Water Heaters, Filters, & Softeners It all comes out in the wash ... your heater can quit the day you need it laundry is cleaner, softer and most. Hard water uses more soap, brighter when washed in plenty of leaves fabrics harsh and gray. Re- good, hot, soft water. An old water place your old equipment now. [ A j G A S - F I R E D W A T E R H E A T E R Money-saver! Fully automatic glass-lined water heater. Fast recovery meets big hot water demands. 100% safety controls. 5 yr. warranty. (30 gai.) ZS67.25 (40 gai.) ZS79.95 B ] E L E C T R I C W A T E R H E A T E R Two elements assure fast, efficient heat ing. White enameled finish. 5-year warranty, (30 gal.) ZS69.8J (42 gal.) Z582.6J (52 gal.) ZS88.9C g ] T A B L E T O P E L E C T R i C Handy tabletop design allows this conve nient water heater to blend with washer and dryer. 30-40-50 gallon sizes. 5-year warranty. S72-12A2630 (30 gal.) Z$92.75 [ D ] P U R I T Y W A T E R F I L T E R Removes dirt, rust and other sediment from water. Easy installation. Replaceable car tridges incl. S72-17A2340 ZS1 9.75 j ] MULT! PURPOSE WATER FILTER Fight water pollution! Mini-fi lter (16" x 18") removes oxidized iron, sand, sediment & iron sulfide. Trouble-free operation. S72-LB-16F $89 80 [ F ] M U L T I - C A R T R I D G E F I L T E R High service flow rate fi lfprs Automatically fi lters out rust, dirt, sand, sediment scale, silt & oxidized iron. Range of sizes. S72-G-4 (4 Cartridge Unit) $73.50 V E N U S W A T E R C O N D I T I O N E R Soft water will make hair lustrous, dishes sparkling! Removes iron & sediment from water. 44" tall. Uses 40% less salt. S72-NAD-2000-15 < (15,000 Grains) $224.50 S72-NAD-2000-24 (24,000 Grains) $251 80 We are members o f Nat ional P lumbing Stores . 1 h i s i s a nat ional organizat ion o f independent p lumbing , heat ing and coo l ing bus inesses . Whi le we operate independent ly and loca l ly , we have a tre mendous buying advantage and can pur chase equipment at the same lowest pr ices as g iants in the industry . We pass these sav ings on to you and we g ive vou per sonal , f r iendly , he lpfu l serv ice p lus advice and es t imates a t no charge . T hat goes for everyth ing on p lumbing , heat ing , and coo l ing . COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU SELECT THE CORRECT WATER EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR HOME.