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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1972, p. 2

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* PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-WEDNL5DAV, MAHCN29, 177: C AROL JE W HILLEH ENGAGED TO MAHKY -- Mr and Mrs. Joseph J. Hiller of 3708 SI. Joty* s' avenue. McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Jean, to Timoth) J. Larsen, son of Mrs. Theresa (iorfte of Chicago. Miss Miller, a l%!» graduate of McHenry high school, is presently employed by a Mcllenry insurance firm. Her fiance, a 1%9 graduate of Antioch hi^h school, is employed by a utility company in Chicago. No definite wedding date has been set. Home-Hearth Group Hears Credit Card Talk The Home and Hearth unit of the McHenry county cooperative extension service met at the home of Mrs Ida Mae Adams Monday evening, March 20 • The meeting opened with a recitation of the "Home- maker's Creed". followed by a timely discussion for this day of credit cards, entitled "What is Your Credit Marine Festival Application for Queen Contest Name: Address: Telephone Number sam* 2J* Date of Birth Parents' Names: (Please send form to McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm street, including photo, year in school, hobbies, school activities and plans for thfr future) Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome Fresh Ocean Perch Golden French Fries Tangy Cole Slaw Also Serving Chicken and Steak - Pistakee Country Club 815 W. Bay Roed Phone 385-9854 J • • • DINNER WILL BE SERVED EASTER SUNDAY BY RESERVATION ONLY from 12:00 NOON till 5:30 P.M. OUR MENU WILL FEATURE 5 ENTREES. . . . • Prime Rib of Beef • Roast Turkey Dinner • Roast Leg of Lamb • Baked Ham (with special sauce) • Fillet of Sole (stuffed with crab meat) ENTREE MUST BE PRE-ORDERED Closing Date For Reservations Is March 31 HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB Robert J. Buchert Owner Richmond, Illinois Phone 678-2631 Rating'" ' Mrs Therese Toussaint and Mrs Leone Tonyan presented the lesson Another very educational lesson and demonstration on "Small Repairs For The Home - ' was given by Mrs Pat Miller and Mrs. (ierry Minter. In other business, the unit decided to hold all further meetings at the Ringwood Methodist church hall . They also agreed to donate a sum of money to the newly created McHenry Rescue squad Anyone wishing further in­ formation on the Home and Hearth unit should call 385-0493. Benefit For Home Planned Once again the Woodstock Children's home auxiliary is planning its annual Ijenefif 'Bargains Bizarre ' They are hoping public donations will be as generotis as last year and ha\e arranged pick up.service if needed Anyone wit I: discards in Richmond McHenry . call 678-3971. in Wonder Lake. <).">:{ 45% Co-Chair women. I )elores Mohapp o| Woodstoc k Linda Beck and Sue Berg o| Crystal l^ike. announce the "bizarre will be held June 23-24 This is the second year lor this Ix' i ieli t . which donates proceeds to the Woodstock Children's home. The sale uas a tremendous success last year and a sul>- stantiai amount ol the money uas used to complete a tennis and recreational court which was used lor ice-skating this winter A variety of i tems will be lor sale, including toys, furniture, clothing, books, records plants and housewares Since this is a gigantic rummage sale, and all i tems are used or second hand, the theme of recycling is being stressed Grandma Sez ... Dr ied i n t he Sun The re a r e fou r k inds o f r a i s i n s p roduced commerc i a l l y-- na tu ra l r a i s i n s , go lden b l eached , su l fu r b l eached and l ex i a I . ex i a r a i s i n s a r e d ipped in a l ye so lu t i on t ha t ha s a t h in f i lm o f o l i ve o i l on i t , t hen d r i ed in t he sun . l ist couldn't let the Easter season go by. wi 'out a word t ' readers o' this l i t t le column. There's a lot o ' things t ' think about, these days, wi ' the whole wide world in distress. Seems that the thousands o' years, o ' generation upon generation, ain' t taught mankind how t ' l ive, in this Ijeautiful ol ' world, wi 'out strife. bickerin' , lawlessness, kill in ' an' such. Men. throughout mor' 'n six thousand years o' history, 've been moti vated by lust fer power o'er other mankind. Folks ha' suffered an' died fer the foolishness o ' a handfuLo' individuals, whore bent on cont rohn others, diet at in* their way o life, an takin' f iom 'em their hard-earned means o' survival. Folks worship the Christ , kneel before the Cross, an' go right out an toiler the same ol ' pattern they've carried on afore, takin' advantage o' anybody they kin, fergitt in ' the teachin so' love fer feller-man I must say. that in this l i t t le community. where this grandma was fortunate t ' have come t ' l ive, a number o ' years ago. there seems t ' be less o ' it than other places. One finds more folks who care about other folks, an' that 's the way i t oughter be That 's the way i t Mrs. Frank Mazzone, Jr., presents check in the amount of $75 to Mrs. Mary Worth, (in wheelchair), vice-president of the Residents council at the Woodstock Residence. The money is a gift from Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Pi Alpha Chapter Presents Check To Council At Home Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. William Boyle President Mrs Dale Sprouse. assisted by Mrs Leonard Siatta, Miss Adele Sabel and Mrs. Carl Grinstead, bestowed the in spiring candlelight Ritual ol Jewels degree on Mesdatries Lee Andress, Jim Basak, Russ Parker, Harry Powers, and Craig Stackhouse Following the ritual the new pledges received the sorority flower, the pure yellow rose Mrs Sprouse presided over the business meeting and an­ nounced that $75 had been donated by the chapter to the Woodstock Residence for the Elderlv. Mrs Frank Mazzone, Jr , presented the check to Mrs Mary Worth, vice-president of the Residents council , and Mrs. Irene Shafer, administrator of the home. Social and Rush chairman, Mrs. Grinstead, announced that spring rushing will begin Monday, April 3, at the home of Mrs William Haddick, with an April Fool fun test Mrs. Craig Stackhouse and Mrs Siatta will assist with the party arrangements. The evening's program was given by Miss Sabel, who spoke on "Naiure" from the program booklet, "Happiness". She quoted from the magazine article, "Recycle Yourself", an article on the ecology movement. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mesdames Frank Mazzone, Jr , Leonard Siatta, Dale Sprouse, Carl (irinstead, Jim Bosak, Russ Parker, Lee Andress, Craig Stackhouse, Harry Powers and Miss Sabel. Maintain That "Just Been Styled Look" At Home RK Groom & Set. A specialized finishing lotion that gives your hair extra added strength and body. It contains herbs, proteins and the ful l complement of ammo acids to insure the health of your hair and scalp This unique finishing lotion contains absolutely no resins, shellacs or lacquers to gum-up your hair. RK Gel and RK Groom & Set contain absolutely no alcohol and are acid-balanced to maintain a healthy pH. compatible with your hair and skin. Ask to see these and our other fine RK products. Come in today! RK Wi USE AND RECOMMEND R K PRODUCTS You CAN Tell The Difference. J AXE'S Styling For Men By Appointment 385-7771 was when this country was in i ts infancy, an' that s what made it as great as it became. But, there's somethin gone wrong, an' ever 'body's out t ' git as much fer himself as he kin. Wrong influences ha' turned young minds inter the path o' harmful idees, an' , l ike sheep, they toiler along, lett in the other feller do the thinkin' , an' leadin' 'em right down the road t destruction The, Christian theories, l ikened t ' a rive wi' many tributaries, has found its way all over the world. Some refuse t pay attention t ' the good lessons, some take 'em lightly, preferrin' the way o' least resistance. Some really enjoy livin' wi 'out the yardstick o' religious contact. Lives, wi 'out some religious influence, seem t be shallow , an' the folks seem lackin' in human compassion Mebbe, some Easter, the dawning o' world-wide Christianity '11 bring PEACE, t ' a t ired world, afore i t 's too late W hat a wonderful thing i t 'dbe, if every man, woman, an' child, adopted the Christian spirit , practicin' i t ever ' day. Wars "d end. suddenly! Manufacture o' war goods 'd stop Taxes "d decrease, an' there'd be fewer folks wi ' ulcers, an' i l ls caused by stress born o' the troubles triggered by world strife Ye'd be serprised, I bet, how peaceful folks, at home, "d feel, knowin' that all strife, throughout the world, w uz at an end Young men c'd plan their l ives, an' not be afraid o' havin' 'em ended afore they're old enough t ' realize the joys o" maturity. What a blessin' that 'd be. Well, Easter 's here, but it ain ' t befit t in ' t ' say. "Have a " H a p p y E a s t e r ' ' «. Grandma Radtke 114 Celebrate 90th Birthday Of Marie Wegner Mrs. Marie Wegner celebrated her ninetieth bir thdav recently at the Moose lodge in Woodstock She was joined in the celebration by 114 friends and relatives, including her children They are Linus Wegner and Loretta Howell of Woodstock Zita Perry of Crystal I^ake, Agnes Wegner and Margaret Puckett of Elgin, Bernice Dawson of Delavan, Wis., Valerie Dewane, Valders. Wis., Cyprian and Cornelius Wegner, McHenry ; and Victor Wegner, Okauchee, Wis Frances Phelps, who resides in California, was unable to at tend Guests came from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Maryland. There are four sets of twins in Mrs. Wegner's family, her sons, Cyp and Con, and two sets of great-grandchildren who were present Mrs Phelps also has a set of twins. Entertainment was provided by the madrigal singers of I^arkin high school, Elgin, of whom her great-grandchild, Stephen Roath, is a member. Among invited guests were Fathers Baumhofer and Kulak of St. Mary's church, McHenry, PREPARE FOR LUNCHEON - Semi-annual luncheon committee members of the woman's auxiliarv of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, are preparing to send out in­ vitations. The luncheon will be held Tuesday, April 11, at the Cloven Hoof restaurant, Marengo. Highlight of the event will be the program presented by Alex Alexander and Edward Sevick, giving an exhibit of floral design. Committee members pictured, from left, are Mrs. Richard Thompson, Mrs. John Schultz, Mrs. Russell Lundstrom and Mrs. Robert Emery. Tips For The Homemaker By shopping for groceries with an organized list you can save time and money and avoid the annoyance of forgetting to buy needed items. Pat Sullivan, McHenry county Extension adviser, says keeping a memo pad in the- kitchen or taping a piece of paper to a cupboard door is a good beginning for a useful shopping list As you run out of staples w hile using them during the week, jot dow n the item you w ant to replace When shopping day comes, this part of your list will already be compiled. Have a menu pattern in mind as you make up the final l ist to help you remember the small ingredients that you often forget Watch the food ads that appear weekly in the newspaper, on television or on the radio Featured specials might be another basis for Hospital Notes McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Carl Saliaz, Bonnie VanBuren, Edith Blake, Donald Hurst, Shirley Toole, Ann Steinback, Peter Nowell, Richard Travis, Kathleen R. Winkelhake, Daniel Orr, Ruth llankc. Merle Oliver, Henry Sheldon, John Lynn. Loretta Mohr. Michael Bassett , Virginia Josephson, Harold Samuelson, Nicholas Smith, Victoria Koehler, Dick A n d e r s e n , M c H e n r y . Lawrence Johnson, Sandra Frost, Shirk Kramer. Spring Grove. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital . Woodstock, included Sandra Reid, John Jones, Katherine Adams, McHenry; Sam Varvaro, Samuel Absher, Patricia Synon, Jerry Robison, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Tammy Butlin, McHenry, was a patient this week in Harvard hospital . and Father Becker of St. Mary's, Elgin Plans for the party, a memorable day for Mrs. Wegner and her family, were made by Loretta Howell and daughter. Luana. theFTD A de l igh t fu l Eas te r Basket ' v for big girls. Available only s S f rom your FTD F lo r is t . * The per fec t Eas ter g i f t . . . co lo r fu l , f resh v 4 spr ing f lowers p ro fes- * s iona l l y a r ranged in a re -usab le w icker baske t . For fun we added a h a p p y , b l u e - e y e d bunny and th ree b r igh t Eas ter eggs . We can send the FTD "Happy Nes t " a lmost anywhere in the count ry . For a rea l l y spec ia l t rea t , why no t send i t ear ly? Jus t s top in o r g ive us a ca l l and we ' l l do the rest. *12S0 & *1500 Locker's Flowers 1213 N. Third St. McHenry 815-385-2300 planning your menus, especially if your food dollars are limited. As you are shopping, be alert for unadvertised specials. They are often better buys than something else on your list . Modify your menus and take advantage of these specials. Consider your family's l ikes and dislikes. A bargain is no bargain if your family does not l ike it or cannot eat it all before it spoils The storage space available at home also determines whether something Chat is on sale is a bargain fof you. An item that cannot be;properly stored because of lack of space is not a bargain if i t spoils and must be thrown out. - Organize your shopping list in the order in which the store's merchandise is arranged. If you are shopping in an un­ familiar store, group your list according to canned goods, fresh products and frozen foods. This arrangement makes shopping easier and you are less likely to forget i tem§. JOYCE SORENSON ENGAGEMENT TOLD - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sorenson of 627 Parkway avenue, Antioch, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Joyce, to Thomas R. Justen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen of McHenry. Joyce is a graduate of Antioch Com­ munity high school and is a part time student at College of Lake County. She is employed in a veterans' hospital. Her fiance is by a marine firm. A fall wedding is planned. Mr HI,\RV Pi. MNDF All U L:IIĤ UI C^lmJcalcA Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at M_rienry, III nois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPAr. / Publisher Larry E. Lund UNO/ I NNmJi Association - Founded 1885 % Adele Frochlich -- Editor MEMBER SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! Loumy cane uoumy 1 Year $7.50 In McHenry and Lake County 1 Year ..$9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County Sunday KOlUHSftP c,yV*y -@h~ O n t h e N o r t h S h o r e o f L o n g L a k e R O L L I N S R O A D P O I n g l e s i d e I l l i n o i s

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