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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1972, p. 2

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SATURDAY FEB 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 • UNLIMITED DRINKS • BREAKFAST SERVED AT MIDNIGHT • MUSIC & DANCING PRIZES FOR THE BEST >7| COSTUMES! LA -Snowmobiles not N | MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY! Hthc Xonghorn &teak House PHONE 385-9869 2% Miles East of McHenry On Route 120 Feeling Winter I Worn? s Let Riverside Perk you up and put a touch of Spring into a cold day. CYNTHIA ANN BRUCE BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED - Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Clayton O. Bruce of Ringwood of the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia Ann, to Russell McPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McPherson of Downers Grove. Cynthia is a senior at McHenry high school. Her fiance, a 1969 graduate of Downers Grove North high achool, is employed in Lombard. A fall wedding is planned. of your favorite hair care experts returns to our staff. RIVERSIDE HAIRSmiNG C^>en Tues., Thurs., Fri. Evenings 2020 Rte. 120* Phone 385-7010 -Ample free parking- Board members of the newly formed Edgebrook school Parent-Teachers organization are shown above, from left. Fran YYeyland. membership chairman; Carroll Rudden, teacher representative; Sandy Foley, treasurer; Mrs. Dorothy Ulrich. principal; Dale Houghton, president; Jeanne Adelmann. secretary; Faith Schaefer. ways and means chairman; and Dee Hodgson, publicity chairman. Absent from the picture are Barbara Bitterman. vice-president, and Janis Blank, calling chairman. LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Volunteers Aid Work Of Edgebrook PTO Many parents and teachers of children at Kdgebrook school are giving their time and t a l e n t s t o m a k e t h e P T O a u s e f u l o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t w i l l a i d the school and most important benefit the children The first of its man> efforts is a crew of volunteer parents who will "help out", some with the teachers in the classroom and some at recess time Questionnaires were sent to all families and over sixty volunteered If it is only an hour a week it will be put to good use Any parent, grandparent, or friend who has a special or interesting hobby, and who would be willing to give a demonstration and show their work to the children, would be most welcome. Children have a wide variety of interests and want to learn and see different things. The meetings of the Edgebrook P.T.O. will be held the fourth Thursday of the month at Edgebrook at 8 p.m. The meeting of Jan 27 will have as its speaker a very interesting young man from Brazil He is Deneval (Denny) Azevedo. a senior at West campus, who is now residing in McHenry. Denny will speak of served refreshments to new pledges Mesdames Harry Powers, Jim Basak and Russ Parker and members Mesdames Dale Sprouse, William Boyle, Leonard Siatta, William Haddick, Frank Mazzone, Jr., Carl Grinstead and Miss Adeie Sabel. Panhellenic Meeting At Adams Home The next meeting of McHenry Women's Panhellenic will be held at the home of Mrs. Marge Adams, 815 N. Green street, Thursday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. At this meeting, Mrs. Cheryl Toalson, art teacher at Junior high school, will be guest speaker. Any woman who was af­ filiated with a national sorority while in college" is invited to attend the meeting. Questions concerning Panhellenic should be directed to Mrs. Trudy Poivier. Club Holds Card Party The Woman's club of Wonder Lake is sponsoring a card party Thursday, Feb. 3, in Christ the King church hall at 8 p.m. All card games may be played. The public is invited to at­ tend Proceeds will go to the Woman's club for its many service projects. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from committee members. Coffee and dessert wiU be served. For tickets or more in­ formation, contact the following committee members: Mrs Matthew Paradowski, Mrs Charles Sowers, Mrs. Walter Fleming, Mrs. Fred Panek, Mrs. James Szurek, Mrs William Fitzgerald, Mrs. Gerhard Graedler, Mrs. James Hearity, Mrs. Ralph Lively, or Mrs Charles Moore, chairman, or Mrs Robert Karlson, club president Showers Honor Nancy Adams Miss Nancy Adams who will become the bride of Pat Knight Jan. 29, in St. Mary's Catholic church, was honored at two miscellaneous bridal showers. Miss Pat Foran, a student at the University of Mexico, hosted a shower in the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Foran, for former classmates of Marian Central high school. Other guests in­ cluded the bride-to-be's mother, Mrs. Mathias Adams, Mrs. Foran and Pat's grand­ mother, Mrs. Stella Graham. A dessert lunch was served. On Sunday, Jan. 16, twenty- six relative and friends honored Miss Adams in the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard Adams. A bridal doll and decorated shower cake graced the buffet table Hostesses were Mrs. Richard Adams, Mrs. Kenneth Adams, Mrs James Adams and Mrs. Daniel Adams, her sisters-in-law, and her god­ mother, Mrs. Alfons Adams. A buffet was served. Assisting with the serving were Nancy's nieces, Mary Beth and Meg Adams. Joyce Adams, and Wendy and Lisa Adams. his country and give a slide presentation. Coffee will be served and all parents are invited. BROOKWOOD GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111 PHONE: 385-4949 TROPICAL FISH SPECIAL... PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-^ftlDAY, JANUARY 21, 4972 Husband And MR. AND MRS. JAMES MORENZ BRIDAL COUPLE-- A wedding of interest was solemnized Nov. 27 in St. Luke's Evangelical church. Park Ridge, when Ruth Esther Becker became the bride of James I. Morenz. Miss Becker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Raymond E. Becker of Park Ridge and Mr. Moreni is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morenz of 4306 W. Ponca, McHenry The young couple is now residing in Rolling Meadows. ALL G0URAMI % PRICE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Date Party For Pi Alpha Chapter Social chairman of Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Mrs Carl Grinstead, announced that the Husband and Date party will be held Saturday, Jan 22. 7 p.m at the Chateau Louise The an­ nouncement was made at the Monday evening meeting held at the home of Mrs Pearce Konold President Mrs Dale Sprouse presided over the bi-monthly business meeting and declared that Mrs Grinstead was the winner of the most interesting and enjoyable program during the first three months of the sorority year Mrs William Haddick, recent recipient of the sorority "Order of the Rose" degree, read her letter of acceptance for this coveted award Mrs Leonard Siatta presented the evening's program on travel from the sorority program booklet. "Hap­ piness" Following the meeting, pledges Mrs William Boyle and Mrs Frank Mazzone, Jr., received their "Ritual of Jewels" degree during the i m p r e s s i v e c a n d l e l i g h t ceremony, which entitles them to full rights and privileges of being a sorority member The hostess. Mrs Konold, Coming Events Card Tourney Of St. Clara Court Opens St. Clara Court, No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. in the Oak room of Montini Middle school. The annual card tournament will begin at this time. Chairmen of the event are Mrs. Harold Justen and Mrs. James Blake. The committee consists of Mrs. Clarence Adams, Mrs. Gene Adams, Mrs. William Althoff, Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Mrs. Duane Andreas, Mrs. Victor Bassi, Miss Carolyn Bau?r, Mrs. Bernard Bauer, Mrs. Daniel Bengston and Mrs. Thomas Bitterman. Local Girls On 29-Day Bahama Islands Study Tour Miss Carol Jean Schuh of McHenry and Miss Lois Hansen of Wonder Lake are among MacMurray college students participating in a study of in­ stitutions and race relations in the Bahama Islands during the school's January term session. The twenty-nine day study tour sponsored by Mac- Murray's sociology department will include examination of Bahamian political and economic institutions, social customs, educational systems, religious life, race relations, and health and welfare provisions. The students will spend three weeks in Nassau and one week on one of the Bahama out-islands while they are engaged in observation and research projects. Miss Schuh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schuh, 910 S. Lily Lake Road, is a senior sociology major at Mac- Murray. She is a 1968 graduate of the McHenry Community high school. Miss Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Hansen, 3230 E. Lake Shore drive, is a senior elementary education major. She is also a graduate of M.C.H.S. Hospital Notes MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Sandra Caudell, Otto Voight, Margaret Davidsen, Helen Johnson, Evelyn Hellgren, McHenry; and Frank Elenz, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Admitted to Harvard hospital this week were Kimberly Hughes, Elsie Neumann, Mrs. Harold Quist and John Mares, McHenry. McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital this week included Theodore Crago, Wonder Lake; Lois Dietz, Cynthia Rasbough, Blanche Mueller, Milton Carstens, Ersilia Parth, Shirley Lally, Frank Wasik, Ruth Smith, Peter Miles, Matthew Kodis, Charles Vycital, Jewel Cope, Betty Klein, Jennie Toynton, McHenry; Virginia Osmun, Spring Grove. DIVORCE Joy Land re from Thomas Landre, McHenry. PERSONALS Stan R Sterner has nrtwwd to Cedar City. Utah whorv he is a j u n i o r a t S o u t h e r n V : s u r e college after spending live holidays with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Bob Sterner. 5** Mineral Springs. M r . a n d M r s G e o r g e Posthuma have returned from a visit during the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Connie Morgan, and family in Tulsa, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gustafson of 205 W. Kent road were recent visitors in Silver Springs, Fla. 4 Roger Thompson of Lemorre, Calif., spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson. He has just been discharged from the Navy after serving five years and flew to O'Hare for in­ terviews with some of the airlines. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Dale Dixon attended the funeral of Otto Schenning at Wilmot, Wis., last Thursday. Mrs. Maud Waarich of Chicago spent a few days last week with Mrs. Mabel Knowles. A • Seed Starter Kits • Bird Feeders • Redwood Planters • the cord or bundle - CHRISTINE BIGGS ENGAGEMENT TOLD - Mr and Mrs George A Biggs of 3704 W Freund a\enue. McHenrv announce the engagement of their daughter. Christine, to Cpl Dennis M. Roby. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rob> of 2704 Sterling drive. McHenry. Miss Biggs is a 1970 graduate of McHenr> Community high school and isnow attending St. Anthony's School of Nursing in Rockford. W$ir nance is a 1969 graduate of M.C.H.S and is now in the Marine corps, stationed at Fl Toro. Calif No definite date has been set for the wedding. JANUARY 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. JANUARY 27 McHenry Garden Club Meeting - Home Of Mrs. Jack Walsh, 3814 W. Main Street - 1 p.m. JANUARY 27 St Clara Court, No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, Monthly Meeting - 8 p.m. Oak Room, Montini Middle School. JANUARY 28 Lake Region Unit, Church Women United, Annual Meeting - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. - Christ the King Church, 5006, E. Wonder Lake Road, Wonder Lake JANUARY 29 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Cards At Home Of Mrs. Lillian Bolger, 1308 N. Richmond Road - 7:30 p.m JANUARY 31 McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting - City Hall - 9:30 a.m. FEBRUARY 2 Salad Luncheon - Card Party - St Patrick's Church Hall -- Sponsored By Ladies Guild - Starting at 11:30 - Proceeds To Sisters Of Mercy, St. Patrick's Parish FEBRUARY 3 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. FEBRUARY 5 "Presidential Ball" - St. John("s Home and School Association - Johnsburg Community Gub - 9 to 1. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Bowling - McHenry Recreation - 7 p.m. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - Landmark School - 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 9 McHenry Woman's Club - Card Party - V.F.W. Hall - 12:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 11 McHenry Woman's Club - Business Meeting - V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour 12 to 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting - Dining Room, First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. The Antarctic has abundant reserves of coal - estimated to be enough to supply the entire world for centuries. One vein some 53 to 55 feet deep has been trailed along a mountain side for miles and miles. Mrs Helen Heuser has returned from a two months vacation in the home of her ttouigbter. Mrs John Kotecki, m OHando. Fla. Mrs George Phalin has nrturoed from a visit in the tame o>t her daughter, Mrs. Jack Zoia. in Minneapolis, Minn Mr and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer were happy to have all the members of their im­ mediate family here to help them celebrate their golden wedding last Saturday. Those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bauer and sons of Tulsa, Okla., Brother Paul of East Africa; Dr. and Mrs. Ray Bauer and family of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.; Att'y. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer and daughters of Oshkosh, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, Evanston; and Miss Ann Bauer, Ames, Iowa. Mrs. Joseph J. Miller en­ tertained her grandchildren at dinner and a social afternoon recently. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tennant, Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hunt and son, Dale, Ringwood; Gerald Lloyd, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bruce and Janet Miller, McHenry. JANUARY 21 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Monthly Meeting - St. Mary Oak Room. 7:30 p.m. X JANUARY 24 (McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus, Cafeteria - In­ stallation of Officers.

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