USDA GOVERN. INSP. Frying Chickens JsLSM/ Summer Day Specials! «£_X. \ \ / teTMV -.;v "'S^ SUPER NATIONAL M A R K E T S Discount Saving* sssSSŜ ̂ ̂ ̂ Greater Meat Savings! FANCY Pork Steaks u> USDA CHOICE BONELESS ' Chuck Roast..... Lb. USDA GOVERN. INSP. GRADE "A" CHIX Legs or Thighs u,. P" P" F HYGRADE 3 D Ball Park Fraaks.. .1 u>. 0% A ( BONELESS ' # O Beef Stew < Lb. OSCAR MAYER Q A <BERrs - Smokie Liaks 120.. O # Polish Sausage Sealood •̂aeciali, 2U.S 1 69 ORCHARDPARK # $049 Breaded Shrim#... 2u>. <J OSCAR MAYER M ( CENTER CUT Sliced Bologaa so.. 4V Hum JONES SAUSAGE Pork Links 1 Lb. 1 QQ LEAN Ground Beef Lb. Lb. ORCHARDPARK £ # 1 Breuded Shrimp... 1 u>. How can yoo be sore you're getting foil valoe for yoor meat dollar? By shopping in the Meat Department at National. National has always kept meat prices down to the lowest possible penny with everyday Discoont Prices and special weekly sales. And National offers a third way to save on meat...Valoe Way Trimming. National trims away excess fat and bone before weighing and yoo get more meat for yoor money. Boy National meats...and get jost what yoo pay for! 79 O c orchard park M O Breuded Shrimp.. .8o>. 1 98 3>euccUed4̂ t O. KENT SUPER SALE ^ FT F ECKRICH PICKLE & PIMENTO OR |P ^ TRI B0UU SULOD UL. JV OLIVE LOAF VITT. ^M LEON S OLD FASHION $119 BRUTWURST U I LEON'S ( GLAZED A ( KNUCKWURST (GURLIC SAUSAGE) LB. M M BAKED HUM M. OF