V PAGE 6-PIAINDEAJ.ER-F-RIDAY,- JANUARY 14, 1972 A note from the Sprouses (Bill and Lora A.) comes to our house from way out in Stan- wood, Washington. EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS The note advises us to put on the snow tires We did - weeks ago - and haven't had more than a smithering of white flakes since. The suspense is terrible. It's like buying a life insurance policy and waiting to use it. Football widows should be able to relax after the Super Bowl next Sunday, Experts hesitate to pick the winner. The Dallas Cowboys are great. The Miami Dolphins played like nobody can in their last outing. C D. of A. T u e s . 7 p . m . Koleno, 456; Barb Leight^Hi&Kathy Miller, 482; Clarice Bufcnzli, 461; Kitty Hendle, 476; Cathy Boro, 481; Cathy Freund, 458; Mary Lou Stein, 456"; Lois Crouch, 514; Marion Donnelly, 471; Carolyn Oetjen, 485; From our conversations and words of wisdom gleaned from local sports fans, Miami is a sure winner So says the U tkpuppojls TMI DROPOUTS by Howard Po»» The note mentioned former McHenryites after letting us know they keep up wi th So I Hear We conclude that Miami is the sentimental favorite. Just to give them a chance and be different we pick the Cowboys. Don't offer us any bets 'cause we "ain't" that sure. THK I IIK.F.HS that spur on the varsity wrestling team are executed by the above young ladies. Wearing smiles are I r Captain Nanette Romani. Cary Hill and Lynn Steinsdoerfer. Standing is Beth l,eleu\ < PLAINDEALER PHOTO) Warriors And Warhawks Battle For First Place Tonight In Buckner Gym Like those famous letters from Mama -- it goes on to say: Stopped by to see Frank and Marian Justen - you should see their place. Frank has a room with lots of trophies, pictures of notables big shots in Cal., etc. - and among them Earl Walsh and some So I Hear bits. So!" Before another column deadline we plan to see a grade school basketball game. And horses couldn't hold us from the Warrior - North Chicago game Friday night. i Jusr Zf HtM&EKFP Tb IHFCKM Tft£ VA OF OUR OF" ADOge55 1 nformalion ton tail thr orarrsl VA uffk-e uheck phone book I or wnlf Vflfrjm Administration 232X NIO Vermont Ave NW Washington I) ( 20420 Glad to know the Plaindealer reaches from coast to coast. With space a problem and a sack full of sports stories to squeeze in, we cut this short. God and our readers willing, we'll be back. ITEM: An earthenware casse role fondue pot with handle is traditional for cheese and choco late fondues. But earthenware should not be used for hot oil based fondue high heat may crack it K e n L u d w i g s W a r r i o r s w i l l h a v e t h e i r h a n d s f u l l t h i s w e e k e n d ; i s t h e y p l a y b a c k t o h a c k g a m e s w i t h t h e t w o t o u g h e s t t e a m s i n t h e N o r t h S u b u r b a n C o n f e r e n c e T h e W a r r i o r s s t a r t o f f t h i s t o u g h w e e k e n d F r i d a y n i g h t a s t h e y h o s t t h e N o r t h C h i c a g o W a r h a w k s w h o w i t h t h e W a r r i o r s s h a r e t h e t o p s p o t i n t h « • N S C T h e w i n n e r o f t h e m a t c h u p w i l l t a k e s o l e p o s s e s s i o n o f i i r s t p l a c e F a n s p l a n n i n g o n a t t e n d i n g t h i s g r e a t h a l l g a m e s h o u l d p l a n t o g e t t o B u c k n e r G y m e a r l y F r i d a \ n i g h t a s a b i g c r o w d i s e x p e c t e d a n d s e a t s w i l l b e h a r d t o c o m e b \ I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o n o t e t h a t t h e W a r r i o r s w e r e t h e o n l y t e a m m t h e t h e N S C p r e s e a s o n p o l l s p i c k e d t o h a v e a c h a n c e t o b e a t o u t t h e W a r h a w k s t o r c h a m p i o n s h i p h o n o r s A t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e N o r t h C h i c a g o r a n k e d t h e n u m b e r l f > t e a m i n t h e s t a t e o f I l l i n o i s I t p l a y i n g t h e n u m b e r 1 5 t e a m i n t h e s t a t e o n e n i g h t i s n o t b a d e n o u g h T h c W a m o r s h o r o s c o p e i s p r o b a b l y f i l l e d w i t h h a d o m e n s a t l e a s t s c h e d u l i n g w i s e T h e f o l l o w i n g n i g h t t h e W a r r i o r m a c h i n e h a s t o h e a d d o w n t h e r o a d t o B a r r m g t o n t o t a k e o n t h e a l w a y s t o u g h B r o n c o s T h e B r o n c o s a r e i n s e c o n d p l a c e NORTH SUBURBAN W L Pts breathing down the first Luck Warriors placers backs. Here's hoping the Warriors will play the kind of ball they are capable of and when the smoke clears late Friday and Saturday nights all that will be left is the Warriors Orange and Black Cage Machine setting a top of the NSC race and the remains of Barrington and North Chicago first place visions just that visions! Good McHenry North Chicago Barrington Zion-Benton LibertyviUe Dundee Crystal I^ake Woodstock 304 293 235 243 219 221 196 198 Opp 218 206 225 255 252 272 233 304 Hutchinson Grapplers Beat Cary Grove 28-16 By Fred Kusch Bill Hutchinson's Grapplers made it two straight as they wrestled their way to victory over the Trojans of Cary Grove. Warrior Tankmen Lose Close Duel With Woodstock, 52-43 The Warriors ripped their opponents 28-16. Two Warriors pinned their opponents, 138 lb., Jim Anderson pinned his man with 4:16 gone in the contest. The second pin came from Joe Dougherty who put his man on his back at the 2:59 mark of the match. The Warriors appear to be consistently improving as each match goes by. The Warriors will need an especially stellar performance tonight as they travel to North Chicago to take on the always tough Warhawks. Saturday the Warriors travel to the Lake Geneva Invitational in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Come out and see the Warriors. The McHenry Varsity Swimming Team was defeated by the Woodstock Blue Streaks m a close meet last week. The outcome of the meet was not decided until the last event of the day Varsity records were established for McHenry in the following events: Medley Relay Kick Swanson, Jon Sek, Dirk Voorhees, Doug Eschner; 200 yd Individual Medley Kevin Carroll; Cary Marcellis in the 400 yd Free Style; Rick Swanson in the 100 yd Backstroke; Jon Sek in the 100 yd Breaststroke; and in the 400 yd Freestyle Relay with the team of Rick Swanson, Kevin HARVARD THEATRE 21 23 N. AYER ST. HARVARD, ILL. 815 943 4451 ( OH .'4 HOUR HI COMDI 1) I N I O H M A I I O N H A N i . I W l T M O D I I ' R I O H N O t l C I U N I O U I M l W . C U M I O R T A B L E M O T I O N P I C T U R E T H f c A l H E CATERING TO THE V A R 11 D TASTES OE ALL T Yl'LS AUDIENCES. )u> CiJiut 'ssiun I tems Aie for Your Enjoyment in the Auditorium F A M I L Y ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM AT 7 PM DAILY ONLY 4 PM Matinee Sunday S T A R I S F R I D A Y J A N U A R Y 1 4 TH F O R 7 DAYS TferenceHill "The iitev OalFMe Trinity" fist ot Separate Admissions t ,*4dult /tit * D O U B L E F E A T U R E PRESENTED EVERY DAY AT 9PM S I A H I S F R I D A Y J A N U A R Y 1 4 TH FOR 7 D A Y S 35mm TRIPLE X' COLOR ART FILM • Plus * 16mm UNDERGROUND ART FILM /A Fu l l Length West Coast Feature - Color & Sound F O R M A T U R E M E N & WOMEN 18 & OVER PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED AND INSPECTED Weiss, Gary Marcellis, and Bob Decker The Warriors next home meet will be Thursday, Jan. 13 at 4. ;H) against Rockford Harlem MEET RESULTS 200 Med Relay - 1 McHenry, Swanson, Sek, Voorhees, Eschner; 2. Wood stock Time of 1:55.5. 200 Freestyle - 1. W. Brandt. 2. Me Marcellis. 3. W Zibbell. Time of 2:08.5. 200 Individual Medley - 1. W. Mather 2. MeCarroll 3. Mc. Weiss. 50 free style 1 W Murphy. 2 Mc. Sek 3 W Feldt Time of 24.5. Diving; 1 W Piquette. 2 Mc. Kreutzer. 3. W Nordin. pts. 58.2. 100 Butterfly 1. W Mather. 2 Me Weiss. 3 W Dunham. Time of 1 07 0 UK) Free Style 1 W Mather. 2 Me Decker. 3 W. Feldt. Time of 1:00.7. 400 Free Style 1 W Brandt. 2. Mc. Marcellis 3 W. Zibell. Time of 4:39.0. 100 Backstroke - 1. Mc. Swanson. 2 Mc. Topp. 3. W. Ellis. 100 Breaststroke -1. Mc. Sek. 2. W. Nowaskey. 3 Mc. Carroll. Time of 1:10.0 400 Freestyle Relay - 1. Mc. Dunham, Feldt, Mather, Brandt. 2. McHenry. Time of 3:53.6. Woodstock, 52 - McHenry, 43 Soph Cagers Rip Blue Streaks 66-44 By Fred Kusch Coming off the long holiday layover 'Gary Collins' sophs overwhelmed a highly touted POLITICAL CORNER Central Committee Hosts Paul Simon At McHenry Dinner The McHenry County Democratic Central committee will hold a family style roast beef and chicken dinner at the McHenry American Legion home Jan. 20. The guest speaker will be Paul Somon, Democratic Lieutenant Governor who is a candidate for Governor of the State of Illinois in the March 21 primary election. Along with Lt. Gov. Simon will be Neil F. Hartigan, candidate for Lt. Governor, and all the candidates for Congress from the 13th and 16th districts, the candidates for office in the new 33rd district for both the House and Senate in Springfield. Tickets may be obtained from the following committee: George Luto, Lyle Desmond, Joe Brock, Bob Gibson, Larry Huck or Frank Sheehv. There will be a social hour starting at 6:30 p.m., with dinner at 7:30 p.m., anyone who can not attend the dinner is welcome to the meeting starting at 8:45 p.m. to hear Lt. Gov. Simon and meet him and the other candidates. Woodstock sophomore team by a 22 point margin 66-44. Coach Collins attributed the victory to an excellent team effort, ex cellent shooting and excellent defense in particular. The young Warriors outrebounded the Streaks 38-26 which is a further indication of their domination in the game. The young Warriors victory over The Blue Streaks pushed their seasons record to 10-2. The Sophomore Cagers get back into action tonight against North Chicago and tomorrow, Saturday night at Barrington. BOX SCORES , The dinner George Luto. chairman is "Living Desert" and "Vanishing Prairie" McHenry,11 3sT)r0144 THURSDAY The scream you hear may be your own' CUNT EASTWOOD "PLAY MISTY FORME" sn Im tuHkw ii« tnnn JLS3CAW4LTEH .A , AH > • IX rsls*A MIL u. JS Starts Friday Jan. 14 Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Start 7:00 & 9:00 Mon thru Thurs. Starts at 7:30 SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEE START 2:00 ADMISSION 75' carol channing eddie bracken THE WONDERFUL. REAL ROMANCE OF ARCHV AND MEHITABEL TOWNE Fox Lake 587-2612 FRI.-SAT.-SUN. FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Admission only 4.00 Start 7:00&9:00 l O S E P M t L E V i N E p r e s e r "They Call Me Trinity A »D§ M AN AVCO IMIAIIV RILIMI Sat.-Sun. Matinee 1:00 "Shinbone Alley" MONDAY-THURSDAY January 17-18-19-20 Adult Entertainment For persons 18 & over -DOUBLE FEATURE- "WH0 DID COCK ROBIN" Plus 2nd Adult Hit "Women, Women" Admission *2.50 McHENRY Himpelmann Camasta Wanta Cajthaml Novotny Decker Choate Miller Buss Pflug Freund Bixby Dobbertin O'Halleran Lawson Totals Woodstock fg ft 9 3 5 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 27 18 12 8 When homemakers around the country were asked what was the worst job about the house was, ironing ranked first . After that came cleaning the range, scrub bing floors, cleaning closets, wash ing windows, scrubbing bath rooms, washing wails and clean ing the refrigerator. WHEN THE FRESHMEN are wrestling, these cheerleaders are cheering. The pretty gals are 1-r Chris Mowrer, Pam Shuttleworth and Sue Price. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) Warrior Wrestlers Win As Freshman Pins His Man By Fred Kusch Coach Bill Hutchinson's Varsity grapplers got back into action last Friday night against the Woodstock Blue Streaks and like their basketball counterparts came away with a decisive victory. In a thrilling finish the Warriors went down to the last match of the evening to win the meet. With the score 25-21 in favor the Warriors, the last match of the evening started with Freshman Joe D o u g h e r t y w r e s t l i n g heavyweight against Wood stock's Eharde, a senior. The fortune^ of the entire match rested on the shoulders of these two young men. Eharde took the lead and going into the last period of the match the Woodstock senior was beating the Freshman Warrior 3-1. A loss by Dougherty would have meant a tie for the match, however, the young Warrior would not be beaten. With only 16 seconds remaining in the match Joe picked his man up off the mat in a pinning com bination. Then with 6 seconds left the referee slapped declaring Eharde pinned. The Warriors had won one of their most exciting victories in. recent years. Not to be overlooked in victory were the important victories of Jocko Worm, Tom Van Kanegan, Jim Anderson and Dennis Hovseth. John Bassi and Phil Mowerer also contributed important points as they pinned their men and thereby setting the stage for Dougherty's exciting vic tory. INSPECTION . . . Olympic hopeful First Lt. Robert Kfen- dall checks his ski equipment before making a bid for a spot on the U.S. Olympic Ski Team. The Auburn, Maine native spe cializes in the 15 kilometer cross country race and the 70 meter jump. Waubonsee Edges MCC Cagers 92 To 84 pts 22 7 13 6 2 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 66 44 In a contest much closer than the 92 to 84 final score would indicate, the Waubonsee Warriors defeated McHenry County College on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 8. Actually the contest was a see-saw affair with the lead exchanging hands a dozen times in the game. McHenry broke in front on a 10- foot jump shot by Jim Mulvenna and a fast break basket by Joe Dehn. MCC continued to maintain their slim lead until six seconds remained in the half when two free throws put Waubonsee in front 42 to 40. The Scots bounced right back with the first two field goals in the second stanza. The turning point in the contest occurred with the score tied at 71 all and five minutes and thirty seconds remaining. At this time Bruce Harbecke, MCC's leading scorer and rebounder, fouled out and the Scots dropped behind, never to catch up. The Scots trailed by only three points going into the last minute but free throws made the final margin appear a little greater. Moral victories don't go into the win column but this was undoubtedly one of the best games the MCC lads have turned in this year. Only a month ago Waubonsee defeated the University of Illinois fresh man squad by three points in Champaign. Two challenges face the Scots this week, on Friday afternoon they go to the Windy City to play Wright Junior College and Saturday afternoon they will entertain College of DuPage at the Crystal Lake High School fieldhouse at 2:30 p.m. Sport Quiz Question! What was the score of the first Super Bowl game and where was it played? AiKWPr* *sala3uV soq 'umasxioo lejaouiajv niiawei. «ox sbsubm iCeg uaajQ For the answer, to your Insurance Questions see or call Herb or Bob / At Stoffel & Reihansperger 3438 W. Elm St. - McHenry 385-0300 y*ffildep&)dent ] YOUR/ Insurance / AGENT SIRVKS *OU FWIT bsj1® BOX SCORES McHENRY fg 8 ft P tot. Mulvenna, Jim fg 8 9 2 25 Thomas, Tom 3 2n 5 8 Dehn,Joe 5 1 5 11 Harbecke, Bruce 9 5 5 23 Hayes, Mark 5 6 3 16 Bielski, Rick 0 1 2 1 May, Dennis 0 0 1 0 Peasley 0 0 0 0 Total 30 24 23 84 WAUBONSEE Loring 2 3 2 7 Fowler 10 2 4 22 Koch 5 4 5 14 Garbe 5 3 5 13 Janus 14 6 2 34 Harvell 1 0 4 2 Total K 37 18 22 92 1st half McHenry 40 Waubonsee 4 2 2nd half tot. 4 4 8 4 4 4 9 2 r WOODSTOCK 338 0032 Fri. Jan. 14 For 1 Wk. Richard Harris Is raxGJtiiJifliE uiwiuiiutt-