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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1972, p. 11

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7 NOTICE Will work 1st week for nothing! College Gr&d desires a posi­ tion with RESPONSIBILITY in any field, full or part time. Will repay with hard work and loyalty. Call 385-6958. 3-29 rrrtf N : 1111 >rr»TTl'»"»TTT NEW ADDITION to j Walli's Beauty Salon; •MISS BONNIE CABLE, Formerly From Mister's Coiffures., in McHenry 385-7800 3-29/3-31! A AAAJULAj BOATS | MOTORS MUST SELL 16 ft. Correct Craft, inboard, 6 cyl. - 112 H.P. Recently, refinished, ply­ wood w/fiberglass bottom $500, firm. Call 385-6494. TF12 ALCORT SUN FISH I J SAILBOAT I Sales, Rental I & Accessories I SAIL LOFT 116 North Pistakee Lake Rd. Fox Lake, Illinois I 312-587-8744 I 3-29TF12 j Lost in Pistakee Bay area, a white blue eyed male cat. Call 385-2381. 3/29 REAL ESTATE McHENRY SHORES. All brick, 3 bedroom ranch, fireplace, large kitchen, 1J^ baths, full finished basement. Private beach, water rights. 385-0570. 3-22/3-29 F SAVE $3,000 | COURT STYLE RANCH ! Immediate Occupancy. One • Only. Two Bedrooms. Two | full baths. Fully improved I lots. | LADD ENTERPRISES j 4510_ Front Royal Drive • McHenry, Illinois 60050 | 385-8660 Phone 385-0170 to place your ad. FOR RENT SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with private patio, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois . 815-678-2861 2-23 TF12 This column of questions and answers on i^deral tax matters is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service to taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by taxpayers. HOUSE FOR RENT, couple only, no pets, no children, security deposit. 385-7879. 3-29-72 TREAT rugs right, they'll be a delight, if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent Electric Sham- pooer. $1. Nye Drugs. 3/24 Small Apartment in town for older woman. All utilities, stove refrigerator furnished. Immed­ iate occipancy. 385-1302 after 4:30 p.m. 3/24-3/29 3 BEDROOM home available April 1. 1972. Call 312-JU3- 2790. 3-29/3-31 STORE OR OFFICE in McHen- ry. 2 small rooms. Pri­ vate lavatory. Good location. Air conditioned, all utilities furnished $75.00. Call 385- 1327. '3-1TF12 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt., in town. Immediate occupancy. Lease and references required. 385-2260. 3-1TF12- STORE or Offices, 2 rooms j all panelled and carpeted, 2 lav- oratories, good condition and excellent location. Call 385- 0780. 3-22/3-31 FLUFFY soft and bright are carpets cleaned with Blue Lus­ tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 3-29 Q) Last year I purchased a 15,000 certificate of deposit having a redemption value at maturity in three years of $5,960. Can I wait until this certificate matures before paying tax on the interest? A) No. Starting Jan. 1, 1971, deferred interest became taxable annually on a month­ ly pro rata basis if the ma­ turity of the deposit or ac­ count is more than one year. For example, if you pur­ chased the certificate of de­ posit on July 1, 1971, you must include in income $160 of the total deferred interest of $960 on your 1971 return. Q) Are tips taxable? A) Yes. All tips you re­ ceive are subject to Federal income tax. In addition, casv tips amounting to $20 or mo that you receive in a month while working for any one employer must be reported to that employer so that income tax and social security tax may be withheld. Q) My grandfather died last year and left me 200 shares of stock he purchased at $10 per share. The stock was worth $20 per share when he died. Do I have to pay tax on this inheritance or the amount the stock appreciated? A) No. Bequests or inheri­ tances you receive are not taxable. The amount the stock appreciated up to your grand­ father's death is also not tax­ able as income. However, you are taxed on any further ap­ preciation in the stock from that point when you eventu­ ally dispose of the stock. Q) Are the costs of work clothes and uniforms deductible as employee business expenses? A) Generally you may not deduct the cost and mainte nance of work clothing. How­ ever, if your occupation re­ quires- special apparel or equipment as a condition of employment, its cost and maintenance are deductible if it is not adaptable to general or continued usage in place of ordinary clothing. Ex­ amples are special apparel and equipment required of firemen, police officers, letter carriers and nurses. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included. Rental $185. Bayshore Realty 3440 W. Elm McHenry :tK5-:i620 and 385-7508 3-1TF12 S0UTHGATE Fully carpeted 1 & 2 bed­ room apts. w/private decks, electric heat, stove, refrig­ erator, garbage disposal. One year lease. No pets. Model open daily at: 810 Front St. (Rt. 31 S.) Mc­ Henry. Rentals $180. -$185. - $205. See Or Call Lee J. Cooney 385-4345 3-1TF12 FOR RENT => 5,000 sq. ft Commercial = Can be divided. Suitable for light industry or warehouse. 1 year lease. Immediate occupancy. Ri ANEUNG S 907 N. FRONT ST. CRTE. 31) McHENRY, ILLINOIS parents), or be your depend­ ent, or both; 3) Your father or mother has to be your dependent, but need not live with you. Your unmarried child, grandchild, stepchild* or foster child must live with you but need not be your dependent. Any other relatives must both live with you and be your dependent. For more information, see your tax form instructions. Q) I obtained a job last year through an employment agency and paid them a $750 fee. Is this deductible on my tax return? A) Yes. Fees paid to an employment agency for suc­ cessfully securing new em­ ployment are deductible. How­ ever, those fees paid merely for seeking employment are not deductible. Q) I work for a department store which gives employees courtesy discounts on items purchased from the store. Should I be taxed on the amount of these discounts I received? A) Courtesy discounts on purchases from employers are not income if tfcey are of relatively small value and are offered to employees generally as a means of promoting their health, goodwill or effi­ ciency. one FOUR L£TT£R WORP WE CAN LIVE WITH IS V-O-T-E... Q) Who is eligible to file as a "Head of Household?" A) To qualify as a head of household and thus be eli­ gible to compute your tax at the special rate, you must meet the following conditions: 1) You must be unmarried (or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance) on the last day of your taxable year; 2) You must have fur­ nished over half the cost of maintaining a household for the entire year for at least one relative who must live with you (except for your FOR RENT THE CRUCIFIXION t he c rowd l ed J e sus away to t i i s dea th , S imon o f Cyrene , who wa^ jus t coming in to J e ­ rusa l em f rom the coun t ry , was fo rced to fo l low, ca r ry ing J e sus ' c ros s . Grea t c iowds t r a i l ed a long beh ind , and many g r i e f s t r i cken women . I wo o the r s , c r imina l s , we re l ed ou t t o be execu ted wi th h im a t a p l ace ca l l ed "The Sku l l . " The re a l l t h r ee were c ruc i f i ed . . . J e sus on t he cen te r c ros s , and the two c r imina l s on e i t he r s ide , "ba ­ the r . fo rg ive t he se peop le , " J e sus sa id , " fo r t hey don ' t know wha t t hey a r e do ing . " And the so ld i e r s gambled fo r h i s c lo th ­ ing . t h rowing d i ce fo r each p i ece . The c rowd wa tched . And they l aughed and sco f f ed . "He was so good a t he lp ing o the r s , " t hey sa id , " l e t ' s s ee h im save h imse l f i f h e i s r ea l ly God ' s Cho­ sen One . t he Mess i ah . " The so ld i e r s mocked h im, too , by o f f e r ing h im a d r ink . . . o f sou r w ine . And they ca l l ed to h im, " I f you a r e t he King o f t he J ews , s ave your se l f ! " A s ignboa rd was na i l ed to t he c ros s above h im wi th t hese words : "Th i s i s t he King o f t he J ews . " One o f t he THE CRUCIFIXION by Richard Hook from Taylor's Bible Story Book c r imina l s hang ing bes ide h im sco f f ed , "So you ' r e t he Mess i ah , a r e you? P rove i t by s av ing your ­ s e l f . . . and us , t oo , wh i l e you ' r e a t i t ! " Bu t t he o the r c r imina l p ro t e s t ed . "Don ' t you even f ea r God when \<>u a r e dy ing ' . ' ' V ie de se rve to d i e fo r ou r ev i l deeds , bu t t h i s man hasn ' t done one th ing w rong . " Then he sa id . " Je ­ sus , r emember me when you come in to your K ingdom." And Je sus r ep l i ed , "Today you wi l l b e w i t h me in Pa rad i se . I h i s i s a so l emn p romise . " By now i t was noon , and da rkness f e l l a c ros s t he who le l and fo r t h r ee hour s , un t i l t h r ee o ' c lock . I h e l i gh t f rom the sun was gone . . . and sudden ly the th i ck ve i l hang ing in t he Temple sp l i t apa r t . Then Je sus shou ted , " l a t l i e r . I commi t my sp i r i t t o you . " and wi th t hose words he d i ed . When the cap ta in o f t he Roman mi l i t a ry un i t hand l ing t he exe ­ cu t ions saw wha t had happened , he was s t r i cken wi th awe he - fo re God and sa id . "Su re ly t i n s man was innocen t . " LUKE 23 :26 -47 f rom The L iv ing Hi h i e translation per cam 60fA FOR *°° 815-385-5511 TF12 PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet 'that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY Lovely Calico cat, 11 months, needs a home. Spayed and declawed. 385-4288. 3-29 German Shepherd and Collie, 4 mos. old, puppy shots, good with kids. 385-6688. 3-29 Two 6 week old female puppies. Terrier, black & white. 385-1397 after 6:00 P.M. 3-29-72 FOUND Male Siamese Cat, in Wonder Lake area. 385-0250. The "Hootchy-Kootchy" w a s f i r s t d a n c e d i n Chicago, at the "Colum­ bian Exposition" of 1893. i nil"'" rryy TYTry a [pUBjTHe f/livuMAP. TEPK i WAJ (JPUS-iwa u y " i M t g t e p i e * , A M E W p / e MAP? FfzoM THE cesr curs a PAGE 11-PLAINDEAlER-WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1972 People who don't panic can swim out of quicksand. (The trick is to calmly ease yourself forward into a horizontal position--so your weight is evenly distributed over the surface of the sand.) 7 ^ , . /) ' ' ' \ r sdtfend nn Sunday • I Peter 1:18-25 Monday • Hebrews 5:5-10 T uesday • Hebrews 6:9-20 SERVICES Mount Hope Church United Methodist 1015 \V. Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. Willis H. Walker, Pastor Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Faith Presbyterian Church West of the Outdoor Theatre John 0. Mclntyre, Pastor Church School, 9:15 a.m. for 1st grade thru adults and 10:30 a.m. for the pre-school children (3-5) Worship, 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities available. Fist Baptist Church H)9 N. Front St. jo5-uu«3 Virgle L. Chappell Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service- 10:45a.m and 7:30 p.m. Training Union; 6:30 p.m. Interpretation for! Deaf at all Services. Special Spanish Services. Wednesday, Prayer Service, 7:30 p.m. St Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W. St. Paul's & Green McHenry, Illinois Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar 385-7690 Sunday Services-Holy Eucharist 8 a.m., Family Eucharist, 10 a.m Church School & Coffee Hour Wednesdays-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Wednesday • Hebrews 7:15-28 Thursday • Hebrews 9:11-15 Friday • Hebrews 12:1-10 Saturday • Hebrews 13:10-16 The night was dark and calm. All creatures were silent and leaves stood still as a lone man knelt in a garden called Gethsemane and prayed, "Not as I will, but as Thou wilt." Around Him Jesus' disciples lay sleeping. Soon He knew would come betrayal, public condemnation and derision . . . and the long last march. And yet He prayed, "Thy will be done." In the shadow of the Cross Jesus demonstrated perfect love and trust for God, His Father. In the hours ahead He would establish His Sonship for the atonement of all mankind. And so today, in a world that needs this message of hope, let us commemorate that first Good Friday by acknowledging God as our Father, helping our churches to illustrate His way to the hungry, the sick, and the needy. Wonder Lake Bible Church Box 2 - Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard Wright, Pastor Sunday--9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Wednesday--Evening Prayer Service-- 7:30 p.m. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor Rev. John Cahill, Assoc. Pastor Sat. Eve. (Sun,.obligation fulfilled 7:00 p.m.) Sunday-7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and 12:15 During Summer, 10 a.m. mass in Church Hall. Copyright 1972 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia Scriptures selected by the American Bible Society St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev.Leo Bartel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Saturday night-8:00 p.m. mass Sunday masses: 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 St. Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, I'astor Sunday masses: 6:30, 8:00 (9:15 Summer only)10:30 and 11:45 First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street McHenry, Illinois t hurch ph. 3S5-0931 Raymond L. White Pastor rsonage Phone: 3S5-1352 Church School; Nursery; 9:45 a.m.. Worship Service 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Wednesday WorshipService;7:3C Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder l^ke Rd. Box 157 Phone K53-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday Worship 8 and 10:30 a .m Sunday School 9:00 a.m.' (Nursery Facilities Available). St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat. Eve. Mass-5:00p.m. Ful­ fills Sun. obligation. Sunday Masses--6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45,11:00, 12:00 noon Christian Science Society Lincoln Road and Eastwood Ln Sunday Service--10:30 a.m. Sunday School -- 10:30 a.m. Wed. Evening Meeting Every Wednesday at 8:00 Alliance Bible Church 3815 W. John St., McHenry, 111. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday- 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, 6:00 p.m. Youth Service, 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangel. Christ the King Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday masses: 8 a.m., 10 a.m and noon Evening mass: 8 p.m.-Eulfills Sunday Obligation. Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Willis Walker, Minister Phone 675-2133 Sunday -- 10:00 a.m. Church Service. 11:00 a.m. Church School. Chain 0'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Wesley R. Olson Sunday School 9:45 Church 11:00 Church Phone Parsonage Phone 497-3000 497-3050 Guettler's Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street McHenry, 111. 385-9831 McHenry Garage 926 N. Front Street McHenry, 111. 385-0403 Locker's Flowers 1213 Third St. McHenry, 111. 385-2300 Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 N. Borden Street McHenry, 111. 385-5520 McHenry State Bank 3510 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-1040 Brake Parts Co. P.O. Box 11 McHenry, 111. 385-7000 First National Bank of McHenry iM4 W . Flrr Mrcct \kilenn, 111. iVj-54i'ii The Bath Shop 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. 385-0048 Shepherd of the Hits Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St., McHenry Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Family worship and Sunday School-8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities avail­ able. St. Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd.,east of Ringwood Rd Sunday masses-10:00 a.m. Father John Strzalka, Pastor Spring Grove Church United Methodist, 8102 N. Blivin Spring Grove, 111. Rev. Willis H. Walker, Pastor Sunday Worship--9:00 a.m. Sunday School --10:15 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. WaukeganRd.(W.Rte.l20 Reverend Herman F. Graef 385-0859 385-1616 Sunday Worship-7:45 and 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10:30. Education for Eternity Sunday School--Children and Youth, 9 a.m. Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-0063 McHenry Savings & Loan 1209 N. Green Street McHenry, 111. 385-3000 George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W. Elm Street McHenryf-.Hl. 385-2400 Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm street McHenry, 111. 385-0722

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