X Triton Outclasses MCC Cagers, 105-71 PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, iiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Northern Mini Bowmen News FEBRUARY 16, 1972 X) Triton College, with the best junior college basketball record in Illinois, arrived in Crystal Lake Wednesday night. They were loaded with am munition and when the smoke had cleared in Crystal Lake fieldhouse they had gunned down the Fighting Scots 105 to 71. The Triton crew fired a tremendous 60 percent from the field in notching their 22nd win of the year against only one defeat McHenry was never in the contest after the first few minutes although they didn't play bad basketball. The Scots shot a respectable 47 percent from the field and 78 percent from the freethrow line. Rebounding was the deciding factor and Triton came off the boards with 58 rebounds while McHenry could manage only 32. Next week the Scots travel to Aurora to battle Waubonsee Tuesday night, the 14th, and then entertain Mayfair at the Cary-Grove gym at 2:30 Saturday afternoon in their last home contest. BOXSCORES fg ft p tot Mulvenna. Jim 9 4 4 22 Dehn,Joe 1 2 3 4 Harbecke, B. 7 4 1 18 Hayes, Mark 5 1 0 11 Bielski, R. 4 4 0 12 May, Dennis 2 0 1 4 Total 28 15 9 71 Moore, larry 6 5 2 17 Kosculak, L. 6 0 4 12 Larson, Bob 9 1 2 19 Machin, Dave 10 2 1 22 Cicky, Jim 12 0 2 24 Wilson, Jim 1 0 0 2 Wilson, Pat 1 1 1 3 Pederson, B. 1 0 0 2 Hasen, Dave 0 0 2 0 Burnside, D. 1 0 1 2 King,Joe 1 0 0 2 Total 48 9 15 105 1st 2nd Tot. Half Half McHenry 35 36 71 Triton 56 49 105 Woodstock Five Defeat Trojans Northern Illini Bowmen had a fun filled evening at their Annual Awards Banquet and Dance. Over 120 archers and friends gathered at Rimas Lodge. NIB deer slayers numbered only 3 this year. Mickey Heffeman arrowed a buck in Wisconsin; Joe Kozial collected a doe in Wisconsin and John Zawaski downed a buck in Colorado and a big 140 lb., doe in Wisconsin. All 3 received wall plaques and Big John also received the Duke Adams Traveling Trophy for the second time for the largest deer of the year. The Traveling Carp Trophy also went to John Zawaski for his 19 lb., arrowed carp. Club champions of 1971 were presented trophies. Scott Gates and Leah Way were Free Style champions, Rose and Harv in Barebow and Earl Paddock was Heavy Tackle Champion. Rose and Harv collected the Traveling Family Trophy. Shirley Klapperich was presented with a new Wood sman Award as one of the many "goof" award winners. Next NIB meeting will be Feb. 17, Thursday at McHenry Legion. Anyone interested in archery is invited to attend or contact Frank Borowski of 2604 For est wood Dr., 385-7399. McHENRY TEACHERS' BOWLING LEAGUE 2-9-72 Team Standings W-L Tot . pins 1 The Stars 50-26 30,258 2. The Funky Foursome 44-32 31,385 3. Pin Pals 39-37 30.869 4. Faculty Flops 32-44 30,199 5. Alley Cats 32-44 29,555 6. Reverse Gauchos 31-45 28,859 High Series: Bud Street 178 151-198-527; Bave Luckett 152 166-173-491. High Games: Jerry Langner 202; Mike Postlewait 183; Gaye Boland 180; Barb Blum 180 Splits: John Wallin 4-7-9 Judy Gray 5-7. TUESDAY THIRTY-NINERS 2-1-72 Darlene Michelsen, 410; Jean Brzenk, 434; Martie Raasch, 439; Cathy Schlitt, 195-515; Rosie Przetecznik, 405. 2-8-72 Bitsy Schaefer, 198-198-180 576; Fran Weyland, 405; Fran Matchen, 454; Cathy Schlitt. 473; Dorothy Freund, 206-515 Billie Mackinder, 300-490; Joan Mclnnis, 415; Mary Van berkum, 372. R.R Dot Freund, 6-7-10 OOPS, Warrior wrestlers Ray Rivera (left photo) and Jock Worm (right photo) up end their Barrington opponents during the recent match at West Campus. Ray, wrestling in the 126 wt. class won his match 2-i and Jock captared a victory 2-1 in the 119 wt. glass. Jock has run his record to 17 wins, 5 losses and a tie. (PLAINDEALER PHOTOS) Ice Fishing Derby Next Sunday At Lake Catherine ITEM: Smoked picnic shoulder oomes from the pork shoulder and includes the arm section and part of the fore shank. "Hie cur ing and smoking process gives it the characteristic color and flavor of all pork cuts handled in this way. It is prepared by roasting (baking) or cooking in liquid. ITEM: The average American who lives to be 70 years old will have consumed 26 million tons of water, 10,000 pounds of meat, 14 tons of milk and cream, and 9,000 pounds of wheat. By Jerry Miller The hot shooting Cardunals of Woodstock beat the Trojans last Thursday by a score of 53 to 32. The Trojans were unable to break the fine press employed by Woodstock. The Trojans were led in scoring by J. Knaack and B. Lund who had 9 and 8 points respectively. The Trojans now are preparing for the tournament in Crystal Lake, coming up in mid-Februarv. BOX SCORE Name fg ft tp Knaack 3 3 9 Freund Lund Nelson Ludwig Christy Burke Blankenhorn White from HISTORY'S SCRAPB00K DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS 32 Belgium has one mile of railroad tracks for each 1.43 square miles of area; U.S. has one mile of track for each 13 square miles of area. Jefferson Davia was gworn in as President of the Confed erate States of America, February 18, 1861. Copernicus, the world-famous astronomer was bom, Feb ruary 19, 1473. The first American to go into orbit was Marine Lieutenant Colonel John Glenn, Jr., February 20, 1962. The Washington Monument was dedicated in the nation's Capitol on February 21, 1885. "The Father of Our Country," George Washington, was born February 22, 1732. The American flag was planted by six members of the U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima, February 23, 1945. On February 24, 1920, a group of German nationalists organised the National Socialist Party. Charles Rayman, chairman of the 3rd Annual Ice Derby sponsored by Antioch's 885 Civic Club, announced the day's program and schedule of special events. Starting at 6 a.m. Sunday Feb. 20 on the south end of Lake Catherine, one mile west of Antioch on Route i73( frost-bite fishermen will tempt the various fishes into their demise, so they may hopefully qualify for one or more of the over one hundred prizes that will be awarded to lucky anglers who land the largest of each of ten species of fish eligible to win prizes every hour on the hour, .the first prizes being given at 9 a.m. Included in the prize categories are northern pike; Walleye pike; perch; bass; bluegill; sunfish; crappie; striper; catfish and bullhead. At day's end, the largest of each of the above species will win a prize, as will the one largest of the day. Special events begin at 9:30 a.m. with the Men's Hole making Event with Auger, followed by the Ladies Auger Contest at 10 a.m. 10:30a.m. Men's Chisel Hole Making Contest. 11 a.m. Childrens Fishing Contest Ages 6 to 12. 11:30 a.m. Ladies Fishing Contest (above two contests in holes made in Hole making contests) 12 noon Girls and Boys Sack Race - Ages 8 to 12. 12:30 p.m. Ladies Sack Race. 1 p.m. Men's Sack Race. 1:30 p.m. Boys & Girls Skating Contest. 2 p.m. Boys Ice Skating Race. 2:30 Girls Ice Skating Race. 3:00 Penny For Children - Over 500 pennies in the straw on the ice. 3:30 Kite Flying Contest. 4:00 Derby Closes Distribution of Prizes - Derby's end. Hot refreshments wll be served up in the shelter on the ice and in Felter Club House on shore, all day long, starting at sun-up. Ample free supervised GOODYEAR PRETTY TEST . . . Lynne Spencer models the top part of the Army's experimental mosquito-resistant combat uni form at the Defense Person nel Support Center in Phila delphia where she is a secre tary. The tight-weave uniform is undergoing field tests, looks the same as the regular issue uniform. parking will be available at places marked along Route 173. Everyone is welcome, in cluding watchers, kibitzers, participants and fishers. An important message for people who prepare their own income tax returns. Maybe you've been cheating yourself all these years. Every year, between January and April, millions of people sit down to do battle with Uncle Sam. Some are "self styled" accountants. Others think they can save a few dollars doing it themselves--so why not. The sad truth is, how ever, no matter what their reason was for starting, many of them end the same. On the short end. You see, when it comes to income taxes, amateurs should depend on H&R Block. We have all the facilities to help you make "income tax time" a pleasant experience. To begin with, H&R Block now has over 6,000 conveniently located offices manned by thousands of specially trained personnel who are anxious to help you. They'll ait you down over a free cup of coffee and Show you some things about your in come tax that you might never have known existed. For example, do you know all about deductions for child care or casualty losses? And maybe you aren't aware that if your income increased last year, you may be able to save tax dollars by "income averaging." Well, when it comes to income taxes,H&R Block is aware of just about everything because we're a company that eats, sleeps, and drinks tax returns 365 days a year. Yes, maybe you can save a couple of bucks by doing your own return but it really may be costing you a lot more by not having your return done by H&R Block. DONT LET AN AMATEUR DO H*R BLOCK'S JOB. H&R Block. Tke income tax people. 9 AM-9 PM WEEKDAYS 9 AM-5 PM SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS -OPEN TONIGHT- Phone 815-385-8630 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 3911 MAIN McHENRY ii m * Goodyear 4-Ply Polyester Cord Tire with 7-Rib Tread and Low Profile Size 6.50 x 13 or 5.60 x 15 Blackwall plus $1.73 to (1.75, depending on size. No trade needed. "MARATHON 78" Tire L o w p r o f i l e f o r s t a b i l i t y , 7 r i b t r e a d p a t t e r n f o r m i l e a g e a n d t r a c t i o n . H i g h p r i c e d l o o k i n s h o u l d e r a n d s i d e w a l l s t y l i n g . A v a i l a b l e i n b l a c k w a l l a n d e x t r a n a r r o w w h i t e w a l l d e s i g n . 3 WAYS TO CHARGE HURRY- SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT! Sin iKlitn lladmll III frtct win Tnfc llnlnl lali MM la Ttafc-k •Wtmll t«.Prki •III Trail VMtwal Sakfrta » Tnfc* Pin fti ti.Tn fir Tin 6.50-13* _ $20.95 515J5 $24.95 $22.45 $1.75 E78-14 7.35x14 $23.95 521J5 $27.95 $25.45 $2.24 F78-14 7.75x14 $25.95 523.57 $29.95 52747 $2.39 G78-14 8.25x14 $27.95 $25.71 $31.95 529.21 $2.56 H78-14 8.55x14 $30.95 525.47 $34.95 531-57 $2.75 J78-14 8.85x14 $33.95 $31.23 $37.95 *54.71 $2.95 5.60-15 _ $20.95 513.55 $24.95 522.45 $1-73 F78-15 7.75x15 $26.95 $24.79 $30.95 529-25 $2.43 G78-15 8.25x15 $28.95 IM M $32.95 535.13 $2.63 H78-15 8.55x15 $31.95 $29.39 $35.95 532.55 $2.81 L78-15 9.15x15 $37.95 $34.91 $41.95 535.41 $3.16 •Except 6.50-13 Size - 5 Rib Tread Pattern ABOVE BANK CREDIT CARDS HONORED AT GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES AND MOST GOODYEAR DEALERS GOOD/YEAR USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM: Because of expected heavy demand for Goodyear tires, we may run out of some sizes during this offer, but we will be happy to order your size tire at the advertised price and issue you a rain check for future delivery of the merchandise. GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS® TIRES PROFESSIONAL 777 Aay U.S. car pirn parte if i AM $2 for air-coM. ci SNAP BACK" TUNE-UP $26« 6 c y l U S autO -add >4 lor I cyl. j , / Inc ludes a l l labor and these parts: • New i spark plugs , condens-Ik BIG POWER SPITFIRE BATTERY J15* Battery Cables Battery Charger Charges most 12-volt batteries overnight Charges at a 3-amp rate that tapers as battery becomes ful ly charged. Has copper-plated clamps UL approved. O McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30a.m.-6:00p.m. Friday 'til 9:00p.m. Saturday 8:304:00 Sunday 12:00-5:00p.m. GOODYEAR