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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1972 All In Readiness For Luncheon, Card Party numU'i in the party and what time they will arrive at the hall. The reserved tables will be read> and waiting Gentlemen. too. will enjoy the delicious luncheon and the card games of their choice. Tickets are available from all club members, as well as Mrs. Beverly Walinski, Ways and Means chairman. Tickets will also be sold at the door the day of the luncheon SPEAKS FOR CLl'B - Rita Hahn, president of the Business & Professional Women's club. McHenry chapter, enjoys a par­ ticularly amusing observation in the talk given by Oeneval Aievedo, A.F.S. exchange student from Brazil. Deneval, a senior at M.C.H.S., addressed the club on the subject, "Cultural Progress". The meeting was held at the Longhorn in Lakemoor. With the approach of Spring, there is alwa\s an air <>| an­ ticipation as folks Ifwik forward to the annual luncheon and card party <>f the Lakeland Park Women's club It is always a gala event From all indications, this year's ev ent will even surpass the others if the effort and planning of the various com­ mittees are an indication The date is Wednesday. April 12. at St Patrick's parish hall Serving will start at 11:30 a.m. Working people are urged to attend, and they will be served very promptly so they can return to work if they are unable to stay and enjoy an afternoon of cards and fellowship It is suggested that reservations be made by the working folks, stating the r Don't let March weather Hearing Aids Richard Stoll hearing aid specialist, will be in my office every Mon.- Wed. and Fri. By appointment only. New and recondi­ tioned aids. Ear molds made to order. Tube jobs done while you wait. Loan- ers, available. Mallory and Duracell batteries for all makes. Free hearing tests. 1407 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY 385-0125 lYi Blocks North of McHenry State Bank r GreenHip jUmmk **** • ...with GREEN POWER the lawn beautifying fertilizer that makes your lawn vibrantly green and thick. Slow release formula provides extended feeding NEW LOW „ $ 4 8 6 $ Q46 5a? $f|86 Greenfield?. .ask somebody who knows! BROOKWOOD GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 Phone 3854949 (Across From Foremost) BRIDGET MARIE REDMOND ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr., of 5413 N. Thelen drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of Mrs. Covalt's daughter, Bridget Marie Redmond, to Robert Diedrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Diedrich, of 1217 N. Ridge road, McHenry. The bride-to-be is the daughter of the late Francis T. Redmond. Both young people are 1969 graduates of McHenry high school. She is a 1971 graduate of Bryant & Stratton college and is now attending the Chicago School of Commerce. Her fiance is employed locally. An Oct. 14 wedding date has been set. put a damper on you. spirits. Cheer up with a new style and keep dry with this Special Bubble Umbrella Offer! ^.95 Value for... RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING Open Tues., Thurs., Fri. Evenings 2020 Rte. 120 Phone 385-7010 -Ample free parking-- Panel To Address April Ladies Guild Meeting Due to the Easter holiday, St Patnck's ladies guild will not meet Monday, April 3. A board meeting will be held at 1 p.m Wednesday, March 29, in St. Patrick's church liall. All guild members are invited to the board meetings, where suggestions are aired and comments welcomed, both pro and con An open meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 13, when a Panel of American women, a Catholic. Protestant, Jewish and Black will speak about their personal feelings and experiences The club feels fortunate in securing this panel as the ladies have been featured on radio, television and in leading magazines and newspapers. A free will of­ fering will be taken following their discussion to help defray the cost of transportation. All women and men of the McHenrv area are invited Friendship Club Enjoys Colorado "Trip" The next meeting of the Friendship club will be held Saturday, April 8, at 6 p.m., in the dining room of the First United Methodist church Helen and Reno Eckardt will present the program Hosts and hostesses will be Vivian and Lisle Bassett, Grace Borchers and Hazel McLaughlin and Gladys and Louis Block The last program was on "The Colorado River Trip", a trip Mrs. Daisy Jones and her granddaughter, Tracey, made. The slides were beautiful and Mrs Jones' narration was much enjoyed Knackwurst Baked Bean Dinner 1 pound <4 to 5) knackwurst 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 tablespoon vinegar VA cup thinly sliced green pepper, cut julienne-style 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion 2 cans <16 ounces each) pork and beans Combine brown sugar, mus­ tard and vinegar Add green pepper and onion and combine with baked beans. Cut knack wurst into 1 inch pieces and fold into bean mixture Place in a l1^-quart casserole. Bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) 30 minutes. 4 to 6 servings. MARY ELLEN SMITH ENGAGED ~ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith of Orlando, Fla., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ellen, to James T. Conner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conner of Spring Grove. The wedding will take place next spring. Miss Jenkins In University Dance Theatre Shirley Jenkins, 1512 N. Freund avenue, McHenry, is among twenty-two students in the Dance Repertory theatre of the University of Wisconsin dance division at Madison which will present a concert performance of experimental works in sound, light and movement Friday and Saturday, March 24-25. "Concert '72" will be presented in the Wisconsin Union theatre on the UW- Madison campus at 8 p.m. on both evenings. Friction? A recent survey shows that al­ most half the teenage girls and a third of the teenage boys ques­ tioned said they bought certain clothes against the wishes of their parents. Fifty -one members attended the March meeting and pot- luck dinner and enjoyed the beautiful meditations given by Ann Demke on "Easter Thoughts". President McCracken ex­ pressed appreciation to Mrs. Jones for the beautiful gavel she brought from Israel to present to the club. In addition to the new coffee urn and teapots the club purchased for the church kitchen, it was unanimously voted to make a donation to the McHenry Rescue squad CHRISTINE BIGGS CAPPED - Christine Biggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs of 3704 W. Freund avenue. McHenry, was a member of the class of St. Anthony Hospital School of Nursing. Rockford, to be capped earlier this month. The impressive service was held in St. Peter Cathedral. The ser­ mon was presented by the Rev. Father Thomas Dzielak and the blessing of the caps was by the Rev. John J. Calkins, chaplain 'of the hospital. APRIL 9 Annual General Meeting - Lakeland Park Property Owners Association - 2 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive -- Election of Board Members. Kiwanis Blood Bank Drawing -- Legion Home - 11 a.m. to l p.m. APRIL 11 McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club -- Business Meeting And Guest Speaker - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church -- 8 p.m. APRIL 12 Annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party -- Lakeland Park Women's Club -- St. Patrick s Parish Hall - 3500 W. Washington Street -- 11:30 a.m. APRIL 13 Panel Of American Women Discussion On Personal Ex­ periences On Discrimination - Sponsored By Ladies Guild, St. Patrick's Hall - Free Will Offering -- 8 p.m. APRIL 14 McHenry Woman's Club -- Business Meeting - White Elephant Sale -- V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour, 12 to 1 p.m. APRIL 14 & 15 Job's Daughters Rummage Sale - Acacia Hall, 1309 N Court Street, Friday hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m -- Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. APRIL 17 Pi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority -- Home Of Mrs. Leonard Siatta - 8 p.m. APRIL 19 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club - Spring Luncheon & Card Party - V.F.W. Hall -- 12 Noon. APRIL 20 CD. of A. Joyce Kilmer Court -- Spring Card Party and Social -- K.C. Hall -- 8 p.m. APRIL 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Spring Smorgasbord Dinner For Members -- 6:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. APRIL 30 C D.A. Joyce Kilmer Court - Communion Sunday - St. Patrick's Church, Followed By Breakfast - 9:45 a.m. Displays At Science Fair Shown above are two displays atthe Science Fair held at Harrison school, Wonder Lake, last week. About 250 students from fifth through eighth grade participate^ In picture at top, Kevin Coughlan and Pat Cristy are working on a dam site. Below, Ann Mathews is involved in some of the intricacies of her project. Tips For The Homemaker 39 of cur states end their fiscal year on June 30. Pat Sullivan, McHenry county Extension adviser, Home Economics, reminds that the time is drawing close to one of the largest egg-buying holidays of the year, Easter. For all the egg hunters and egg MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert V. Betts, 2038 W. Jarvis, Chicago, and Sandra L. Krumme, 2805 S. River road, McHenry. Rodney S. Heelein, 7605 Hancock drive, Wonder Lake, and Vicki J. Vail, 13872 Perkins, Woodstock. » James C. Schroeder, 10201 Williams, Richmond, and Lesley Gail Schimpff, Powers Lake, Wis. Oliver D. Saul, 2509 S. Walnut drive, Wonder Lake, and Dorothy J. Martin. 2702 Cherry drive, Wonder Lake. Robert T. Hrodey, 207 Fremont, Woodstock, and Joanne C. Feyerer, 4820 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake. Charles J. Sparks, McHenry, and Eva G. Bacon, 3607 W. John, McHenry. William J. Hauck, 5513 N. Lake, McHenry, and Rosalie M. DeVries, 3402 W. Third avenue, McHenry. Henry A. Sheldon, 69 Nip- persink. Fox Lake, and Janet M. Morris, 5222 Orchard drive, McHenry. DIVORCES Gayle Jo Ann Richardson from Larry Alan Richardson, McHenry. Mary Lynn Doherty from Michael P. Doherty, McHenry. Carol A. Zarnstorff from Alan G. Zarnstorff, McHenry. Linda Marie Burns from Walter David Burns, McHenry. Dorothy J. Martin from Carl G Martin, Wonder Lake. decorators she offers a few hints to consider when buying eggs. Egg prices vary by sizes for the same grade, and the amount of price variation depends on the supply. Generally speaking, if there is less than a 7-cent price spread per dozen eggs between one size and the next smaller size in the same grade, you will get more for your money by buying the larger size. The three consumer grades are U.S. Grade AA or Fresh Fancy, Grade A and Grade B. The sizes most often found are Extra Large, Large and Medium. Other sizes sometimes available are Jumbo, Small and Peewee. Remember, "Grade" refers to quality and "Size" refers to weight. To insure quality, buy eggs from a refrigerated case, and then refrigerate eggs promptly at home, large end up to mainatain quality. The Indian Ocean bottom bears prominent skid marks left when the subcontinent of India migrat­ ed northward from the coast of Africa India's slow motion col­ lision with the Asian continent shoved up the Himalayan moun­ tain chain Z0 N R Y P L A * N D E A L [ R C^PlatnJeaL Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Publisher Larry E. Lund vUiP/ MEMBER \ NEWSPAPER Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER IL NeWA Association • Founded 18B5 er 2 i SUBSCRIPTION RATES 6 1 Year 57.50 1 Year $9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and ^ County Lake County aooaoooooopo Coming Events OPOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* MARCH 24 Bi-Monthly Board Meeting of Church Women United -- Lake Region -- St. Mary's Rectory. Woodstock. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. APRIL3 Pi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority - Home Of Mrs. William Haddick, 8 p.m. APRIL4 McHenry County Past Oracles Club Meeting -- K. of C. Hall, 1304 N. Park Street, McHenry -- 12 Noon. Hiawatha Gem & Mineral Club -- Second Floor Dining Room, West Campus - 7:30 p.m. APRIL 6 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting -- 12:30 p.m. - Election Of Officers - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive. C.D. of A. Joyce Kilmer Court -- Regular Meeting - K. C. Hall, 8 p.m. MARCH 25 Registration For McHenry Youth Baseball League - 12 Noon to 4 p.m. -- Fire Station. St. Margaret Chapter Of NAIM -- Meet For Cards - Home of Martha Cossey. 1807 N. Richmond - 7:30 p.m. Marian Central Junior Class - - Rummage Sale - St Patrick's Church Hall - 9 a m. to 5 p.m. MARCH 24 & 25 Ringwood Methodist Church Semi-Annual Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Church ~ Friday Hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Saturday. 9 a m. to 12 Noon. MARCH 27 Senior Citizen Club Meeting ~ East Campus Cafeteria - Card Party For Members - 7:30 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club -- Board Meeting - City Hall -- 9:30 a m p»OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO< ' Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome Fresh Ocean Perch Golden French Fries Tangy Cole Slaw - Also Serving Chicken and Steak - Pistakee Country Club 815 W. Bay Road Phone 385-9854 Pfinmiiini iniMiiinnonnnnnnnnnnrinnnrinnnnnnnnnrim>Lwj -- OPEN Sunday L2: Noo RESERVATIONS R o m o>-- O n t h e N o r t h S h e r e o f L o n g L a k e [ R O L L I N S R O A D 1 P O I n g i e s i d e I l l i n o i s

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