Warrior Spring Sports Season Right Around The Corner - Sez Kusch! PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1972 Pheasant Results "We had 24.365 hunters make Lockart said that over 49.000 C a r I y I e Utkc. 8,021; Chain Illinois pheasant hunters fared use of the seven areas this year," pheasants were released on the O'Lakes, 2.263; Des Plaines, 8 500' well on state managed public put- Lockart said. "They harvested a areas this year and that slightly Green River. 4.712; Iroquois and-take areas during the 1971 total of 39,965 birds for an aver- more than 75 per cent of them 3,482; Richland County season, according to Jim Lockart, age of 1.45 birds per hunter, per were harvested. Shelby County 4 901 supervisor of the division of wild- outing. However, the total was A breakdown of the public life resources for the Illinois De- 5,087; 1,713 birds less than the 1970 shooting areas and number of partment of Conservation. figure. birds harvested at each area; (Editor's Note: When Fred Kusch brought in this story Monday, snow was blowing all over the place. Couldn't see around the corner. Hope you "are right, Fred. Will be watch ing.) By Fred Kusch If the past weekend was any indication the MCHS spring sportsters will be going full tilt sooner than expected in their own chosen athletic endeavors. As "Old Man Winter" gusts out his last breath the Orange & Black spring athletic will be getting into swing. Ken Swanson will be at the helm of the Warriors baseball team; Walt Scott will be directing the Warrior track team, while Gary Gray will guide the tennis team and Chuck Cuda the golf team. Soring sports schedules will appear in today's edition and capsule reports on each sport will appear in next week's editions. Deaths MATHIAS ADAMS Mathias Adams, 70, of 303 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, a lifelong resident of the com munity, died in McHenry hospital Monday night, March 13. Mr. Adams was born July 8, 1901, in Johnsburg, son of Jacob and Anna Adams. He was a retired dairy farmer. The deceased was a member of the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, and the Johnsburg Community club. Survivors are the widow, Dorothy (Bauer); two daughters, Mrs. Richard (Dorothy) Brown of Phoenix, Arii., and Mrs. Patrick (Nancy) Knight of Antioch; four sons, Richard A., Kenneth M., James B., and Daniel L., all of McHenry; fifteen grand children; six brothers, Joseph and Otto, Johnsburg; Nick, Alex, Vincent and Clemens of McHenry. He was preceded in death by a son, William E., in 1947, a sister, Genevieve, in 1933, and a brother, Alfons, in 1965. Visitation is being held at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home until 9:30 Thursday morning, when a Mass will be offered at St. Mary's Catholic church. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery. ARENTA JEPSEN Services will be held at the George R. Justen & Son chapel Thursday morning at 11 o'clock for Arenta Jepsen of 4618 N. Spring Grove road, McHenry, who died in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Monday, March 13. Sie was 83 years old. Mrs. Jepsen, widow of the late Jeppe Jepsen, was born April 28, 1888, in Denmark. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Hakon (Betty) Christensen and Mrs. Marie Tracy of McHenry, Mrs Norman (Lola) Freberg of Grayslake and Mrs. Harvey (Wanda) Palmer of McHenry; seven grandchildren; eleven great-grandchildren; one brother and two sisters residing in Denmark. Besides her husband, who died July 5, 1968, she also was preceded in death by a son, Neils, in 1934. The body will rest at the George R. Justen & Son chapel after 2 o'clock Wednesday. Following the Thursday ser vices, burial will be in Ivanhoe cemetery. CHARLES V. HERMAN Charles V. Herman, 62, 1515 W. May avenue, died Friday, March 10, in Hines Veteran hospital. He was born July 30, 1909 in Chicago and was a World War II Army veteran. He is survived by his wife, the former Wanda Zmigrodzki, whom he married Nov. 7, 1935 in Chicago; three sons, William, Romeoville, Charles, Denver, Colo., and James, Chicago; four grandchildren; and a brother, Joseph, Chicago. Following visitation in the George R Justen and Son funeral home, a funeral Mass was offered at 11 a.m. Monday in St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, with burial in the church cemetery. ADAM WIERZBINSKI Adam Wierzbinski (Adams), 63, of 5201 E. Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, was pronounced dead on arrival at McHenry hospital, Saturday, March 11 He was born April 16, 1908 in New York and was a foreman for a steel industry. Among his survivors are his widow, Janet, nee Meyers, a daughter, Mrs John (Marilin) Cooper, Chicago; a son, Arthur. Bensenville, five grandchildren; one great-grandchild, two brothers and three sisters. The body rested at the George R. Justen and Son funeral home until Tuesday morning when a funeral Mass was offered at 10 o'clock in Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake, with burial in the church cemetery. JOSEPH J. KESSLER A funeral Mass was offered Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in St. Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake, for Joseph J Kessler, 86, of 2503 S Park Terrace. Mr. Kessler died Saturday, March 11, in Memorial hospital, Woodstock A retired machinist, he was born May 29, 1885, in Chicago Residential-Cbmmercial • Blacktoppmg • Sealing • Repairs Free Estimates 13384739 JACKSON Woodstock, Illinois ASPHALT-PAVING Fantastic Wet Road Handling The Road Holders l l R E L L I Radial Tires For American. European and Japanese cars EUR0PA MOTORS "The Saab Place" 3318 W. Pearl St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph. 385-070U Does your mother-in-law make The Silly Little Mistake? I t you ' re nodd ing yes " then we th ink you have a mora l ob l iga t ion to s tand up and ta r t the mat r ia rch . F rank ly , she 's no t the on ly person who fo rge ts tha t i t cos ts more money to p lace s ta t ion - to -s la t i on Long D is tance ca l l s th rough the Opera to r , ins tead o f d ia l ing d i rec t . A lo t o f busy fo lks make The S i l l y L i t t le M is take . Nex t t ime you ca tch your mother - in - law in the ac t , remind her tha t i t ' s cheaper to d ia l d i rec t on ou t -o f -s ta te ca l l s anywhere in the U.S. except A laska and Hawai i Jus t say : "Look , Mom, you ' re mak ing a S i l l y L i t t le M is take . " In a n ice f r iend ly way , o f course © Illinois Bell Dial Direct discounts do not apply to Operator aw ted (al ls such as io in < red i t tard, co' ler t , person to-person, hotel - gue^t c jHs or (a l ls charged to another number In 1905 he married Catherine Cielenski who preceded him in death in 1961. Survivors include three sons, George, Rialto, Calif., Joseph A., Brookfield and John C., McHenry, with whom he had resided. The body rested in the Querhammer funeral home, Crystal Lake, until time of last rites Burial was in Resurrection cemetery, Justice. If you're in good health, you're one of the luckiest among your fellow citizens. * * * * If you haven't noticed, there is a church nearby where1 you are welcome. 4^ ^ ^ ̂ THE DIFFERENCE IS Skinner Is Involved In His Community Vote For Cal Skinner, Jr. For State Representative March 21st Skinner doesn't join groups just to be able to list them on a campaign pamphlet. He's a worker. ITEM-Skinner was first and is presently co-chair man of FISH of Crystal Lake. FISH is a church- related group of neighbors that provides the old fashioned neighborly assistance that seems to be ring out in our modern world. ITEM-Skinner has been a leader in the Crystal I^ake Jaycees, running projects like "Pollution Alert" (to allow citizens to join the fight against pollution); and interrupting his own campaign to see that 6000 homes were contacted in support of the recent successful McHenry County College bond referendum. Paid for by Skinner Campaign Fund, 555 Woodland Dr, Crystal Lake, Illinois. a - I-k,O -V, : \ Novels about imagined lives and conversations based on great epochs of history are good, but true, non-fiction books are better. A Big Job "Do you make life-size enlargements from snap shots"" asked the demure girl. "Certainly, Miss," said the photographer; "that's our specialty." "Well," said the girl, "see what you can do with t h i s p i c t u r e o f B o u l d e r Dam." Introducing... A New Goodyear Polysteel lire t AGAINST POLYSTEEL Here's the Custom Power Cushion Polysteel tire you've seen on TV, matched against dozens of vicious hardened-steel drill bits and the Goodyear Polysteel tire won! CUSTOM POWER CUSHION POLYSTEEL H e r e s s t e e l c o r d b e l t s t r e n g t h w i t h p o l y e s t e r c o r d s m o o t h n e s s , i n a g r e a t l o n g - w e a r i n g t i r e . G o o d y e a r b u i l d s i t w i t h t w o b e l t s o f s t e e l c o r d f o r l o n g - l a s t i n g r e s i s t a n c e t o i m p a c t a n d p e n e t r a t i o n . ( Y o u w o u l d n ' t r u n o v e r s t e e l d r i l l b i t s t h e w a y w e d i d h e r e - b u t t h e d e m o n s t r a t i o n i l l u s t r a t e s h o w t o u g h t h e s t e e l b e l t s r e a l l y a r e . ) T h e n G o o d y e a r m a k e s t h e l o n g m i l e a g e e a s y t o t a k e , w i t h a f l e x i b l e p o l y e s t e r c o r d b o d y t o s o a k u p t h e s h o c k s . T h e b r u t e s t r e n g t h o f s t e e l . T h e r o a d - s o f t e n i n g s m o o t h n e s s o f p o l y e s t e r . B o t h i n t h i s s u p e r b n e w t i r e . Check Whitewal l Tube less Size Replaces Price With Trade In Plus Fed E l . Tax your A78-13 _ $47.95 $1 .86 your B78-14 6 .45-14 $49 95 $2 05 size C78-14 6 95-14 $51.95 $2 15 size E78-14 7 .35-14 $55.95 $2 32 check F78-14 7 .75-14 $57.95 $2 54 check G78-14 8 .25-14 $59.95 $2 69 check H78-14 8 .55-14 $63 95 $2 .74 your F78-1S 7 .75-15 $58.95 $2 62 your G78-15 8 25-15 $60.9: $2 .8C price H78-15 8 55-15 $64 95 $3 .47 price J78-15 8 85-15 $68.95 $3 23 price L78-15 9 .15-15 $74.95 $3 .56 Hurry. . .Trade Today -- start r iding on Polysteel t i res. Use Our Rain Check Program: Because of expected heavy demand tor Goodyear t i res we may run out of some s izes dur ing th is of fer , but vse wi l l be happy to order your sue t i re a t the adver t ised pr ice and issue yof l a ra in check for fu ture de l ivery of the merchandise . 3 WAYS TO CHARGE 4 (MptmmtT(vtdK"7iaq GOOD/YEAR ^THF.I BA N K Awt RiCABD BANK CRfcCMT CARDS HONORED AT GOOOYEAH SERVICE STORES AND MOST GOOOYEAR DEALERS THK ONLY MAKER OF POLYSTEEL TIRES Set Of Tumblers 49* Windshield Washer Solvent & Anti-Freeze Ready To Use. Good To 25 Below * 69' McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Friday 'til 9:00p.m. Saturday 8:30-4:00 MARKET PLACE open Daily 8:30a.m.-6:00p.m. wYEARITOREI LET PRO'S PEAK-UP YDIIR CAR Wintw tlimi roMwd your car of It's p--fc-prformnc«.Jhhi tttotfw Pro% now for a Springtime poak-upi ENGINE TUNE-UP 6 CYL. AUTOS OTHER PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED - 8 CYL. CARS *4 MORE I n c l u d e s • N e w S p a r k P l u g s • N e w P o i n t s • N e w C o n d e n s e r • O u r s p e c i a l i s t s w i l l s e t d w e l l , c h o k e • T i m e E n g i n e • B a l a n c e C a r b u r e t o r • T e s t S t a r t i n g , C h a r g i n g s y s t e m s , C y l i n d e r c o m p r e s s i o n , a c c e l e r a t i o n . Ollt LUBRICATION $1 • T r a n s m i s s i o n a n d d i f f e r e n t i a l o i l c h e c k • C o m p l e t e c h a s s i s l u b r i c a t i o n • F u l l o i l c h a n g e • P r i c e i n c l u d e s a l l l a b o r a n d o i l FRONT-END ALIGNMENT $1 ANY U.S. CAR PIUS PARTS IF NEEDED A t t h i s l o w p r i c e o u r s p e c i a l i s t s w i l l • C o m p l e t e l y i n s p e c t t r o n t - e n d • S e t C a m b e r , C a s t e r , T o e - i n w i t h p r e c i s i o n e q u i p m e n t A l l a d j u s t m e n t s m a d e t o m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s s p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r m a x i m u m l i r e m i l e a g e a n d d r i v i n g c o m f o r t , ADD $2 FOR AIR-CONDITIONED CARS 4-WHEEL BRAKE OVERHAUL 5B MASTER RETURN SPRINGS EXTRA COST. IF NEEDED EXCEPT DISC BRAKES, FOREIGN CARS • P r e m i u m b r a k e l i n i n g s a l l 4 w h e e l s • A r c l i n i n g t o p r o p e r l y f i t d r u m s • R e - m a c h i n e , t r u e a l l 4 b r a k e d r u m s • R e m o v e , c l e a n , i n s p e c t , r e p a c k , a d ] u s t f r o n t w h e e l b e a r i n g s • A d j u s t a l l 4 b r a k e s . INCLUOES NEW WHEEL CYLINDERS! Our spe. . . . l i s t s « I r . - j i ln. .• \ . . . . r , . i t s 4 v-w h . - . - l l indirs vsi lh U< tor* l i . -sh .m.-s . HI.- . .1 f lush hv . I r^nl i . htnkp l in.-s dn. l f i l l 3WAYS TO PAY EASY PAY [maslef charge] AT GOODYEAR R^arg | ^ LET THE PRO'S PUT PEAK-UP IN YOUR CAR'S PERFORMANCE! JtK 'LAC McHENRY 4400 West Route 120 815-385-7300 i OPEN DAILY: 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. FRIDAY - 'til 9:00 p.m. SAT. - 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. SUN. 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m. /