PAGE 18-PLAINDEALER-WEDNE^DAY, APRIL 12,1972 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 21, 1932) Starting April 24 Chicago and several other cities in this locality will resume daylight saving time. It has been sup- poseed that McHenry would remain on standard time this year but a petition has been circulated this week and will be presented to the city council for the adoption of daylight saving time in Mc Henry again this year Andrew McPherson. 75. died in Chicago Thursday morning of last week following a lingering illness Mr Mc pherson was well known here, havir*; been a summer visitor at McCullom l^kc for severs vears The first of the spring wed dings in this vicinity occurred April 18 when Miss Grace Sund of Crystal Lake was united in marriage to Mr Paul Patzke of McHenry Rev Roger Kauf man, pastor of the English Lai the ran church of Woodstock, rfficiated at the ceremony The annual health play will take place on Friday, April 29, given by the grade school students Millv Thompson's volley ball team won the tournament and each member of her team was givena soda Although the soda was in the bargain the girls played more for the enjoyment d the game TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 24. 1947) One of the most respected and best loved of Mc Henrys older residents, Mrs, Hubert Weber, passed away at her home east of the river April 22 following several weeks of poor health Mrs Weber celebrated her eighty-eighth birthday .anniversary on Dec 21 of last year On Sunday, April 27, some 4.700 congregations will in dividually celebrate the 100th anniversary' of the Lutheran Missouri Synod Included in this great number is the local Zion iAitheran church of West McHenry whose services will be held at 10 a m Edward J Gausden, first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps reserve, has been assigned to two weeks active duty in aviation training at Cherry Point, North Carolina The newly organized association of business people in McHenry is making strides in the right direction with committees being formed to assure the success of the organization At this time there is talk of a contest to name a city slogan for McHenry. Another idea that probably will catch the fancy of many is a contest for school children who will have an opportunity to write an essay on "What's Wrong With McHenry". This of course is intended to brine out constructive ideas for civic betterment. Michael Knox of Terra Cotta retired this spring after serving for thirty-two years as town ship school trustee. He was elected trustee on April 10, 1915 when he received thirteen votes to succeed Thomas Thompson After an absence of twenty- seven years from her home in Oslo, Norway, Mrs. Carl Bergquist of McCullom Lake sailed for that country on March 22 to enjoy a four months visit with hier relatives. TEN YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of April 26, 1962) The full life of a corn paratively young McHenry man unfolded before a large crowd attending the Chamber of Commerce dinner dance at the V F.W. clubhouse last Tuesday evening and the object of attention, Earl R Walsh, took it instride although he was a bit bewildered for a few minutes at the pleasant sur prise which honored him The program carried out bv veteran planner, Fred J Meyer, was in recognition of Walsh's twenty five years of service to the city as clerk J.R. (.Jake) Levesque of McCullom Ijake is the new chairman of the Mc Henry- County Republican Central Committee which organized at the court house Monday evening of this week Mr. and Mrs Math M Schaefer, who reside at the corner of Green and John streets, were honored Sunday when friends and relatives called to offer congratulations Economic Questions Stabilization Answers This column of questions and aaswers on the President's E c o n o m i c S t a b i l i z a t i o n Program is provided by the local office cf the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public ^rvice. The column answers questions most frequently asked about wages and prices. Q Do landlords need ap proval from the Internal Revenue Service before in creasing rent? A. Aside from requests for exceptions to the rent regulations, landlords must obtain approval of rent in creases in only one case. That is where the rent increase is b a s e d o n a c a p i t a l i m provement not required by local law or the terms of a mortgage or deed of trust and 14 percent of the co6t of the improvement allocable to the on the occasion of the couple's golden wedding anniversary. A marriage of local interest was solemnized April 21 at Zion iAitheran church when Miss Diane Zundel became the bride rtf Mr Edward O'Rourke. Both y o u n g p e o p l e a r e f r o m I^kemoor Rev. Carl Lobitz pastor officiated at the nuptial rite. A boy was born to Mr. and ' Mrs Donald W. Miller on April 17 at McHenry hospital. residence would result in an increase of over 10 percent in the monthly rent. Approval should be obtained from the landlord's District Director erf Internal Revenue. Q. Will the import surcharge have to be refunded to customers at all levels of distribution? A. No. The lifting of the import surcharge imposes no requirement that refunds be made. The surcharge paid on inventoried items is an allowable cost and may be considered in pricing. Q. Are cost increases as a result of the revaluation of the dollar allowable? A A company may apply its base period markup to the inventoried cost of imported items plus transportation costs of such items. Since the co6t of items added to a company's inventory may vary to reflect the revaluation of the dollar, there may be like items of inventory which differ in price, depending upon whether the company seeks to pass through the costs it paid as a result of the revaluation of the dollar. Tier I firms must prenotify before raising prices to reflect these revaluation cbsts. Q Can an employer take advantage of the Pay Board's exception for cost-of-living increases by giving his em ployees such increases by Art Linkletter talks to the experts aboutToucMone® calling. We asked Ar t L ink le t t e r to t a lk to some communica t ions exper t s abou t Touch-Tone phones . Here ' s wha t they had to say . Ar t : "Which do you l ike be t t e r , t he phone wi th the bu t tons o r the one wi th the d ia l?" The Exper t s : "The one wi th the push tone bu t tons . " "Touch-Tone , because when you touch the bu t tons , i t g ives you a n ice fee l ing . " "Wel l , my mom l ikes Touch-Tone because she can ca l l anybody wi th ou t mess ing up her manicure . " Ar t : "What do the Touch-Tone sounds remind you o f?" The Exper t s : "A p iano ." "Beep , beep , l ike a compute r . " "Vio l ins in the o rches t ra . " "A hear ing t es t . " "Church be l l s . " "Po lka do t s . " ^ Ar t : "What co lo r do you l ike bes t?" The Exper t s : "P ink . " "Blue--it ' s fo r boys . " "Al l d i f fe ren t co lo rs . " "Green ." "Yel low -- i t goes wi th the wal l . " "Red , whi te and b lue -- wi th s t a r s . " • | 1 wKKm j**5 gaga • |J|| • L »""j m Art: "Now, how much do you think Touch-Tone service costs a month?" The Experts: "A hundred dollars a month." "About $33." "$3,^4 or $5." "Maybe $10,000." Art: "What would you say if I told you that Touch-Tone service costs $1.50 a month extra, or just pennies a day?" The Experts: "I would die." "I'd give out." Don't give out--it's true. You can have the speed and convenience of Touch-Tone service for only pennies a day. Just call your Illinois Bell Service Representative. Illinois Bed Internal DauMIi a a novwiUo Service giving his employees such increases any time he chooses? A. No. Such a benefit is available only if the cost of living increase is pursuant to a geherally accepted escalator formula. It cannot be subject merely to the whim of the employer. Moreover, such an exception would be subject to prenotification requirements for Category I wage and salary increases or to reporting requirements for Category II wage and salary increases. Q. Are rental units in a multi- family dwelling in which the landlord resides exempt from rent controls if the landlord owns more than four such units in this building and another building? A. No. Such units are not exempt of the landlord or members of his family own or have an interest, directly or indirectly, in more than a aggregate of four such units, or if the units are not rented for a term longer than month-to- month. Q. Is an ambulance service considered a noninstitutional provider of health services under the stabilization regulations? A. No. While an ambulance service may in fact provide health services, these services are incidental to its primary job-furnishing emergency t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . S i n c e a m bulance services do not provide health services as their primary function, they may not be considered noninstitutional providers of health services under stabilization regulations. However, they would qualify as a service industry and would be governed by regulations ap plicable to services. Here & There In BUSINESS Joins Spurgeon Department Store RICK ROPER Spurgeon"s Department store of McHenry announces the recent appointment of Rick Roper as its new assistant manager. Roper and his wife, Lynn, come to McHenry from his home city of Columbus, Ohio, and more recently from Wisconsin State university at Whitewater. He is a graduate of that university, where he was a member of Lamba Chi Alpha social fraternity during his four years d attendance. New Officers Elected For Hospital Unit New officers and directors for the Fox Valley Hospital Planning council were elected at its annual meeting held recently in the St., Joseph Mercy hospital division of the Mercy Center for Health Care Services, Aurora. New officers d the organization are James D. Anderson, administrator, Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, president; Elmer A. Dagenais, president, Edward Hospital, Naperville, vice- president; John E. Taft, Jr., administrator, Delnor hospital, St. Charles, secretary; and Jack Byers, president, M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l f o r McHenry County, Woodstock, treasurer. The Council, now three years old, was organized to coor dinate growth of hospital services as related to health care in the Fox Valley in order to prevent duplication of facilities and functions. Subjects now under study by the Council include the establishment of area trauma centers in the Fox River valley and the placement of a cobalt unit in St. Joseph hospital or Sherman hospital, both in Elgin. The latter concern, under study by the council for several months, has been referred to an arbitration board as provided in the council's by laws. TURN ONS Editor's Quote Book T h e d e n u n c i a t i o n o f the y o u n g i s a n e c e s s a r y p a r t o f t h e h y g i e n e o f o l d e r p e o p l e a n d g r e a t l y a s s i s t s t h e c i r c u l a t i o n o f t h e i r b l o o d . L o g a n P . S m i t h you CA/S/'-T MA/?#y MY PAU&HTBf? A M / N O Z . /OU MEAN X GOTTA THE U N / O N ? Know Firemen GARYGOUGH Gary Gough d 3615 Freund avenue, McHenry, has been a member of Company I since August of 1960. He has served on all committees, was a lieutenamt one year and captain for five years. Gough is married to the former Marcelene Sadler and has three children, Terry, 14, fttm, 11, and Debbie, 3. His hobbies are baseball, football and bowling. Kids say the darndest things...aboutTxicMone phones. 11H1 y i h. ir^< applies to I? i t . i lur about other monthly or one t ime th. i t might ap; At 11 p.m. on April 17th you're going to wish you had gone to H&R Block. There's still time. It's not too late to save yourself income tax aggravation that comes with prepar ing your own return. And for a low one time fee you can receive our year 'round service which includes help with audits, estimates, or tax questions. H & R B l o c k ' s c h a r g e s s t a r t a t $ 5 a n d the average cost was under $12.50 for over 7 million returns we prepared last year. Aggravation isn't tax deductible. And we are. DONT LET AN AMATEUR DO HaR BLOCK'S JOB. H&R Block. The mcoae tax people. !) AM-!) PM WEEKDAYS 9 AM-5 PM SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS - OPEN TONIGHT - Phone 815-385-8630 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 3911 MAIN McHENRY f *