PAGE 11 -PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY/ MAY 26, 1972 THIS WORLD( OF OURS Tran*portation, of all kind*, lead* the pollution parade by pouring an ettimated 86 million ton* • about 60 percent - of the total output into the air. Specific ally, automobile*, according to private and government tource* alike, can be re*pon*ible for a* much a* 77 percent of the air pol lutant* found in *ome urban The Harrison school concert band, under the direction of Richard E. Mikus, played its last scheduled concert of the year Wednesday, May 17. The band, some sixty members strong, has enjoyed an outstanding musical year. There were twenty-eight first place ratings brought home by these musicians at their solo and en semble contests and the band received a second place rating at the district contest. The band has been playing some very difficult and unusual arrangements and Mr. Mikus states they improve eadk time they play. The concert band, stage band and choir will cut p record, for which orders will still be accepted. OUTSTANDING BAND MEMBERS - Michael Bazan and Joe Hanson, students at Harrison school, Wonder Lake, are shown receiving their trophies from Richard E. Mikus, after being selected outstanding eighth grade musicians. The awards were presented at the last scheduled concert of the year. Ustially one trophy is given, but Mikus said it was so difficult to select only one this year that both boys were honored as equally deserving of the honor. Michael's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Bazan of 4810 Osage and Joe's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Marius Hanson of 5229 E. Lake Shore. PLAINDEALER PHOTO ITEM: Trouble getting started in the morning? It may be due to the lack of a proper breakfast. Surveys show that where an em ployee had a proper breakfast, the mid-morning coffee break re sulted in no change in work out put. Adding a coffee break in cases where no breakfast was eaten showed a gain in work capacity, but did not, of course, make up for the earlier worlc loss ITEM: Variety meats are more perishable than other meats. Buy them, planning to prepare them without holding. Included in this category are liver, brains, heart, kidneys, sweetbreads, tongue, and others. Sweetbreads are so deli cate and fragile they need pre- cooking (in water with lemon juice or vinegar) to make them firm enough for handling. ITEM: Most men need more calories than women. However, if you're female and between the ages of 22 and 35, you need more iron than they do. For the stand ard woman in this age group, the recommended allowance for iron is 18 milligrams, while caloric in take is 2,000 daily. In men, the iron recommendation is 10 milli grams while caloric intake is at 2,800. Liver is the richest food source for iron. An average three and one-half ounce serving sup plies 18 5 milligrams of iron. •V TH« OLD TIMER From: Mrs. Ruth Helderman, Wheatland, Ind.: I remember when Spring housecleaning was a wall-to-wall affair. The first prom ising Spring day saw the family up bright and early. After break fast, down came the stove p;le, full of soot from an entire winter. We carried it far from the house and cleaned it by running a brushy limb through it. The stove, was stored in a closet, if one was available, and the house always roomier in the summertime if the heating stove was out of sight. Unfortunately, most housewives started too soon. A cold snap nearly always hit us after that, and the whole family would have to huddle around the kitchen cooking range to keep warm. With all the furniture out of the room, it was time to take up the floor covering. Often this was a loom-woven carpet, tacked down around the walls. One of us kids was always put to work pulling tacks with the forked end of a special tack hammer The carpet, when loosened, would be carried out a*d hung over the clothes line for beating. If straw had been' used for insulation, it would be removed and replaced with fresh straw. to Hli. cobflln toljl* OM Tiawr, tax U9, frw*»*r», Ky 40*01.) BUMPER STICKERS L0N&-ARMEP FiSHERMEAl -NOTiCE- Qean-Up Weeks The City ofMcHenry v*m cooperate in "Clean-up Weeks" again this year. Pickups will bemadeonthe South Side of 111. Rte. 120 during the week of June 5th. During the week of June 12th, pickups will be made on property north of 111. Rte. 120. City trucks will not pick up garbage, ashes, or items too heavy for two men to lift. Piles of lumber, pla ster and items from re modeled buildings will not be acceptable^ City Council City of McHenry Grave Memorials MARTIN W HOUSES J17* and up LET THE MARTINS HELP RID YOUR With or without stand LAWN OF $099 And Up MOSQUITOES! Bedding Plants ROSS ROOT FEEDERS & PELLETS CLVVIP FRESH BIRCH DATED TREES T SEEDS 15' *19" 10* PM SILVER MAPLE TREES GLADIOLA BULBS POTTED '4.50 10* |r - iy«" B/B l9.95 (12/U.00) | te# SWIlWiMIlVG POOLS & CHEMICALS WITH A BUSS "SUMMER TRAVELING DEAL" WHEN YOU GET THE URGE TO TRAVEL, DO IT THE RIGHT WAY...IN A BUSS FORD. TRUCKS AND WAGONS TO HANDLE THE NOMAD...OR AN AIR CONDITIONED BARGAIN TO COOL IT! mmm F 250 CAMPER GALAXIE 500 BROOKWOOD GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. (Just x,oss ,rom Phone Rte. 120 Foremost Liquois) 385-4949 Weekdays, 9 to 9; Sat.,Sun. 9 to 5 GO IN STYLE AND SAVE ENOUGH ON THE OPTIONS TO HELP PAY FOR THAT VACATION. FURNITURE-STYLED COOLING HERITAGE MODEL AHMQ712 NOW ONLY *269 70 • Aluminum rear grille • Quiet rotary compressor • "Fan" and "Cool" cycles • Rust-Guardian finish I I o LpxrLrub DELUXE PLUG-IN QUICK-MOUNT AIR CONDITIONER • 11,500-BTU cooling, 115-volt operation • Quiet, three-speed fan • Quick-Mount side panels speed easy installation • Adjustable louvers- horizontal and vertical- let you direct air where you want it • Fine furniture styling enhances any room decor • Flip-out filter is easy to remove, clean and replace • Adjustable thermostat control • Ventilation control RENT or LEASE a NEW FORD . By Hour, Day, Week or Month or Year from BUSS FORD! Reasonable rates on Ford, Torinos., Mustangs, Mavericks, Pintos and Thunderbirds. LEE & RAY ELECTRIC RENTACAR 1005 N. Front St McHenry Ph. 385-0882 MAKE ALL YOUR SUMMER DRIVING A PLEASURE FOR Y0U...AND A RELIEF FOR YOUR WALLET. TORINO WAGON PINTO WAGON 0* i ,i. i> 4 BANK RATE FINANC- ING....N0 PAYMENTS UNTIL JULY FIRST! USS FOR SALES and SERVICE 3936 W. Main St. McHenry 385-2000