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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1972, p. 3

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J 'r iiooooooooooooooooeoook 'Coming ' Events ooooooooooooooooooot Maria Guettler, left, and Rose Schmitt of the Legion auxiliary are shown above with Devenal Filho, American Field Service student at M.C.H.S., who addressed the meeting last week. American Legion Auxiliary News UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper The regular meeting of the McHenry American Legion Auxiliary Unit 491, with thirty- three members present, was conducted by President Doris Henken April 17 at the American Legion Post home. Chaplain Pearl Cooper led the group in the American Legion Prayer for our Prisoners of War. "The Star Spangled Banner" was sung by the members, with Maria Guettler at the piano. Betty Lingenfelter, past A.F.S. McHenry chapter president, introduced the special guest, the A.F.S. (American Field Service) student, Deneval S. de A. Filho (known to all as Dennie) of Brazil, who is staying with the C.R. Broman family. Dennie showed slides and gave a very interesting talk about his country. Gold Star Chairman Mary Kantorski announced that the next meeting will be a pot-luck and will honor the Gold Star members. This meeting will be held May 15 at 6:30 p.m. Initiation cermonies will also be held at this meeting and all members are urged to attend. Reba Owen, Poppy chair­ man, announced that Poppy Day is May 13, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., fcnd all volunteer members are requested to contact Reba. if they are able to help sell poppies. Lauretta Homo, Elgin chairman, announced that the district May Day party for Elgin veterans will be held May 2 in Elburn. She also announced that the Elgin veterans will return to the McHenry post „tiome for dinner and en­ tertainment May 16 The McHenry County Council - will meet at the McHenry Post . Home on Friday, May 5 and all ~ McHenry Unit members are - asked to attend this meeting. * Memorial services for all 'deceased members of the * county will be held. Donations were sent to the t Past President's project and a " subscription to Star magazine was sent to department. ^ It was announced that * election of officers will be held C at the May meeting due to the > early date of the Department > convention. Frances Matchen C was appointed as chairman of > the nominating committee and > Pearl Cooper and Betty *t Lingenfelter were nominated to • ! he on the committee. HEALTH ANO BEAUTY We all know that when our feet art1 miserable we are miserable all over. They telegraph a message to our faces and no matter how careful our make-up iob has been, we cannot look our best. There is l i t t le excuse for foot discomfort nowadays. In the past i t was considered nothing short of a disgrace to wear a large shoe size. However, today i t 's a differ­ ent story. Women allow the shoe salesman to measure their feet and accept his judgment. Your foot s h o u 1 d be at home in the shoe he brings y o u . S h o e d e s i g n e r s d o wonders to make even the largest foot look attractive. Stockings are our next WEEKLY RECIPE Broiled Shad Roe 1 boned shad roe Salt and pepper 2 T lemon juice 1 T butter Toast Slices of bacon cook- ed crisp Watercress Lime wedges Preheat broiler 10 min­ utes. Remove head and tail from shad; cut into serving pieces. Arrange skin side down on lightly greased broiler pan with roe around fish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; brush with butter and lemon juice. Broil, with top of fish 2" below heat, 8 to 10 minutes, basting occa­ sionally with butter and lem­ on juice. When ready to serve, brush with butter and lemon juice. Serve on hot toast with slices of bacon. Garnish with watercress and wedges of lime. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Lois Crouch, Lil Miller, Mary Freund and Maria Guettler. Special prizes were won by Laura Weber and Lauretta Homo. Dorothy Hollander was not present to accept the at­ tendance award. A prayer for peace was recited, America was sung, the colors retired and the meeting was adjourned. consideration. I! they press against the toes thev can be uncomfortable and harm­ fu l . B ' 1 sur ' ' vou choose them large enough. There are wonderful new s u p p o r t s t o c k i n g s o n t h e market that look attractive but give needed support to women who must spend long hours on their feet. MAY 2, 3, 4 Illinois Federation of Women's Club 77th Annual Meeting -- Sherman House -- If Interested Call 385-7842. MAY 2 Hiawatha Gem and Mineral Society -- McHenry High School West Campus - Dining Room -- 7:30 p.m. MAY 3 McHenry Grams -- Regular Meeting -- City Hall -- 12:30 p.m. - New Members & Guests Welcome. MAY 4 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - Community House - Installation Of Officers -- 12:30 p.m. Sunnyside Estates Woman's Club - "Happiness Is, Hand­ bags & Glad Rags" Fashion Show & Card Party - John- sburg Community Club -- 7:30 p.m. MAY 4 & 5 McHenry Area Jaycee Auxiliary Garage Sale -- 8 a.m. l to 5:30 p.m. - 3015 W. Scott , Country Acres. McHenry. MAY 6-7 McHenry Choral club An- 1 nual Spring Program - West Campus Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m - McHenry Viscounts, Sponsors. First Annual Commerce and Industry Exposition Parkland Junior High School, Ringwood Road and Rt. 120 - McHenry - Noon to 8 p.m. May 6, 11 a m to 5 p.m. May 7 - Sponsored by McHenry Chamber of Commerce. MAY 7 Annual Meeting - McHenry County Historical Society - Union School, Main Street, Union - 2 p.m. NAIM Conference of Rock- ford Diocese - Annual Mass - St. Mary's, Aurora - 4:30 p.m. - --Dinner Follows. Venison Dinner - Sponsored By St. John's Church - John- sburg Community Club - Serving l p.m. to 4 p.m. - Tickets Available At Several Business Houses In Johnsburg & McHenry -- None At Door. MAY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria - 7:30 p.m. - Book Review Chain-O-Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church - Covenant Women's Meeting- Speaker Lovone Holt, Book Review - 7:30 p.m. Public Welcome. MAY 9 McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - Guest Speakers, Mayor Donald Doherty and Walter Dean - 8 p.m \ McHenry Area Jaycee Auxiliary Garage Sale - 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - 3015 W. Scott , Country Acres, McHenry. MAY 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bowling Banquet - The PLAINDEALER PHOTO APPOINTMENTS \ FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ARE NOW 1 AVAILABLE IN OUR ULTRA MODERN SALON. Call Now At 385-4520 fcfe BEAUTY SALON spurgeons spurgeons 7* * »Js ?p» Jp ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ * ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * auty Salon FOR A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU... ON kL* I * * * * Call 385-4520 for appointment * This offer good May 3 thru May 13. | * Be beautiful for Mothers Day and get your * "X* rain hood free with $5.00 ivorth of beauty ¥ # work. AND YOU CAN CHARGE IT!!! * X. .1. -1.. .i. . l. . I. .[. .t. .1. --I - .|. -1 - .1. IXI kL» ̂ 1̂ ̂ ̂̂1̂ ̂ 1/ ̂* | - ̂ si/ ̂̂ ̂ ̂ '_1_~ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ si. ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ * (S /p •y* ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ̂v I1" I - 'p I* *T» "T* ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ T* *T* ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ * * * Come in for our full beauty treatment. New permanent, shampoo, set^ hair styling... And as our special Mothers Day Gift to you -- FREE with $5.00 worth of beauty work -- a large Visor Rain and Wind H(X)d to protect your new hairdo. Value $1.00. Timbers. Woodstock - 5:30 p.m. ° ^ McHenry Woman's Club Spring Luncheon - McHenry Countrv Club - For Reser vations Call 385-7348 MAY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Concert Trip -- F r a n k l i n M a c C o r m a c k Memorial Concert Auditorium Theatre, Chicago. Bus Leaves East Campus Parking Lot - 6 p.m MAY 13 "Old Fashion Beer Garden Dance " - Sponsored By St. Patrick's Ladies Guild -- V.F.W. Hall - 9 p.m. The Friendship Club Pot- Luck Dinner and Meeting - Dining Room, First United Methodist Church - 8 p.m. McCullom C°n" servation Club "Clean Stream Clean-Up" Work Day - West Shore Beach 9 :30 a.m. AFSTag Day - Fund Raising For American Field Service International Scholarships May 15 Pi Alpha Chapter - Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Preferential Tea - 8 p.m. Home of Mrs. William Haddick. Church Women United - Lake Region Observance of May Fellowship Day - 12:30 Luncheon - St. Thomas Church, Crystal Lake MAY 17 Luncheon ~ Sponsored By St Patrick's Ladies Guild - Church Hall - By Reservations Only - 12:30 p.m MAY 18.19,20 Home and Hearth Unit Of The McHenry County Ex­ tension Service - Garage Sale - 1716 W. Lakewood Ave., McHenry - Proceeds Benefit Of McHenry Rescue Squad. MAY 18 McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club Meeting -8 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. SECTION 1-PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-MAY 3, 1972 Other Births MAY 20 , V alley View PTO--Fun Fair- - 10a m to2 p.m. - Vallev View School. 6515 W Rt 120 " MAY 22 McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting - City Hall - 9:30 a.m. MAY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot - 8:45 a m I n Shakespeare's day violets were often eaten with onions and lettuce The lit t le sister in the Charles, 0. Carroll home in Schaumburg' really isn' t very li t t le. Mary Frances Carroll weighed a whoppng 12 pounds 1 ounce \ when born Feb 9 in Northwest C o m m u n i t y h o s p i t a l . "Amazing but ' true", said Mrs. Carroll who describes her. daughter as a "real armload".® She added that there's not d ' wrinkle on Mary Frances, who was 23 inches long and very' ' •"hubby She's so grown up. she's already eating solid, , foods Mary Frances' four '- brothers. Christopher. 10.* Kevin, 9, John, 8. and Patrick, 6."". were hoping for another brother, but since she's been home at 811 Blenheim Drive, they're grow ing quite fond of * her. Grandparents of the baby girl and her brothers are Mr.-f and Mrs Chester Conrad, '* McHenrv. (Whispering Oaksi 111 ' x Country THE McHENRY DINNER-PLAYHOUSE Presents Live On Stage • STAR SPANGLEDTIRL By Neil Simon® • J Dinner Served 6 to 7 Curtain 8pim. • Dates-May 11-12, May 19, May 25-26 J750 Includes Dinner, Per Person plaV- Ta*> and T|P Reservations Necessary (815) 385 1072 Live Entertainment-Fri.-Sat. Nights SCOTCH LADS-May 5 6 GUIDED TOUR May 12 13 MILE HIS - May 19 26 27-28 PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED PLAN FOR REUNION - Members of the M.C.H.S. class of 1967 are shown planning for a reunion June 24. They are Audrey Estis, Robert B. Moore and Sandy Fry Moore. Interested class members are urged to contact Miss Estis at 385-3646 or the Moores. FRANKLIN WAMSUTTA WEAVERS CLOTH 50% Fortrel Polyester - 50% Cotton. Permanent press - Machine washable 44/45" wide $1.99 yd. SPRINGMAID SUPER SPRINGKNIGHT 50% Kodel polyester - 50% Cotton Permanent press - machine washable 44/45" wide $1.29 yd. r SPRINGMAID SUPER ST0WE 50% Kodel Polyester - 50% Cotton. Permanait press - machine washable. V I P FAVORITES All fine cotton wash and wear. Machine washable 44/45" wide $1.59 yd. 44/45" wide $1.49 yd. RUSSELL 0UTL0UD 44/45" wide 65% Kodel - polyester - 35% Cotton. Russpress precured finish - Washable. $1.99 yd. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - SUN. Your favorite Simplicity pattern r n r r i W i t h a n y f a b r i c p u r c h a s e I IiLCb of $5.00 or more1 We have a complete fabric & notion dept. Carrying only J>t quality brand name goods. If it is worth sewing why not use the best7 1250 N. Green McHenry Mon. 9-8:30 Tues,Wed,ThursfSat. 9-6 Friday 9-9 Sunday 9:30-12:30 FRANKLIN YOUR FRIENDLY FASHION STORE Large enough to be complete Small enough to give you service! GftENSlkUiMA; BANKAMERICARD welcome here

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