GO ClASSfMJEO FOR me ACTION YOU WANT 1 PAGE 10-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1972 sue %fj§ - ss ̂v.s T .-«™ \k,V v v^f AUTOS 1%5 Chevy, 2 dr. H.T., new 283 bore out header, 3/4 Cam, bucket seats, 4 speed, new air shocks. $400.00. 385-6751. 3-10-72 '68 OPEL CADETTE, red, new tires, battery and water pump excellent all around condition. Must see. 385-4765. 3-10 VERY DEPENDABLE 1961 Pontiac 4 DR 8 cyl , $100 with 6 extra fires 815-653-6653 3-8-3-10-72 1964 BUICK Station Wagon. $350.00 2 Wheel trailer $75 00 385-7278 3-8-3-10 1963 RAMBLER Ambassador, 4 dr, sedan P S . P.B. radio, heater, pood condition, $225 00 385-0995 3-8/3-10 1962 PONTIAC, good starter, good tires, bucket seats with tri-power $125.00. 385-2965 after 5:30 3-8-3-10 HAVING AUTO Insurance Prob lems? Cancelled, Declined, Fi nancial Responsibility. LET US HELP YOU. TERMS AVAIL ABLE. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328. 3-10 AUTOS AUTOS 1965 MUSTANG, new motor, body maroon, good condition, only needs battery, very reasonable. 385 2880 3-10 1969 Z 28-302. Excellent con dition. Call Bill 815-675-2301. 3 - 1 0 SNOWMOBILES Service NEW & USED Accessories Parts ADAMS REPAIR SHOP • ! !<>-' V Chapel Hil l McHenry. I l l 385-0434 3-1TF12 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers Route 120 1 blk east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A M to6P M Friday 8a.m to9p m Sunday 9a.m to 1 p.m. 3-1TF12 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES SALES & SERVICE WORTS TRANSIT Back of Admiral Plant Corners West & North Ave. Mcllenrv, Illinois 385-1500 3-1TF12 AUTOS AUTO PARTS V A L V E S G R O U N D H E A D S A F L Y W H E E L S R E S U R F A C E D B & D A U T O M O T I V E S U P P L Y I N C . 1719 West Rte. 120 McHenry 385-2034 3-1TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES SHEET METAL WORK, Gut ters, and Downspouts. Low prices. 385-8975. 3/1-3/10 INCOME TAX SERVICE, Quick, accurate, confidential and convenient, your home or mine Robert Belzer 385-0705. 3-8-4-14 LEES ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs For Free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask for Lee 3-8 TF 12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 3/1 TF1-2 HANDY MAN FOR RENT Let mc do all those jobs you've been putting off. Remodeling. (arpentry, Electric, Plumbing. Heating, Roufing, Brick, Stone & Con crete Work. Appliance In stallation. \ery Competent, \erv Inexpensive. Call 385-3373 3-10TF2 • SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON • PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 885-5920 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Route 120 (bit mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 2-4TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 3/1 TF 1-2 A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right... CalFRlchard Sagers 385-5839 Call After 5:00 Roofing Repairs. •Roofing arpentry ESTIS TELEVISION SERVICE Expert color & Black & white service. 25 yrs. experience Servicing All Major Brands Phone 385-3646 3-3TF2 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person alized (No Recorded Voiccs) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W Pearl Street McHenry, III. 3-3TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES WETTELflp PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR PA PER HANGING Estimates Cheerfully Given. 480H .Jeffery - McHenry, III. 497-3900 3-3TF2 REMODELING"! CONTRACTOR Full Additions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TGM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 3-1TF12 MARTIN ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE Professional Service year round. Tax and bookkeep ing service available. Book keeping weekly, monthly or quarterly. Call 385-7625 for an appointment 2-4/3-17 Place your ad today Phone 385-0170. BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING *REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, ML 815-385-0159 3-10TF12 FOR SALE 15' LYMAN BOAT, electric self starter, Johnson 40 h.p. 2 yrs. old, $700 Call after 5:00 p.m. 385-1238. 3-10 PORTABLE electric sewing machine $20, 3 pc. Samson- ite luggage $19, misc. 385- 1069. 3-10 SOFA BED and chair, gold, 3 tables and 2 lamps, 2 years old. $75.00. 385-7969. 3-10 FIREPLACE WOOD, oak, split and delivered $30.00 per ton. Also wood spliting . For in formation Call: McHenry Fence Co. 385-1469. 3-10TF2 Honduras Mahogany bed, can be used as regular or king size. 2 Mahogany end tables, drop leaf tables. Dining room chairs. Some antiques. Can be seen at 3810 W. Main St., 3-8/3-10 BUSINESS SERVICES R. & R. CUSTOM FENCE Specializing in Service and all types of fencing. For free estimate Call: 815-653-6451 815-653-3426 815-385-8020 3-10TF12 • • • • Home Owners Special Protect Your Home While at work or play With A Low Cost 24 Hour SECURITY PATROL Business and Vacation Service Available SUNNYSIDE PATROL GUARD 1706 Grandview, McHenry, III. 385-6870 - 385-6871 3-1/3-24 ELECTRIC SERVICE ALL TYPES i > We handle any size job you, t (> have. Free estimates. No {> obligation. CALL D.O.T. ELECTRIC Anytime 815-385-7272 3-3TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE SINCE 1955 DAILY 9 to 9 385 4410 • Fast and efficient service •Year around assistance •Computerized Returns •Individually Verif ied We have been doing td* service work in this area tor 16 years, with a ful t ime staff working year around to assist our c l ients Paul A.Sehwegel&Co. 4410 W. ROUTE 120 385-4410 McHENRY w 3-1TF12 I WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING \ ! SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 Years Experience I | We are now taking orders Residential & j I Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! I -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 J 3-1TF12§ for SERVICE cal ERNIE SCHOOLEY'S STANDARD SERVICE - Complete Auto Service - • TUNE-UPS • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • BRAKE SERVICE • MINOR REPAIRING • TIRES MIN till Authorized Dealer • WASHING • LUBRICATION • SUMMERIZING • WINTERIZING PICKUP & DELIVERY COMPLETE SNOW PLOWING SERVICE COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL WJ- / EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE 3522 W. ELM 385-9832 McHENRY Next to Bank - N.E, Corner Rt. 31 & 120 3-8/3-10 FOR SALE 1971 HONDA 450 CL, 2 sets of bars, sissy bar with pad $800. Call after 5:30 P.M. 385-9670 3-8-3-10-72 1971 HONDA 350, low miles excellent condition $600. Call 385-6118 3-8-3-10-72 1972 ARTIC CAT 440 Panther, 1971 Artie Cat 303 Lynx, Both with covers. 1972 Spartan-2 place trailer. All like new. All for $1,850 - Call 815-385-7758 3-8/3-17-72 SNOWMOBILES, close out sale. Save up to $200 now, Clothing and trailers, also used bargains. Ed Wendt Marine on Rt. 12, Richmond, ni. (815-678-3231) daily 9-5 Sunday 12-5 Friday 9-8 Closed Monday. 3-3TF2 400 BALES Horse or Heifer Hay...70c . 100 bales rabbit hay $1.00 any amount. 338- 5476. 3-ft) SIGNATURE 30,000 BTU, air conditioner. $275.00. 312-497- 3947 3-8-3-10 120 BASE girls accordion, $100. 1-12* aluminum boat. $25.. 1- 10 H.P. Marcury Hurricane out board , $75.00. "385-0999. 3-10 AUTOMATIC washer, gas dry er. 385-5084. 3-10 TYPE BALLS for IBM Com poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050. 2-25TF12 5 USED barn timbers, 6"xl0"xl8'6" long. $50 for the lot. 385-6375 3-10-3-15-72 8" CRAFTSMAN table saw with joiner attachment. $110.00. 385-0675 3-8-3-10 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 3-1TF12 1970 AMF Snowmobiles 1-20H.P. -$300 1-36 H.P.-$550 or $800 for pair. Kenwood 100 watt amp lifier & FM Tuner-$125. New Suspended Ceiling Tile & Runners - 320 sq. ft. $60 Grundig Majestic Stereo Console - $125 Call 385-4170 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays or anytime on weekends. 3-3/3-10 HELP WANTED Someone to do housework and ironing 2 mornings a week. Mondays & Fridays. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. 385-8358 3-10 Full or Part time, Experienced Buffers days or night shifty 3 Apply at 106 Irving, Woodstock. DDN Metal Finishing. 3.8 PHONE 385-0170 JUNIOR PROGRAMMER FULL TIME DAY SHIFT Prior E D P experience preferred. Apply Personnel Department: McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, III. 815-385-2200 Extension 645 3-8/3-10 McHenry Medical Group needs NURSING ASSISTANTS Permanent, full time, will train, Call MRS. LUETH. 385-1050 or apply: McHenry Medical Group 1110 N. Green McHenry, Illinois 3-10/3-17 KITCHEN HELP | FREE RENT- FREE HEAT - FREE ELECTRIC To live in my farm house at 1732 Crystal Lake Road. 6 rooms, 1% baths, in ex change for general mainte nance and feeding small herd of beef cows. Prefer Couple without children. This is a value equal to about $250. a month. Ideal set up for school teacher or any cou ple that wishes to increase income. Will be glad to exchange references. Write to Box 416 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street . 3-8/3-17 WANTED TO TRADE HAVE LOT 107x200 On Johns- burg Rd. Will trade for pick up truck in good cond. Must be recent model. Phone 385- 5839 after 5 p.m. TF 12 WANTED TO BUY 3 DRAWTSR steel filing cabi net, must be in good condi tion, Call 385-0170 and ask for Mildred. TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES PEDEC0NE TAILORING IS NOW ABLE TO SATISFY THE PARTICULAR WELL DRESSED MAN WITH A SUIT MADE TO MEASURE. Guarantee perfect fit plus newest style and newest fab ric in double knits and exciting new group of stretch woven fabrics in the three season weights. These fabrics have much greater wrinkle resistance than reg ular wovens and in a variety of smart new patterns and colors for spring, summer and fall. DISPLAY CAN BE SEEN BY APPOINTMENT 815-385-2281 3-3/3-10/3-17-72 ^JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||||||HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||{t I IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH I YOUR PRESENT COLOR OR 1 | BLACK & WHITE T.V. - CALL US \ (And clear up any or al the following defects. | i * COLOR OR PICTURE SMEAR. * = 5 * FOGGY AND NOT CLEAR. E 5 * CONTINUAL SMALL TUBE BURN OUTS. £ = * PICTURE JITTER. = | * DANGEROUS EX-RADIATION | (Headaches the following day) = 5 * POOR HORIZONTAL HOLD AS WELL AS VERTICAL. § I * TUNER THAT SEEMS DEFECTIVE BUT IT ISN'T. | 5 All this is taken care of in your home, where you can s E see what's done to your T.V. We don't sell, and we 5 s must rely on our service to you. Because the picture S S does not light up, 95% of the time it is only small re- S S pair or small tube. See us before you decide. PHONE: McHENRY 385-8020 FOR YOUR SERVICE APPOINTMENT. E McHENRY T.V. 385-8020 3-3TF2 CARPENTERS - Apply at 2007 West Rt. 120. 385-5145 Freund Construction 3-8-3-10-72 MACHINIST Punch Press form toots, jigs, gauges, machine re pair, welding and brazing. Illinois Coil Spring Ca 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 385-1090 3-8/3-10 PUNCH PRESS OPERATOR ** Must have die setting experience. Salary open. Apply in person, FELLOWS DIE & MFG. CO. 560 Bonner Rd. & Rte. 12 Wauconda, 111. 3-3/3-^ MALE HELP WANTED Young Married MAN For Steady, Permanent Gen eral Factory Work. HOURS: 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. All paid holidays. Excel lent working conditions and salary. Exceptional profit sharing plan. Only a neat, on-time, cons cientious person need apply: DURA WAX 4025 W. Main St., McHenry, 111 LEARN CONSTRUCTION SKILLS FOR COMBAT ENGI NEERING JOB IN EUROPE. Today's Army will train compe tent young men in the com bat engineering field. And guarantee a job in Europe. You'll assist or engage in the construction and maintenance of roads, bridging, shelters, and structures. There are lots of benefits, too. Like 30 days paid vacation a year. If you'd like to learn lifetime skills while you live and work in Europe, Today's Army wants to join you. See your Army Recruiter at: Jefferson & Jack son St., Woodstock, III. or Phone 815-338-2974. £^£££2 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity for industrious man with mainte nance experience. Must be skilled in mechanical, elec trical, and general plant maintenance. We are looking for a working, take care man. apply at DODGE TROPHIES Route 14 and 31 Crystal Lake, III. 3-10/3-15-72 Call Pat Brockway 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 3 815-459-7010 or WW MULTI-SPINDLE NEW BRITAIN SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR Full time, second shift Minimum of 3 years experience. Apply to personnel department Singer Controls Co. of America 110 WOODSTOCK ST. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 815-459-3200 An equal opportunity employer. 3-8/3-10 MACHINE SET UP 3rd SHIFT 11: P.M. • 7: A.M. Excellent opportunity for man with some experience in COIL WINDING and COIL FINISHING OPERATIONS. Responsibilities include supervision of female operators. Will train on days. This position offers job security good starting pay, automatiq increases, classification advancement and an excellent benefit package. International Register Co. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 3-3/3-10 SENIOR DESIGN DRAFTSMAN Minimum of 5 years experience in small electromechanical assemblies will qualify you for an excellent opportunity in our product engineering department. Must have potential to advance to product designer. Will prepare and make drawings of parts, components and sub-assemblies required to apply to existing or new product specifications. Background in dimensioning and tolerances for castings, moldings, stampings, A.S.N, parts, and welding, riveting, staking and press fits for assemblies. Established in 1891 we are a nationally known leader in timing controls, providing excellent salary benefits and job security. ' International Register Co. 7777 Winn Road Spring Grove, III. 815-675-2321 3-10-72