CASH-SAVING COUPON Take a Picture of T I 00 R E G $ 1 8 . 8 8 Of f on ocolor Film Process! Bring this coupon with your roll of 1 2 or 20 exposure Kodacolor film to Osco Drug and we'll process it for $1.00 off our regular price. Offer good on Kodak Kodacolor only. Offer expires March 25, 1972 Coupon must accompany order Limit one coupon per customer Kodak Instamatic Camera Kit Kit includes the XI5 Kodak Camera that takes f lash pictures without batter ies. Com plete with f i lm cart ridge, flash cubes and I f «« instruct ion booklet. R203 Cassette Recorder A rugged sol id-state qual i ty unit en cased in a leatherette carrying case. Separate mike pouch. Single switch. Safety record switch. Remote mike. Bui l t in AC ad- _ apter jack. f lv "Pop-Up" cas- I j j jp R E G $24 88 sette. CASH-SAVING COUPON COUPON GOOD ON FILM LEFT FOR PROCESSING BFTWFPKI MARCH 22 AND 25 COUPON MUST Z«OMMN?'OTDIR *1.00 OFF „n Kodacolor Film Processing t 'MIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER