DA n c REAL ESTATE 3 BR. HOUSE, McCullom Lake," Gate 4, Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator included. Fully carpeted. $15,500.00. 385-2398 3/1-3/24 I MOVING TO 1 FLORIDA Will sell our waterfront I home on Sunnyside Beach, | 66' Seawall completely fur- • nished, carpeting and drapes,- air conditioner, water soft-" ener, gas furnace,insulated,! 2 car garage. $30,000 Call 385-4916 I r^5T55o-- | COURT STYLE RANCH • Immediate Occupancy. One J Only. Two Bedrooms. Two • full baths. Fully improved | lots. | LflDD ENTERPRISES 4510 Front Royal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 385-8660 3-1TF12 EXCELLENT PRESENT & FUTURE INVESTMENT Less than $10,000. Well built 2 bedroom home. Rents for $125 per month, needs some repair. New approved septic system. Low taxes. Area zoned for business. East of city. STANGE REALTY 385-4071 McHenry 3-15/3-17 / PHONE 385-0170 FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM RANCH,fullbsmt. family room, carpeting, in Cary, $200 plus security de posit. 815-459-0338. 3-15/3-17 ROOM for rfent, working gen tlemen preferred. 385-0053. 3-15/3-17-72 SMALL 3 bedroom house on Park Street in McHenry. $150 month. Call 312-223-4400. 3-15-7: McCULLOM LAKE, 2 bedroom house, stove & refrigerator, drapes, carpet furnished. Gas furnace, full basement. 385- 2223. 3-15-72 3 BEDROOM HOUSE and ga rage, no pets, 1 child only, available after A pril 2, 815- 675-2072. 3-15 STORE OR OFFICE in McHen ry. 2 small rooms. Pri vate lavatory. Good location. Air conditioned, all utilities furnished $75.00. Call 385- 1327. 3-1TF12 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt., in town. Immediate occupancy. Lease and references required. 385-2260. 3-1TF12 House in Sunrise Ridge | Beautiful Lake View | 2 bedroom large frontroom, • fireplace, family room,built" in kitchen and garage. Avail- | able May 1st . $200, 1 child| accepted. Security deposit. | 815-653-9896 after 5:00 p.m. 3-15/3-17 I Business Opportunity SET YOUR OWN INCOME - Part or full time oppty. available Need ambitious people excited about doubling or increasing their present income. Sm. inv. secured. For appt: Phone 312-679-2739 3-10-3-22-72 CARD OF THANKS Iwish to thank the McHenry Hospital staff, Dr. Alvery, Dr. Miller, Father Baumhofer and all the relatives and friends who called and sent flowers and all the cards and prayers offered for me in my recent stay in the hospital. Thank you all. MRS. EDITH BLAKE 3-15-72 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included Rental $185 Bayshore Realty :J440 W. Elm McHenry :W5-:M>20 and 385-7508 3-1TF12 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with private patio, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 2-23 TF12 S0UTHGATE Fully carpeted 1 & 2 bed room apts. w/private decks, electric heat, stove, refrig erator, garbage disposal. One year lease. No pets. Model open daily at: 810 Front St. (Rt. 31 S.) Mc Henry. Rentals $180. -$185. - $205. See Or Call Lee J. Cooney 385-4345 3-1TF12 FOR RENT =» 5,000 sq. ft. Commercial = Can be divided. Suitable for light industry or warehouse. 1 year lease. Immediate occupancy. FIANELING LUS 907 N. FRONT ST. (RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-385-5511 TF12 11-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15. 1972 Goodwill To Visit Wonder Lake, McHenry APPEAR ON PROGRAM - The sixth grade band, directed by Carl Kohrt, wil! be among three musical organizations featured on the annual concert to be presented at the McHenrv Junior high school program Thursday, March 16, at Kane avenue. 8 p.m. in the school, located on PLAINDEALER PHOTO "MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COURTHOUSE" BRANCH COURT I Associate Circuit Judge Leonard Brody City of McHenry versus Robert J. Gaines, 123 W. Maple Avenue, Libertyville, charged with transportation of alcoholic liquor, nolle prossed on a motion by the city attorney. City of McHenry versus James C. Henley, 5225 N. Kimball, Chicago, charged with driving while intoxicated, amended to reckless driving, pleaded guilty, fined $350 and costs. Another charge of transportation of alcoholic liquor was nolle prossed by the city attorney Jenny L. Waddell, 2712 Myang avenue, McHenry, charged with driving while intoxicated, amended to reckless driving, fined $300 and costs. Another charge of speed too fast for conditions was nolle prossed by the city attorney. William D. Butler, 307 Venice street, McHenry, charged with driving while intoxicated, amended to reckless driving, fined $450 and costs. Other charges of speeding and illegally stopped vehicle were nolle prossed by the city at torney . City of McHenry versus William Cliff, 2705 Harrison, Waukegan, charged with driving while intoxicated, amended to reckless driving, fined $300 and costs. Another charge of disobeying a red light was nolle prossed by the city attorney BRANCH COURT III Associate Circuit Judge Eugene Daly James A. Thompson, 3808 Belvidere, Waukegan, guilty of providingriiquor for a minor, fined $200 and costs. Another TB Association Names Two More Members To Board The DuPage-McHenry TB and RD association recently elected two new members to its board of directors. Henry Harper of Algonquin and Rev. Walter Massey of Lake in the Hills will represent their respective areas on the board of this important voluntary health organization. The association, a joint organization of DuPage and McHenry counties, financed entirely by Christmas Seal contributions, offers many health services to individuals, communities and industries of the two counties. It is the aim of the association to have representation from each area in order to develop a program that will be beneficial to all citizens of DuPage and McHenry counties. The annual Seal campaign conducted by the association will officially end March 31 The total contributions received in McHenry county amount to $38,555.85 this far. However, the programs of Health Education, Mobile x rays, tuberculin skin tests and contributions to research go on the year 'round so contributions may still be made. charge of open liquor was dismissed. COMPLAINTS Deputy Sheriff Charles A. Terrell charges that on Tuesday, Feb 29, William E. Lameka of 4601 Hayden. McHenry, committed the of fense of unlawful use of weapons Bond $1,000, court date March 13. Patrolman Russell Hanlin of the Lakemoor Police depart ment charges that on Feb. 22, James Prasil of 402 Lily lane, McHenry, committed the of fense of driving while license or permit suspended or revoked. Bond $1,000, court date March 20 Officer James A. Keevil of the McHenry Police depart ment charges that on Wed nesday. (Jet. 20, 1971, Richard L Russo of 1703 N. Meadow lane, McHenry, committed the offense of driving while license was suspended or revoked. Bond $1,000 Officer Robert L. Zujewski of the McHenry Police department charges that on Tuesday, Feb. 29, Nancy L. Service News | PET CENTER got A pgj. Fqr yoO PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. . The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY AVAILABLE at 385-2275, a year old mostly German Shepherd, female, spaded, shots, housebroken. 3-15 fhru the Classified Ads U.S. Savings PHONE 1385-0170 SPECIALTY WANT ADS GET RtSULTS j m nastet PLUS OUR ~ ^ COMPLETE MENU ' J? Chuck and Gene cordially intfite j. you to Stop in and say Hello during our Grand Opening Bring the Family! Island, House Restaurant in the Island Lake "The Unusual In Women's Apparel" The Fashion Shoppe T H E S A V I N G O F T H E GREEN Come join our St. Patrick's Day SALE many unadverdsed bargains & Shifts $3.00-5.00 Name Bran Bras $2.00 - V2 price Swimwear V2 price & bat. 1007 N. Front St, McHenry F R E E P A R K I N G March 17 & 18 385-7747 m--mm* Oh 1 son of 3816 W Waukegan road, McHenry, committed the offense of dog running at large. Court date March 15. The Goodwill Industries truck will be in McHenry and Wonder Lake Friday, March 24, to pick up discards, clothing, shoes, and household items for the handicapped workers, according to Mrs. Nick (Agnes) Adams. No longer wanted repairable items Jrom your closets and cupboards provide a rehabilitation program for disabled from Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin in the Goodwill Industries skillshops. "Donate your older repairable clothing and household articles to non-profit Goodwill Industries and you will help themselves. You'11 be sharing in a way that does not pinch your pocketbook, but will put wage-earning money into the pockets of handicapped person's employed at Goodwill". When you have some discards, call Mrs. Adams and a truck will stop at your home to pick up the material. The bonded drivers of Goodwill Industries will pick up only the material marked for Goodwill All items given to Goodwill Industries are tax deductible and the driver or represen tative will give you a receipt which may be attached to your lav ronnr t You may obtain Goodwill bags from your local representative. For in ^ formation about the rehabilitation program of Goodwill Industries, call your representative or make arrangements to have a Goodwill program at your next club meeting. REPORT ALL INCOME Omissions of income on tax forms can be costly With more tax records being taped for automatic data processing (ADP), returns are audited more carefully for accuracy. Complete and accurate records will substantiate your tax return. However, if errors are found during an audit, ad ditional tax plus interest may then be assessed on omitted income > Army Staff Sergeant Edward D. Erwin, 25, son of Mrs. Betty J Erwin, Spring Grove, recently was assigned to the support company, combined arms training center near Vilseck, Germany. Sgt. Erwin entered the Army in March, 1965, and was last stationed at Ft. Still, Okla. He holds the Bronze Star medal. The sergeant's wife, Susan, lives at 4904 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood. Sgt. Erwin's father, Lawrence E. Erwin, lives in Fairmont, Minn. Army Sergeant William K. Kuechel. 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A Kuechel, 4516 Hilltop drive, McHenry, recently was assigned to the 1st Cavalry division (airmobile) in Vietnam. Sgt. Kuechel is assigned to headquarters detachment, 215th composite service bat talion of the division's 3rd brigade. He entered the Army in January, 1971, completed basic training at Ft. Lewis, Wash., and was last stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. Sgt. Kuechel, whose wife, Bonnie, lives at 3717 N. St. John's avenue, is a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school. Counselors Meet At MCC McHenry county high school counselors met with George Cowgill, assistant dean of admissions, and members of the counseling staff at McHenry County college recently. The group discussed testing programs at the college. According to Cowgill, MCC in the future will be a testing center where high school students will take the Career Planning Program (CPP) examination. He said, "CPP helps students assess their aptitudes and skills to find out what occupations best suit them." The college has also been designated as a test center for the College Level Examiniation Some of the county high school counselors attending a meeting at,MCC are shown above. From left, are Robert Gough, director of counseling, Marian Central; Chris Schneider, director of counseling, Richmond-Burton; Bill Courtright, director of counseling, Alden-Hebron; Jack Vick, director of counseling, McHenry West Campus; John Adelman, counselor (MCC); Teresa Lohman, counselor, Woodstock, and Stephen Polep. counseling, Huntley. Program (CLEP). Proficiency examinations have beengivenat MCC since the first of this year. Through CLEP and the Prof- ficiency examination, students can earn college credits totaling up to thirty credit hours, or the equivalent of one year of college, for experience and knowledge in various fields. On July 15, the American Collpge Test <ACG) will be given at MCC. However, Crystal Lake high school will continue to give this test for the remaining five dates scheduled. Present at the meeting were William G. Courtright, director of counseling, Alden-Hebron; DuW'ayne Sheldon, director of counseling, Cary-Grove; John Whitt, director of counseling. Crystal Lake; Stephen Polep, counselor, Huntley; Jerry Hoch, counselor, Marengo; Robert Gough, director of counseling, Marian Central; Jack N. Vick, director of counseling. McHenry West campus; Chris Schneider, director of counseling. Rich mond-Burton; and Theresa Lohman, counselor, Wood stock MCC staff attending the meeting were Cowgill; Robert Popovich, dean of student services; Darlene Hoffman, director of counseling; and John Adelman, counselor. A counselors' workshop and dinner will be held for all high school counselors in the county Tuesday, April 11, 3:15 to 6:15 p.m. Who made the first Silly Little Mistake? Unfo r tuna te l y 110 w r i t t en i cco rds ex i s t t oday , bu t un impeachab le sou rc es t e l l us t ha t t he f i r s t S i l l y L i t t l e M is take occu r red on November 1 , 19b T Lxac t l y 25 8 seconds a l t e r d i r ec t d i a l i ng d i scoun t ra tes wen t i n to c i t ed , a young man i n Peo tone asked t he Long D is tance Opera to r t o p la re a s ta t i on - to - s ta t i on ( . a l l t o down town Bu tbank , Ca l i f o rn ia When the ca l l e r was adv i sed tha t he cou ld save money on ou t -o f - s ta te ca l l s anywhere i n t he U .b excep t A laska and Hawa i i by d ia l i ng the numbe i h imse l t , he u t t e i ed the now famous , "Oh , I ' ve made a s i 11 v l i t t l e m is take H i s name i s be ing w i thhe ld t o p ro tec t i nnocen t member - , o f h i s t am i l v Illinois Bell Dia l Di rect d iscounts do not apply to Operator ass is ted ca l ls such as co.n t red i l card, co l lec t person * to - person, bote! guest ca l ls , or ca l ls charged to another number