REAL tSTATE McHeniy Realty OPEN ! Sat, May 20 109 Navajo Court - Br. & cedar multi-level 3 oriented home. Rec. rm. in floor & sliding gl. dr. kit.; 2 c. att. gar.; dbl. HOUSE - 1-4 p.m. (Worthmore Estates) BR, 2 B (Ceramic) Camily- (22* x 24') with radiant heat to patio; 20* x 24' patio off lot; water rts. $39,000. WHISPERING OAKS The Ultimate in Adult Living - This lovely 2 B/R brick and frame ranch home with every extra includ- fed - draperies, carpeting, washer, .dryer, dishwasher, fetc. - Lge. Kitchen with breakfast area, formal din ing room, sunken living room, full basement, att. garage, city water and sewer. $34,000. EDGEBROOK HTS. Perfection-plus, 3 B/R, multi-bath ranch. Hse. is designed for full family enjoyment: Enclosed garden paneled rec. room, game room, sewing rm., hobby rm., laundry center off Family Rm. on 1st floor. Corner Lot. $46,500. COONEY HEIGHTS Move right into this neat 2 B/R home; spacious LR, unusually large bir. cab. kit., cer. bath, att. garage, patio. $22,000. VACANT BULL VALLEY - 6.78 acres with bulk tucked in the , woodlands. COUNTRY CLUB SUB: 5 lots. Fast sale. $10,000. DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS: Waterfront lots (2). ROBERT A. STUEBEN, BROKER CARL E. BEHL, BROKER MILDRED R. ENGLERT, SALES REP. 3918 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. <815-) 385-5922 BSUKmHPIKKFD PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD. WATERFRONT - McCULLOM LAKE Immaculate three bedroom bi-level with 62 foot frontage on the lake. Two full baths, paneled family room, living room with fireplace. Beautiful landscaping, two car insulated attached garage. Many extras. $39,000.00 A UNIQUE BUY This lovely three bedroom home, complete with nearly new, high quality furniture. One and a half baths, carpeting, central air conditioning. Full basement with rec. room including eight foot wet bar and new pool table. Call us for full details. NEW LISTINGS!!! LAKELAND SHORES We've found the impossible dream! Four bedrooms, one and a half baths, on an extra large corner lot. Add to that a family room and two and a half car heated garage, and you'll realize you can't pass it up! All this for the low, low price of only $26,900.00 C00NEY HEIGHTS Beautiful tri-level home with three bedrooms, two baths, on 90x173 foot corner lot. Living room has fireplace, paneling. Floors are hardwood parquet and carpeting. 22'x25' carpeted family room. All appliances, one and a half car attached garage. Excellent landscaping. Priced at $33,900.00 IT'S HARD TO FIND-. Such a cute home for so little money. Three bedrooms, paneled living room and hall. Carpeting in every room, including kitchen, just one year old! Special touches are wallcovering in bathroom and ceramic backsplash in kitchen. Fenced play yard for the kids. Priced at only $19,500.00. Call Winn Phillips or Harry Postal. John H. Fuhler Real Estate 3321 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 REAL ESTATE WHY RENT - SEE KEHT WATERFRONT HOMES NEAR McHENRY ON McCULLOM LAKE This very clean 3 br. home, steel siding makes for low up-keep, large 12x32 Family Room. Oven & Range, Refrigerator, washer, dryer, softener, 1 air conditioner, drapes and carpeting. Owner must sell, Reduced from $26,900 to a low $25,000. SEE TODAY! 2 SUMMER HOMES ON FOX RIVER NEAR McHENRY On 2 lots, 104' on river x 215. Beautifully wooded lots, sea wall is complete with pier, electric hoist and boat. Both homes are Summer homes partly furnished. Also garage and screen house with bar- beque pit. Owner leaving State, Asking $34,500. will consider any reasonable offer. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. THE KENT CORPORATION Since 1923 3322 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. McHenry*s Oldest Real Estate Office 385-3800 5/19 REAL ESTATE Large 3 br, ac-ranch, double fireplace, large LR, large panelled family room, 1^ baths, full basement, o Two car garage, extra Ig. It., river rights.... ft $37,500 9 Waterfront Immaculate, 2 yr. like new, 2 br. ranch, on waterfront. Excellent seawall & dock. Beautiful lg. landscaped f e n c e d y a r d . -- E D U C E D $ 2 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 See or Call GLENN DRAPER «e,_ REAL ESTATE 4719 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS ^ 815-385-5661 5/19 ^ eooQeeoaoscoecosoo&socosccoosiosooo&ocS NEW BRICK AND CEDAR 3 Bedroom Raised Ranch 2% baths, large master bed room. 2 car attached ga rage, rec. room, in city limits. $40,000 * CALL 815-385-6757 «• 385-7163 A CPOKIN '•] CONSTRUCTION CORP. 5/12TF2 1 PHONE 385-0170 PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1972 385-0170 maim qPt60TApeTF0R YOO-' PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet 'that has, .strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY KITTENS, 6 weeks old, litter trained, Tiger, gold and calico. 385-4706. FREE KITTENS, 1 beige, 1 grey, also 1 orange fem. tc*t. 385-7594. 4 KITTENS, 2 male, 2 female, 1 black & white, 3 red & white. 385-2884. W'̂ 'sctNE V Using the McHenry Service Center GET ATTENTION ...PHONE 385-0170. Farm Equipment George P. i Freund,Inc. I ( asc - \eu Iloliand 4102 \\. ( rystal Lake I'd. McIIENR Y I ! Bus. 38*0420 1 Res. 385-0227 Jn; Thompson's Elm Street Service Complete I ube U ash l i r e R e p a i r • Same ^ood k'as, same friend I > management... since 1 !)">:}". 385-9749 3603 W. ELM - McHENRY fff RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS |Europa Motors Inc 3 3 1 8 W . P e o r l 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 Insurance & Real Estate EARL R.WALSH & JACK WALSH Life Fire Auto Homeowners Liability Plate Class Bonds Marine Workmen's Accident and Compensation Health Office 385-3300 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 • RADIATORS • Cooling System Specialists *A/R CONDITIONING • Trailer Hitches Fabrication • STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental Iron • Frozen Pipe Thawing W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 'LLMM'. W . '"!' U'. I Jn Vcllem-N ADAMS BROS. 'Next to (.err, t le tnet ->) ED'S STANDARD STANDARD SERVICE i : \ P L I M I t N l -I P VI I . \s I ires, batteries. Accessorie O L A I M A m e r i c a n < >il PPKI IU TS PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET A 111 CONDITIONING; SAI LS k SERVK E U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE ALTOMO'1 I\ E & TRl'CK KEPAILTM. AIM K C AS WELDi.Nf. Guettler Service, Inc. s i s N . I r o n t S t r e e t 385- 9831 K Miiil y.iU /V . • Garages • Enclosed porches • Gutters repaired • Roof repaired or replaced ANDERSON'S Residential and Commercial Maintenance-Sandy Anderson Ph. 385-1573 17 yrs. Local Wi USi AND RICOMMIND RK PRODUCTS You CAN Tell The Difference. JAXE'S Styling Eor Men By Appointment 385-7771 SPECIMEN BALLOT To be voted at the First Election for Village Officer in the Village of McHenry Shores, McHenry County, Illinois. Date Of Election: Saturday, June 10th, 1972 Polling Place Residence of William Dostal, 601 South Broadway, (Village of McHenry Shores), McHenry, III. Polls Open: Six o'clock am. to six o'clock.p.m. County Clerk Of McHenry County, III. FOR VILLAGE PRESIDENT (To serve until a successor is elected at the next regular election:) (Instructions to Voters: Vote "for one) • HOWARD BIERI1Z • FOR VILLAGE CLERK (To serve until a successor is elected at the next regular election:) (Instructions to voters: Vote for one) • ROSE LILLEGARD • FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEES (To serve until successors are elected at the next regular election:) (Instructions to voters: Vote for six) • LAWRENCE HCKS • DONALD HENDERL0NG • ED 0BLINSKI • CLARENCE SCHWEIKERT • WILLIAM J. DOSTAL • EFFREY L HOFFMAN Q] JOHN N0V0TNY • • - • • . •