PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1972 Lakeland Park DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Cub Scouts Presrnt Skits At Pack Meeting Cub Scout Pack 459 held its March Pack meeting Thur sday. March 23. at Valley View school. Den 4 presented a skit about the "Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly." Den 1 performed a skit about Easter with the boys playing the parts of different animals Oubmaster, Ray Jensen, told the scouts and their parents that Pack 459 received a Blue Ribbon for their booth at Scout- O-Rama. Saturday. March 18 In their booth, the boys made puppets and gave them to the visitors at Scout-O-Rama The highlight of the evening was a turtle derby Everyone enjoyed the action as the boys raced wooden turtles Each boy painted his turtle with his own design Dfcn 2 received the Cubby Award for passing inspection with the most points Den 1 took the Turtle Derby Award and also the attendance award Many of the Cub Scouts worked in the booth at Scout-O- Rama and each of those bovs received a patch Karl Lense and Greg Major have finished their Wolf Book and received their Wolf Badge and Pin. At the end of the busy evening everyone enjoyed refreshments which were provided by Den 1. LAKELAND PARK WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING The lakeland Park Women's Club will meet at the com munity house Thursday. April 6. at 12 30 p.m Helen Stran- dquist and Lyda Radiseh will be the hostesses for the April meeting. Among the items to be discussed at this meeting are the spring luncheon and the trip to Chicago The club is planning a trip to Chicago on May 25. SPRING LUNCHEON AND CARD PARTY Don't let April 9 go by without attending the annual spring luncheon and card party which is sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club If you like good food, you'll find it at the luncheon Serving will begin at 11:30 a m at St Patrick's parish hall, 3500 W Washington street. McHenry Gentlemen are urged to attend as they will certainly enjoy the delicious luncheon and the opportunity to play the card game of their choice with friends and neighbors Working persons will be served promptly so they may return to work on time, if they are unable to stay and enjoy playing cards. To insure im mediate seating and service, it is suggested that working people call and make reser vations. stating the time they expect to arrive, and how many will be in the party. Tickets are available from club members, as well as from Mrs. Beverly Walinski, ways and means chairman (385-6526) and Mrs. Lyda Radiseh, ticket chairman (385-2754). Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the luncheon ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING If you read this column every week you are probably getting tired of reading about the annual genera! meeting However, it is important that everyone possible be notified of the meeting. The Lakeland Park Property Owner's Association annual general meeting will take place Sun day, April 9, at 2 p.m. at the community house, 1717 North Sunset drive Here is the list of nominees to the board of directors that has been prepared by the nominating committee. In accordance with the LPPOA By-Laws the names are listed in alphabetical order. They are Louis Arroyo, Mrs. Victoria Bottari, Edward Druml, Lester Eckhart, Mrs.' Patricia Lasko, Rudy Lense. Mrs. Cecilia Oak- ford, Mrs. Lyda Radiseh and Kenneth Volz. If you are going to be out of town on April 9 and unable to attend the annual general meeting, you can secure an absentee ballot from Clerk, Mrs Helen Strandquist, 5119 W. Shore Drive, (385-1921) Ab sentee ballots will be available from April 1 to April 8. Please call Mrs. Strandquist to make sure she is home before making a trip over there However, on Saturday, April 8. you can pick up a ballot between the hours of 10 a m to 8 p.m. Mrs. Stran dquist will be home during that time for that purpose. Absentee ballots must be returned in a sealed envelope to Mrs. Strandquist no later than 8 p.m. on April 8. CAKES AND CANDLES Ronald Kamp, Judy Slonina, David Brunow and Andrew- Rogers will be saying so-long to March by celebrating bir thdays on March 31. David will be nine years old and Andrew will celebrate his fourth bir thday. Easter Sunday, April 2, will be that special day for Debbie Koczor, Charlene Mueller and Paul Lense. Paul will be celebrating birthday number 5. Scott Lasko will add another candle April 3. Eddie Ozog, Adele Arndt, Patricia Butler, Wanda Stupey and Karen Sch- medberg share April 4 as their special day. Mark April 5 on the calendar for Ron Muerer, Jim Duffy and Elain Worth. Jim Daurio, Bob Moore and Jimmy Moore have a circle around April 6. ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Esther and Harry Cygan will dance the anniversary waltz March 31. They will be celebrating 21 years of togetherness. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE Here are the bookings for the Lakeland Park Community House as of now. All bookings and cancellations are to made by calling Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 395- 2728. Monday - April 3-10: a.m. and 8 p.m. - Booked. Tuesday - April 4- County Board General Election - 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - April 5 - Girl Scout Meeting - 3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday - April 6 - Booked - 9 a m to 12 noon - Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting 12:30 p.m. and Regular Lakeland Park Property Owners Association Board Meeting - 8 p.m. EASTER GREETINGS 1 would like to wish all my fellow Lakeland Parkers a very happy and peaceful Easter. Ringwood News DODGE LEADS STRENGTH Mabel Hawley Returns From Florida Trip Mrs. Mabel Hawley recently returned from a couple of weeks vacation with her daughter and family, John and Shirley Woodward, in Largo, Fla. It sounds like she had a marvelous time visiting and sightseeing because Mrs. Hawley said she came home to "rest up". BUSYTHREE 4-H CLUB Your reporter overlooked part of the program presented at the last club meeting. The members enjoyed an in teresting movie entitled "The Changing Cowboy". It showed the modern ways of checking cattle in pastures by the use of pick-up truck and helicopters. Also the latest feedlot methods. Remember!! Get your newspapers (bundled and tied) to George Madden's home April 1 and 2, Saturday and Sunday. ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright hit the jack-pot this past weekend for company. Miss JoAnn Wieser of Volo visited her grandparents, as did Betty Russell, her brother and his wife all of Volo. On Monday evening daughter, Gen, and her husband, Joe, were visiting. New folks have moved into the old Finley house, next to the Sowers. They are A1 and Maryanne Peterson and their little one. Do hope you enjoy your new home kids and the Ringwood area. Hear they were coffee clutching up thar on the hill again. Seems that all gathered at the Low home for coffee and getting acquainted with the new neighbor, Maryanne Peterson. VISITORS Larry Cristy is home en joying his Easter vacation with his family and friends. Larry is a Junior at the U. of I. Gary Linstad spent Palm Sunday weekend with the Art Christophers. Katy and Diane Christopher drove to Janesville Monday to visit Grandma Boyd. RUMMAGE SALE REPORT To all those who helped and donated to our latest rum mage sale, thank you. We feel it was another successful week of work and companionship as well as profitable. We took in about $440 and lots of fun and new friends. Thanks folks and come back again next time. SADDENED Relatives and friends were saddened to hear of the death of Charles Ackerman of Prentice, Wis Mr Ackerman would have been 80 years old this coming June. He is the father of Ila Hogan, Leonard and Charles Ackerman of the Ringwood area. BIRTHDAYS Birthday wishes go to little Laura Ackerman on April 2 and to Katherine Pearson and Arthur Walker on April 3. Happy birthday to Mary Baker on the fourth and to Irene Miller on the fifth. Many, many happy returns of the day to Delores (Doe) Brennan on April 6. April 7 brings us several people celebrating PICK-UP TRUCK FOR 1972 * * * * * s * $ SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS £ * _ * • y y SPORTSMAN MAXIWAG0N If you want a fifteen Passenger Wagon.... SEE THE FREE - FREE With Purchase of New Dodge Trucks Safety-Pak Flare Kit -Includes- Flares - Fire Extinguishers Flashlight - Flat Tire Fixer Flashing Red Light FREE - FREE # * * * * # # * * 6 6 a nice place to live •Wall to Wall Carpeting •Stove, Refrigerator •Disposal, Air Conditioning •Private Decks •Laundry Facilities •Storage •Walkind Distance to Shopping, Business, Hospital and C. & N.W. Bdrm. Bdrm. $175 & $180 $205 MODEL OPEN DAILY 12:00-6:00p.m. CALL LEE J. C00NEY gio n Front AT 385-4345 McHenry * AI S6>Mchenry jfr together, they are Evelyn (Harrison) Zonvar, Harold Bell, Jr., Art Christopher and Patrick Kane. April 8 is little Laura Parsley's natal day. Many more happy birthdays to all of you. ANNIVERSARIES Lloyd and Helen Barker are celebrating another an niversary on April 7. How many does this make now? On April 8 Clyde and Nettie are clebrating another year. 'Twas 54 years in 1970 so must be 56 very happy years. Boy you young'ns sure believe in making a good thing last don't you? Hope there are many more happy years together. See you all next week. Cub Pack 351 Is Blue Ribbon Scout Winner Cub Scout Pack 351 won a blue proficient ribbon at the Scout-O-Rama in Crystal Lake high school, held recently. The pack is sponsored by St. Patrick's Holy Name society. Dave Nylander, cubmaster, accepted the award. The booth depicted a scene on the bottom of the sea. The diver wore a wet suit, tank, snorkel and mask. There were various forms of plant life, anemones (flower animal) which eats small fish and crabs, coral, fish, rock formation, a cave and an octopus. There was a display of various articles made from material gathered from the sea. Each den was responsible for making a project for the display, besides tracing, marking and cutting book marks. The fish book marks which were given to each person visiting the booth were kept in a fish bowl. The Cubs also glued pearls on shells to show what could be made from the sea. Workers at the booth throughout the day were Mrs. Joan Ann McAndrews, Mrs. Joan Bauer, David Bauer, Michael Eisele, James McAndrews, Jeffrey Schaefer, Ryan Bradley, Mrs. Marlene Smith, Mrs. Violet West, Mark Betancourt, Victor Betancourt, Paul Knapick, Donald Smith, Dennis Straumann, Richard West, John Ganske, Mrs. Mary Schaan, Thomas Creutz, Joseph Johnson, Kenneth George, Chris Nylander, Myron Schaan, Jamie Koch, Mrs. Ruth Roach and Keith Belzer. Also Mike Marino, Jeff Nylander, Raymond Roach, Mike Leon, Greg Ernst, Mrs. Karen Gies, Mrs. Marie Tonyan, Joseph Doherty, John Gies, Thomas Sharp, Robert Tonyan, Thomas Weber, Mrs. Pat Miller, Mrs. Marge Boro, John Boro, Dan Coughlin, Larry Coughlin, Mike Miller, Tony McAndrews, Mrs. Cass Rhode, John Armon, Scott Reh- berg, Jeff Rhode, Bill Slater, Larry Turner, Walter Turner, Bill Weber, Paul Carlson, Dennis Adams, Ken Bottari, Paul Carlson, Dave Schaan, Ted Weber, Mark Lawrence and Tim Sabatka. DODGE MAXIWAGONI! EARLY SPRING SPECIAL SAVE 5100's - '100's - '100's - '100's - '100's 1966 DODGE CHARGER Fastback, 2 door hardtop, real sharp, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes, radio, rear speakers bucket seats, consolc front and back, whitewalls. $1095 1968 FORD FAIRLANE FASTBACK 2 door hard top, \'8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, ra dio, whitewall tires. $1295 1968 DODGE CORONET 500 2 door hardtop, automatic power steering and power brakes, radio, dual rear r-JI speakers, console, bucket- seats, whitewalls, $1295 vinyl top. 1970 FORD MAVERICK Auto trans, 6 cylinder. New tires, one owner, £1595 low miles. 1968 DODGE P0LARA 2 door hardtop, full power, automatic, V8, whitewall tires, radio. JXQ95 1966 SAAB 96, 2 DOOR SEDAN, Disc brakes, radio clock, 4 speed transmission. $495 1964 CHEVROLET % TON PICK-UP with utility box, 3 speed transmission, 6 cyl- " inder engine. $595 1969 DODGE CORONET 440 2 door hardtop, auto matic, power steering, radio whitewall tires, vinyl top, packed. $1695 1970 FORD LTD 2 DR. Hardtop, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top, good tires, like new $2195 1968 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW BUS Auto trans, low, low miles. Good tir«- $1695 1969 CADILLAC DeVILLE 4 dr. loaded with extras. Low miles. tQCQc One owner. 1968 P0NTIAC CATALINA Convertible with power steering, power brakes,auto transmission. New top, lea ther interior. $1495 1969 P0NTIAC WAGON 9 passenger, power steering, power brakes. Green in color. SAVE SAVE SAVE 1968 DODGE CHARGER R.T. 4 speed, trans. 440 Magnum New tires, low miles, one o w n e r . J J 3 9 5 Come In For A FREE TEST DRIVE! _ _ _ _ _ 4810 W. Rte . DODGE ,20 McH#nr» wwvwa. 815-385-7220 OPEN: Daily 9 to 9; Saturday 9 to 5; Sunday 11 to 4 THE BOYS JOIN THE Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush •Rustic, versatile paneling •Two color tones: Charcoal and Nugget only •4" per 4' x 8' panel ANELING LUS 385-5511 907 N. Front (Rte. 31) Daily 8-5:30 < Fri. 8-9 SUNDAY 10-2