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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1972, p. 7

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ITEM: Thanks to plenty of good and nutrition know-how, protein deficiency in America is relative ly rare. Where it exists, however, here are some of the symptoms: premature aging, poor muscle tone and posture, anemia and slow recovery from illness or sur­ gery. ITEM: Most meats for roasting are placed on a rack in an open shallow pan. The single exception may be a beef standing rib roast, since the bones usually form a natural rack for this meat cut. Since these roasts are becoming more compact, that is, shorter, they may roast more easily when supported on a rack. ITEM: The chuck is a good place to look for budget buys in beef. This is pot-roast territory, the site of blade, arm, English or Boston and cross rib pot-roasts Ninety-nine pounds of pot roasts come from the chuck and over half are retailed as blade pot- roasts. Less tender than roasts from the rib section, these large cuts are best when cooked by braising which makes them tender and desirable. PAGE 7-PLAINDEAL^R-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1972 Warn Children About Strangers, Good workers are always in demand. NCAA & Football Parents Urged Friday afternoon about 12:30, deputies investigated the report that a school child was approached by a stranger after leaving a school bus at the corner of Manor and Country lanes, Eastwood Manor. The child told authorities the vehicle had stopped and the driver invited her to come to his home. He left the scene, and officers were unable to obtain a description of the driver or the vehicle. Parents are urged to warn their children not to talk to strangers or go with them should they be approached. Better Be Safe Batty: "I can't decide whether to go to a palmist or a.mind reader." Catty: "Better make "it the palmist--you know you have a palm." Dog Team Jim: Why do you call your * dog Baseball? John: He catches fl ies, chases fowls, and runs for home when he sees the catcher coming. _ -J;. BASKETBALL SPORTS BANQUET - Winners of awards at the basketball banquet held Monday night were: Ken Ludwig, varsity basketball coach; Mark Bentz, all-conference team holding McHenry's Regional trophy; Randy Neiss, best free-throw per­ centage trophy; and Don Prazak, all-conference team. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) BUMPER STICKERS - LIFE WOrfT eeGN AT40 IF - \ y00 GO UKB 60 ATZO J \ J Members of the McHenry Community high school, Class of '47, are in the process of making plans for their 25th class reunion which will be held July 8 at the American Legion hall. Shown above are members of the 1946-47M.C.H.S. football Warriors - left to right, first row: George J. Miller, Hugh Murphy, Carl Neiss and Richard Wilhelm. Second row: Leslie Krieger, Roy Noren, Richard Marsh, Alfred Young, Gene Wagner, Laverne Lockwood and Walter "Sonny" Miller. Third row: Alan Bock- man, George Cross, Robert Felse, Clarence Feireisel, Pat Williams and Robert "Hezzie" Miller. Fourth row: Manager Albert Schaefer, Larry Haug, Frank Ceirocke, Robert Brennen, Robert Becker and Coach Leonard J. McCracken. AQUA come? © Building and Loan Associations in Switzerland loan money on homes at 3xh. percent interest. "HOUJ COMG INfNOOWS THEY CXXJT L!K& THEY l MAte plate-glass USED TO*r" SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all Makes Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Me dorfl just sell Jeep vehicles. We keep them 901113. Need your Jeep vehicle serviced? This is the place for you. We've got everything you're looking for--from experienced mechanics to reasonable prices. Plus fast and dependable service. We do all our work with one thought in mind: the better we do it, the more satisfied you'll be. Give us a try. We're sure we'll make you a friend. toughest 4-letter word on wheds. n Jeep MtHenry Garage 926 N. Froni St. . Tel. 815-385-0430 McHenry, III. The National Collegiate Athletic Association, pressed by smaller colleges faced with financial and competition considerations, recently voted to allow freshmen to play on basketball and varsity football teams as of autumn, 1972. The action was unexpected and surprised most coaches. The various college conferences must now decide on their rules, so freshman are not yet certain of eligibility to par­ ticipate on varsity teams. But it's now possible. This action focuses attention on a much-needed action not taken. Sooner or later the NCAA must act, and deci­ sively, to lessen the number of serious injuries and death among students playing football. Whether the NCAA appoints a special coaches committee, or takes recommendations from a national body, or another source, the rules of foot­ ball must be altered to reduce the brutality and physical v i o l e n c e n o w p r e s e n t i n t h e g a m e -- w h i c h i s n o t s p o r t b y any stretch of imagination. This is the most urgent problem with which the NCAA is faced in the field of collegiate athletics. It is disappointing that it doesn't face it. and act on it. THANK YOU Democratic voters of Precinct No. 20 for your support in the Election March 21st. EVA BACON Democratic Committeeman Precinct No. 20 "Power Cushion 78"tires ON Save up to*12 per tire...Pick your size...see what you save! ' tot fH El TM I f t Tr»#t MINI CARS AND IMPORTED CAR OWNERS . 6.00-13 7.00-13 878-14 S.60-15 SALE PRICES NOW THRU SAT. NIGHT SAVE to 7 PER TIRE - *25 95 *29.95 *1.61 - *29.95 *33.95 11.95 6.45-14 *26.95 *30 95 *2.00 - *26 95 $30 95 *1.73 BLACKWALLS WHITEWALLS ONLY $23.95 • G o o d y e a r ' s d e e p e s t t r e a d b i a s p l y " 7 8 " t i r e • T r i p l e - t e m p e r e d 4 - p l y p o l y e s t e r c o r d b o d y f o r d u r a b i l i t y • S m o o t h n o f l a t - s p o t r i d e • T o u g h T u f s y n r u b b e r • L o w p r o f i l e c o n t o u r s h o u l d e r f o r g o o d s t e e r i n g c o n t r o l LET THE PRO'S PEAK-UP YOUR CAR ENGINE TUNE-UP 6 CYL. AUTOS MEDIUM OR REGULAR SIZE CAR OWNERS . .. E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 F78-15 G78 15 SAVE to 11 PER TIRE 7.35-14 *30 95 $34 95 *2.24 7 75-14 *32.95 $36.95 *2.39 8 25-14 *35 95 $39 95 *2.56 7.75-15 *33 95 $ 3 7 . 9 5 *2 43 8.25-15 *36 95 *40 95 *2.63 BLACKWALLS WHITEWALLS ONLY $29.95 BIG CAR OWNERS . . H 7 8 - 1 4 8 5 5 - 1 4 $ 3 8 9 5 $ 4 2 9 5 * 2 . 7 5 H 7 8 - 1 5 8 . 5 5 - 1 5 * 3 9 . 9 5 $ 4 3 9 5 * 2 . 8 1 J 7 8 - 1 5 8 8 5 - 1 5 * 4 2 9 5 $ 4 6 9 5 * 3 . 0 1 L 7 8 1 5 9 1 5 - 1 5 * 4 6 . 9 5 $ 5 0 9 5 * 3 . 1 6 SAVE 5'12 PER TIRE Qj|95l BLACKWALLS WHITEWALLS ^ ONLY $38.95 BUY NOW - SALE ENDS SUN. NIGHT! 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Customer (Mir'ffaii BANK AME RICARD i At, BANK CREDIT CARDS HONORED AT GOOOYFAR SERVICE STORES AND MOST GOODYEAR DEALERS Use Our Rain Check Program: Because ot expected heavy demand for Goodyear t ires we may run out ol some sizes dur­ ing this offer, but we wil l be happy to order your size t ire at the advert ised price and issue you a rain check tor future del ivery of the merchandise GREAT TIRE - EVERYDAY LOW PRICES FOR PANELS, PICK-UPS, VANS & CAMPERS NYLON $ CORD Rib Hi-Miler 45 '2595 a n d o » < 3 2595 gir a n d o i d l . r e t g p f i 6 5 0 i 1 6 t u b e 9155 • f e d E i T a i a n d o i d l . r e •29« m: GOODJYEAR OUR REGULAR T||| EXCHANGE PRICE ANY SIZE DOUBLE EAGLE BATTERY 12 Volt DE22F Group T h e D o u b l e K i i ^ l e B . i t t e r y w i t h p o l y p r o p y l e n e c . i s e p r o ­ vides more ampere hour capacily. more cranking power NOW -- GET A FREE than original equipment standards require. BATTERY TEST THE ONLY MAKER \ y) OF POLYGLAS TIRES / OTHER PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED- 8 CYL. CARS *4 MORE I n c l u d e s • N e w S p a r k P l u g s • New Points • New Condenser • Our special­ ists wi l l set dwell , choke • Time Kngine • Balance Carburetor • Test Starting, Charging systems. Cyl inder compres­ s i o n . a c c e l e r a t i o n . Windshield Washer Solvent & Anti-Freeze Ready To Use G o o d T o A A ( : 25 Below FRONT-END ALIGNMENT $! ANY U.S. CAR PtUS PARTS IF NEEDED A t t h i s l o w p r i c e o u r s p e c i a l i s t s w i l l • C o m p l e t e l y i n s p e c t t r o u t - e n d • S e t C a i n - , b e r . C a s t e r . T o e - i n w i t h p r e c i s i o n e q u i p m e n t A l l a d j u s t m e n t s m a d e t o m a n u f a c t u r e r s s p e c i f i c a t i o n s t o r m a x ­ i m u m t i r e m i l e a g e a n d d r i v i n g c o m f o r t . A00 $2 FOR AIR-CONDITIONED CARS 4-WHEEL {BRAKE OVERHAUL MASTED CUINOER HOSES RETURN SPRINGS EITRA COST IF NfEOEO EXCEPT DISC BRAKES, FOREIGN CARS • P r e m i u m b r a k e l i n i n g s a l l 4 w h e e l s • A r c l i n i n g t o p i o p e r l y l i t d r u m s • R e - m a t b i n e , t i n ' - a l l 4 h i . i k e d r u m s • R e m o v e , c l e a n m s p i i t . r e p a c k , a d j u s t iron! wheel hearings • Adjust all 4 N C I U O E S N l * < r t l C Y L I N D E R S ' GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS" TIRES MARKET PlACl McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Open Daily 8:30a.m.-6:00p.m. Friday 'til 9:00p.m. Saturday 8:30-4:00 FREE LUBRICATION this week only! IV with these SPRING SERVICES i < 3 f

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