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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1972, p. 17

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THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER " S E R V I N G T H E C H A I N - O - L A K E S R E G I O N S I N C E 1 8 7 5 Friday, February 4, 1972 Section Two REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT LIST Walter B & Barbara D Miller Harry J & Georgia Hogan E Lt 2 NW% (Ex S 586.17') Doc W of Rd S% NEK Doc 503037 160' S 92' WY2 W^ SEK Doc 490 437458 5.55a 1950 22.50a -• 17100 300 .34a 500 J Raymond & Adah U Yetter S OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Walter B & Barbara D Miller 586.17' W 10a N% It 2 NW54 ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SK2NW% Doc 503037 80a 16000 SECTION 6-45-8 DR 629 P 375 4.45a 1870 McHenrv Townshin McHonrv Donald M & Betty Jane Justen Willard & Iris D Thiel Doc 465 The Master Property Owners Countv McHenry DR 4?2 P 396 DR 263 P 558 (Ex DR 460 P 299) E of Assn Inc Doc 463698 W^ NWJ4 Thp fnllnwino ic a f.,11 net 71) NIK SWM .39.99a 8000 Hwy EY2 lt 2 NEK 23.72a 15670 within boundaries of Wonder Lk reapSlST LLLci.Jl ?! Nina A Jepson SW cor NEKSW^ Central Natl Bk of Chgo Tr 151 lg.70a 370 madP hv ihrp oiLtS & SEK SW% & NWM SW% Parcel 37 Parcels 1 & 2 of Doc 494 The Master Property Owners SS w A X g4 1 of DR 618 P 262 80.01a 16000 560 Pt N of U Hwy NY2 N^ N% Assn Inc Doc 463698 NW% NEK iownsnip Assessor together Nina A Jepson SW% SW% DR 284 .98a 11100 & NEK NWX within boundaries witn the amount of the P 410 40a 8000 Wonder Lk Rod & Gun Club pt Qf Wonder Lake 29.50a 590 assessments as made, revised Arthur & Isabelle Stilling DR N% NEK DR 460 P 299 4a 4000 The Master property Owners and corrected by the McHenry 279 P 532 (Ex 6.80a W of Rd) Grover W & Anna W Wicktine Assn Inc Doc 463698 SEK NW5tf County Supervisor of SEK SEK & (Ex 3 cor»d pc in S of Hwy NY2 NEK DR 262 P within boundaries of Wonder Assessments. SW cor NWM SEJO NK2SEK 110a 466 (Ex DR 493 p 127, DR 499 31a 620 The assessed values herein 36000 p 338, DR 386 F 146, DR 633 Master Property Owners shown are subject to revision Donald M & Betty Jane Justen p 465, DR 672 p 506, Docs Assn Inc Doc 463698 EY2 SW% by the Board of Review and to DR 472 P 396 3 Cor'd pc in 449299 & 449301, Doc 456812 within boundaries of Wonder Lk equalization by the Department SW cor NW% SEK & SW% SEK Doc 457754 Doc 469759 Doc 469 49,52a 990 of Local Government Affairs & W of Rd SEK SEK 46.80a 760 Doc 469762) .87a 500 The Master Property Owners according to Section 146 of the 19710 Karl & Agnes B Fredricksen ^ DQC 463698 SW% SW^ Revenue Act, 1939. Pt S of </ Hwy NWK NIK DR 43.25a 870 This publication, made in SECTION 4 - 45 - 8 633 P 465 1.42a 18690 'phe Master Property Owners accordance with Section 103 of Elizabeth Miller EV2 NEK 80a Thomas P & Waltraud H Gau- Assn ^ doc 463698 NWK SW% the Revenue Act 1939 serves 26000 gush Pt W% lt 2 NEK - Doc 495 within boundaries of Wonder Lk as pubHcnoUce Jotheta" Norttart, Rmjj.Co.H1484IP 497 .20a _ . . 5350 29a 580 & pt Sub It 1 It 30 DR 637 McHenry State Bank, Tr 318 Alger & Lucille Oeffling DR g Dt Sub lt 2 lt 28 .57a 7910 P 120 Sec 9-45-8 Sec 10-45-8 SW% NWK & SV2 SBi NW% Doc 520 P 461 N 88.11' Sub Lt Tntspnh v » FXnran v. . 52.50a 21420 511869 59.75a 17930 2 CCP Lt 14 .25a 6650 J^c 5i9900 204^ 94fS Morton Chemical Co DR 600 P McHenry State Bank Tr 318 Geo J & Martha Oeffling CCP 55?p J„h tt « «R 2?4 ^ft2o4.0n) 515 Pt CCP Its 67 & 70 Sec n 34 rds SWM Doc 511869 34a S^2 Sub lt 2 It 14 DR 470 P 10 Frpd I Smith rrp 9-45-8 & Sec 10-45-8 8.19a 10200 .25a 82.40 3^ f™,1* |ub It 6000 S 126 rds SW5* DR 276 P 205 Joseph N. Schmitt CCP Sub lt 29 DR 279 P 241 1 n* p Morton Salt Co CCP lt 68 & 126a 35440 3 It 14 DR226P509 .25a 3200 402 & nR 204 P 240 vL Snn 69 Doc 424013 Sec 9-45-8 & Sec Mathias & Frances Jung S 24a Joseph J & Geraldine Hiller Fred I Smith fFvFiWrrPi! 10-45-8 1..36a 3410 SEK SEK DR 470 P 62 24a 3840 S pt 140 x 140 Iks CCP Sub 09 DR m PS ct } ^ Kenneth D Petska pt Sub It 1 George J Schmitt N 112 rds EV2 \t 4 \T 14 DR 689 P 106 .20a F . . ith * u;v™ „ £500 CCP It 30 Doc 483130 & Doc SEK DR 264 P 440 100.00a 16000 10300 L 9,o nSi ^ 531707 1.38a 8190 Gertrude Gladstone (Ex N 8 Donald E & Christine Hruby John , 7,r 4* rds) SWM SE% Doc 500337 36a CCP Sub lt 5 It 14 NEK Doc w^8- N OT .• 1 > 9000 1: 1 0 0 7 7 nco 140 LLP hub It 1 lt SECTION 10 - 45 - 8 512877 .06a 140 30 DR 67g p 5g4 & DR 6g5 Earl E & Dorothy R Betts pt SECTION 12-45-8 P?"?? x qPti?"i?^Sv^tp P 200 -08a 9550 SW, It 1 CCP Doc 431801 ' s „ N 30a NE, 3* " ^>6400 ""ft CCp'suT'lT •K2' , E Rett. Sr Pt Sub It 1 ^ Dll 246 P 447 30a 5700 Peter M Frcund (Ex DR 488 ^ 10 «P Sub It & (Ex «P It M DR 245 P 476 (Ex «**° | Pt 140 x 140 IKs) ^ p ^85 47442^ np 40R p R11 a nu •>«? P 4 /4 CCP Sub It 4 It 14 DR 335 P 2 7cnn ?84 & DR 280 P 441 '& DR »ar0,d R & Rosa Ko„enJ™ 403 (Ex Doc 516341) ,65« 9450 ^ac^n 4 Louise Stetahaus Wy 94^ p 122 & DR 338 P444 & '»aroiu K & Kosalyn KoitenKarK Willianr, !• & Lorraine Rutzen inn, o . .. « ,, p. • DR 598 P 81 & DR 700 P 324) NW* NE/< 1)00 439891 40a 8000 Pt Sub lt 4 lt 14 NE3< CCP Doc Sub lt 2 lt 30 000 47g82 DR 598 P 81 & DR 700 r 61V HaRon & Inger c Christensen 51g341 ^ ?0{) .81a 13^40 Da vers of the countv of the 120 (Ex RR) NW^NE^ 37a 38950 Marengo Fed Svgs & Ln Assn McHenry State Bk Tr 353 Doc assessed value fix^d^UDOn their Norti»rn P"mP CODR484P120 E 80' W 494.7* S 120' EH lt 52686i SU, SBi & S 10a NO! assessed value tixed upon their (E^- iw) SW^ NEJ4 37a 7400 2 NEJ4 Doc 449299 .22a 4800 SEJ4 50a 16750 property by the township Northern Pump CoDR484P120 Kenneth F & Shirley J Schroe- assessors or supervisor of NEj^ NV^ 40a gOOO der N 240' S 420' SW of </ SECTION 8-45-8 assessments. James H & Mary A Wegener Hwy E% It 2 NE34 Doc 511317 George Biggers CCP lt 1 NE24 Taxpayers who consider Doc 505792 NE^SEJ440a 8000 (Ex Doc 461877) 3.47a 11050 Doc 408026 1.50a 300 their property to be assessed James H & Mary A Wegener Bell Svgs & Ln Assn Doc 456 Frank C & Mertie B Harrison incorrectly, may file a com- Doc 505792 SE& SE34 40a £000 812 Pt WH It 2 NB4 .23a 3540 EV2 W% NE^ DR 687 P 392 plaint with the Board of Northern Pump Co CCP lt 1 Fred & Sophie H Madej Doc 40a 8000 Review, on its "Assessment SEJ4 DR 484 P 120 45.04a 9010 459341 Pt W^ lt 2 NE34 .22a Ralph M Beulah M Kick Doc Complaint Form No. 204A", on Northern Pump Co CCP It 2 NW% 3600 435294 & Doc 512470 Pc SW or before 10 days after date of DR 484 P 120 67.33a 12790 Kenneth F & Shirley J Schro- cor SE^ & pc NW cor NE& publication, according to George Biggers CCP lt 3 SW% eder Doc 461877 Pt 240' S 2.08 a 10500 Section 108 of the Revenue Act Doc 408026 20.07a 3810 420* SW of </ Hwy EJSlt 2 NE\ John & Ila Hogan WY2 W^ NE34 of 1939 James C Ewell DR 260 P 572 ,63a 7370 (Ex DR 527 P 620) DR 279 P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y ( E x D R 4 8 4 P 1 2 0 ) C C P l t 8 W % W i l l a r d & I r i s D T h i e l D o c P 5 3 3 ( E x D o c 5 1 3 0 9 7 ) ( E x assessments that may be & Lt 4 SW% (Ex Doc 479836) 469764 Pt SW of <J Hwy N% Doc 490300) (Ex Doc 512470) required bv law for 1971 will 5.36a 28000 34.61a 6200 36.08a 7220 aDDear in a later issue of this Chris* J Elliott ^ 479836 Willard & Iris D Thiel Doc Harry J & Georgia Hogan Pt appear m a later issue 01 this ccp ^ „ 8 4 „ lt 4 SWi 469765 (Ex DR 608 p 70 i N of Rd Wii W* NQ Doc Stiinlev H Tornne 50-60a 10120 *** 473877 ) N & E of Bar- 490300 .88a 13830 SuDervisor of Assessments Bi^ers CCP lt 5 NVV^ "ard Mill Rd NW^ NE34 .88a Michael G & Susan C Hogan Supervisor of Assessments ^ ̂ 025 g.gga 1900 700 Pt S of </ Rd W^ W^ NEK 1971 McHENRY LANDS Christ J Elliott Doc 479836 Kenneth F & Shirley J Schroe- Doc 513097 1.05a 137 00 SECTION 1-45-8 Pt W^ SV/% 15a 3000 der Doc 511317 N 60' S 180* John & Ila Hogan WV2 EV2 NWK Wm & Anna K Yung E 50 a Northern Pump Co DR 484 P & N 60* S 480' SW of Rd EY2 DR 277 P 364 40a 8000 N^NEJ* DR 246 P 57 50 a 17000 120 (Ex 15a SW Cor) CCP lt it 2 NE% 2.00a 2000 John Hogan DR 605 P 521 EY2 Stanley A & Margaret Schmitt 6 SW^ 68.36a 30620 Wonder Lk Bible Church Doc EV2 NW!4 40a 8000 W 30a NW)4 NE^ DR 530 P 521 Earl L Whiting CCP pt lt 7 469762 Pt WH It 2 NEK 5.18a Chgo Title & Tr Co Tr 35724 30a 6000 SEK DR 246 P 522 8a 15500 2500 (Ex 1.38a Pleasant Valley Sub Wm J Hiller SV% NIK DR 253 Earl L Whiting CCP pt lt 7 Commonwealth Edison Co. DR Unit 1) N 60a WH NW^ Doc P 157 40a 8000 SEK DR 260 P 167 7.20a 1800 493 P 127 Pt S of Hwy W^ 466993 58.62a 11720 Walter F Harbecke DR 660 P TPir^iwi7onMrrP It 2 NEK (Ex Doc 516613) .22a Winifred B Dimon & Yvonne 344 SEK NIK 40.00a 8000 ^4 3 neon 1500 B Charles SW% DR 278 P 588 Stanley A & Margaret Schmitt 5? "7 ™ rnrrPnrH William R & Libby Johnson Doc 160a 41400 NIK NWK DR 530 P 521 40a Northern VLF pt,tt» 516613 ^ s of Hwy WV2 lt 2 Frank C & Mertie B Harrison 19500 ^ DR i84 P 12l234°aJI p NEK .61a 8500 EV2 N 30a WK2 SlK DR 687 P Martin A & Zita W Behm EV> Gewge Bigjerj P E & Ruth A Zapel pt 392 15a 2850 WH NWS Doc 514652 40a 8000 *£> CCP « lt s NW* ̂ It 2 NIK DR 499 P 338 John & Ila Hogan Wfc N 30a Martin & Zita Behm N 26 2/3 0,26 14;»0a ,25a 6470 W^ SEK DR 279 P 533 15a • WH W^ NW!4 Doc 518856 Steve & Rose Simon pt WK2 lt 2450 2®*7a 13670 9 NW^ UK 484 v lzyi 2 NEK DR 512 P 564 1.25a Kenneth E Cristy DR 413 P ARfcrt & Irene Tatge S 13 2000 315 S 50a W^ SEK (Ex W l/3a W^ SWK NWK DR 382 P LaVerne & ELsther Legan Doc 160* S 685.5') 47.48a 15600 477300 pt Wy2 lt 2 NIK .21a Warren & June Lindgren Doc Robt M & Martha M BettJcR P »» Lloyd G| Doris EFreund « 700 P 323 pt Sub U 1 CCP it « « . Arenta^ie^json N 305 ^488 P^'. 2^" VeO E ̂ Brtt. „ S 921' W 286' NE» DR 236 Marie & Edward J Frett Doc Clarence^ & Harriet I smi^h P 169 2,00a 5450 476573 (Ex N 522') CCP Sub CCP nt ,t o, w ij'p 17! Inn J C & Arenta Jepson (Ex N it 1 It 15 .90a 11600 rFv ii! c? 134 13.33a 2470 SECTION 5-45-8 Robert J & Madeline I Behm DR E 26 rds N 123 2/26 rds NW% p ooo fi 4Ra Doc 514722 20a 5000 H 666 277 P 364 (Ex DR 671 Henry Legler W^ SW% NW^ Sec 9 - 45 - 8 1.09a 44 .21a Robt M & Martha M Sub lt 1 lt 44 CCP DR 324 .42a 900 305. S 92 V W T K "I ? TK , "n* (Ex °°c 510572 & ^ 510573) For-1 rr Jp n„rn*Kv P d ^ °b ' ^ lNiV4 John J & Agatha Thelen DR fio„ Sh if 1 P?P^44 iff DR 236 P (Ex Doc 416762) 441 p 408 S 90' N 194' Sub ' 8 5 9L enri 37-10a 6830 Lt 1 CCP Lt 15 .58a 8500 Norbert R & PatriciaMLippert ni J, k Ma a M ^^ 600 Henry H & Lois Fineberg Doc John J & Agatha Thelen DR & Verna F Lippert Pt lt 31 & S T i f i 4 1 6 7 6 2 N 1 5 0 ' S 7 6 6 ' E 2 5 0 ' 2 7 3 P 3 4 8 ' S 1 1 8 ' N 5 2 2 ' S u b P t I t 3 2 C C P D o c 5 1 0 5 7 2 & D o c P 323 21a ^2!1 W 536' SEK NEK .86a 9090 Lt 1 CCP lt 15 .65a 11800 510573 .52a 9050 13250 Ralph H Wagner N 7.35a S Joseph Hiller DR 264 P 18 S Fred L Huemann CCP pt lt 31 Wm J Hiller SEK NW54 DR 253 F . r „ Mp^ B Harrison * " 7100 506793 W 160' S 685.5' WK2 P 157 40a 21350 Ew & Ngy DR The Master Property Owner's SEK 2.52a 14500 Albert & Irene Tatge WY2 WY2 6g27 ^^03 6Qa 2?100 Assn Inc Doc 463698 S^ SWK SWM DR 382 P 134 40a 8000 & ^ Hoean wKSW^NEKa NEK (EX pt Hickory Falls 1 & SECTION 9-45-8 Stanley & Lorraine Freund EY2 NF-, DR 979 P 533 60a 2> (Ex pt Wonder Woods) 17a Darrell H & Jeannette M Ev- W^ SW^ & W% EXSWX DR 618 NW^ UK V 12000 i00 eretL Doc 452266 Assrs Plat, It P 299 79a 33400 » . & R H E 15a S¥y Willard & Iris D Thiel N%SW% 17 (Ex DR 662 P 557) 15.00 Ralph H Wagner EY2 EY2 SW1^ nw^ dr 279 p 533 15a 3000 NEK Doc 469764 20a 3000 a 12200 DR 248 P 426 41a 8200 140™^ j & Howard B Seid- Fred P & Angela Biasiello S Morton Salt Co Doc 424013 S% Walter F Harbekce E 30a N ^ t , ^ 53468I (Ex E of Rd EY2 NW5^ (Ex DR 194 Jackson St N of CCP Its 17 of </ Hwy EY2 SEK DR 660 P e|LT 65^Ota P 426) Doc 453752 25.89a 16380 to 23 .55a 750 344 30a 6000 16270 Ernest, Eleanor R & Mary R Clayton O & Virginia A Bruce Joseph S Schmitt (Ex E 30a r & Howard B Seid- v*rga DR 548 Ps 467 & 468 (Ex DR 645 P 424) DR 466 N of </ Hwy) EY2 SEK DR 246 t , - 534^01 VTJV NVM/ (EX E 12.43a & Ex W 2a) N P543 (Ex State Rd) CCP lt 51 P 447 50a 18300 ^°"et 81 ^ Qf Rd N^NW^ 55.57a 21000 & 52 & Sub It 1 of CCP lt 53 Harold R & Rosalyn Kollenkark wi,,H „ - . D j.. . j. 4g5 Ernest, Eleanor R & Mary R (Ex DR 566 P 607) (Ex DR 630 S 50a WK2 SEK Doc 439891 50a ^nW 40a 7200 Varga DR 548 Ps 467 & 468 P 218) (EX Doc 503934) (Ex 19050 Mavnard J & Howard B Seid- W 2a NW^ NW% 2a 400 Doc 525103) (Ex Doc 527613) Wm J Hiller N 30a W^ SEK rnoTet al N of cT Pub Hwv W Fred P & Angela Biasiello (Ex Doc 431059) 2.86a 8000 DR 253 P 157 30a 6000 j,w gy 5^ qq- 534531 Doc 453752 E^ SW^ NW34 20a Charles, Jr & Beverly Acker- 3 26a 820 3800 man DR 566 p 607 Pc 160' x SECTION 2-45-8 H* R & Gertrude E McRose Fred P & Angela Biasiello Doc 300» Pt SW% NW^ 1.10a 10900 Martin & Zita Behm N 53a ^ 4006^4 (EX W 66') N of 453752 (Ex DR 194 P 426 & W Lloyd & Helen Barker DR 625 E% NEK Doc 518856 53a 13250 U EY sW 31 46a 40a) SWK 30a 3540 P 424 Pc 160' x 300» Pt CCP Harry D Pierce NW% NEK Doc * y l0440 Wonder Lk Synd DR 194 P 426 It 51 NWK 1.10a 10400 487454 40a 23690 Hocan DR 605 P 521 S Pt W% (Ex pt Lookout Pnt 2) John & Janice K Shmalcs Pt Stanley & Lorraine FreundSW^ f 1 puK Hwy EY> EY SWli (Ex Wonder Woods Sub) (Ex CCP It 51 NW% Doc 512824 NEK & S 13.33a W^ SEK NEK 4 34 880 Doc 463698) .16a 160 1.10a 11700 Doc 485895 53.33a 10670 & ,, Hoean (Elx DR 505 The Master Property Owners Clayton O & Virginia A Bruce Albert & Irene Tatge S 13 1/3 p 256 & DR^451 P i2 & DR Assn Inc Doc 463698 W^ With- Pt DR 466 P 543 CCP Pt lt a E% SEK NEK DR 382 P 134 p 940 & DR 452 P 241 & boundaries of Wonder Lk. 51 & CCP Pt lt 52 (Axel Carl- 13.33a 2670 p gYV54 35.00a 700 son Contr) Sec 10-45-8 8130 !^k1w f1 rrp°ff Ia 10'85a NW^ NVV"/4 & S 50-86a 60' N 404' & DR 239 P 631 pt It 32 DR 264 P 589 la 8200 A99 in S El/i NW/4 DR 248 P 424 58.21a s 60' N 344' Sub It 1 CCP William F & Leona Meyers EK FIH wLino NF T T 1 r r i 29490 ^ 15 .71a 10290 CCP lt 33 Doc 430964 .50a5000 u w nR P ̂LI TV, Stanley & Lorraine Freund Pt Geo J & Martha Schmitt Doc Fred P Freund (Ex W^ & EK 49q£i^ «: ^ NV^ DR 618 P 299 43-50a 467594 & DR 536 P 62 S 90' CCP Lt 33 DR 140 P 85 .50a ' 7830 M nn 4 j 'p p i ji j j j « jr 900 Howard B & Neil W Harrison George J Schmitt EY2 SW4 DR 5ga 10200 Joseph G & Vera Huemann WY2 l,h it i rrPiILnpL? 264 P 440 80a 28700 Harry F & Sharron A Powers CCP It 33 Doc 486582 la 7700 AOO EN O Mathias & Frances Jung Doc 518424 N 104' CCP Sub Martin& Rosina Weber CCP lt w»lt„V z nor;, n w SW« DR 470 P 62 80a 18600 « 1 lt 15 NEK ,73a 10870 34 DH 246 P 80 la 6810 inn^Hc? I: 1 r r p v Jr & VVanda G Pal" Jacob & Melania Thiel CCP Pt Donald A & Eleanor T Agrella C£n mer CCP ® Lt 1 °°c 425533 Sub lt 2 It 15 Doc 505298 .85a CCP Lt 35 & (Ex DR 247 P Lt 44 Doc 423447 & Doc 429 781 .60a 8900 6 a 9400 » 6400 518) Pt lt 41 DR 624 P 130 Fr-snu Jf r„ ili* + c K McHem"y State Bk ^ 176 (Ex Frank i Agnes K Freund CCP (Ex Doc 501240) .03a 200 Frank & Cecilia Adams jrt Sub DR 649 p 610) Pt Lt 2 C C Plat PT SUB It 1 lt 16 DR 255 P Richard C & Judith A Hogan Lt 1 CCP Lt 44 DR 280 P 441 SE^ DQC 451722 71.98a 23700 106 .75a 8300 CCP N Pt It 35 NIK & Pt lt £. R . . . np 22c McHenry state Bk T*" 176 CCP Leo & Regina Nichels DR 490 41 NW% Doc 501250 .66a 5800 r?DCCẐ K ? T • IS SE^4 SW cor lt 2 000 451722 P 149 CCP N pt Sub It 2 lt C®0 J & Jane A Mann CCP Sub P 565 CCP pt Sub Lt 1 Lt 44 #50a 300 i6 .56a A 5500 1 lt 36 DR 572 P4041a 7900 (Ex Doc 453948) 3.87a 10250 stephan & Christina May CCP Frank & Agnes K Freund CCP Cosmopolitan Natl Bk of Chgo rrp^ q Thomas Doc 488541 SEK Pt lt 2 & all lt 3 (Ex DR pt sub lt 2 lt 16 DR 255 P Tr 13533 CCP Sub It 2 It 36 & CCP Pt S.L. 1, Lt 44 & All It 649 P 612) DR 649 Pgs 608 106 1 Ila 500 Sub Its 1 & 3 It 37 Doc 420212 Yvonn. & 610 46-63a 16530 Paul j & Virginia Pitzen (Ex 23.82a 36660 Russell W & Yvonne Davis Doc & Elizabeth Tabar CCP m 13 rcjs E 73 Iks) CCP lt Fred P Freund CCP Sub lt 2 487429 Pc W side CCP Lt 55 SW cor lt 3 DR 649 P 612 17 & Dt Sub lt 2 lt 18 (Ex 37 dr 175 P 113 la 9000 •63a 7^50 1.10a 14800 OR 401 P 509 & DR 373 P George Hiller CCP Pt Sub lt Nina A Jepson pt W side CCP john P Schaefer CCP SEK EY2 504) DR 304 P 108 2 29a 8700 3 K 37 DR 371 P 246 .90a 12500 ™3«-dp 14 5 i a" 11 4 DR 231 P 517 Matt & Mar? Schmitt N 202- Robert F Otto CCP Sub It 1 It DR 284 P 410 (Ebc DR 55< P 28.93a 5500 Dt CCP lt 17 DR 401 P 509 38 E>°c 471254 2.14a 5300 464) 74.50a 26000 (^Q J & f^te Breier CCP SlK 30a 7300 Christine May & VioletDiPirro B + k ll9 WV> U 5 DR 301 P 562 U2a Joseph & Susan Frett E pt S CCP Sub It 2 It 38 Doc 518512 40 Doc 437363 pt S%NW% ,50a for hwy-Doc 530590) 330* CCP Lt 17 & S 330' SuD 2.67a 6600 * a t r n W / I 4 0 0 5 a 1 0 6 7 0 It 2 It 18 DR 373 P 504 .53a WiIIiam r> Jr & Martraret F Nina A Jepson Pt W of hwy Ralph H Wagner N 58.16a NY2 13OOO 47^90 r^P^f ^.h 2 of DR618 NVV/4 DR 248 P 426 58.16a Wm J & Susan Hiller N 13 rds N^ 86a "ooo E 73 Iks CCP It 17 & N 13 rds Aplena Berent CCP Pt Sub lt Sub It 2 lt 18 DR 398 P 486 3 lt 3g DR 259 P 545 3.13a .49a 6900 1500 Alfred & Mane Oeffling N 383' Harold C & Elaine M Schmitt CCP lt 22 DR 502 P 357 la ccp ^ u 4 u 38 ^ 475383 P 262 16.25a 13300 Nina A Jepson SW cor CCP pt It 56 DR 284 P 410 3.21a 800 Nina A Jepson CCP lt 57 DR 284 P 410 39.84a 7970 19630 la 8000 Morton International Inc Pt CCP Lt 72 SWV4 Doc 508347 23.17a 11590 Morton International Inc CCP 10720 Morton Salt Co Doc 424013 CCP Jackson St S of Lts 9 16000 Frances & Peter Miller W of 1300 & W 40a SWV4 Doc 410041 60a Judy E Bruce & Kenneth G Marvin S & Lorraine J And- 12000 Beck Pc NE of Hwy Pt lt 51 Loren J & Judith H Freund prRftn pt n of / Pub Hwv Pt The Master Property Owners NW*4 Doc 431059 CCP 1.13a Pt S pt S 20a EY2 NW% Doc ^y gy SW^ Doc 467473 3.43a Assn Inc Doc 463698 NW% SEK 10700 502322 208 4000 11450 26a With boundnrics of George & Esther Joslin Doc Loren J & Judith H Freund , . & Frances Zeesrsld ot Wonder Lake 520 475110 CCP Ft It 51 NVV^ 2.03 N 40a W 900' EY2 NVVK (EX N seK SW54 DR 646 P 17 la The Master Property Owners a 16400 30a) Doc 502322 11.00a 2200 9250 Assn Inc Doc 463698 SW% SEK James H & Mary A Wegener Harry D Pierce N 30ac W 900* _ „ & Laurine A Arvidson Within boundaries of Wonder CCP Pt lt 58 Doc 505792 28. E%NW% Doc 487454 30.00a 6000 ^ ̂ 2 p 241 W 303' N of Hwy Lake 4.50a 100 26a 15050 Walter R & Florence M Weidner wi/ py SVyi/ 49a 2500 Christian E & Carl A Jepsen WK2NWMDR 496 P 292 80a25700 EuL^ & June Oxtoby Pt WK2 SECTION 7-45-8 Doc 525103 Pt CCP lt 58 Sec Alan H & Lee C Sturdy Doc 57^ p 473 j jQa Raymond & Mary Slokin W 2a 9-45-8 & Pt CCP lt 51 Sec 427228 WY2 SWK N of (/ Hwy N 165' NEM NEK Doc 487663 10-45-8 3.46a 4500 43'75a c ^8J5° Wm J & Irma E Elbersen pt 2a 9500 Robert W & Jane Effler Doc Leo J & Mae King S of gr Hwy WI/ ,^/ QD G3I p 22l Christ The King Church of Wo- 527613 Pt CCP It 51 NW% 1. wK2 swy4 Doc 427227 36.25a £2 ^ UK 13100 nder Lake DR 508 P 162 (Ex 17a 700 20250 Carmen & Donna Reporto DR W 2a) N 165' NEK NEK 3a 500 Clayton O & Virginia A Bruce Loren J & Judith H FYeund 5Q5 p 25g (Ex DR 522 Pks Lester H Klintworth DR 351 P DR 466 P 543 (Ex State Rd) Doc 502322 E^SW^ 80a 16000 2?5 & 27?) ^ wy Ey2 sw^ 266 Pt NW^ NEK .74a 8510 E of RR SE cor Pt CCP lt 58 Harry H & Helen Knaack W^ g 1? 4130 Harry & Leona Benson DR 609 (Ex Doc 525103) 3.00a 900 EY2 SEK & E^ WH SEK DR 702 A*lf & Violet Reporto pt P 56 Pt NW^ NEK 2a 14100 Darrell H & Jeannette M Ev- P 124 (Ex Doc 485895) (Ex gw 522 p 277 83a Lester H & V Therese Klint- erett Doc 452266 SW of RR Doc 496360) 30.20a 12040 ^QQ worth n 162' E 200' S 720' ROW CCP It 58 5a 1500 Stanley & Lorraine Freund Doc John & Bertha McMannon pt W^f E 20ac NW% NEK DR 574 P Christ J Elliott CCP Its 59 485895 Pt N of </ Rd W^ EY2 £y swv ^ 408i82 2.50a 1250 257 .74a 1000 & 60 NY2 Doc 479836 103a 29950 SlK & ^ N of </,Rd E/j W^ carol M Eiigvalson DR 560 P Christ the King Church of Wo- Roland & Georgia E Bauer CCP SEK 46.70a 9340 g()9 Pt Nw 0f </ Hwy W^ SW% nder Lake DR 562 P 202 Pt lt 61 NW% Doc 467923 100a Henry W & Dorothea Rodiek gg7 p 2gg^ 10.77a 3000 E 20a NWM NEK 13.61a 2450 18000 Doc 496360 Pt N of q Rd W% Donald B & Dorothy M Arvid- Dslores & Thomas McMillian Roland & Georgia E Bauer CCP EYi SEK "& Pt N of c/ Rd EY2 gon DR 5g7 p255 pt NWt^ sw^ DR 567 P 518 Pt NW^ NEK .57a lt 62 Doc 467923 10a 14800 W^SEK 3-l°a 20720 2.98a 14350 12850 James C Ewell CCP lt 63 W, Loren J & Judith H FYeund chj»0 Title & Tr Co Tr 35724 Christ the King Church DR 400 (Ex Doc 479836) 20.67a 4130 wY2 wYi SEK Doc 502322 40a 29a for Pleasant Valley p 168 (Ex N 60' S 389.12' & Christ J Elliott Doc 479836 20750 Sub Unit 1) Pt S of </ Hwy WK2 Ex N 391' exempt ) pt NEK NEK CCP Pt It 63 WY2 99.33a 50180 Albert & Irene Tatge DR 382 sw^ ^ 466993 ^ 1600 10.44a 1880 George Biggers CCP lt 64 Doc P 134 E^E^SEK 40.00a 17000 Kinsiey & Clara M Engvalson Murray J & Betty J Smidt Doc 408026 120a 43680 Dt WYi SW% DR 273 P 211 (Ex 512473 (Ex DR 538 P 128) Ex James S & Marguerite Preston SECTION 3-45-8 GAQ P GGG) 2g 25a 25960 Wly30') S 164.12' NEK NEK DR 457 P 131 CCP lt 65 (Ex George A May TO 357 P 418 c & Mertie B Harrison -97a 10800 DR 586 P 44) 8.90a 1780 NKNWM & NWM NEK 120a33500 £y ^y 3^1/ j)R g87 P 392 40a Marie C Scislowicz S 140.77' James W & Joan C Preston DR Walter & Elsie Bruhn DR 531 P 7200 eY2 NW% NEK DR 499 P 231 586 P 44 Pt Lt 65 CCP 2.00a 161 NEK NEK 39-78a 7960 John & Ila Hogan (Ex E 160' 2.14a 2000 14150 Walter R & Florence M Weidn- G G2,\ /£x QR G27 P G2GX y^y Martin & Elizabeth Mueller pt Northern Pump Co Doc 42666 er DR 496 P 292 E of c/ of Hwy ^y pR 27g P 533 33 g7a NEK Doc 480145 .85a 5000 CCP lt 66 20a 4000 NEK 57.70a H500 29150 Ronald E Baumann W 10a N% Modine Mfg Co Pt CCP It 67 SECTION 13-45-8 r nnr> n* r + -7n John p Schaefer DR 231 P 517 ^2n°i?RQa (Ex DR 560 P 428) CCP 11 1 8990 ~ c U p VC ^nio & Pt SL 1 & Pt SL 3 lt 2 (Ex Jacob B Schumacher (Ex N Hpnrv v D & loseDh SomDel rrTZ* ? 70 ^°q«?°C 4 tnnn 464951^ 5-75a 10600 383'> CCP 11 22 DR 228 P 159 clT Lt 39 DR 586 P293 ^ 1 ^ 2 t r , v I h i J o s e p h & A l v i n a M i l l e r P c 8 2 . 5 * l a 4 2 0 0 U 3 9 D R 5 8 6 j „ 0 0 x 264' Pt Sub It 1 CCP It 2 Joseph C 4 Nancy Majercik flcfCreek Woodlands Inc CCP 51844 ,®x DR 204 P 158 .50a 8400 Doc 507207 (Ex D3 502 P 404, pt Lt JT DR 507 P 60 92a Doc 508347) 1.81a 11500 Wa,ter & Elfriede Steffens Pc ^ „ I50>) CCP Lt 23 .42a K U 41 DR 507 P 60 £ooS 82.5' x 264' CCP Pt Sub lt 850 Harvey V & Wanda G Palmer 1 lt 2 Doc 453277 .50a 7800 Norbert J & Lorraine Smith ccp pj Sub it 2 lt 40 & Pt Exiward W & Echwadonne Zee- S 100' N 500* CCP Lt 23 DR i* i i* ^n tjqp 461618 56a ,• 7, CUA/ n. e„701, ,o be CCP Sub It 2 lt 2 Doc 447 463 P 456 .28a 8250 2000 73 SW54 Doc 507914 23.43a 236 >50a 8530 Joseph c & Nancy Majercik He v D & Joseph Sompel John P Schaffer & Anita Freund Doc 507207 S 100' N 400' CCP p* Syb lt 2 lt 40 DR 586 P Doc 454 145 Pt Sub lt 3 lt 2 Lt 23 .28a 12350 293 2#50a 1000 t_ ,0 65o CCP -50a 9000 Thos H & Darlene Huemann Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP P T K n C4-; 11 • Nrt. Harold H & Jacqueline Freund N 150' CCP Lt 23 DR 524 P pt lt 41 DR 507 P 60 .32a np 47' P % S4 CCP Pt NEK NEK DR 626 P 488 423 .42a 12100 R UK F *^0 E- e,i -1on -40a 7280 Joseph G Huemann (Ex DR 502 jrrank r & Marie CaDone DR 279 P 53^ ' r ' t Joseph L Freund (E^c DR 386 P 404 & S 100' N 500*) SY2 553 p 450 CCP Pt Sub It 2 P 601) DR 371 P 323 CCP CCP Lt 23 DR 239 P 298 ,60a ft 40 82" 800 DR 472 P 397 a Vl% E3-, . < pt Sub |t 3 lt 2 ,57a 7480 8500 Emil f'^.ger CCP Lt 42 N of rvJ ,j p t> ^ i t J* Albert J & Catherine Huff CCP Anton M & Agnes C Freund W Hwv DR 5g5 p iei 26 39a 5280 Donald M £ Betty Jane Justen t s b u 3 u 2 DR 269 P 274 60' CCP lt 24 ,17a 400 pZline B Rogers Assrs Plat Pt DR 472 P 396 W* N& 80a P50a 6800 GreKOrv R & Mary J Nowak « 43 & ATt 44 DR 626 P Chas F & Marcella M Smith (Ex W 60') CCP lt 24 NEK Doc 403 10.27a 8550 d Hwv SF V NESi (Ex DR 586 CCP pt Sub 11 3 11 2 DR 386 527962 .37a 7610 Frank S & Connie May Assrs P S DR 184 P 187 2fe 4800 P 601 -43a . .u955? Ren0 H 4 Helen M Eckardt Pt Lt 43 & Pt Lt 44 DR P 369) DR 184 P 8< 24a 48 ^ john The Baptlsts Church pt N pt CCP It 25 Doc 442053 52 8 P 535 (Ebc DR 692 P 593) ^ & Helen Justen DR 586 Qf Johnsburg ^ 423801 (Ex .59a 6400 J2 g9a 1930 . J6; ^ \,;n4 4.41a for Johnsburg Heights) peter M & Martha Schaefer pt creek Woodlands Inc Pt NEK 7.00a 26100 t s b lt 2 ccp u 3 1<59a cp t 25 & t ,t 2g DR 263 S^Tssrs Plat McHenry State Bk Tr 318 E 8800 p 542 (Ex ^ 432117) 2<19a dRPJ92 P 593 4 22a 850 of Rd SE/4 NEK Doc 511869 9a LaVerna & John Stone Doc 527 9160 jOSeDh & Helen King Assr's 3400 604 CCP Sub lt 1 It 5 NEK Joseph H Adams DR 263 P 543 pla* 4^ DR 5q7 p 341 i2 53^ Bernard Jr & Rose Tagan 96a 8400 & DR 204 P 16? (Ex DR 5?? Plat lt 45 DR 597 P 341 i L in onrnn Dale E & Judith C Hinspater P 610) CCP pt lt 25 Pt Sub n„ra Klpin Adams Assrs Plat Pt SEK 119.90a 39500 & Nlildred E warren CCP Sub It 1 lt 26 Doc 432117 (Ex Doc 2^ 47 DR 2?5 P 260 3to ^Ccen"J ^ 2 ^ 5 N04 Doc 512652 .96a 432498) .38a 7700 * U 47 °R 255 P 26°l2^ DR 509 P 376 pt SEK S^4 L^a l2500 Anton M & A c Freund Doc johnsburg Rescue Squad Pt Sub ta r on a \ John Degen CCP lt 6 DR 183 432498 & DR ..7 3 P 35 PL Sab 1* 2 lt 28 Pt NE3^ frl SE2^ DR ?nupe? ccv ntP ,o,22 w , P 28 N& .30a 5700 It 1 CCP It 26 .30a 9900 "2 " 6og 40 rds SEK DR 193 P 347 5a Laura R Mevers ^ 526295 Anna Thelen (Ex DR 204 P 162) 40 3450 T . „ "UlH! CCP It 7 NES4 la 4700 Pt Sub It 1 CCP lt 26 & Sub } h v & Fiorence Nischan Clarence J & Clarice F reund Katherine & Barbara Althoff It 2 lt 26 Doc 427380 .78a 600 519900 (Ex DR 534 P 146& CCP lt 8 DR 395 P 336 .80a Anna Thelen CCP Sub lt 3 lt 26 ^ DR 597 P 313) Assr's Plat 6(00 Doc 42 < 380 ,10a 5800 p>^ 4g 4^ 300 ^ , ,, r o rj,, ,1°xfU Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz CCP Harold B & Lucille Ann Smith r^rald T*& Marv Hpttprman f9"0ba" ' "9DR ,8° DR 4" P 293 C" " 2;„8? «ms^D^^3ra7j 900 Katarzyna MarcirJuewicz CCP Wm N1 May & Catherine Ann Thomas H & Darlene Huemann lt 10 &. Sub It J lt 9 DR 180 Dehn Par 2 Doc 454461 S pt 4824^3 Assr's Pit Pt lt 48 P 584 ,26a 600 VV'H CCP Sub It 1 lot 28 .30a ^4a48245J ASSr 5 P" "jJoJo Robert I. S Clarence A Pei- 700 I^Itch Creeh Woodlands Inc Pt sert CCP pt Sub lt 3 lt 9 Doc Wm M May & Catherine Ann 47 ^ 4^ 449034 488692 .88a 8450 Dehn Par 1 Doc 454461 N pt Piat (pv Doo 489224) SECTION 11-45-8 Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz CCP W^ CCP Sub lt 1 lt 28 .45a 7400 ig 22a 9110 Ralph H Wagner SEK NEK & SE pt Sub lt 3 It 9 DR 180 P Frank S May JCCP EV2 Sub it lit L^'4lle Natl Bk Chgo Tr 34862 cor NEK NEK DR 248 P 424 584 2.75a 1800 28 D<1 233 ? 370 .75a -400 Agsrs pu ^ u 4? ^ 40 08a 6810 Chas J & Marie \ Busch DR I-xlwin H & Dorothy E Hetterman 439225 .78a 3900 Albert & Irene Tatgo DR 382 P 261 P 201 (Ex DR 492 P 191 Doc 514126 CCP Pt Sub It 2 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP 134 (Ex SE Cor) NEK NEK & DR 395 P 101, Ex DR 534 It '-8 NEU .54a Lot 51 DR 507 P 60 22a 8800 39.92a 7200 P 294) Pt CCP lt 11 .36a Bernard L Ihller pt CCP Sub •Qnaid & Virginia Vale CCP Leo J & Mae King Nl2 SWV4 >t - It 28 DR -49 P / 4 ,27a Lot 52 DR 621 P 407 4a 1600 NEK Doc 427227 20a 3400 Llmer G & Bonnie 1 Meyers 8350 Robt T & ^r^rite a Joyce Harry H & Helen Knaack El2 SW cor CCP It 11 DR 534 P Gerald J & Mary H Hetterman CCP E 231.14' S of hwy Lt 42 NWM NEJIJ DR 702 P 124 20a 294 .22a 5000 PT C CP Sub It 2 lt 28 DR 412 & N 330> Lt 53 DR 466 P 584 3400 Harold J & Josephine E Paul p 93 .46a 11700 & ^ 410036 Doc 414450 l.%a McHenry State Bk Tr 318 SY2 CCP pt Lt 11 DR 492 P 191 Joseph V & Florence Nischen 8600 SVVK NEK Doc 511869 20a 6000 -24a 9300 i**. 519900 pt CCP Sub lt 2 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP Loren J & Judith H Freund Johnsburg C ommunity C lub DR It 28 1.01a 700 (Ex N 33o») Lt 53 Doc 409882 W% NW?4 NfK & NE' 4 NWK Doc 395 Ps 100 & 101 CCP l"t It Edwin H & Dorothy E Hetter- 5>25a 2630 502322 60a 10200 11 & Pt It 12 6.56a 16000 mann pt CCP Sub It 2 It 28 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP Leo J & Mae King NW1/^ NWK Margaret Nett & Elizabeth Ward DR 412 P 99 ,24a 18250 5 0f ^yyy Lt 42 & all lt 54 DR & NK2 SEK NW% Doc 427227 CCP Sub Lt 1 Lt 14 Doc 421 Irven & Florence Schmitt Djc 569 P 265 (Ex Doc 410036) 60.25a 10240 267 .32a 4550 422784 CCP N of Bridge view Dr 7-o?a 2830 DR 276 P 205 (Ex N 215') E 40 rds S 120 rds SFK 26.73a 23220 Huska Doc 471550 Pt NEK SEK 2.02a 900 Stephen H Jr & Theresa C Hus­ ka DR 502 P 197 Pt EY2 Eli NEK SEK 1.25a 11600

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