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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jun 1972, p. 10

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PAGE 10-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28, 1972 0 0 L3 PHONE AUTOS MUST SELL, 1969 Mach I Mustang. One owner. Will sell for remainder of balance due. Phone 385-4544 (home) or 385-4949.(business) 6/28-6/30 •70 MUSTANG loaded. $1,800. must sell, moving. Call 385- 00 35 after 5: p.m ,6/28-6/30 1970 DODGE Coronet 440 wa­ gon. p.s., automatic, cost $3,- 850 new, 16,000 orig, miles. Asking $1,950. 385-0556. 6/28-6/30 AUTOS '68 C ATA UNA, good condition starts all winter $975. 385- 4400. 6-28 1965 DODGE station wagon. 4 dr., new tires. 385-6173. 6/28-6/30 1961 INTERNATIONAL .Semi Cab \'-8. Good condition. $1,500.00. Althoff Industries, 809 Eront St. McHenry. 111. Phone 385-5700. 6-28/6-30 1965 FORI) 'i ton truck F100 very clean, good running 385- 643*6. 6-28 1956 DODGE, pickup, runs, needs work. Info, call 815- 653-3493. 6/23-6/28 '65 CHEVIE conv. excellent condition can be seen at Morries Citgo or call 385- 1873. 6-23/6-28 1963 CHEVY NOVA $100. 385-4073. 6-28/6-30 1967 SAAB rebuilt trans,,new tires, excellent cond. $800. Call 653-9375 after 6:00 p.m 6-28/6-30 AUTOS AUTOS COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY For Your Automotive Needs -- 5 Qualified Counter Men To Serve You -- HOURS: Daily • 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 5-24TF1-2 TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES -- U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS B & D A U T O M O T I V E S U P P L Y I N C . l1^ miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 385-2034 TF12 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive­ ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. C all 385-4835. 6/2TF12' L E E S R O O F I N G - W e specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask for Lee. 6/2TF12 REMODELING CONTRACTOR ! n i l Xdr i i l ions 1 in ishcd i ret I 'Mimate^ I \ j>e i l 'Aui 'K Done. i A! . ; A i ILK 6 P.M. <>K U 1 i K1AD.S TCM MCMILLAN 815 653-4276 6/2TF12 B & G's SEAL COATING DRIVEWAYS - PARKING AREAS $10 and up Free estimates Call 385-4017 6-28TI 12 P7AWN MOWERS LnmiinuiiLiij'1 and ! GARDEN TRACTORS | •ADAMS REPAIR SH0P| • 3102 N. Chapel Hill • | McHenry, III. | i 3850434 6/2TE12 I BUSINESS SERVICES BEDDING PLANTS - Flowers and vegetables. Geraniums, mums, clematis and potted roses. Schlesser'sGreenhouse. 211 E. Rt. 120. McHenry. East of Lakemoor. 6/2-6/30 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 6/2TF12 REMODELING & repairing of all types. Room additions, ce­ ment work. Call Jim. 312- 837-5214. 5-24TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING •REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, III 815-385-0159 6/2TF12 A NEW ROOF? J&fSitJt* ...Get it done right- Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunda- or After 5 .00 on Weekdays. BUSINESS SERVICES NEED I IMPROVEMENT! IN YOUR HOME I Interior or Exterior Painting FREE ESTIMATES Call 385-6173 or • 385-7144 after 5:30 p.m.5 •••I REYNOLDS ALUMINUM V • Amer ican Class ic 1^ Sid ing • Class ic Shingle-ShakesfM Roof ing & Sidewal ls • Gut ters In Colors • Sof f i t & Fascia • Shut ters For No O b l i g a t i o n E st i mate Call: McHENRY SIDING CO. 815-385-0600 6/28-6/30 YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE THRU CLASSIFIED. BUSINESS SERVICES MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALSO PATCHING, SEAL COATING-?TAR & CHIPPING. 20% DISCOUNT. CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 Grayslake Serving your area. 5-24TF12 r=i 815-385-5843 IF Free Estimates SINNYSIDE GARAGE DOOR • I 0 o SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE All work Guaranteed 5/12-6/23 iWWMiW^WVW^^WW^ WH A RToiNIWCKTOTPAVING™1 SERVING YOUR AREA -- 20 Years Experience We are now taking orders Residential & Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 6/2TF12 J BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES IFS THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY That Earns ENROLL IN "THE EXECUTIVE COURSE" COMPLETE PROGRAM Sawy€r College ̂ Business i SECRETARIAL COURSES 210 N 6KMISII STRICT WAUKI6AN. ILLINOIS MOiS MAIL THIS COUPON, OH CALL 623-9701 PLEASE SEND FREE CATALOG NAME AGE ADDRESS tlTV STATE ZIP •HOWE .T » •EXECUTIVE 'LEGAL 'MEDICAL PD 6/14-6/30 •TYPING 'SHORTNAMO •OFFICE PROCCDURIS •BUSINESS ENGLISH •BUSINESS LETTERS •REPORT WRITING •BOOKKEEPING •MONTHLY TUITION PLANS DAYS . . . EVENINGS JUST 25 MINUTES FROM McHENRY BUSINESS SERVICES MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Tilling • Lawn Cutting • Pwer Vacuuming • Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 6/9TF12 BOATS AND MOTORS 16' INBOARD, just tuned up, good condition. Firm, with or without trailer. 312-526- 7110. 6/28-6/30 15* FIBREGLASS M.F.G. 50 hp. mere with tilt trailer, cover & extras. $500.00. Call 385-2265 after 5:30 p.m. 6-28/6-30 LA PSl^AKE 20' Eastern sea skiff. Fully equipped, full camper top with side curtains, bilge pump, windshield wip­ ers, spot light and more. Call 815-385-6650 (Business) 385-8015 (Home) 6-23/6-28 OWEN'S 19' DELUXE FIBERGLASS RUNABOUT XL19, 327 cu. inch pow­ er, very fast, 70 hours total time. 4 wheel trail­ er and cover. $3,150.00 385-6375 1969 15' SHELL LAKE FIBERGLASS 55hp. Johnson motor, full cover, In water, 3901 E. LAKE SHORE DR. WONDER LAKE 815-653-9671 6/28 16' Switzer Craft "| I with 135 H.P. Mercury I I Thunderbolt. Completely 5 equipped including trailer. ( Current appraisal $3,000. | Priced for quick sale at I I I $2,500.00 385-6757 J-B(||||1-B6g| FOR SALE 1969 NOMAD campingtrailer, 21% ft, fully contained, good condition. $2,500.00. 1965 Ford, 1 ton F 350, with re­ frigerator back, runs good, clean. $850*00. 653-9811 after 6: p.m. 6-23/6-30 FOX RACING CART, slicks, one 3 H.P. Briggs, 2 Mack 101's, 28 H.P. $175. or best offer. Call 653-5101. 6-23/6-28 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 6/2TF12 .22 WESTERNFIELD semi­ automatic. Like new cond. . Call 815-678-7081 between 9 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill Jr. TF12 HONDA 50 motorcycle, excel­ lent condition. 1,100 miles. Elec. starter. Good tires. 385-5839. after 5 p.m. TF G.E. STOVE, excellent cond. $25; antique white fleck brown curtains 114" wide x 92" long and 52" widex 90" long $50. truck tire 17" 8ply $20; nadco belt massager, brand new $65. 497-3539. 6-28 MUST SELL P.G.A. Aluminum shaft custom golf clubs. Bag, wood covers included. 3 woods, 9 irons $99.00. 385- 9807. 6-28/6-30 1 FORMICA top table, with extra leaf, 6 chairs good con­ dition $28.00. 385-0109. 6/28-6/30 MINI BIKE $35, pair go cart tires $10 pair. 385-4518. 6-28/6-30 TYPE BALLS for IBM Com­ poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con­ dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc- Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050,. 5/3TF12 FOR SALE '63 CHEVIE II new tires needs motor $100; «66 Yamaha twin 100, $200; 2 air conditioners $20 each, bassinet $7; Sears boys 3 speed Spider bike, $30; Easy Bake oven $5.00; play oven, refrig., cabinet & sink $8.00 set, cot complete $15. 385-0691. 6-28 CONLON mangier like new $20, drop leaf dining room table with 3extra leaves, seats 14 people, $50; chrome kit­ chen table seats 10 with 6 chairs $50 385-0817. 6-28/6-30 CARPET remnants and roll ends. New name brands available. Buy direct from carpet installer & save. Call Larry 815-653-4581. 6-28/7-7 PHILCO console color TV, in good condition $150 385-8921 6-28/6-30 SHEEP. 1 ewe, 1 ram and 2 lambs. Phone 338-2240. 6/28 4 SPEED reversible fan with timer, gasoline can for out­ board motor boat, golf clubs, push type Scott lawn mower, scaffolding ideal for plaster­ ing, 66' chain vice, 6 motors Call 385-5412 6/28 1942 HARLEY 45, RIGID CH front end, Z bars, rebuilt engine, good chopper ma­ terial. $600.00. Call 385- 6396. 6-28/6-30 1971 YAMAHA, 90CC twin cyl­ inder, speed-o-meter, techo- meter fully equipped for road $350.00. 815-385-2766. 6-28 CAMERAS, Yashica electro 35 GT, Mamiya C220-80 mm t/2.8, Honeywell Auto-Strobo- nar/660. All in excellent condition. Call 385-3211 af­ ter 5: p.m. 6/28 TACOMSA Mini-bike, 4 HP, completely overhauled. $60. or best offer. 385-3135. 6/28-6/30 Kelvinator refrigerator, freet- er, good condition, white. $75. or best offer. 385-1971, call anytime. 6/28-6/30 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 6/2TF12 HOME TO BE MOVED off of present lot, living room, dining alcove, 2bed­ rooms, bath and modern kitchen. Call 385-0412 or 3851999 6-2TF12 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE - Baby fur­ niture, clothes and misc. June 28, 29 30 & July 1 10 a.m. to ?? 3924 W. Wau- kegan McHenry. 6-28 GARAGE SALE - Furniture, TV refrigerator, table saw, tools, clothing & misc. Thurs. Fri., Sat. & Sun. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 4709 E. Lake Shore Dr. Wonder Lake III. 6-28/6-30 GARAGE SALE Dining room table with 8 chairs; household goods; clothes; many misc. items. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. June 30, July 1 & 2 , 214 RONDA COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES! McHENRY 6-28/6-30 MOVING Clothing, dishes, toyjW books, fans, picket fence, pool ladder, vacuum cle­ aner, wheel barrow, childs table and chairs much misc. Free items. THURS., FRI., SAT. JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1 10:00 a.k - ?? 208 N. DALE EDGEBROOK HGTS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 6/28-6/30 FEMALE HELP WANTED L.P.N, or equal to live in with elderly lady. Salary open. Call collect 312-237- 9247. 6-28/6-30 MATURE WAITRESS WANTED PART TIME Apply in person LITTlf CHEF RESTAURANT 1332 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. CASHIER Experienced preferred. Part time. Day shift. APPLY IN PERSON LIQUOR MART 2314 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 6/28-6/30 ["WANTED"] Attractive personable fe- • male Bartender and wait- J | ress. Full and part time. I THE WHARF I Wonder Lake • No experience necessary. | Call Jack 653-9900 6/23-6/281 BE AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-385-8020 6/14-7/26 WOMAN TO 00 OFFICE and OfRKING Apply In Person VYCITAL HARDWARE 1228 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois 6-28-72 MALE HELP WANTED YOUNG MARRIED MAN, part time evenings 6 - 10, Apply in person. McHenry Eby Brown Co., 3710 W. Elm, McHenry, Illinois. 6/J58-6/30 MEN WANTED to run early morning motor route in Mc­ Henry and Cary area. Con­ tact Island Lake News Agen­ cy. 312-526-2468. 6-28/7-7 MEN WANTED full time and part time. 25 years or old­ er. Sunnyside Security and Patrol. 385-6870. 6-28TF12 for FOREMAN To run excavating | ews for constructing! golf course. S Call s S 312-966-6900 8 6/28-7/7 8 &PSMSMBMSMS«si! HELP WANTED YOU CAN go far with Wells Far-Go, licensed private em­ ployment agency. 1212 N. Hwy. 47, Woodstock, 815-338-6980. 6-28/7-26 FULL OR ff: PART TIME SALES PERSON Sell nursery stocK pro duced by McKay Nursery Company established over 70 years. Com­ missions paid promptly. Nurseries of over 800 acres at Waterloo, Wis­ consin. No delivering. No investment required. Training provided by ex­ perienced landscape de­ signers. Excellent op­ portunity for hard work­ er. WRITE: McKAY NURSERY COMPANY Waterloo, Wis. 53594 6-23/6-30 letm mdadi ootdm botYou! BUYER Nationally recognized el­ ectronic, components man ufacturer has permanent position for a man with 3 to 5 years experience in puchasing such items as plastic molded pro­ ducts, mechanical com­ ponents in large volume. This is a real opportun­ ity to join a dynamic growth organization, of­ fering a full range of ben­ efits and attractive sal­ ary. Reply in confidence stating achievement and earning records to: JAMES C. FLETCHER Director Of Personnel OAK ludnstrirs ln« SWITCH DIVISION , LA„ 6/28-6/30 MALE HELP WANTED SWITCH APPLICATION ENGINEER 2 years electronic, electrical trade school education or experience. Duties include interpretation of custo­ mer requirements for custom made rotary, push but ton, slide and thumbwheel switches, compiling design specification into complete and detailed factory drawings Familiarity and experience in interpretation of electronic circuit and background in Engineering drawing helpful Reply in full confidence, stating salary requirements to Personnel Director. OAK liiriuKirics Inc. SWITCH DIVISION/CRYSTAL LAKE .LL.NO.S TILIFHON1: (IB • 4St • SOOO • 60014 an equal opportunity employer. 6/28-6/30 i SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN age 20 needs full time position. Eager to learn skill, trade, willing to work hard. 497 - 3578. 6-28 COLLEGE STUDENT WANTS yard work, edging, flower bed arrangements, weeding and planting. General clean up Ask for Bill. 385-6455. 6-23/6-28-72 WANTED WANTED a lady in McHenry wants a lady about 40 to share her apartment rent free. Own room, sleep in. 385-0421. 6-23TF12 MALE HELP WANTED .# * A

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