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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1972, p. 17

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PAGI I8-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1972 Paint Winter Mural Z)ke W oixu Cli ItUC Valley View students are enjoying winter scenes both inside and outside the school. After the first grade students had been exposed to various pictures on winter sports, film strips and stories concerned with winter, they donned their smocks and painted a mural depicting their own ideas of the season. Shown are Diane Dunbar. Alice Zelek, Tony Sanchez, (iary Boelfer and Tim Larsen. Tom's problem is universal, especially among older men and women, so scrapbook this case. Don't fret about in­ somnia, because you don't die from it. As long as you lie on your mattress, your heart gains its major rest, even if your eyes are open. But use the shortcuts below to sleep more soundly. By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE J-552: Ttfln R., aged 62, has a common problem. Dr. Crane," he began, "I have insomnia. "Oh, I sleep like a log for 3 or 4 hours after I go to bed. "Then I usually must get up to go to the bathroom. "And after I return to my pillow, I can't get back to sleep. "Lately I have been taking sleeping pills to knock me out from 3 a.m. til morning. "But I hate to become a drug addict and rely on pills, so what else can I do to check my in­ somnia?" INSOMNIA ANTIDOTES Many men (and women) of Tom's vintage give almost identical stories about their insomnia that starts about 3 a.m. And the primary cause thereof is their urinary blad­ der' It wakes them upNae^ihise it is so full of fluid that it defriands to be emptied. / Moreover, older men with an inflamed prostate gland often complain of excessively acid urine, which burns or smarts till they waken. In medicine we refer to this type of sleeplessness as "urinary insomnia." To check such sleeplessness, the simpler method is to direct our attack on the kidneys and urinary bladder. So reduce your input of liquids after 6 p.m. and by all means go slow on coffee, tea, cola drinks and alcohol. For they cause an excessive secretion of urine and thus balloon the bladder unduly. \ To reduce the smarting or burning from acid urine, take an alkali tablet at bedtime, such as aluminum hydroxide or the other "heartburn" an­ tidotes on the market. For such alkali tablets will "sweeten" the urine and thus reduce your urgency to get up in the middle of the night to void. Another remedy for this 3 a.m. insorpnia is to externalize your worries by keeping a pad and pencil at your bedside. Write down your duties for next day, even before you retire at 10 or 11 p.m. Don't try to carry in your head the chores and tasks for the morrow, for that produces a semi-wakeful state that retards sound sleep. And if you are irate or fearful, worried or anxious, then write down a paragraph or two of your thoughts to get them outside your system! This offers you what we psychiatrists call an "emotional catharsis." But by all means avoid becoming sleeping pill addicts! If your insomnia starts at 11 p.m., merely turn on a reading lamp at your bedside and peruse some inspiring book or magazine, such as the Bible or Reader's Digest of Dr. Peale's Guideposts. And talk out you problems in conversation with the Almighty, for God beats all of Cherscol 0 Cheracol D Cough Syrup Reg. $1.79 00 Ben-Gay imucvms Lotion »TION |4 Oz. For penetrating relief! Af THRITIS Reg. $1.59 00 m CASSETTE TAPES Three Pack contains 3-60 minute instant loading tape partridges. P*g. of 3 $100 Rfeg. $2.29 \JL G.E. Night Light Reg. 69* 2 for 00 YttV ** / / /• , 3720 West Elm St McHenry, Mon.-Fri. 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to 6 Sunday 9 to 2 /« A r Comb and Brush Sett 2 # OH S JOO KEG 77c £ACM ION S IOO FFG 79C (ACM S J Of# Furnace Filters YOUR CHOICE: 16 x 20 x 1 16 x 25 x 1 20 x 20 x 1 \ 20 x 25 x 1 1 0 x 2 0 x 1 DOLLA DAYS! osco J Osco Drug has low proscription pricos, too! You can see Osco's low prices for your­ self. They're displayed for your con­ venience on large, yellow signs in every Osco Pharmacy. 3 for 00 •PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1972. us psychiatrists and doesn't charge you, either. The main purpose of sleep is to rest your heart and that occurs while you are lying upon your mattress, even if your eyes are open. So don't fight your insomnia but shrug it off, and read yourself into sound slumber. Or lift your hand high above the covers; ask the Lord to take over the night shift for you; then drop your hand limply, and you'll relax like a baby! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en­ closing a long stamped, ad­ dressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) • • • » • • • » » • « You And Your Pet BLUE, RED OR BLACK Flair Pens 4 FOR $ I OO REG. 45 EACH Storage Chest With Flip Top Superseal FRIENDSHIP Panty Hose 2 FOR JOO § : • 4-CUP food tavtrt, pack of 3 - WnnrJnmin • 34 ounc« round j«rfood $«v#r, pock of 3 9 Or daisy • 12 ounc* round j»r food tavtr, pock of 2 pattern • 32 ounc* square food tavor*, pack of 3 • 64 ounca square food aavara, pock of 7 25Vi" x 1 3%" x 1 1 Va 100% nyl f«t« oil Cho of Knhw ihodai REG 79- EACH Reg. $1.49 n°° IS VALUES TO $1 78 ASSORTED SIZES SOLO MAGIC MESH Brush Rollers Vicks Cough Drops < g T H R I F T P A C K REGULAR OR CHERRY $ IOO .C.REG. 35 EACH EACH REG $109 nm FOR Aqua Net Lavoris Kiwi Paste and Liquid Shoe Polish • Regula Sup* Un&cent«d • Moittur* Shield Decanter Pitcher 32 OUNCES $1 OO REG 77c EACH 16 OUNCE BLACK • BROWN » NEUTKAL -WHITE AQUA NET n 16 OUNCE JOHNSON'S Macleans Baby Shampoo 6.75 OUNCES Macleans freshmint. spearmint Aviator Poker Playing ii Cards 4 FOR REG 77c EACH PACKAGE OF 5 Tiparillo Cigars • AROMATIC • MENTHOL • REGULAR 39' EACH REG. 28c Charbert Cosmetics • Lipstick • Noil Polish • Liquid Mak«up • Pressed Powder • Cover Cream • Eye Gloss • Mascara • Lip Gloss • Blush Powder • Duet Powder Eye Shadow • Ouaitet Eye Shadow Powde BOTTLE OF 100 Anacin FOR Automatic Transmission Fluid QUART s$ioo Pro Double Duty Toothbrus Meister Brau 6 Pak For Relief of Cold Symptom* REGULAR OR DRAFT 12 OUNCE CANS Alka-Seltzer tig -m AA Plus PACKAGE OF 36 M $ J OO G M ^ FOR REG 34c EACH Adult Reg. I V 4 For ASSORTED Greeting; Cards 12-18 cords per bo* Fo b i r thdays, sympathy etc 2$ JOO FOR * R f G 5*c f A C H REG •1 29 5 FOOT & G F % Extension Cord S E T O F 3 Wooden Hangers By Raymond A. Monor, D.V.M. Manager of Veterinarian Services Norden Laboratories Have you ever picked up your pet at a veterinarian's or the animal hospital, rushed him home only to find that, unac­ countably, the pet appears still sick or otherwise upset? Don't panic. In my many years of practice I have found that the chances are it's a passing condition brought on by the happy act of reuniting pet with family -- with too much emotion on both sides and not enough planning on your part. Remember, as your pet leaves the veterinarian's or the animal hospital, he'll be ex­ cited at again seeing loved ones from whom he's been separated. Next, he's con­ fronted with a car ride, which could give rise to motion sickness. Finally, he can be overstimulated by the sights, smells and sounds of home - and a possible surplus of food and water. Too often the animal leaps and races, gulps food and water beyond his capacity, and ends up with a case of nervous vomiting or diarrhea. I have found that if you follow a few simple rules, you can avoid these unpleasant con­ ditions, protect the pet's well being and make his homecoming a pleasant ex­ perience for all. PROPER RESTRAINT ~ Bring a leash or carrier to protect the animal when leaving the veterinarian's. Sudden lunging or jumping might result in your pet getting loose. Even worse, he could be injured. Special carriers with airholes are available at most pet shops. Small animals can be carried home in a cardboard box. LIMIT FOOD AND WATER INTAKE - Excessive gulping of food and water can lead to an upset stomach. Until he adjusts to normal home life, give your pet small amounts of food and water. For a dog, one teacupful of water every 30 minutes for two hours is enough. CONTROL EXERCISE -- To show his happiness at being home, your pet will want to run and jump. It is best to discourage excitement by restricting play. If the reunion of pet and family follows hospitalization of the pet for any reason, you should know that animals are sometimes given medication just before leaving the hospital for quieting purposes or for the treatment of other conditions. If drugs are sent home for your pel, make sure he gets them on time and as the doctor directed. Doctors also advise the following illness or surgery, outdoor exercise should be restricted to walking while on a leash for the first week. In this case, it would be wise to check with your veterinarian for any special instructions he might have to help speed the animal's recovery. Dr. Minor regrets tthat he is unable to personally answer letters from pet owners. He recommends that readers consult their own veterinarians when their pets have problems. WHO KKOWS! 1. When was the first Opera held in the U.S.? 2. Do you recall when John Glenn Jr. made the first U.S. Orbital flight? 3. What great American poet w a s b o r n o n F e b r u a r y 27th9 4. Define Veni, Vidi, Vici. 5. Identify Uranus. 6. Compare Uranus in size to the earth. 7. What is a vicuna9 8. What is the Septuagint? 9. What is the food value of spinach9 10.Who designed the Federal Court Building in Wash­ ington, D.C.9 Answers to Who Knows SE61 ux pajaiduioo 'jjaqjiD ssbo'oi •SJBJaUIlU SUIB}UOD osjv '9 uiuibjia auios puB o pire v suiuiBijA jo a o j no s qou b si ii -6 •}uaui -*isai pxo JO uon*l -subji ijaajQ isapjo aqj, '8 •XJTUJBJ jauiBO am jo jaqtuatu ssajduinn 'jibuis b s.ji 'L •qiJBa aq? jo }Bm sauii} jiBq-auo pub uaajjnoj jnoqB si ssbui sji -9 •uns am UIOJJ qjua -Aas--siauBjd am jo auo "S •paianb -UOD j "MBS 1 'auiBO 1 *Monaj3uoT -M if juan 'Z 'Z961 '02 ifJBmqaj z •sen '81 ^JBOiqaj your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: February 27 - March 5, 1972 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 There is something questionable about your discussing the relationship that exists between you and a member of the opposite sex. It would be wise to use discretion during the present cosmic cycle. Many members of your sign will have the mis­ fortune of being involved with someone who cannot see beyond their own existance. Others might be in the company of someone with whom they cannot keep pace. Fuzzy stellar patterns indicate the possibility of this being a rather unexciting period. There is an outside possibility that someone might pin you down with the story of their life. This could be a red letter week for some Moon- children. An outstanding event connected with an associate could change the course of their lives. Other Moonchildrtn can cxpect the usual routine. I t 's not beyond you to over value one thing, and ignore something more important. That could happen this week Accordingly, you will get strong support from an associate you have ignored. Many Virgos now have desires that are i n the shade. For those under your sign so inclined, there will be a strong physical attraction for a member of the opposite sex. This attraction, incidentally, will be short lived. Clandestine meetings are strongly indicated in this week's planetary alignment. Those Librians so inclined, must take care to stay in bounds. The actions of someone in authority might appear to be peculiar, to put it mildly. None­ theless, according to your chart, a superior will put you to test. Double the guard against someone who bears an air of mystery and intrigue. Stay within tlie intimate circle of your friends. Some persons under your sign will be led, gently, into a devious scheme. This happens to be one of those weeks when you must tack with the wind. In other words, if i t s not possible to get the whole, be -will ing to settle for half A few things will be going your way But, keep one thing in mind, success sometimes begets arrogance. Meaning' Your good fortune might not bring you popularity By the time you put all the pieces together connected with a plan you now have in mind, it will be too late to be effective. In other words, try to delay any major decisions this week PERSONALITY PROFILE for your Sun Sign, tend th. doy. monlh, re0r ond ploc o» birth plus 50< for postage ond handling »o Dr. Andrew W Dom„. t Q 12766 Sf pe(er,borg Florida 33733. TAURUS Apr 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 • June 20 MOONCHILD June 21 - July 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

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