& Mobile By Inga With no snow in our area more and more people will be trailering their snowmobiles. A few safety rules and suggestions at this time might be of help, specially for the persons trailering for the first time. x>* You might say to yourself "1 trailer my boat during the summer and it's no different from a snowmobile". Basically you're right When backing up, turning the car wheel to the left will make a trailer turn right or taking your turns and curves wide to prevent the trailer wheels from going off the pavement. I've heard my husband say many times i t ' s eabier to back up and park our 23 ft. cruiser on its double axle trailer than it is that l i t t le snowmobile trailer The main reason for this, is a snowmobile trailer will respond much quicker and turn more sharply when backing up than is an ticipated by the owner when he is turning the car ' s s teer ing wheel. If you are new at t ra i ler ing, and the trickiest part is backing up and parking, t ry taking your trailer, without the snowmobile on it and pract ice parking, backing up, pul l ing in and out of t ight spots before making that first long trip up north. Get t ing the feel of your t ra i ler and i ts responses are important . I t could avoid a bad accident I 've l is ted a few safety points that would be good for everyone to check before taking off 1. Trailer Hitch: Is the t ra i ler hitch properly placed on the ball of the car9 Latch securely locked in place 9 Safety chains securely hooked to the car 9 Snow and road sal t wil l cause rust on the bal l and bal l socket , give i t a l i t t le sanding and oi l f rom t ime to t ime to keep them moving smoothly 2. Trai ler Lights When working the direct ional l ights , brake, back up lights in the car , do they correspond correct ly on the trailer9 Wrong wir ing could cause the direct ional l ights of the trailer to be opposi te of the car Check your running l ights . At t imes snow and ice can wedge in between the trailer springs or axle and the wiring causing it to become pinched or broken . We check our running l ights every t ime we get gas when we are t ra i ler ing Our running l ights went out because of the ice ment ioned above, luckily we caught i t and didn ' t receive a t icket . I t d id delay us an hour to have i t f ixed 3. Tire: Keep them well in flated and check every now and then for foreign objects wedged into the threads picked up by packed snow. Remember too that when you are driving at high speeds your small tiret? are making many more revolutions than your car tires. Can they stand it? Are they a heavy enough ply? 4. Secure Snowmobiles: The rear of the snowmobile should be secured to the trailer. Rope or a chain can be used but there are the regular snowmobile "tie downs". A hard length of rubber with hooks at each end attached to trailer and snowmobile. Are the pins or fasteners in good condition that secure the rods going through your skis? It might not be a bad idea to put an extra safety chain through your skis and secure to trailer. Fast or emergency stopping does cause the snowmobile to slide back and forth. 5. Covers: Covers tear to shreds from the high wind during trailering when not tied down good. Besides »the rope that is pulled through the bottom of the covers we find a few lengths of "shock cord" with hooks at the end come in handy. Hook into the eyes of one side of the cover, through the track and hook to the eye at the other rWe. The Polar Pairs Snowmobile club informs me that the races at Rudolph's farm was can celled for Jan. 9 because of no snow. It is rescheduled for Jan. 30. In last week's column I gave you some of the highlights of our trip up north. Due to the policy of the paper I was unable to give you the names of the motels we stayed at or the restaurants that can be reached when snowmobiling on the various trails I mentioned. If any reader would like the names and numbers of the various places, which are good gathering spots for snowmobilers give me a call at 385-2227. It would be helpful if you are going to the Boulder .Junction, Wisconsin Rapids areas. There were also several businesses where every Friday night the local snowmobilers would start out from on beautiful trail rides. Anyone would be welcome to join. Thhs is good if you are not familiar with the trails. REGISTRATION Section 5-6 other prohibition 1. No person, except persons permitted by law, shall operate or ride any snowmobile with any firearm in his possession unless it is unloaded and en closed in a carrying case, or any bow unless it is unstrung in a carrying case. 2. No person shall deposit from a snowmobile on the snow, ice or ground, trash, glass, garbage, insoluble material, or other offensive matter. Bus Schedule Set For Winter YMCA Swim Instruction PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER- Three Saturday swimming instruction classes are now being conducted by the Lake Region YMCA in the Woodstock High School pool at 12:45, 1:45, and 2:45 p.m. There is char tered bus transportation for the first and last class. The minimum age for boys and girls who participate is seven during the winter quarter. Classes meet for ten con secutive weeks. The instruction classes are guided by the standards of the YMCA's National Aquatic program. One instructor is responsible for eight youths in the beginning level. Deep water classes have one instructor for every 10 students. Registrations continue to be accepted at 95 Grant Street in Crystal Lake for all swim in struction classes. The office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays and on Satur day mornings for schedule information. The bus pick-up schedule for the 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. class is McHenry Junior High School at 11:20 a.m., Fox River Grove Post Office at 11:45 a.m. Oak Knoll School in Cary at 11:50 a.m., Coventry School in Crystal Lake at noon and Central School in Crystal Lake at 12:05 p.m. The return bus stops at McHenry at 2:10 and continues at the same stops as the pick-up until the last return at 2:45 p.m. at Central School. The bus pick-up schedule for the 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. class is Oak Knoll School in Cary at 1:30 p.m., Central School in Crystal Lake at 1:40 p.m., Coventry School in Crystal Lake at 1:45 p.m., Algonquin Village Hall at 1:55 p.m., Lake- in-the-Hills School at 2:00 p.m., and Huntley Village Hall at 2:10 p.m. The return bus stops in Huntley at 4:00 and concludes the return route at 4:35 p.m. at Oak Knoll School in Cary. Susan Malenius Among Most Improved Bowlers And Awarded Trophy The Lake Region YMCA 2 - 8th grade and teen bowling champions were crowned recently at the conclusion of 10 weeks play. Sessions were held at Metro Bowl in Crystal Lake. Skill teaching sessions were held the first three weeks. The remaining weeks were taken up with league play. The youth with highest averages for each day at the end of the three weeks chose teammates. Trophies were awarded to the following for the 2-8th grade league. The Tigers included Captain. Judy Ryan, Jim Fergin, and Greg Fox, all of Crystal Lake. Susan Malenius of McHenry was the most improved bowler Trophies for teen bowling were awarded to Captain Joe William's team. Joe is from Crystal Lake and also won the most improved bowling trophy. Other members were Ed Lamb of Algonquin and Brad Hart, of Crystal Lake. The winter quarter and a new 10 week program begins Jan. \% and 13, respectively for the above 2 leagues. Any youth, boy or girl, may register for a similar program now. Registration may be completed at the Lake Region YMCA office 95 Grant St., 0.0. Box 337, Crystal Lake, Illinois. •fitaigliitf [foir IFexsxd An excellent platter garnish is mcringued peaches Fill centers of drained canned cling peach halves with mincemeat (1 table spoon in each half) Top with stiff meringue (2 tablespoons sugar per egg white) and bake in a 400 degree F. oven for 5 to 7 minutes until slightly browned They're ideal with roasts A quick and easy way to pre pare a zesty sauce to serve over pudding or cake is with eggnog Simply combine 1 package (3 ounces) vanilla pudding mix with V2 teaspoon nutmeg Stir in Vh cups eggnog Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until pudding comes to a full boil. Serve hot to warm up any winter evening A coconut pie shell "contains" a cream, chiffon, or ice cream fill ing deliciously Spread 2 table spoons softened (not melted) but ter evenly on the bottom and sides of an 8 or 9-inch pie plate Spread 14 cups of shredded co conut, chopped, in pan and press into butter with fingertips. Bake at 350 degrees F about 10 to 12 minues, until golden. Cool and fill. The average student takes too long to learn too little. $ r\ r ' 1 % THE McHENRY WARRIOR SWIMMING TEAM. Members are l-r front row ; Bill Meath. Steve C.riesbach, Glenn Stack, Mike Zietz and Dan Fry. Second row are; led Honning, Andy Bailey, Jack White, Mike Babarsk\. Irv Gall. Brian Fetzer, Larry Fry, Bill Dostal, Kuss Marcellis. Kelvin Schultz and Coach Mike Shanahan. TUBA TRB 26 N Williams Si i RYSTAL LAKE Phone HI 5-459-6440 Sat. & Sun. 2p.m. .50 All Seats laurel & Hardy - Buster Keaton ^Charley Chase Bring laughs in IFRI.&SAT. 78,9SUN! 6&8 WEEKDAYS 8P.M. ^Joseph E Lcvine pirsmls a Mike N.i huk. f iim starring Jack Nicholson • Candice Berge "'Carnal KnowlaJge' is one of the best movies ever --Liz Sm i th , Cosmopo l i t an Magaz ine Mikt Nichols. JatkNiiholson.Candke Bergen. Arthur (»arfunkd Ann \Uirgrel and Jules Feiffer. Carnal Knowledge.] LS° A') (Ml An Avco Embassy Picture no p'tr p.> inpoj(J ouiAoq j qdasop lajopoij aAiinjaxj • a6pa|MouM leu ie^ McHenry Hobby -BOYS- REGISTER NOW! Modeling classes will begin Tuesday evening, January 25 from 7 to 9 p.m., covering Airplane building; wing and fuselage paper covering and all phases of this type of construction. Classes are free to those boys who wish to learn and perfect this technique. 3318 W. Elm St. IbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 385-7122 enry Hock By Martin J. Kin^erk Last week the hockey league finally got under way. The ice was in very poor condition last Wednesday night when the senior team from Crystal Lake came to town to have a light scrimmage with our seniors. The outcome was in favor of our McHenry team by the score of 15-2. Even though it was played on very poor ice this outcome is only a slight in dication of the great season our seniors are going to have. Saturday the juniors (15 thru 17) and our youngest teams (9 thru 12)-, had practice sessions getting prepared for the coming week. Sunday morning, even though the ice was starting to melt right under our feet, we took a combination of our juniors and had a scheduled game with a Park Ridge team called the Hinckley Park Hawks, and again we met the challenge with great success by whipping them handily 3-0. This Saturday morning the junior teams No. 7 and 8 will play a game and the winner will go to Rockford Sunday morning to play a? 11 a.m. game with a Rockford team. Also this Saturday at 12:15 p.m. Team No. 1 will play a game with a team from Harvard here on our rink, and Sunday team No. 2 will play a team from Park Ridge. This age group for teams No. 1, 2, & 3 are from 9 thru 12 years old. I would like to see some more boys sign up in the league. We would like to have a couple of more teams in each age bracket. Just stop down at the rink and we will sign you up. At this time I would like to thank the young boys who were down at the rink Tuesday night and shoveled off the snow. You all did a great job. As this weekend approaches we are going to have these games on Saturday and Sun day. It sure would be nice if some people came out and cheered them on. ,\JANUARY 14, 1972 The small freshwater catfish of North America called "Mad Tom" can inflict a painful wound with its poison tipped plctoral fins. WATER-WELLS PUMPS O RED JACKET • THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE If you want to l>e highly recommended let someone else sav the word. McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. 385-5252 - Re*. 38S0713 4913 W. McCullom Lk. Kd. McHenry Top row are; Bill Stahlman, Kevin Carroll, Bob Decker, Kevin Weiss, Rich Swanson, Scott Topp, Mike Erickson, Dirk Voorhees. Gary Marcellis, Gerry Long, Jon Sek, Doug Eschner, and Roy Lundalius.JSot pictured are Randy Watkins, Wyne Kreutzer, Ben Mennella and Mark Koerber. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) WATCH THE SUPER BOWL ON COLOR TV AT HOME! Home Complete sat is fact ion or we wi l l prompt ly remove the set and refund your money. If within 10 days of purchase and after using the merchandise you are not entirely satisfied for any reason . . . at your request we wil l promptly re move the merchandise with no cost or obligation to you. * 18" Dioq. 180 Sq. Inch Viewing Area Model WM260CBG • Spectra-Brite® Picture • Sensitronic Tuning System FREE j • Reliacolor Chassis On-The-Spot ^ Financing Low Monthly Payments GE Color Console TV 23" Diag. 295 Sq. Inch Viewinq Area M-d-i M904i.BR • Spectra-Br i te0 Pic tu re % Sensi t ronic Tuning System • Rel iacolor Chassis $39995: Official Wilsoii's^Dick Butkus Football WITH THE PURCHASE'OF ANY COLOR TV SET Battery Charger Schauer Charges most 1 2-volt batteries overnight '6. 99 Charges at a 3-amp rate that tapers as battery becomes fully charged. Has copper-plated clamps. UL ap proved. 12 It. COPPER Battery Cables *2" Features: • Reaches cars in inacces sible posi t ions • M a d e o f c o p p e r f o r quick-f i re start ing • P l a s t i c i n s u l a t e d g r i p s , large clamps • Stores in trunk, handy for emergency Battery-Type Trouble Light 12 Ysft. 25 PL $049 2 -liirr r.Tniin?, ntgVTme n t ; , i nu f i sh ing , 4 0 - w a t t ;'S work>; off of battery jicuci cr IjK.'n w needed. GOODS YEAR THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS* TIRES MARKET PLACi 'r McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Friday 'til 9:00 Saturday 8:30-4:00 0