PAGE 8-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1972 Trades Course Project OPEN HOUSE 1 - 4 p.m. Sat. - May 20 Sun. - May 21 1409 Eastwood Lane - Eastwood Manor Setting the trusses of the roof. ^»Hits are installed b\ Matt Oik a n d Kob Wickenkamp. Mcllenrv High School students set the forms for the foundation. Under the watchful eye of a pro, Dan Umbarger nails the forms to a 2 x 4 brace. Plaindealer Photos by Wayne Gaylord Matt Oik puts up the Facia as Mr. Scott looks on. Ppl Building trades instructor, Mr. Scott, shows the students how to mark the plywood for the concrete foundation. MCHS Builders M r v IM;I tsen, concrete contractor, shows Tom Kawell and George Nixon how to measure for the i » i n s