ing band of colored or grained inlay. Bar Back: Hepplewhite shield back with uprights curved to match the shield design Baroque: rectangular out l ines sof tened by curves, fol lowing the Renais sance. exemplif ied by Louis XIV, la te Jacobean, and Wil l iam and Mary furni ture . Base: bottom of a piece of furni ture . Bead: narrow half-round molding, e i ther cont inuous or cut into small sect ions to form a ser ies of rounded project ions or beads. Bed Posts: pil lars support ing the canopy, or the bedstead legs themselves . Block Foot: square-shaped terminat ion of s t ra ight , untapered leg. Bombe: arched or bulging front and s ide found in pieces f rom the Louis XV period. Bracket: two-way foot , running each way from the corner of a piece of furni ture , forming a r ight angle a t i ts base; much used on box-shaped furni ture during the eighteenth century. Broken Pediment: pediment , the s ide l ines of which do not come to a point or join. Bulbous: an adject ive descr ibing a protuberant form of turning, intro duced by the Dutch. Burls: excrescences sometimes appearing on trees , caused by abnormal growth, such as large knots . Arvin Whole House HUMIDIFIER teeps you comfortable, saves fuel SAVE $12.20 •As beaut i ful as furni ture •Ful ly automatic •10 gal lon plast ic water tank •Endless foam bel t c leaned cont inuously by 486 f ingers Quiet 10" 6 blade fan Red l ight s ignals when water is gone, then shuts off . What more could you want? Regular 79.95 PRO Price Furniture Styled.2 Speed DELUXE HUMIDIFIER Made like a beautiful cabinet Two-speed operation moves air at 235 or 320 cubc feet per Reg. 99.95 minute PRO Price HUMIDIFIER WATER TREATMENT Quart A l iquid concentrate for t reat ing water used in manual ly water- f i l led humidif iers . This appl icat ion wil l preclude the formation of scale deposi ts in humidif iers , and wil l excel lent ly control obnoxious odors . Completely safe . Eco nomical , the quart bot t le is ade quate for the average season. This water t reatment wil l enable con s tant , maximum, operat ing eff ic i - , ency of the humidif ier , and wil l preclude par ts fa i lures due to scale formations. In plast ic bot- t!<-s . Vycital's Hardware GRfetN SICtET MALL 122* N. f i reen St . Mc f It- n ry 0098 Butt Joint: joint made by joining together end wood, usual ly s tumps, crotches, e tc . Butts: stump ends of t rees . Cabriole: s tyle of leg which swel ls in a convex l ine a t the knee and turns in concave form at the ankle , terminated by var ious types of feet . Carving: a form of ornamentat ion which is executed by cut t ing or chisel ing designs on a surface. Caryatides: support ing columns in the form of women. \ Chair Back: top or back port ion of a chair . Chesterfield: overstuffed sofa or couch having two sides or ends. Classical: Greek and Roman forms or s tyles . Unusual and interesting furniture terms that will help you choose your new designs in furniture, lamps and accessories. Claw Foot: foot shaped l ike an animal 's c law. Claw-and-Ball Foot: foot carved in the form of a bird 's c law grasped around a bal l . Ciub Foot: eighteenth century s tyle of foot , shaped outward from the leg into a thick, f la t base; usual ly used with a cabriole leg. Column: vert ical shaf t or pi l lar , used in furni ture as a support . Composition: subst i tute for wood usual ly in carvings. Core: internal par t of a piece of furni ture . In reference to veneer the base of plywood or sol id wood upon which the veneer is placed. Corner Block: t r iangular block f ixed in the corner of the f rame of furni ture to add s t rength. Cornice: top or f inishing moldings of a column or piece of furni ture this project ing molding is of ten elaborately carved. Cross Banding: placement of a layer of veneer so the grain runs t rans versal ly to that of the main surface, as in plywood panels . Cross Kails: pieces s t re tching from the back to front par t i t ion rai ls , foi holding dust bot toms and of ten to serve as drawer s l ides . Crotch: veneer cut f rom l imb crotch, or f rom twin t rees which have joined together forming an unusual end wood f igure. Decorat ion: ornamentat ion of furni ture , such as carving, paint ing, in laying, applying of moldings, mounts , or uphols tery. Diaper Work: convent ional decorat ive design, used on surfaces a t regul t j repeated intervals . Dovetai l : joint made by inter locking wedge-shaped tenons and spaces . Dowel: a pin or peg f i t ted into two adjacent pieces to fasten them to gether . Kgg-and-Dart: form of classic molding in which the oval or egg and a dar t are al ternated. Escritoire: desk with drawers , pigeonholes , and perhaps a hidden com partment . Escutcheon: crest carved ornament; a lso brass hardware over a keyhole . Festoon: decorat ive ser ies of scal lops forming a rope or chain of f lowers , drapery, or the l ike. Figure: unusual design in the grain of wood, such as mott le , f iddleback, or marks other than the natural grain of the wood. Finger Joint: bracket joint , consis t ing of f ine inter locking f ingers . Flat Carvings: carvings in which the only background is cut or taken out , leaving the design i tself f la t . For the particular, pedantic or really technical musts, -- mitre, mortise. marquetry and intarsia as defined on this page will bring thinking sharply into focus. Fluting: decorat ion by means of f lutes or channels as in chair leg or dresser post . Foliated: decorated with a leaf design. Fret: ornamental work of an inter laced design, e i ther perforated or appl ied on sol id background. Garland: wreath of leaves, f lowers , or frui t , used as a decorat ive detai l . Glue Blocks: small blocks of wood glued or otherwise f ixed into a corner for the purpose of s t rength and support . Gros Point: pat tern of embroidery used on uphols tery mater ia l . Highboy: ta l l chest of drawers mounted on legs. H Hinge: h inge with long leaves or f la t par ts which when closed form the le t ter H. ORGANIZE VERTICAL SPACE Cabinet by Tomlinson Furni ture Co. has mirrored shelves and needs only 28 inches in width, 14 inches in depth and 75 inches in height . A l ight is concealed beneath the cornice, and the glass shelves are adjust able . Here is l ight ing and ref lect ion to and ref lect ion to show off favori te col lect ions. Inlay: design formed in the surface of wood by the inser t ing of con trast ing woods, ivory, or other mater ia ls . Intarsia: kind of mosaic work, much used by the I ta l ians during the f i f teer i th century. Lacquer: high luster varnish consis t ing of a solut ion of shel lac in a lcohol . Ladder-Back: chair-back with ser ies of horizontal s la ts placed between the uprights . Laminate: to bui ld up wood in layers ; each layer being laminated on ply. Leg: support upon which a piece of furni ture rests , terminated by a foot , of inf ini te var ie ty and of ten manifest ing cer ta in per iods. Linen F'old: carved or painted form ornament resembling folds of l inen or iginat ing from folded napkin placed on the chal ice a t consecrat ion of the Host in Cathol ic r i tual ; found in Gothic ornament . Lyre Back: chair back shaped l ike the musical instrument , the lyre , an Adam and Duncan Phyfe s tyle . Marquetry: inlay of contrast ing wood or other mater ia l into a back ground of veneer . Medallion: circular or oval-carved ornament . Mitre: two sect ions of wood cut obl iquely to form an angle . Mortise: to join wood together by means of tenon ^nd mort ise , tenons med down and styled up so being the projections and mortise the holes into which the projec- that no one would dream a bed ,ions fif- hides within the sofa. As these words are recognized, the appreciation of the beauty Wall Storage units practical- of each piece will make it easier to choose just what is right. ly contain a complete house- Motif: control l ing idea or leading feature in a piece of work. hold, including a dining table Moldings: ornamentat ion or shaped s t r ips e i ther made or appl ied on that doubles as a desk for now, furniutre . or in the guest room of the Mounts: f i t t ings and other ornamented pieces , usual ly made of metal , home that will come later, placed on furniture to decorate and strengthen. Cabinets, drawers, and shelves Neo<jas$ic: new classic , designat ing the revival of c lass ic tas te in ar t , Store everything from clothes applied to the second revival after the discovery of Pompeiian art and linens to stereo, bar, and One Room Living The efficiency apartment is as much a product of modern America as transistors and compacts. And more and more Americans are starting their careers, marriages, or both, while living in one-room apartments. Fortunately, the situation has produced a category of furnishings designed to con serve space and prevent claus trophobia. Dual purpose furni ture such as<ithe day bed and convertible sdfa can be found in all styles, from the elegant small-scale of the 18th century to the large, cushiony contem porary designs. They are slim- ear ly in the 18th century. Needlepoint: embroidery of woolen threads upon canvas, used as a covering in uphols tery. Onlay: ornament la id on surface woods. Ormolu: metal composi t ion resembling gold, used for mounts on furni ture . Oval Back: chair back of rounded shape, usual ly connected with Hepple white a long with his famous shield-and-heart backs. Panels: Surface set above or below the general surface of a piece of furni ture or effected by means of appl ied moldings. Paw-and-Ball Foot: foot shaped l ike the claw-and-bal l foot , but having an animal 's paw in place of the claw. Pediment: st ructure above the cornice of cupboards, desks, or mirrors , usual ly t r iangular . Petit Point: pat ter nof f ine embroidery used on si lk uphols tery fabrics . Pilaster: Carved, f la t column at tached to the surface of a piece of furni ture . Pineapple: pat tern used in carving, resembling the l ines in the frui t of the pineapple plant ; a lso the leaves and shape of the frui t . Plaque: medall ion or disk made of porcelain, or other such mater ia l , used as a decorat ive feature of furni ture . Polychromc: many-colored, a form of painted ornamentat ion or iginat ing in Egypt and much used in I ta ly during the 16th century. Prince of Wales: Feathers : a decorat ive device used by Hepplewhite , consis t ing of three plumes or feathers . Serpentine Curve: wave-l ike scrol l consis t ing of two- concave curves with convex curves between. Trestte: an ear ly , heavy frame support for table . Veneer: thin sheet of wood, usual ly of choice f igure, glued to a sol id or plywood surface of plain but not necessar i ly cheaper wood. books. Unlike built-ins, these units can move with you later. The flexibility of modulars of fer endless arrangement pos sibilities ... particularly suited to relieving the boredom of a one-room apartment. When one room must serve many purposes, there has to be a distinction between areas, at least to provide a change of atmosphere. Area rugs and chests placed back to back with sofas will mark invisible boundaries within one room. Working dividers do not have to be built in. Free-standing units are available with draw ers, shelves, and cabinets to provide storage and display on either side. Some of the most ingenious arrangements have developed from efficiency living. So even if you have a full-scale home, the necessities of the newly- wed can provide guides to sen sible buying and comfortable living. Paneling Plus is having a REAL Sale!! Wil l i , I fi . I i lhu iw. Not Slow Mov 7*#-" "• I'l'" •' FOUR DAYS ONLY - Thurs.-Sun. January 13th thru 16th MEDITERRANEAN CEDAR 4 x 8-7/16" Wood MARK V GOTHIC OAK 4 x 8-7/16" Wood ALL GYR0TEX VINYL-CLAD Wood Panels 4x8 GEORGIA-PACIFIC LEATHER 4 x 8 W* Wood TRUE HARDWOOD VENEERS w/exclusive Bruce-ply Finishes 4 x 8-V4" EVANS ILLUSION PANELS 4 x 8-3/16" Wood Reg. $10.88 Reg. $10.88 NOW NOW Reg. $5.95 NOW Reg. $6.95 NOW ALL $2.00 per sheet '8.99 '8.99 '4.95 '5.95 OFF SHOW THIS COUPON FOR FREE - PANEL ADHESIVE WITH YOUR PURCHASE ANELING LUS --* 907 North Front St. (Route 31) MqHenry, Illinois 385-5511 Reg. $11.95 NOW '8.99 HOURS: Mon.-Sat 8:00 to 5:30 Friday 8:00 to 9:00 OPEN For Your Convenience SUNDAY 10:00 to 2:00 Whether your l i fe s tyle today is l iberated or quaint , luxurious or s imple, i t i s no doubt expressed in less space than your grand mother 's . Have you ever been invi ted by fr iends for a house-warming ir i a luxurious apar tment , only to real- • i /e that this luxury is confined to even less space than you have? Space is expensive to bui ld and laborious to maintain, so ver t ical space within our homes has a new importance. Look around your home with an aler ted eye. Is there a small , area where you have been con tent to hang a paint ing? Visual ize i t wi th an etagere , cabinet or bookcase that occupies as l i t t le as 18 to 30 inches in width, bur c l imbs upward to 74 inches or more. These ta l l pieces are more than funct ional . They become archi tectural s ta tements to lead the eye upward, spreading the interest of a beaut i ful room over several levels . Planning a Color Scheme When a chi ld has a box of crayons and a color ing book, al l sor ts of unexpected, but wonder ful , th ings begin happening, pur ple cows, pink poodles , yel low and orange t rees . Maybe if we could al l go back in t ime, and throw away al l our preconceived (and restr ic t ing) ideas for what is correct and what is proper in put t ing colors together , bet ter and more ima ginat ive decorat ing plans might be the resul t . I t is cer ta inly worth a t ry , so get some crayons and t racing ' paper . Make a t racing of a maga zine photograph or i l lustrat ion of a room set t ing. I f you 've ever had a secret desire to combine wild and unl ikely colors this is the t ime to f ind out i f they work. Mistakes won' t cost a thing and you can experiment to your hear t ' s content . I t may sound l ike chi ld 's play, but this is t l .^ way professional inter ior decora tors begin organizing a room: with rough sketches, pnd always in color . Keep in mind the magic of color ; that is , what color can do. If you remember a beaut i ful room you have vis i ted, color is a lmost a lways the f i rs t th ing that comes to mind. I t was a gold room, with splashes of green; or you wil l remember a blue room. This is because color has the power to create mood; i t uni tes al l the e lements that go into the furnishing of a room. Color has an effect on people . Blue and green are cool colors and their presence is soothing and restful . Red, orange and yel low are warm colors that wil l make rooms feel sunnier and l ivel ier . Color a lso has an effect on space. I t can make larger rooms seem smaller , open space in small rooms, and even raise or lower the cei l ing. In other words, i t can show off a room's best features or hide a dozen f laws. Lighter and cooler colors are expansive and wil l make rooms seem larger . Dark and warm colors wil l appear c loser . I f you feel the cei l ing is too high, paint i t l ighter than the wal ls . I f a room is broken up by too many doors , windows and beams, paint everything, including the woodwork, the same color . An other way to minimize defects is to cover wal ls and cei l ings in a small a l l -over pat terned wall paper . To f ind out i f your ideas work, begin by color ing the wal ls . The second color wil l be the f loor: indicate area rugs, carpet ing .and wood. Next , decide on pat terned and plain uphoJj j tery. Plain, with pr int pi l lows is more f lexible i f you l ike frequent changes of cur ta ins . Final ly , color the accessories in something real ly dar ing. There are dozens of ways to color a room, and the best one of a l l is the one you l ike, the one that sui ts your tas te . ORNAMENTAL IRON Rail ings-Columns- Custom Fabricat ing Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte . 120 McHenry Phone: 385-0783 (V