PAGE 12-PlAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1972 0 Q a AUTOS 1946 PLYMOUTH, 2 dr. good condition, $300.00. 385-0434. Adams Repair Shop- 3102 N. Chapel Hill, McHenry, 111. 6/16 1969 FORD, L.T.D. Country Squire, new tires, full power, excellent condition. $2,000.00. 385-0434. Adams Repair Shop. 3102 N. Chapel Hill R.d, McHenry; III. 6/16 1968 CHEVROLET Impala. hardtop, air conditioned, new tires, excellent condition. $1,250.00 385-0434. Adams Repair Shop, 3102 N. Chapel Hill, McHenry. III. 6/16 1966 FORD pick-up, a good worker $600.00, 385-0434. Adams Repair Shop, 3102 N. Chapel Hill, McHenry, III. 6/16 1970 Plymouth, GTX, 440 mag num, automatic, bucket seats, alligator top. $1,700 459-3910 6/16 1965 Red VW Beetle with heat er. Asking $650*00 385-0819. 6/16-6/21 1970 Olds Cutlass S, 2 dr. hardtop, vinyl roof, bucket seats console, automatic, p.s., p.b., factory air conditioning. lx>w miles. $2,450.00. 6/16-6/21 1966 Rambler, 4 door 6 cyl inder, sitck excellent condition 385-6669 after 5:00 p.m. 6/16 1960 VW- 1965 engine with" dual carbs, piston re-built, body and interior very good. Needs minor paint touch up. $300.00. Call after 5 p.m. 385-6185. 6/14-6/16 1968 CAMERO, 327, red with black vinyl top, p.s., p.b., automatic, console, 22,000 ac tual miles, $1300. 385-2403. after 5 p.m. or all day week ends. 6/14TF VOLKSWAGEN Dune Buggy, brand new, orange super wedge Call 338-3848. 6-16/6-21-72 AUTOS fT" « "V ttyL, . si • jp V. r ,} • ' ; -: • Jk I f ' W AUTOS 1967 R.S. CAMERO, V8 mo tor, automatic console, bucket seats, red, black interior, must see to appreciate. No reasonable offer refused. 385-0277. 6-14/6-16 1966 4 dr. Cadillac, air cond., good tires, excellent condition, $1,350. or offer. Call 385-1327 6/14-6/16 1949 Chevie, 3/4 ton pickup, good condition. $150,00 Call 385-6114. 6/14-6/16 1967 Camaro sport coupe, black bucket seats, power glide, radio excellent condition. $900.00 385-1738. 6/14-6/16 1968 OLSDMOBILE 98 con vertible, full power, air con ditioned, mint condition. $1950.00. Call 385 1313 days or 385-2855 evenings. 6-14/6-16-72 Sharp '70 Mustang, V-8, auto, p.s., & p.b., low reasonable offer. 385-0035 after 5: p.m. 6/14-6/16 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, square back, fair body, excellent run ning condition, gas heater. Call 815-653-4731. 6/14-6/16 1963 Chevy Impala, 2 dr., ev erything rebuilt within last year. Excellent mechanical condition. Call 385-0543. 6/16 1966 Buick Le Sabre, 4 dr., low mileage, fine condition, snow tires. $700. 815-653-7288 6/16 Must Sell 1969 Ford Econ. Van, Excellent condition. $1250 or best offer. Call 815-459-2497 mornings before 1:30 p.m. ask for Phil. 6-16-72 1971 Karmann Ghia, air cond., special vinyl roof, wire wheels, low mileage, excellent condit ion. Sharp! Call 385-3412 after 6:00 p.m. 6-16-6-23 1969 Plymouth Fury Wagon in excellent shape. 383 Engine. Power Steering and Brakes, trailer hitch, ready to go. $1,525.00 385-6255. 6/16 '63 Pontiac Catalina auto., P.S. P.B., tape player, good tires, good running condition. $250. Also '55 Chevie pickup flat bed, $150. 385-3630 6-16-72 "*67 VOLKSWAGEN fast back front end damaged $400. El ectric outboard motor used twice $50 385-0342. 6/14-6/16 AUTOS TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES - U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS B & D A U T O M O T I V E S U P P L Y I N C . W2 miles East of McHenry on Rte. 12U 385-2034 TF12 •COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY For Your Automotive Needs -- 5 Qualified Counter Men To Serve You -- HOURS: Daily • 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday • 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday * 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 6/2TF12' BEDDING PLANTS - Flowers and vegetables. Geraniums, mums, clematis and potted roses. Schlesser's Greenhouse. 211 E. Rt. 120, McHenry. East of Lakemoor. 6/2-6/30 LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask for Lee. 6/2TF12 5-24TF1-2 Chi Ids Ofthopedic stroller be tween McHenry and Spring Grove on June 13. Reward. Urgently needed. 675-2301. /616 BUSINESS SERVICES REMODELING (L repairing of al l types. Room addit ions, ce ment work. Call J im. 312- 837-5214. 5-24TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. ^al 1 385-6236. 6/2TF12 V'-Jh BUSINESS SERVICES MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Til l ing • Lawn Cutting • Fewer Vacuuming • Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 6/9TF12 WETTELAND PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR IWPERHANGING Estimates (. heerfull> Given. 480K .Jeffery - McHenry, 111. 497-3900 6-2TF2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their many cardsandbest wish es sent to us on our Golden Anniversary. Your kind expressions help ed make it a memorable day for us. MIL & MRS. CHARLES MAY 6/16/72 CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered me in so many ways, during my two weeks hospitalization in Peoria. 1 am very grateful to everyone. Kate M. Baumann 6/16 TO PLACE YOUR ADS PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY FENCE CO An answer to your fence problems. Oldest and most experienced fence builder of all types. Call 815-385-1469 2017 It Ringwood Road McHenry, llinois [6-2TF2 r TAW"MOW"! and GARDEN TRACTORS IADAMS REPAIR SH0P| I 3102 N. Chapel Hill | McHenry, III. 385 0434 •••2TF£ Home Owners Specia Protect Your Home While at work or play With A Low Cost 24 Hour StCURITY PATROL Business and Vacation Service Available. Summer Home Specialist SUNN YSIDE PATROL GUARD 385-6870 - 385-6871 NEED A RIDE? for your grocery shopping, doctors, dentist , hairdres ser apt , etc.?? Special weekly rates t-o and from work, t rain or school.Spe cial izing in (V Hare Airport service. For courteous, helpful , dependable ser vice. CALL 5 McHENRY YELLOW CAB CO. 385-6100 I Serving al l of McHenry County 6-2TF2 PEDEC0NE TAILORING IS NOW ABLE TO SATISFY THE PARTICULAR WELL DRESSED MAN WITH A SUIT MADE TO MEASURE. Guaranteed perfect fit plus newest style and newest fabric. Pedecone is also expert on remodeling and restyling mens clothing. If any men losing weight Pedecone will also alter mens clothes to perfect fit. We can restyle your old double breasted jacket to the latest new style single breasted. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, JUST CALL 815-385-2281 6-16/& 6/23 • WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING J I SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 Years Experience j We are now taking orders Residential & I Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! | j --Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- I GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 6/2TF1J Free Estimates SUNN YSIDE GARAGE DOOR 815-385-5843 n n r SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE All work Guaranteed 5/12-6/23 .WWWWWWVWWWWWVW^ MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALSO PATCHING, SEAL COATING, TAR & CHIPPING. 20% DISCOUNT. CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 Grayslake Serving your area. 5-24TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES irs THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY That Earns ENROLL IN "THE EXECUTIVE COURSE" - COMPLETE PROGRAM SawyfrfoUege^kisiness j SECRETARIAL COURSES 210 N. frtNiSCI STRICT WAUKI6AN. ILLINOIS MOSS MAIL THIS COUPON, OR CALL 623 9701 PLEASE SEND FREE CATALOG: • • ** I NAME AGE • ADDRESS • 'CITY STATE ZIP. ..' ' PHONE , PD 6/14-6/30 •EXECUTIVE 'LEGAL * MEDICAL •TYPING •SHORTHANO •OFFICE PROCEDURES •BUSINESS ENGLISH •BUSINESS LETTERS •REPORT WRITING •BOOKKEEPING •MONTHLY TUITION PLANS DAYS ... EVENINGS BUSINESS SERVICES JUST 25 MINUTES FROM McHENRY ESTIS TELEVISION SERVICE Expert color & Black & white service. 25 yrs. expenence Servicing All Major Brands Phone 385-3646 6-2TF2 BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING •REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, IIL 815-385-0159 6/2TF12. PERSONALIZED DOOR MATS FOR: HOME BUSINESS BOATS AUTOS JAYC0 PRODUCTS 1308 N. Front St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Call after 5:00 p.m. 385-6994 6-2TF2 REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Addit ions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TGM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 6/2TF12 • SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON • PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone S85-4929 or 885-5920 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 6-2TF2 r i i i i i i GEORGE'S TREE SERVICE Cut & Trim Trees Free Etimates 815-385-3068 McHENRY COUNTY 312-526-6482 LAKE COUNTY LHBHMHHIHJ A NEW R00F? ...Get it done N right- Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5 :00 on Weekdays. McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W Pearl Street McHenry, III 6-2TF2 WANTED NEED RIDE from Johnsburg to McHenry, around 8 or 9 a.m. 385-8425. 6/14-6/16 FOR SALE TYPE BALLS for IBM Com poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050, 5/3TF12 .22 WESTERNFIELD semi automatic. Like new cond. Call 815-678-7081 between 9 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill Jr. TF12 Schwinn boys 10 speed bicycle 26" - 21" frame. Needs minor repair. $40.00 firm. Call 385- 3445. 6/16 NEVER USED Chevrolet 750 lb. equalizer trailer hitch fac tory custom, bolt on type for 1971 or 1972 wagons. Installed .for $85. 385-7490. 6-16-72 Baldwin No. 43POrgasonic Spi net Organ with percussion en - semble, solo and accompani ment manual keyboards and full octave base pedal keyboard. Perfect Cherrywood finish in French Provincial styling. $700 Includes POPS course and other organ music books. Phone 385- 1032. 6/16-6/23 '69 Suzuki Scrambler, 250 cc's excellent condition. $400. or best offer. Call after 6:00 p.m. 385-5789. 6/16-6/21 FOR SALE 1965 Rambler classic, excellent condition, re asonably priced. 385-2104. 6/16-6/21-72 Wheel Chair, good condition, $50.00. 385-1829. 6/16 Radial saw with attachments, like new $125.00, Remington 12 gauge automatic shotgun, Model 58, fine condition. $75. Call 385-4081. 6/16-6/21 1967 Honda, 305 CCScrambler, good condition. $400.00. Call after 4:30 p.m. 385-8868. 6/16 8 track tape player, FM radio with 4 speakers, $100.00. 385- 8868. Call after 4:30 p.m. 6/16-72 1-90" French Provincial couch, cream color. 1-Dining room table with 4 upholstered chairs. 1-21" Magnavox color console T.V. 1-21" Magnavox B/WT.V. Console; with AM/FM Radio- Stereo comb. 653-9034. 6/14-6/16 FOR SALE FOR SALE Used Timbers, 8 x 10 x 16', $10.00 each. 312-587-2103. 6/14-6/16 FULLER BRUSH Sales AndSer- vice. Insect fogger spray only $1.89. 21 oz. size. Call collect 312-426-2202. 6-16-72 PHILCO refrigerator $35., good working condition, air purifier $8.00, maple cobblers bench $15. 385-5235. 6/14-6/16 1965 CORVAIR 2 door, low mileage $400; Handyman's special 1965 Fiat $200; 1971 CT 70 Honda $275. Call 815-385-2571. 6/14-6/16 HONDA 50 motorcycle, excel lent condition. 1,100 miles. Elec. starter. Good tires. 385-5839. after 5 p.m. TF WINDOW air conditioner, ex cellent condition, 220 V re quired. Call 385-7312 or 385-0748. 6-14/6-16 GO CART, new ZV2 hp., mag. wheels, bucket seat, disc brakes. $160 best offer. 385- 2919. 6-14/6-16 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 6/2TF12 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 476 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 6/2TF12 HOME TO BE MOVED off of present lot, living room, dining alcove, 2bed rooms, bath and modern kitchen. Call 385-0412 or 385-1999 6-2TF12 FOR SALE CHAINHSAWS DIRECT FROM FACTORY 16" or 20" bar . . . $119.97 KRUBUR, INC. 900 Pingree Road Algonquin, Illinois 312-658-8561 BOATS AND MOTORS 16' BOAT & trailer, John son 35 hp. motor. $300. 385-1685. 6/14-6/16 16' Inboard, Correct Craft, 6 cyl. with trailer, skis & tow rope included. Ready for the water. $650.00. Call 385-6494.6-7- TF 1-2 ! ALCORTSUNFISH! I i 116 SAILBOAT Sales, Rental & Accessories SAIL LOFT North Pistakee Lake Rd.; j Fox Lake, Illinois - ' I 312-587-8744 I ^ ̂ JS/2-6/23 j GARAGE SALE 407 Santa Barbara, Lakemoor, Saturday,. June 17, 10:00 - ? Misc'l. items, clothes, record cabinet. 6/16 Garage Sale Sat. & Sun. June 17 & 18, 1115, N. River Rd. McHenry, III. Player Piano, furniture & misc. 6-16-72 GARAGE SALE 813 West Blvd. Lilymoor, Saturday & Sunday, June 16 & 17, All Day. 6-16-72 GARAGE SALE Sat., June 17th 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, 4324 w. lakewood Subd., McCul- lom Lake. 6/16 '14-6/16 GARAGE SALE Yard Sale, Antiques and misc ellaneous items. Saturday, June 17th only. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 5214 W. Maple Dr. McCullom Lake Gate 5. RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE SAT., JUNE 17TH 9 a.m. to Noon MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CHURCH 1015 W. Broadway Pistakee Highlands French Room and Bargain Bsmt. All clothes 10c Books & White Ele phants. 6/16 MOVING SALE Friday & Saturday June 16 & 17 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3820 N Hilcrest Jak Ana Sub. Johnsburg Clothing, toys and much jmiscellaneous^^^^0^16 Read the Classifieds. NOTICE REDUCE SAFE and fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Bolger Drug 5/31TF1 V , \